Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1192936-Is-This-Destiny
Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Fantasy · #1192936
It's about a troubled young girl who finds herself in a bording school full of vampires.
See that face from across the room
and I can feel you're nothing
Show your fear it’s not hard to see
Intentions pale its blinding
-Figure 8
Trust company
                              Is This Destiny?

         Today is the day. The day that will end all days. The day I die. The day I live. The day that I enter the institute of torture that they call “high school”.
         Now I bet your thinking to yourself “Self, what in the world is she going on about? High School can’t be that bad.” And that is where you will be wrong my dear made up friend, because I’m not just entering any old high school, oh no, I’m entering Ynitsed High (pronounced yeah-net-said). This school is in the middle of nowhere Europe, where my “loving” (note sarcasm) Parents decided to ship me off after a series of unpleasant events, which involved a six-pack of cookies, 3 turtles, a butterfly costume, and a blowtorch.
         Needless to say my parents were a bit……put out with me.  They decided that my actions were a “desperate cry for help” and that “immediate action” needed to be taken. I personally think that if anyone were crying for help it would be that psychotic shrink (hahaha, well I thought it was funny) that they sent me to.

         (Cue dream/memory sequence music. Scene: Dark Dank, Filled with Putrid smells, you slowly enter into the PIT OF DISPARE! A.K.A. the brightly lit, cheerful room, that smelled of rosemary.)

         The Blonde haired beauty, who at her tallest, stood a staggering 5’1 gave me what, could only be described as a death glare. “I don’t care what you want,” she said sternly “you’re going into that office, and your going to like it.”
         “Now that is quite impossible.” I stated with a bored, yet slightly amused look on my face (difficult, but possible). “How can you control my emotions? Your not brainwashing me are you? Because I’m pretty sure that’s against the law.” Another death glare and a none to gentle push through the door and into the PIT OF DISPARE. 
         As I was thrust into the brightly lit room, I could see my life flash before my eyes, a cute little puppy bouncing across the street only to be tragically ran over right in front of my face, The tears in my best friends eyes as I told her that I would be moving to a different school, and finally the look of disappointment in my parents eyes as I showed up with the cops (a pretty crappy life if you ask me). All my worst fears were being realized in that room, the cheery young secretary who has had way too many Prozac’s, the bright yellow walls aimed to make me feel relaxed but were actually making me really nervous, and the “cheerful” pictures of cute little puppies and kitties that made me want to barf.  The overall effect of the room was reminiscent of the Stepford Wives, a clone like society of Preppy wannabes.
         Now I have nothing against “preppy” people, some of them are quite…nice, but then there are the exceptions, the people that make it their mission in life to persecute and demean others, it’s those people who really annoy me.  My psychiatrist was one of them.
         As my mother and I walked up to the secretary’s desk, a feeling of dread settled deep in my belly, but then again maybe that was just my lunch deciding to make a guest appearance in my therapy session. 
The secretary was painting her nails a hot pinkish color and popping her bubbilicious bubble gum into gigantic pink blobs that ended up all over her face, which she quickly licked up in a disgusting- wanna-be-kinky kind of way.
“Hi honey!” she exclaimed with that false happiness that all blondes have. “I’ll be with you in a sec. I just have to get these … umm… files ready.”  She raced to the back of the small room and frantic blowing noises could be heard in the background (and no it’s not THAT kind of blowing. Gosh you are one sick pervert Mr. /Mrs. Imaginary person thingy).  After about 5 min. she reentered with her hair slicked back into a sensible bun and her clothes smoothed to perfection.  “The doctor will see you now.” She said in what I’m sure she assumed was an extremely professional voice, but I wasn’t fooled. 
         I gave my mom one last pleading look as I slowly meandered into the office of Mr. Dr. Dacian Valkyr, creep extraordinaire.  His office was a sharp contrast to the waiting room.  The walls were blood red and the carpet was a deep dark black. In my head I was wondering “Why in the hell is this room so creepy?”
         “Goot eeeeeeeeevining! Muha ha ha hahahaha!” He began to laugh maniacally.  My face was not dissimilar to The Rock’s right after his threatening to stick something up someone’s (random wrestler guy’s) candy @$$, one eyebrow arched high above the other, and all I could think was “W.T.F.?”
         “Umm…Ok” I said, slowly backing away from him and heading towards the door.
         “Come,” he invited “sit down.”  As I stared at him I had only one compulsion, and it was NOT to sit down. Trying to change the subject I nervously asked “what’s up with the accent?” because he sounded like he had just came out of Bram Stoker’s Dracula.
         “You do not care for it?” he inquired slightly downtrodden.
         “OK!” he exclaimed brightly “which do you prefer?  I pegged you as a Goth but perhaps you are a…….. What do they call it these days…..? Ahh yes a Wigger.  So what is up my diggy doggy yo? How’s it hanging on the flip side of the quarter?
         “What?” I asked doing the eyebrow thing again. I tried to suppress the hysterical laughter bubbling up inside. ‘I NEED to get out of here’ I thought ‘this guy is nuts.
         “HOW. IS. IT. HANGING. ON. THE. FLIP. SIDE. OF. THE. QUARTER?” he said all of this really slowly as if I was def and dumb, which automatically pissed me off because I was neither the former nor the latter.
         “I’m not five you know.” I said with malice “and I do not talk like that. I would appreciate you NOT trying to bond with me so that we can get this stupid counseling thing over with so that I can get on with my life.”
         “Very well then,” He said in an annoyingly preppy voice. “What brings you here today?”
         “I would have thought you already knew that, or are you so bad at your job as to not know what your patient came to see you about?”
         “I prefer to let you explain what is going on” he clarified, as a vein began to pop out on his forehead. I could tell that he was getting kind of frustrated with my angry teenage routine. ‘Oh well, serves him right!’
         “So,” he said with a condescending little smile on his face. “What are you here for?” I stared at him for a bit, making eye contact.  His face was impassive and I knew that he wasn’t going to give so I quickly looked away.
         “Who the fuck cares?” His face began to change from impassive to a ruddy red color, the color of pure hate.
         “Ok, cut the crapp!” I was a little taken aback by his sudden outburst but he continued, “I know you don’t want to be here, heack I don’t want to be here. But we are, so we’re going to make the best out of this… situation. Not to sound too cliché but, we can either do this the easy way or the hard way, and I don’t think you’ll like the hard way.” ‘Who dose he think he is, Shaft?’ I mused ‘hehehe this is going to be fun!’
Suddenly, I burst into tears (this is a special secret talent of mine) and began the hiccupping madness that could make even the hardest person break into a fit of nervousness. I continued my antics for a few moments, until I realized that it wasn’t working. When I looked up, I saw that Mr. Dr. Dacian Valkyr was messing with the papers on his desk.
He looked up when he noticed that the majority of the hiccupping had stopped.
“Ahh so you’ve finished then?” This was AMAZING. I had to give it to him, Dr. Valkyr was good. But I was better……or so I thought.
         “What *Sniff* do you mean*Sniff Sniff*? You don’t*Sniff* have to*Sniff* be so mean to me you know*silent tears*? 
         “Are you done yet? I am getting rather tiered of these childish games.”
         “You are quite the odd one,” he said “but I know what to do with the odd ones.” I looked up horrified. That was just way to freaky! ‘What if he tries to kill me?’
“Oh come now, don’t look so afraid. I think I’ll just suggest that your mother send you on a little trip.”
         “A…t-t-trip?” I asked with just the right amount of trembling in my voice. (after all I was still crying and a little bit on the freaked out side).
         “W-where?” I quivered.
         “Transylvania.” He answered and then gave me the scariest look I’ve ever seen in my life. For that instant he looked as if, as if he wanted to kill me right then and there.

         As I stepped off the plane I couldn’t help but feel a bit apprehensive. I mean here I was in a completely new country where I knew no one, and to top it all off that country was Transylvania. Not France, not Greece, not even England, nope just middle-of-nowhere Transylvania. Talk about punishment.  ‘I hope they speak English, because I sure as heak can’t speak Transylvanian’. (Is that a language? I wonder….what do they speak in Transylvania? I am going to ponder about this for a while.)  Fortunately I didn’t have to ponder too long.
         After wondering the airport for about 15 min (it was incredibly small) I noticed the cliché old man (let’s call him…Alfred) holding a sign with my name on it. I heaved an inward sigh. ‘Oh joy, just wait, as soon as I get up to him he’ll ask if he can carry my bags and I’ll say no thanks and then he will direct me to his shabby old car, whereupon we will set off on our amazing journey into the unknown’ I predicted to myself.  Surprisingly enough, when I reached him he let out a disgruntled snort and grabbed my bags.  I was clearly not expecting this, so when he started walking away with my bags it took me a minute to realize that I was supposed to follow him.  He walked so quickly that I almost lost him in the relatively full airport. “Hey wait up!” I called out after him. He kept on walking at the same pace obviously not caring that I was almost out of breath. “Hey! Will you slow down?!” I was close enough to see the little kitty keychain that I placed on my suite case zipper (kitty kyo!).  As I reached for my bag, my clumsiness finally caught up with me causing me to trip over my shoelaces (untied of course) and gather stares from my fellow travelers.
         “Ooof!” my breath came out in a most unladylike rush of air. My chin, hands and knees skidded across the cold marble of the airport’s floor rubbing the skin right off and causing tears to form in my eyes. This all took place in, give or take, 5 seconds, so laying there, getting intimately familiar with the shiny polish of the floor; I did the only thing I could do. Pushing myself into an upright position, I glanced around for Alfred, it was just as I suspected; he ditched me. ‘Great, now what do I do?’ my silent panic was interrupted as I noticed a dainty hand dangling in front of my face.  Graciously I accepted the offer, glad to have found some one in this crazy country with at least a little bit of manners. I was hoisted to my feet by the most beautiful woman that I’ve ever met in my life.  She was about 5’6 (all legs) and had the most amazing long honey brown hair ever! Her heart shaped face broke into a worried frown as she noticed my scrapes.
         “Are you all right?” she inquired with, surprisingly enough, a British accent.
         “Yeah, I’m o.k. Thanks” I replied while I wondered what the heak a super model was doing out in the middle of nowhere Transylvania.
         “Are you sure?” she questioned “Is there anything I can do to help?”
         “Well actually,” I said thinking quickly “Do you think you could give me a ride to my school? That is, if it isn’t too much trouble” I saw the shadow of doubt cross her face. “You see my ride kind of took off with my bags and I have no Idea where I am, and I really need to get to the dorm, and I would be really grateful if you…”
         “All right,” she acquiesced.
         “Really?!” I shouted
         “Sure, I was just heading that way myself. You are going to Ynitsed, right?” She inquired
         “Yeah, but how’d you know? You aren’t psychic are you? ‘Cause that would be so bad ass!” I exclaimed
         “Umm…No. Ynitsed is the only reason anyone comes to Emit.” She said.
         “Emit? Who’s that?” I asked
         “The town that Ynitsed is located in. Are you sure you’re ok? Did you bump your head?”
         “Nope!” I said with a manic smile on my face, which caused her to back up a bit.
         “ Ok, if you say so. Let’s go ok? I don’t want to be late for orientation.”
         “Sure,” I said brightly “hey, what’s your name anyway?”
         “Lahela, and yours?” she replied
         “Anna, actually it’s Tristana, but no one calls me that. I Like your name, it’s hardcore awesome.” I gushed
         “Thanks. I think. Anyway, it’s a pleasure to meet you Anna.” She said
         “Likewise La-La, like wise.” I said pleased at having remembered her name on such short notice.
         “it’s LAY-LA” She exaggerated the Lay. It was quite hilarious.
         “Sure, whatever La-La”
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