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by Kurt
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #1192259
The beginning a magician and his life through the hardships and joy he experiances.
Chapter 1 New Beginnings

He wiped the sweat off his face with the drying cloth. He had been working for 10 hours doing dishes, and getting ready for the king’s party. The washing room had 2 windows, but no breeze was going through this hot, dry mid-summer day. He started stumble he was suffering from heat exhaustion. First he just shook it off, and then he became dizzy. His vision was a blur, he started walking into walls, and finally he knocked over the plates. The guard was there in a hurry only to realize that the kid was sweating, and fainted. He quickly took him to the workers showers, and dunked him in the water from yesterday. It was freezing, but the guard did not care, he only cared that if this kid did not survive, he might be the next dish dryer. Finally the kid woke up.
Rigel woke only to find that he was extremely wet, and in a tub of really cold water. “COLD” he screamed as he finally came to senses. He quickly jumped out of the water, only to be confronted by a hug from Katalia. She had orders from the guard to make sure he did not die. She quickly handed him a towel, hoping he did not get hypothermia. Then she would get put in the dungeon for murder, how she the thought of the dungeon. The cold, rotten place; the place where no one would come out alive. It haunted her, to ever think that she might go to a place so evil.
He looked across the way, to place where she slept. He walked by it every night on his midnight stroll to see the sky. He always liked her; he just never had the courage to tell her. He thought that getting into a relationship might be a bad idea since he was only a dishwasher. He would never have enough money to support his life, and he might lose his only job. The days where he would long for a partner on his midnight stroll. To tell them his thoughts, outstand them with his knowledge of the sky, and see their eyes sparkle under the moonlight sky.
She watched him every night pass her quarters. She hoped that one day she might be able to walk with him, let him speak his mind without getting punished. To look up into his eyes while he rambled on about the sky. How she felt so lonely without someone to comfort her. To find someone to care for her, and treat her special, and not like a poor person. She was trying to hide herself so she could not be seen looking at him, but then he saw her, he stared at her, and just continued his walk.
The next day was havoc for him. His mind was in a different place than his body; he wanted to ask her out for a midnight stroll. He finally lost it and fell to the ground only to be confronted by a hug from her, holding him up. His mind was in such a jumble, that he could not even walk. Slowly things started to turn black, and finally all was black.
She was holding a towel over his forehead for the past several hours. She wanted to him to wake, and ask her out for a midnight stroll. She had been given orders, not to let him die. She was very worried that this might be it, he might actually die. He hadn’t even moved for the past several hours. She thought that if this was the last time she was ever going to see, then see might as well kiss him. She slowly leaned over him, and gave him a light kiss on the lips.
His mind started to come back to him. He could actually see stuff around, but the first thing he noticed was that, she was standing away from him, crying. He gasped as if trying to say something. She quickly looked up and saw that he was waking; she quickly rushed over to him and gave him some water. His head stopped spinning, but he still wanted to tell how he felt about her. His head was still in mess with all of his feelings. “Should I ask her tonight, tomorrow night, maybe after that, but when” he said aloud.
“Yes, I will go with you,” came the reply from Katalia.
Finally nighttime came around; a light knock on the door came. She rushed to the door only to find a back. “Hello Rigel,” said Katalia.
“Sorry, I was just so mesmerized, the sky is very beautiful tonight.”
“You shouldn’t be sorry, tonight is very beautiful, it will be a nice walk hopefully.”
“Yes it should, now lets get going, we have to make sure we get enough sleep to work tomorrow.”
“Ok, hold on let me just find my coat.” Katalia rambled through the house trying to find her coat, but it was nowhere to be found.
“Here take my coat,” Rigel quickly took off his coat and gave it to Katalia. She looked up at him after putting it on. His shirt was torn down the middle she saw holes, but the thing that she found most surprising was that he had a well built body. She would never imagine that a boy like him could have such a good body.
“Won’t you be cold though?”
“Nope, I have been in colder weather with less on,” Rigel said.
Finally they got their walk started. It was peaceful, Rigel started to ramble on about the stars and the universe was formed, and all sorts of stuff Katalia could not understand. The only thing she liked was when he would pull her close to get a good look at something, or when he rambled, she would at his eyes to see them sparkle under the moonlit sky. She was fascinated, and some what confused at times, but Rigel always had away of explain something that made sense.
The trip was coming to an end, and Rigel started taking Katalia home. Rigel walked Katalia to her door, and started to say his goodbyes when Katalia kissed him.
The next day he went to work with a smile on his face. “Wipe the smile off yer face boy, tis ain’t no happy place. NOW GET TO WORK!” Rigel could not stop smiling; he had something to tell Katalia that could just not wait. He knew that she would jump up and down, screaming in happiness. But Katalia did not show.
She waited at the woman slaves house; she had gotten a very serious cold from her walk, but could not tell any one that she was out because they would get in trouble. She was wrapped up in a blanket, and sitting next to the window. She was looking for Rigel. She wanted to tell him something that just could not wait; she knew that he would jump up and down. But there was some odd feeling holding her back, she did not know what it was, but she just could not put her finger on it. Was it that she was scared, worried about her feelings, worried about Rigel, she just could not find. She sat there for hours, thinking, and finally figured it out.
He wondered where she was, could it be that she got deported, exiled from the kingdom, could she have been caught. He would never know. He could not go up and ask the guard, because he might start asking questions. His friend Dowe was always one of the girl chasers. He told him tips about picking up girls but Rigel had a different theory. His theory was to talk to them, get to know them, allow conversations to start, let them have a good time and enjoy each other, and not hit on them. But Dowe always thought that if went up someone and hit on him or her that they would like him. So far he has had no such luck, except for one girl that liked him, but he lied to her. She could not accept that fact.

Chapter 2 The Ends Beginning

He sat there in the wooden chair awaiting the arrival of the king, would this one be like the others he thought. He wondered if he could be so easy to convince, slowly take over the kingdom. His name was Drazel, destroyer of 10 kingdoms, leader of the armies of darkness, most powerful wizard to walk this earth, and the most powerful ruler, none would oppose him. Lucky for him the ruler of Kehon was not that mind strong. In the past he has had problems because some of the rulers are very mind strong, and he has to resort to assassination. In his mind that is to bloody, and eventually he just has to kill the whole kingdom, and that’s no fun to him. Suddenly there was a loud knock on the door.
“The king has arrived,” said the servant.
“You may enter,” said Drazel.
“I trust you have the defense of this city well under order sir?”
“Yes your majesty, no foul being shall enter this city as long as I am still standing”
“Good work Drazel, I’ll see to your first pay and maybe a spot on the council.”
“You are to gracious your majesty.”
“Well keep up your good work, I must be off.” The king shuffled out of the room as his golden boots clanged against the marble floor. Could this really be that easy? The king is an idiot. I’ll just keep on sucking up to him; get a spot on that council and then his destruction shall come. Now let me just go tell my servants they may have to wait awhile before they can have their fun. Drazel quickly got up and started casting a spell. Within seconds of saying it, he vanished from thin air.
“Master has returned! Be ready,” shouted the gugron captain. The gugron was a human sized goblin. They had big biceps and forearms. Their arms were the only things sticking out of their iron plating.
Drazel started walking down from his throne as he did the gugrons bowed in respect to him. “Kamka,” Drazel shouted as a fireball erupted from his hands at one of the gugrons who had forgotten to bow to him. The fire ball erupted on contact shooting spears of flames out in all directions, killing the gugrons next to him. Dark purplish, black blood trickled down the steps as the gugrons died. “How dare you insolent fools disrespect me. I want this mess cleaned up NOW!”
“Yes Master,” shouted the gugrons back at Drazel.
“Captain come with me” said Drazel. The gugron captain quickly followed him into the necropolis. “For our next invasion we will have to wait another six months or so, but get the shamans ready.”
“Excuse me sir, but the gugrons are feeling tired and want to leave service for the long absences of not fighting. We were wondering if it would ok if we raided some kingdoms near here?”
“They what? I go and risk my life so you guys can enjoy some big battles, but that aint good enough for you is it? No, you have to go and complain to me that you guys are not having fun. I should kill you all for that kind of attitude.”
“But sir-“
“Don’t you but sir me, I want you to stay within in the walls and you must not attack neighboring kingdoms or you shall all die. Do I make myself clear?”
“Yes sir.”
“Now get out of my sight,” screamed Drazel. Of all the things I have to put up with, my minions want to start a rebellion. I have a bad feeling about this. And that commander, he is going to make it all worse. Those retards put me in more trouble now. I now have to check up on them every day, probably visit more than twice aday because those rebelling bastards will make this whole place go up in flames if I’m not here. Know the king has a greater chance to find out my true purpose. My head hurts so much, I need to kill something, I need to take my mind off of it and kill something worth killing. Those rebelling bastards should be fun to kill. Tomorrow I’ll kill them, for now I must rest and get back to the kingdom.

Chapter 3 Love vs. Life

When souls unite
When angels sing so valiantly
When hearts find the true love
When you have found the one

The one.
The person you could be with for the rest of your life
The person who makes you happy on those dark hours
When you find your soul mate in the world of ours
When love is love and more than love.

The time when all pains go away
When people find the light
When people hear the angel’s song
When souls perform the dance of love

To be loved.
You are very lucky
The angels watch over your soul
Your soul has found the one
The one your soul completes the dance of love with
The one where it makes the angels sing

Oh what a poem I have written. I wrote down feelings about her. I hope that she is not like those other girls who just want a good body and good love making. I hope she actually cares for who I am. I hope she actually understands me. I hope she will love for who I am and not my body. For I know she is to be the one if she accepts these facts, or my life is done.
He awoke with a yawn as he arose from his bedchambers. He quickly got dressed and headed down to work. As he made his way down the chambers and tunnels of the lower castle, he noticed something strange going on. There were lots of the kings royal guards standing around the kitchen. As he made my way through the crowd the guard who watched them pulled his shirt and pulled Rigel up to his face. “Young man do know what happened here? Do you?”
“Nnn no sir. Why what happened?”
“Two bloody gugrons came in here and killed the chefs, lucky enough I saw what happened before they could change into the chefs and poison the kings food.”
Havoc started breaking out among the city, about how gugrons have infiltrated the city. Soon before the king could even get to the kitchen the entire city stood outside his necropolis and demanded an explanation. Soon before the king came out, he grabbed the guard and Rigel followed. He asked the guard what had happened. After he got the story he turned to Rigel and offered him a job “You two are going to be the next royal chefs, any of you mess up you’ll be found dead.” Rigel turned to his side to see who else he could be talking to. Katalia was next and before he could open his mouth she said “Ok sir, we’ll take the job.” The king hurried along to go talk to the public. Yelling back he said “You two get over here.”
The king quickly explained to the public “The attempt by the gugrons was foiled by our faithful guards. It is people like them that make our city stand strong. I ask all of you now to be on your best guard to tell any guard if you see gugrons in the city. Unfortunetly the guards came to late to stop the gugrons from killing the royal chefs. But in a shocking discovery we have found to young replacements to replace their role in this kingdom. I ask all of you to join me and the lovely to queen to join us for dinner tonight.”
The king departed as Rigel and Katalia followed him his explained to them, “There will be hundreds of people at dinner tonight, I don’t want one dissatisfied meal or else it will make me look like a fool, your lives hang on this dinner, for if you fail, I will kill you. Mark my words, I will kill you.” The king departed and left them to get to cooking. The guard quickly came upon them and explained “I have just be assigned to watch over you, if anyone of you mess up tonight I will die along with you. But I will make sure that you die at my hands if you screw up, now GO TO WORK!”
Rigel and Katalia quickly ran to the kitchen to start preparing for the big feast. No words past in between them as they started to prepare their chickens and other side dishes. None of them knew how to cook, but they hoped by adding random good smelling spices and herbs that their meals might just come out good enough for the king.

The time finally came for dinner. The servants entered the kitchen thinking little would have to be carried up, but they were wrong. Rigel and Katalia slaved throughout the day making splendious food, such as grilled fish, roasted chicken, smoked ham, cakes for dessert, many different salads, and warm luscious bread. After the servants had brought all the food up to the kings dining table, they finally had a chance to talk.
“Why did you stand next to me when the king was talking to me?”
“I don’t know, I just felt compelled that if you were to be blamed, I wanted to go down with you.”
“Why would you want to do that, and why did you say we would agree to be cooks, I don't have a damn clue on cooking?”
“I wanted to do that because I always wanted to see you, I figured if you got blamed I would never get to see you, so I had to go. I figured that cooking for the king would be easier than cleaning plates because one we get paid more, two its just the two of us hear and none of the other servants, and…” Rigel quickly kissed her on the lips. They held onto her face so delicately as if it were a babies. He soon pulled back. “I’m sorry I shouldn’t have done that. It’s just that I, well, well I love you Katalia, from the day I meet you, I knew you were the one, I even wrote you a poem” he spoke in a soft loving voice“
When souls unite
When angels sing so valiantly
When hearts find the true love
When you have found the one

The one.
The person you could be with for the rest of your life
The person who makes you happy on those dark hours
When you find your soul mate in the world of ours
When love is love and more than love.

The time when all pains go away
When people find the light
When people hear the angel’s song
When souls perform the dance of love

To be loved.
You are very lucky
The angels watch over your soul
Your soul has found the one
The one your soul completes the dance of love with
The one where it makes the angels sing”

Note: Not the end
© Copyright 2006 Kurt (kami at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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