Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1193170-An-accident-that-can-change-ones-life
Rated: 13+ · Novel · Tragedy · #1193170
Katie will try anything to get out of her wheelchair and back on to her horse
My stomach lurched as the plane did. I have always hated planes, and I always will, like if someone were to come up to me and ask me "What do you think about planes" I would answer simply

A living hell

But that was always just my opinon, ask my best friend Emily for instance and she would just answer with a shrug

"Been there, done that, nothing new about it" And thats all you would get from her. So thats why, I figured, that she was just sitting there chewing her bubble gum and reading her had to buy magazine.

"Okay Listen to this Katie... It says that if you want the best results to get a guy, play hard to get"Emily read to m, not that i was listening

"Uh huh thats great" I grumbled as she glued my eyelids shut. I hated the turbulance

"Are you feeling okay?" Emily asked with worry

"No"I gasped as another lurch happened. Sure I was excited to go back to school, but not by plane. 8 hours on a plane to be exact. See, I had won a contest for myself and a friend(hmm who would I posssibly choose to come with me) to go to York in England for the whole two months. During that time, Emily gave me a whole new look. She dyed my ugly, dull brown hair into a nice vibrant copper red which really pulled out my green eyes. I am proud to announce that I also went from a 12 to a 6 in the two months just from walking around.

"Hey look were home, we're just landing now" Emily exclaimed and I couldnt help but think of my school. Here let me explain it, becuase it isnt that easy to understand. Its what they call a 'special private school' because it is for athletic kids and you live there even during the summer. Some people forget that they even have parents. But the sports range from Soccer to Horse jumping. Emily is an amazing Soccer player and also happens to be the captain, which she is proud to announce to many people. While her boyfriend Travis, hes the captain of the football team. The Manning Colts. And my other good friend Matt is captain of the Lacrosse team. Matt and I have been friends since grade 8 when he joined the school but gossip Emily found out that he was in love with me, which made me very confused. But anyways you might be wondering what my sport is, well I am an endurance horse jumper, and a good one to if I do say so myself. I know, I know some of you are wondering what that is, well think of the movie Hidalgo, its like that but their little jumps that you have to go over to, making it tougher on the horse. But I never worry, because I have the most amazing horse ever. He is a black and white paint but the black is on his front legs, ears, mane, and tail, and a tiny bit on his neck. His name is The Light Within the Darkness, or light for short. He is 17.2 hands tall and has a firey attitude. its so bad that I am truly the only person who can get close to him. His firey attitude is what helps us win the race.

We landed with a painful bump as the captain came on the intercom "Thank you for flying with United. We hope you have a safe journey" But all I was thinking about was... Land, Sweet Land.
© Copyright 2006 I <3 Horses (rabidanimegurl at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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