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Rated: 13+ · Non-fiction · Romance/Love · #1192208
Discord between two clans turns to war. And two hearts are changed forver.
Chapter One

  Moira ran down the hall of the MacGregor castle. Her blue sash had come untied from her dress and her slipper was starting to fall off again. But she had no time to fix either of them. She had barely tied her long hair back when she realized that she was late for the meeting her father had called her for. Moira was sure to be put in charge of cleaning out the stables again like she had last week for being late. It wasn't a job she enjoyed. So she ran as fast as she could. Hearing her feet pounding against the stone reminded her that she was still as irresponsible as she had always been. 
  She would have thought at eighteen that her bad habits would have magically disappeared. But alas they hadn't. Infact now that she was eighteen and able to roam more freely she found that her appetite for the unknown had grown more insatiable. There was always a new place to explore, and new book to dive into, a new person to find out about. And they always got her into trouble. And her family continually scolded her for it. They give her freedom and expect her not to roam. They allow her to learn to read and expect her to not touch a book. It was sheer torture living among so many new and exciting things and not being able to learn or explore them. It made her laugh cause the punishments still didn't stop her.
  The door to her fathers study was just in sight and it flew back with a loud bang making one of the lanterns fall from its place on a crude shelf. Her eyes squeezed tight at the sound and knew a punishment was sure to come.
    "So nice of you to join us, finally." Her father said with amusement in his voice.
    Moira shut the door and found her place in front of the large wooden desk that held so many parchments. Her mothers eyes travelled down the length of her.
    "Moira! Look at you. Your a complete mess. I swear no matter how I try I will never get you to be a complete lady. Put your slipper back on." Eveleen told her daughter. The tall slender and beautiful older woman made her way to her daughter. "Turn around." The woman commanded. Moira followed her directions. The blue sash that had come undone was being tightly pulled into a knotted bow at her back. One Moira herself would probably not be able to undo with out help. The ribbon that held her deep fiery red tresses back was pulled from her hair. "What have I told you about your hair, Moira?"
    Moira winced as her mother yanked on her tresses. "Now that I am of age and not a married woman that I must keep my hair back properly."
    Eveleen plaited the hair and tied the ends quickly, and smiled when her oldest son made his way through the door. Logan took one look at them and laughed.
    "Keith owes me chores for a week. We wagered a bet that Moira wouldn't be here on time."
      Logan was tall and filled out his dark green plaid. His dark auburn hair was to his collar and curled slightly at the neck. Logan and Keith looked so similar but were three years apart. It didn't stop the fact that every lass in the Macgregor clan chased them. Logan had married years ago, and Keith had married just last December. And still the woman fawned over them. Each of the men had become their fathers pride and joy. They listened and obeyed. And one day Logan would be head of the clan.
      Two sisters were ahead of Moira and they had both married a while back. And even the sister that was just under Moira had married. They teased that if she wasn't careful they would marry off her younger sister Teagan who was only 15 before they would get Moira herself married. No matter how they teased her, she wasn't unhappy being married. She loved her family and she loved the freedom she had without being married.
      "Now that you are presentable we can get started." Carrick MacGregor announced.
      That turned her attention back to her purpose in the study. She kept quiet and waited for her father to get on with his meeting.
      "I see that you have been off near the west edge of our land again. You know I don't like you going that far. The Campbells are gracious when it comes to you tress passing on their land. Do not over step your boundaries, Moira."
        She nodded her head. "You do realize that its Nessa and Scota that invite me to see their horses every week.Their brother is clan chief and he knows that I come to see them. It's okay."
        Carrick nodded his head. "I'm not so worried about the west border as much as the south border. I know you like to wander and discover everything that the MacGregor land has to offer and then some. But my dear Moira one day your going to get in to a bind and no one will be there to help you. Your brothers are much to busy to be escorting you wherever you want to go. The McConnels have been reiving our cattle again. I'm afraid that one day those young men go to far and hurt one of our people. I will not let that one be you."
        The mention of the McConnel name sent her blood boiling. They were the only clan that dared to trifle with her clan. The MacGregor clan was big and had plenty of resources, but so did the McConnels. It wasn't unheard of that a big clan got greedy and wanted more power and more land. And one thing that the MacGregors had that the McConnells didn't was access to through the mountain pass. And it was hugely desired. And the Macgregors had not shared it with anyone. But Moira vowed that her lands would not be taken. Not while she had breath left in her.
        Reiving cattle had been an ancient tradition among men young and old. Her brothers and their friends had reived cattle once or twice in their days. But the McConnels took it to a whole other level. The reiving had become more often. And she agreed with her father, one day some one would get hurt. It wasn't just a rumor that bad blood went between the clans. It was said that a McConnel lad and a MacGregor lad once vied for the attention of a certain Campbell lass. And Moira knew the ending to that tale, because that Campbell lass was her mother. And the pass rights only added fuel the the fire.
      "It's probably that Aidan and Seanan that cause havoc on our land." She said with a sneer.
        "It's none of your concern Moira. You let me and your brothers deal with them. But I don't want you going any where near the south border. Do you hear me?"
        When it came to matters of the clan she was always told to not worry that it was the men who would take care of it. As far as she was concerned if the women were let in to help maybe the matter would be resolved by now.
        "I know that Aidan and Seanan have headed up many reivings on the Campbell land. And Seanan is always after any lass. I wonder what his mother thinks of that." She let out.
        Carrick grinned a little. "I want your word that you will not be going anywhere near the south border, Moira."
        She knew her father was serious. "I give my word father."
        Carrick nodded and dismissed her. Before she was out the door she heard Logan updating her father on the newest reiving escapade made by the McConnells. She took off without another word.

Chapter Two

        "Hold still. I can barely get it." Teagan scolded her older sister.
        "Mother tied it. I think between her annoyance and her efforts to make me more like a lady she pulled way to tight."
        Teagan laughed. "Well she did a number thats for sure."
          Moira held as still as she possibly could. And could feel Teagan slowly but surely working the knot out of her dress. She was barely able to move to climb in her favorite tree after her mother tied that sash. But she made it, and tore her skirt in the process. But it had been a lovely view from the top branch of that big tree. To watch the sun play over the different colors of green in the hills had been wonderful. She'd gladly keep that view locked away in her mind forever than have a clean tidy skirt. She knew her mother would never see it that way.
        "You know. If we could just get rid of these dresses and wear breeches just like the englishmen do climbing would be much easier." Moira said her thought aloud.
        It sent Teagan laughing. "Can you imagine the look on mothers face if we showed up to dinner wearing that? We'd both be in charge of stables for that." Moira laughed as well and then heard her sister sigh. "I'm jealous. Im stuck inside learning all day and you get to climb trees and ride the horses. I don't think it's fair."   
        "I had my years of learnin'. It's your turn now. Besides in a few years you'll be done and climbing trees and riding horses too. I'm sure they will think I will have corrupted you too."
        "I want to be corrupted." Laughed Teagan. "Ina and Fiona were the ladies and married. I want to be like you and have fun. I can't wait till we have adventures together."
        Moira felt her finally pull the knot free and she turned around to face her dear sister. And to Moira's surprise there was no hint of teasing or meaness. "Do you mean it? You don't think that I'm horrible for not following the obvious path?"
        Teagan smoothed out a stray red curl in Moira's hair. "No I don't think your horrible. But if you are, we might as well be horrible together."
        Moira and Teagan hugged before climbing into their beds. Teagan would never know how much her words soothed her older sisters heart.

      Moira saddled her horse and took off at lightening speed into the hill of the MacGregor land. Enough had been enough. Three days of rain and endless hours of sewing had driven her mad. The first ray of sun shine propelled her out of the castle and out for fresh air. And it was wonderful. The air was cool and clean on her skin. The highlighted shades of green were divine. And to top it all off she took the Macgregors best horse. The fastest on hand would only do for her. She could feel the wind on her face and saw the whirl of color about her as she rode.
      As she promised the south border was off limits, but the stream that ran southwest couldn't be. At least in her mind it wasn't. It was yards away from the forbidden border. She saw no harm in taking the horse for a good hard ride and then a drink from the stream. So with and extra kick to her steeds side she was off.
      The trickling sound of the stream was the topping on the cake. The ride had been heavenly but the view by the stream had been worth the ride. If only Teagan could have been there to share with her and enjoy the view.
      In an insant she was off her horse and her slippers were gone so she could sink her feet into the cool grass. Her hand shoved the falling locks away from her eyes and she started picking the wild flowers that grew.
      Moments later she heard the sound of horses in the distance. But it wasn't uncommon to hear that. Her fathers men roamed the hills of MacGregor land constantly. And she had no reason to be afraid of them. But she did have reason to be afraid of the men wearing the bright red plaid. It billowed about them in the distance. And only one clan wore that particular pattern. McConnells. She didn't make a movement at that time. There were no cattle or sheep near this area and they should have no business on the southwest side. It puzzled her to think that they should be near here at all.
      Moira was slipping her slippers back on and heading for her horse that had wandered up stream when they had surrounded her. She looked none of them in the eye as she manuvered to find her horse. One particular red head wouldn't let her pass. So she moved the other direction and again the other men wouldn't let her pass. They laughed and teased her.
      "Well look what we have here. A poor little MacGregor girl." The red head laughed.
      "Looks like no girl to me." Another one joked. That comment sent them into fits of laughter. Moira was not amused. It only sent her blood to a boil. Her red headed temper was beginning to flare.
      "Sons of the Devil. Get off my land." She shouted angrily at them.
      Their faces fell. And Moira could see the red head's temper flare just like hers.
      "What did you call us?"
      Moira lifted her chin. "You heard me. You sons of the devil get off my land. Ye'll not be taking any of our land or cattle today. Get away from the MacGregor land."
      The man dismounted with speed and anger. He was to her in an instant. sword was pointed at her. His green eyes flared with heated hatred.
      "Yer not so wise to be calllin names." He snarled at her.
      It did nothing for her. "Have ya nothing better to do than to roam free? It's idle hands that get ya into trouble. And I see you have aided in the devils work today. And you wag your tongue like a woman." She had said it and knew she shouldn't have. But Moira was not going to show them that the MacGregor women were meek little things. She would fight for her clan. But it had only caused more anger and outrage among them. In seconds her hands were tied behind her back and she was on her knees. Her hair had fallen down around her a while ago. Her face flamed red now.
      "Be it known that it was your tongue that aided in your death. A MacGregor wench will not insult us and get away with it." He raised his sword and she could only squeeze her eyes tight. Hoping for a miracle.
      "No. You heard Aidans instruction. No harm or bloodshed is to come to the MacGregors. The cattle is all." One of them pleaded with her captor.
      The red head turned to the man on the horse speaking. "You'll let this wench insult the McConnells and get away with that? Where have your senses gone Owen? Have ya turned into a woman today? She just called us all sons of the devil. She desrves her punishment." The man lifted his sword to her again. And Moira was reminded of her fathers words. He had been right. One day she would get herself into a situation that she would not be able to get herself out of. Moira knew she was about to meet her maker when she heard,
      "Ronan, thats enough."
      The deeply masculine voice seemed to come out of nowhere. But she was thankful for it. For another second her life had been spared. She opened her eyes to see the tall broad man parting the crowd with his massive steed. The red head now referred to as Ronan halted his strike in mid air and turned to face the leader of this crowd.
      "I said no bloodshed or harm will come to the MacGregors unless they lift a hand to us. You will follow my instruction."
      Ronans face turned red with anger. "You can't mean to allow this witch to insult the McConnells. Only a fool could listen to such nonsense and do nothing. And if you allow it I can't allow it. She must pay for it." He turned to strike her again. But his name was called again. Aidan jumped down from his horse and showed his full height. The vein in his jaw moved and she could tell this man was loosing patience. The silence from the rest of the men could only mean that Ronan had overstepped his place.
      "You will not speak to me with such disrespect. Be on your horse and away from this land. I will deal with you back home." Aidans crisp response let Ronan know he meant business. And to Moira's surprise Ronan resheathed his sword and was gone. She expelled her pent up air in relief. But it took a second to realize that the McConnell Clan Chiefs eldest son was the one heading up these reivings. Moira's anger had returned.
      Aidan had turned and looked the girl over once before turning back to his horse for a sword. Moira's breath held.
      "When I give instructions that no harm is to come to anyone I expect that to be followed. That means you keep each other in line. No harm and and no bloodshed. I dont' want MacGregor blood soiling our plaid." He told them with half a grin. "Only cattle is to be taken."
      The comment she knew was meant for her. She laughed out loud. "Isn't it like a McConnell to want what they can't have and in the end stealing whats not theres." She shot back.
      He shoved the sword back into the sheath on his horse and was to her in a matter of seconds. His hand wound in her long locks and he pulled her to her feet. Her head was jerked back and she had no choice but to look at him. He was tall and broad, and all muscle. She could feel him restraining his strength against her. His slightly curling dark hair with red sun streaks through it was well groomed. But she was looking into the green eyes that had darkened, and knew he wasn't going to hurt her, but would if he had to.
      He released her roughly. "What is your name?" He asked.
      He watched the defiant raise of her chin. "My name is of no importance to you. I know full well who you are and I don't care to be in your company any longer."
      A grin couldn't be helped. She was scared and trying to be brave at the same time. "And just who do you think I am?" He wanted to be further amused by her answer.
      "Your that evil Aidan McConnell. I do not care to know anymore."
      "She is called Moira, my lord. If I'm correct she is the daughter to Carrick. And the younger sister of Logan and Keith." A voice from the crowd told him.
      Aidan looked back at her and the fact that she wouldn't make eye contact told him that the man had been right about who she was. "Moira is it?" He paused in thought for a moment. "Ah, your the daughter that they can't get married off. With that tongue I can see why?"
      Her blue eyes were shooting flames of anger at him. "It's not wise to taunt my men. You're quite lucky that Owen has a good head about his shoulders and that I arrived in time. You could quite possibly be dead by now."
      Moira's ears were perked by more horses joining the already exsisting crowd. And she had been hoping that he would have released her by now. But only more McConnells arrived to see the display. At the head of the group was a younger and smaller version of Aidan McConnell.
      The mans laugh only made her shut her eyes in embarassment. "What have we here brother? You send us out for cattle and you come back with a MacGregor lass?"
      "It's a minor offset. Meet us at the entrace of the McConnell land in about an hour, Seanan." Aidan ordered. Seanan nodded and took his group away. Aidan turned his attention back to Moira. He moved closer to her and his hand reached for and grazed her breast. She stepped back in horror and fear. He didn't mean to force her here in front of his men did he? She took another step back and he grabbed her, and reached again toward her breast but only retrived her bodice knife instead. He ordered her to turn and when she obeyed he cut her hands free. Moira rubbed her sore wrists and accepted the knife he handed her. Turning she faced him.
      "You may go." He told her and handed the reigns to her horse and her slippers. She mounted quickly.
      "Thank you for stepping in but this means naught between McConnells and MacGregors. My father will never know of this."
      Aidan nodded his head. "I agree." He gave a slap to the rear of her horse and she was off back home. She would never go west again, Moira vowed, and never looked back.

Chapter Three

      Moira's father never knew of the incident that day, and she was glad of that. There was no way that he could ever let her out of the castle again if he was to know. And she knew it wouldn't have been a punishment. But that he cared for his daughter and feared for her safety.
      Truth would have it that Moira feared now as well. No man had ever frightened her like Aidan McConnell had. Her brothers Logan and Keith were tall strong men. She had watched them for hours weild and practice with a sword. Had heard of their victories in battle. But she had felt the strength in Aidans body. Felt the corded muscles that tensed when she had angered him. And felt him hold back. Felt him keep control on that strength when he dealt with her. She would hate to be a man in war opposite of him. He would surely take anyone down.
      Her family over and over tried to marry her off. Suitor after suitor Moira turned them down constantly. She wanted to be in love with the man she married. But the only men that came around were the ones who thought women should be silent. Silent was one thing Moira was not. And there was now one more thing she added to her list of requirements for a husband. She didn't want to be afraid of him and his strength the way she was afraid of Aidan McConnell. In her mind no woman should have to endure that.


      "Father you realize this will mean war?" Aidan told his aging father. He swalllowed hard. He couldn't question his father, that act was out of the question. He hadn't done that since he was twelve and had been given twelve lashings with a switch. Aidan swore he could still feel the sting of that punishment. So instead he had to rephrase everything.
      The greying head nodded. His stature had once been Aidans height but in the last few years Taber McConnell seemed smaller. But his presence and control had not. Taber ruled his family and clan with an iron fist.
      "Aye. I do realize that. But I will not have the MacGregors killing one of my men and getting away with it."
      "This is war father. Men will die." Seanan pleaded and tried to get his father to see reason. But by the angered look on Taber's face showed Seanan he didn't care.
      "This could only be a rumor. It was told to you by Ronan. I know how deep his hatred of the MacGregors go. The MacGregors wouldn't harm one of us, just as we would hardly harm one of them."
      Taber slammed his fist hard into the wooden table. It shook almost breaking underneath the power of Taber's arm. "I have told you boys time and time again not to question me. I know how to run this clan. And you will not go against my judgement." He waited to see if they challenged him again. And of course they didn't. But he did turn his eyes on Aidan. "Ronan is your couin. I am surprised that you would take the word of a MacGregor over your own."
      "Ronan is anger and opportunity, and it's a deadly combination. I believe he is only out to further his own hide. He does not listen to orders and for a man so set on total obedience and never questioning authority, it surprises me that you back him up." Aidan didn't hold back with how he felt. Taber lifted an eyebrow to his eldest son. "But I will not question you. War it is then."
      Taber straightened up to his full height. "You seem to have something to say to me, son. Spit it out while you can."
      Aidan didn't know how to take this chance of truthfulness. It was rare that Taber ever looked at Aidan on the same level. But now that he had the chance he wasn't going to pass it up. "I think this petty fued will cost the lives of many people. I don't understand why the past cannot be the past."
      The tension was thick in the room. And Seanan could not believe that Aidan had spoke out like that.
      "Where is your highland pride?" Taber spoke finally after sizing up what Aidan had said to him. "You let them kill our own and your ready to have a feast with them. Well I'm not about to sit back and watch the McGregors take our pride. And as long as I am clan chief you will obey my orders."
      Aidan bowed to his father. "You know I will do no less. You are my father and my clan chief. I will follow your orders. Thank you for taking the time to listen to all sides."
      Taber gave a slight nod to his son. Aidan knew that it was his cue to take his exit. But before he made it to the door, his fathers voice halted him. Aidan gave him his full attention.
      "I want you to take the first group of men out. And sit heavily on the borderline. I will give further instructions by messenger."
      Aidan nodded and bowed before heading out to carry on his fathers orders.


      Teagan pulled Moira's hair down out of it's messy bun. The bright red locks were in desperate need of combing and restyling. Moira had been riding hard all day and the breeze and the limbs of the trees had taken it's toll on her hair. It was a few hours till the late meal and they had plenty of time to get her presentable before then. The Lord knew their mother would have a fit if she went to supper unkempt.
      "I take it the ride was good today?" Teagan asked as she pulled a few twigs from her sisters hair.
      Moira laughed. "Aye. It was most enjoyable. I take it your studies were good?"
      Teagan sighed. "Aye. Not as much fun as a good ride would have been."
      "It won't be long till your with me. We'll be side by side on our horses. Riding into the wind and creating havoc on all the land we own." That sent Teagan into a laugh. "But you should care about your studies. Most clans don't allow women to read. We're lucky." She explained to her younger sister. "Now if we could just get Logan or Keith to teach us to weild a sword. We could go on big adventures."
      "That would be fun. But I highly doubt that father would ever agree to that. I'll stick with just the horse back rides." She said as she worked on a big tangle. "I don't understand how you get your hair like this. Every woman fawns all over your hair and you just don't seem to care."
      Moira shrugged. "I like it but when your riding it gets in the way. It certainly got in the way when it came to Aidan McConnell." The comment just slipped out. But she knew that when Teagan stopped in mid tangle, Moira had wished it hadn't been revealed.
      "What did you say about Aidan McConnell?" Teagan asked.
      Moira shrugged her shoulders hoping that the matter would drop. "It was nothing."
      Teagan came around and faced her. "Did something happen the other day? Did you have a run in with the McConnells?"
      "It was weeks and weeks ago, Teagan. Like I said it was nothing. I'm here and safe."
      Teagan's face held worry and fear, and maybe even a little anger at the fact that her sister had never shared. "Does father or Logan even know about this?"
      "NO! She exclaimed. "And you can't tell either. I'll never be allowed to ride anywhere."  She wanted the matter to drop. Teagan didn't want it to. "I rode hard to the stream on the southwest side. And a group of them came along. One of them tried to kill me. Aidan McConnell kinda saved my life. It's over and done with."
      Teagan slapped her sister on the arm. "You could have been killed and you said nothing. And now you owe the McConnells a debt."
      Moira shook her head. "I owe the McConnells nothing. Aidan came in long enough to get one of his men back in line and he set me free. Thats all. Nothing has changed. But you cannot say a word of this to anyone."
      "I promise. But promise me you won't keep anything from me again?"
      Moira agreed. It was silent for the next few minutes. Moira didn't want to intrude on the thoughts that she knew were going through her sisters mind.
      "Mother, talked about one of the Campbell lads wanting to ask for your hand today." Teagan finally spoke.
      Moira was exasperated. "Ugh! Michan Campbell. He's three inches shorter than me. And thinks that all women should keep silent, never learn to read and cook for him. He would have me thrown out after a week."
      Her little sister laughed. "Thats what mother said. And she tried to offer him to me. I told her that I would throw him out after a week." Moira laughed. Teagan tucked then ends of the hair behind the intricate bun and placed a decorative clip in it. "There it looks beautiful. Now we just have to get you washed up and dressed and you should pass mothers inspection."
      The next morning news was brought into her father that the McConnels had attacked and men and women had been wounded in the process. By the next morning a small group of MacGregor men formed to go out. Teagan and Moira sat with their mother together all day waiting for the news. Logan led the first group out. It was by sunset that they had arrived. A few were wounded, and two had died. Logan remained safe, and spent the rest of the night plotting their next move.
      Moira listened in on part of the meeting. She crept outside of her fathers study door and saw that one of the men had left it open just a crack. So peering in she watched as they discussed their next plan of attack. It was then that she learned that the McConnell clan acused a MacGregor of killing a McConnell. It couldn't be true. She thought. The MacGregors and McConnells didn't care for one another but there was no way that one of her clan would harm them. And for all the years that the fued had been going on McConnells had never dared to hurt them. Yes they had reived each others cattle and all but thats as far as it went. There couldn't be a stitch of truth in what the McConnells were saying.
      But in thinking longer, maybe it could possibly be true. The more the years this feud went on, rumors formed and younger generation formed deep seeded hate. And maybe she wasn't as in touch with her clan as she thought. But still her clan was gentle and aided in the giving of time and food to other clans who were not so fortunate as hers. It just couldn't be true. Then remembering the way Ronan McConnell treated her and how rough Aidan McConnell had been with her, it could be they were looking for any excuse to finally attack.
      Reality had finally hit that war was here. And people would die, lives would change. It sent a feeling through her that she couldn't shake. It was from this point that she knew her safe world wasn't so safe. And how could she find peace when her brothers and countrymen were fighting and possibly loosing their lives. Moira found that she could no longer listen to the plans that her father and brothers were making. Backing away slowly she made her way to her room to find solace there.

Chapter Four

      Days had turned into weeks, and weeks had turned into two months of McConnells attack the MacGregors, and MacGregors attack the McConnells. It never went anywhere productive. At least it seemed that way in her mind. She just saw the tired looks in the eyes of her father and now her brothers. Logans wife Rianagh had just given birth weeks ago to a second son. And Keiths wife Anne, was with child. And Moira knew it tore at her brothers hearts that they couldn't be there with their wives. And it tore at Moira's heart that she could do nothing and wait for the end result. There were days she hated being a girl. And when he clan was under attack was one of those days. Knowing there was nothing left she could do, she prayed.


      "Please Moira, just one ride is all I'm asking for?" Teagan pleaded with her sister.
      Moira looked up from her book that she had been so interested in to see Teagan asking a request that to Moira was insane.
      Moira shook her head no. "I can't. There is a war going on if you haven't forgotten. And if anything ever happened to you I would never forgive myself. And Mother and Father would never forgive me either."
      Teagan jumped on the bed next to her sister, ripped the book out of her hand and batted her long dark eyelashes. When Moira began to laugh Teagan stuck out her lower lip.
      "Please Moira. I never have a day when I have no studies. The attacks have seemed to come to a halt as of lately. Mother and Father are busy and won't even know we're gone." Moira sighed in thought. "All I'm asking is one quick ride through the east hills. It's not even near the McConnell line. Please?" Teagan begged again.
      "Teagan, do you know how dangerous this could be?"
      "It's on the opposite line. No McConnells. Just us and the horses and the hills." Teagan pleaded. She could tell Moira was in thought. And maybe, just maybe Teagan would have a chance at one adventure this year. "Ya know you used to be all about adventure and breaking the rules for a day of freedom. I think you've lost your touch."
      That comment made Moira's spine stiffen. If Teagan had insulted any other quality about Moira, she would have seen it for the ploy that it was. But no one had ever dared insult her sense of adventure and freedom. And no one was gonna do it and get away with it. Moira tossed her book aside and grabbed her sisters hand. Moira grabbed hers and Teagan's plaid and made a mad dash for the stables. Teagan could barely keep up with how fast Moira ran. And Moira was wordless as she ran to the stableas and saddled hers and Teagan's horses. Moira mounted the black steed, and signaled for Teagan to mount as well.
      Before they took off Moira turned to her sister. "Don't ever insult my sense of adventure but, if we get into trouble for this, you get to take all my punishment." Moira told her with a grin. Teagan smiled back. "Keep up, Teagan." Moira yelled just as she kicked her horse and took off.


      Moira had forgotten how wonderful it was to ride. Weeks and weeks of being indoors at her fathers request hadn't necessarily been torture. She understood her Father's request, and that it was for her own protection. But oh how she had missed the wind in her face, and the speed and power of the horse underneath her. She missed the smell of the grass after a rain and the green of the hills. Her room had a nice view but it was nothing like the hills on the eastern side. But underneath it all was the fear of a meeting with anything McConnell. So instead she just tried to focus on the stolen adventure. An adventure that if anything was to happen a whip would probably be taken to her back side. It probably would be well deserved. But looking back and seeing the smile on Teagan's face just might make it all worth it.
      Moira slowed up and waited for her sister to catch up. Teagan's usually lily white skin was pinked to perfection. Wheather it was from the wind or joy Moira wasn't sure. But the color seemed to suit her sister.
      "I take it you are enjoying your ride?" Moira asked?
      Teagan laughed. "Yes! It's been too long. I'm glad you finally relented."
      Moira smiled. "I have to admit I'm glad I relented too. I miss getting to ride. If it wasn't for those menacing McConnells I would get to do it more often."
      "Please don't spoil my ride by mentioning the McConnells. As far as I'm concerned today they don't exsist."
      Moira nodded her head. "That is fine with me. Come on. I know a place where some heather grows. We can pick some for our rooms." Moira turned her horse in that direction with Teagan following behind.
      They were off their horses the instant they found the heather. Moira's shoes were off and she was letting her feet plunge into the cool grass. It was more heaven than they could have hoped for. Teagans horse was off chewing some grass, and Moira's followed her and held a bundle of heather that they had picked. Teagan was busy making flower wreaths, and Moira was relaxing and staring at the blue sky.
      "I have to say, Teagan. That I much more enjoy these rides with company. Though it's more your company I guess. Some how I don't think it would be as much fun it Logan or Keith was with me."
      Teagan laughed. "Yeah I don't see them wanting to pick heather with you."
      Moira shook her head. "No. Keith and Logan like to race. I like a good race. And I once beat Keith. Logan teased him hard about it. But they were pretty glad I could ride so well."
      "Oh I bet Logan teased him about it. I wish I could have seen the look on Keiths face when you beat him." Teagan giggled as she placed the flower wreath in Moira's hair.
      Lying back in the cool grass had been so relaxing for Moira. And if she could she would have frozen this moment in time. But it was spoiled when Moira felt the earth beagn to shake a bit beneath her. At first she thought maybe she was dreaming it, but it took seconds to realize she was not. In an instant she sat up and looked in every direction.
      "What? What is it?" Teagan asked at her sisters reaction.
      The pounding didn't go away and it set alarm through Moira. She jumped to her  feet and pulled Teagan up fast. 
      "Go mount your horse and fast." Was the only explanation and order Moira gave Teagan. Teagan could only stare at her. "Go!" She yelled again.
      As Moira ran for her slippers and got them on, she could see that Teagan had frozen in her tracks as she looked off just over the hill. A band of McConnells lined up in a row were charging down the hill. Their red plaids were blowing in the breeze. Moira could see that Teagan's horse had wandered off a little distance. So she grabbed her own horses reigns and pulled it over to Teagan and ordered her to mount.
      Teagan only shook her head no. "What about you Moira?" Teagan was crying now.
      "My horse is faster, but I'm a better rider. Ride hard Teagan and don't stop till you get home do you understand me? Don't even look back for me?" Moira ordered.
      "I can't leave you here to be taken or killed by the McConnells." Teagan cried.
      Moira took ahold of her sisters face and kissed her cheek. "I told you I could never forgive myself if anything ever happend to you. Now ride hard and don't look back. I'll be home again I promise." Moira cupped her hands and Teagan placed her foot in it as she was pushed up onto Moiras horse. Moira told her sister that she loved her and then gave the hardest slap to the rear of the horse that she could. Teagan was off in a flash. Moira had the confidence that Teagan would make it home. But today Moira knew she wouldn't see home. They had ridden to close now and they were heading straight for her. Picking up her skirts she was able to make it to the other horse and realizing that mounting and taking off wasn't possible she pulled their plaids off and gave that horse a slap to sending it home. The McConnells may get her but there was no way they were going to add a MacGregor horse to their mix.
      Within seconds she was surrounded. And moments later her wrists were bound and she was hauled over a empty horse. She barely even put up a fight. By not fighting she almost felt like she was giving up. But it would do no good to fight now. There was too many of them and she woud only end up hurt. There would be a time to fight, and she would wait for it to come.


      Teagan jumped off the horse and handed it to one of the servants who were walking by. She just barely missed tripping over a stone step, but nothing could stop her from getting to her father. As she was hurrying down the corrider and hand reached out and grabbed her. Teagan looked up into the face of her brother Keith. He looked angry.
      "Have you been out riding? Do you know how dangerous that is right now?"
      Keith was busy reading her the riot act and when she had caught her breath enough and she wasn't choking on her tears, she was able to get out,
      "They got her, Keith." She told him frantically.
      His demeanor changed at her tears. "Who got who?"
      "The McConnells have Moira." She tried to go on and explain but she was being dragged down to her father and Logan who were still deliberating over a plan. The door flew back with a bang and all attention was on Teagan and Keith.
      "What is going on here, Keith?" Carrick demanded to know. He took one look at Teagan and came closer. "What's wrong?"
      "The McConnells have Moira."
      This caught the full attention of Logan. "She took you out riding didn't she? I knew she would get herself into trouble. I knew it." Logan swore under his breath.
      "It's all my fault. I begged and begged her to take me. And she did. I let my horse wander off to far, and she gave me hers and told me to ride as fast as I could back home. And now they have her and it's all my fault." She cried. "You have to go get her. Somebody has to go get her." Teagan pleaded almost into hysterics now.
      Carrick shook his head in worry. "There's nothing we can do now. We have to wait it out for a while. No doubt they have taken her right to Aidan McConnell beyond the southern lines. To move now would be utter suicide for our men."
      Teagan shouted. "No! You have to go get her. Please?"
      Logan rubbed his neck. He too was in worry for his sister. This added more fuel to the stress fire. "I'm afraid Father is right, Teagan. It's too dangerous to go charging in after her. Well just have to wait it out a while, and pray nothing happens to her."
      Silence crept in as the situation was pondered.

© Copyright 2006 Irish_Lass (irish_lass at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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