Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/119347-Intro-to-Interstellar-Federation
Rated: ASR · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #119347
Imagine the best ideas of Star Trek and Star Wars meeting.
An ancient race called the Jai travelled the Galaxies while Humans did not even walk on two legs. They met many primative species on their travels, but most were pre-industrial. In one galaxy though, they encountered a new Galactic civilisation forming under a tiltle of The Republic. A group of monks in this republic had dedicated themsels to the exploration of the mind and life, and had discovered a power that they called 'The Force'. The Jai were all naturally sensative to this power. The Jai knights used it to defend those who could not defend themselfes and admiring the monks and their philosophies, taught them to harness the powers. Over a thousand years, memories of the Jai had all but faded from existence. Their only legacy was that of the Jedi Knights.

The Jai all but became extinct in a War with their arch enimies, the Sith. A part lizard, part human race that could absorb the life energy from beings and add it to their own. The war lasted for a thousand years, and to ensure the Sith never rose again, the Jai Knights spread acorss space to hunt down the remaining Sith. One group found Earth and forseeing the future, left one of their own on the planet to watch for the chosen one, who could on day unite the disparate elements of the universe into an inter-galactic civilisation unlike anything see so far.


The Interstell Chronicles is a series of Adventures invented by based upon many other sci-fi series and novels, intergrated into my ideas about the future.

Look out for a version of the Jedi Knights from StarWars, and some technology from Star Trek, and an idea or two from some compuer games and vintage sci-fi like BattleStar Galactica and DR Who etc.

The entire series of stories however has never been totally completed by me. I started writing them for an english assignment for a short story, and they just kept coming.....

I will be publishing more of them on this site, as I can complete them. Till then, here is a list of episodes and a brief description of the stories behind each....

Foundation Chronicle. Unknown date
- This one will be the discovey of the SW galaxy and the Sith war.

Chronicle 1. War from above Dated 2005
- Starts on earth in early 21st century as alien sightings become more frequent. XCOM is founded to investigate. They end up fighting for our very survival.

Chronicle 2. To the Stars Dated 2020
- The Alien was is long over, and the technology captured by XCOM has been integrated to everyday life. Inter-system travel is becoming commonplace thakns to the Linear Displacemnt Drive, and contact with other species begins to occur, but not always peacefully!

Chronicle 3. Interstell Dated 2100
- After the attacks by the Kira'th, and their destruction by their own bio-weapon, the Terran (us!) people found the Interstellar Federation, and soon have an organisation that spans the quadrant

Chronicle 4. The Gateways Dated 2150
- An expidition to the centre of the Galaxy finds a massive ring in space. Upon investigation, it is discovered to be a portal to the Andromeda Galaxy, allowing Interstell to open up a new frontier of exploration. The portal also provides the technology of HyperWarp drives, meaning that a journey across the galaxy can be made in a matter of ten weeks, not the 100 years of the LDS drive

5 to 8 ???? Dated 2200
- Currently empty to allow for middle stories, only briefly toutched upon in various story outlines

9 The Uhlek War Dates 2390
- The Interstellar Federation uses the portal in the middle of the Andromeda galaxy to open up exploration of yet another galaxy, where they encounter the Uhlek. A totally ruthless species that becomes bent upon the destruction of Interstell. The war culminates in the destruction the the Uhlek homeworld by causing their star to go nova, and destroying their central 'brain'

10 Insurgants Dates 2400
- A breakaway group of Terrans that rejects the ideals of the Interstellar Federation begin a series of strikes against frontier posts. A terrorist war is then fought by Interstell Special ops units inside enemy space.

11 The fall of Interstell Dates 2410
- This is the story that you read part of! It is probably the one I have most ideas about, which is the events of the Myrridon War

12 Phoenix Dates 2411
- I wont spoil this one too much, but it involves the second half of the Myrridon war

Check out my personal folder for the chronicles!
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