Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1191968-Astrobot-Scandal
by Kiante
Rated: E · Short Story · Children's · #1191968
A Short mystery story, the second written in my current 3 piece series.
I rounded the corner. The trees and flowers were starting to bloom again. Spring had just come. It was a nice day. Not too warm, not too cold, but just right. It was sunny too.
    I was on my way to work at the grocery store today. I was in line for a possible promotion, and so, eager to work harder than ever.

  “Hello Mr. Potts!” I called to the owner as I entered the store.
  “Hello Jack!” He called back in that sweet fatherly voice that I had come accustomed too. He was like a grandfather to me. Always trying to help guide me in the right direction.

  I went into the back and put on my green apron that, here, qualified as a uniform and went to start stocking. I worked for about an hour stocking various items when Mr. Potts told me we had a new product coming in today that I should start getting on the shelves. We went into the back so he could show them to me, when;

  “They’re not here!” He exclaimed in surprise. “I remember them being brought in and set right here! What could have happened to them?”

  “Calm down Mr. Potts, I’m sure it’s just some misunderstanding. Could you explain what kind of product this was?”

  “It was the newest children’s toy that has been flying off the shelves all over the nation, it is called the “Astrobot”. It’s a small robot that talks and interacts with the kids, and even flies!”

  “Hmm, sounds expensive. How much is the retail price?”

  “$29.99!” He exclaimed again.

  “Calm down, calm down. If I can have a break, I’ll look into it for you Mr. Potts.”

  He thought about it for a moment and then replied, “I guess that’s ok. But hurry, you can’t have too long. No more than an hour!”

“Yes sir  Mr. Potts!” I said went back into the main area.

  I looked around the rest of the store a little bit, and then decided to interrogate some of the shoppers.

  “Ma’am! Ma’am! Could I please have a moment? I just want to ask you a few questions.”

  “Okay, what do you need to know?” The lady replied warily.

  “Lately, either at home or somewhere else, have you or your kids found anything missing? Particularly children’s toys?”

“Why yes, I believe we have. My son lost his Gameboy® last night. Why do you ask?”

  “I’m on an investigation ma’am of some lost products of Mr. Potts.”

  “Oh, I see, well I hope I’ve helped.”

  “Yes, very much ma’am, thank you!” I said walking away.

  I talked to some other shoppers and heard similar stories, lost electronic dolls or action figures, small electronic toys, the list went on.

  I sat down on a stool in the backroom of the store examining what I’ve found out. The thief is in the market for expensive children’s toys. Toys with electronics in them. I concluded that it’s either a young kid stealing them, or the crook is selling them for whatever reason. I decided to take a walk to try to clear my head a little.

  I passed many people on the sidewalks as usual, but one person particularly caught my eye. He was a middle-aged man in a trench coat, carrying something under his arm. As he got closer, I noticed it was a small, red and blue toy robot. It said Astrobot on it. I let him go on, but I didn’t recognize him. He must be from out of town. I knew I had my thief.

  I found Mr. Potts again and asked what the toy looked like. He said it looked just like the one I had seen with this other man. I thanked him and left again, this time for the one pawn shop in town.

  “Sir,” I said as I walked in, trying to get the clerk’s attention.
  “Yes, what can I do for you?”

  “I’m looking for a new toy called an Astrobot, do you have any?”

  “Why yes, in fact, I’ve gotten quite a few lately. Let me get one for you.”

  “No, no, that won’t be necessary. I’d like to know who sold them to you.”

  “A man by the ID of Mr. Getts. I can give you his address if it’s important.”

  “It is, thank you.” I said as he wrote it down.

  I went to the address given me and knocked on the door.

  “Yes, hello, how can I help you?”

      “Oh, I’m  with the exterminator’s company you called this afternoon. Can I come in?”

      “Oh, yes! Come on in.”

      “Thank you, what exactly is the problem?”

      “Rats, up in the attic, could you take a look.”

      “Yes sir.” I said heading up.

  I got into the attic and found exactly what I needed. The toys. I took a picture with the camera that was under my jacket and then snuck out the back.

  The next day, Mr. Getts was arrested and I explained to them all that had happened.

  “But how did you know he had called for an exterminator?”

  “Cause’, rats live with rats.” I replied.

  Mr. Potts got all his toys back, and I got that promotion. All was back to normal in Honeyberg.
© Copyright 2006 Kiante (kiante at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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