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Rated: ASR · Fiction · Fantasy · #1191714
This is my first attempt and is a first draft that I haven't gone though to edit.
Before man, before elves, and before the great beings of this world were created, a people called the Imnar were created. Out of these came five greater than the others. Four were created of the four elements of the earth and one who ruled over them. These five and their immediate followers were known as the Imnari. Along with these Imnar there were other spirits created along with the earth, but not by the creator. The appeared with an unkown origin having control over different elements of nature. Of these spirits one of them, by the name of Ailios, became jealous of the power Amweh and the other Imnar have over the elements for the Imnar still had more power over these spirits. Ailios was the Spirit of the Land and carried great power and influence over many beings and nature.
In those days many of the spirits, including Ailios, dwelt with the Imnar in their great city. Ailios in his jealousy rebelled against Amweh’s power. He left across the land, over the great ocean and to the first continent. There he created a fortress of his own. With his influence he gained power over many of the spirits of those lands. At that time the orcs and many other creatures had been created by the creator and lived in those lands. These beings were weak minded orcs, trolls, and goblins who were easily manipulated by Ailios. He turned them into evil beings and in turn caused him to take the form of a giant red dragon.
In the realm of the Imnar the enormous Red Dragon stood waiting to devour the men, elves, dwarves, and many of people of Eas. Only the power of the Imnar, Imnari, and Imnaru protected these peoples. The Dragon had seven heads, for the spirits he consumed, seven crowns for the seven high wizards that he stole, and ten horns for the ten conquered kingdoms of man. His influence and control spread greatly throughtout the lands and beyond. He fooled many people of the world.
In the throne room of the Imnari “You have led many people astray Ailios. You have achieved great power over them and many worship you. Even with all of this you cannot win. The greatest man to ever live is among the peoples of man. His power will overwhelm you, and you should bow to him. This man will take your head and smash it beneath his foot. The crowns will be taken from your heads and given to their owners and the land will have peace.”
“Amweh do you take me as a fool? Surely you should know that no mere man could ever defeat me. None of your mighty brothers, that you put so much faith in, have nearly the power nor greatness that is me. I’ve grown more powerful that not even you could defeat me and you think a mortal man will even come close to beating me. You are a fool Amweh and I laugh at you.”
“You may be able to fool those of lesser power and you might be able to control man, but this is no mere man. He has done amazing things beyond any other man. Even the four brothers can become more powerful than any Imnar if they have the will.”
Enraged from the disrespect given by Amweh, Ailios left the Great Hall of Islor. He traveled to his fortress in the Land of Black Blood. When he arrived at his throne he called upon Eris, his greatest orc general. “Eris you are to create a massive army. Take one hundred of my orcs and go beyond the river to the north. There you will build your own fortress and there you will build an army no kingdom of man could defeat.”
Eris bowed and left the room recruiting the hundred finest orcs he knew. He went north over the Yaer River as Ailios instructed him. Those one hundred orcs built a strong fortress than began to breed an army. This army has been under the control of the Eris line since that day.
The Hand of Eris grew in power over the centuries. Over that time it came to control almost all of the northern kingdoms of man. Only two of the great kingdoms still stood in the way of the Hand of Eris controlling every one of the great kingdoms. In these days the greatest many appeared and his name was Yeinnor. He had the wisdom of the Imnar and the military strength to gain him great power among men and elves. When he appeared he brought with him the return of the true king of Ivrinor.
In this time the hand of Eris was preparing for a battle with Ivrinor. The line of Eris kept sending small groups of scouts, but were always defeated by the elf army of Yeinnor. Frustrated with Yeinnor the line of Eris sent a seemingly overwhelming force from the least likely way. Through the Land of the Dragons.
Finding out about this impossible feat, Yeinnor surprised the orcs attacking at night. With the victory over the first wave, Yeinnor and his elves turned towards the reinforcements they scared off and waited until morning for their attack. When morning came they found a mysterious happening, all the orcs appeared to have fallen over dead. After this Ivriyal the true King of Ivrinor returned and with his returning he pronounced Yeinnor the new general being the first none pure blooded general.
Cowbels, the old general of Ivrinor, became extremely jealous of the power given to Yeinnor without Yeinnor having any known royal blood in him. The fury and rage for Yeinnor ran through his veins like it was his blood. It brought him to the poin the abandoned Ivrinor and all who lived within its land. He sought out Eris to take revenge on Yeinnor and all who praised him as their savior.
He found Eris north of the borders of Ivrinor. Realizing the opportunity Eris had at his fingers he appointed him as an advisor and overseer of the battle to come. On the plains of Lear Shire he stood watching waiting for the men of Ivrinor to arrive. Upon arrival, upon those fields he stood to watch the last great battle of the age unfold before his eyes. From that spot, standing next to Eris, he watched in terror and fear of the slaughter of his fellow men.
The orcs outnumbered the Elves and Men by many times. As the traitor stood trying to avoid the sight of the battle below, he took one last glimpse looked away and knew what he must do before his final task. Taking his sword from his tent he walked up to Eris. Eris stood with his back to Cowbels starring at the battle below and what he thought to be a victory over Ivrinor. Hearing Cowbels coming from behind he turned to face him. Before Eris spoke one word his head rolled on the floor from the swift stroke of Cowbels sword through the neck of eris. The remaining body fell limp to his feat laying lifeless. Before any orcs took notice the traitor knelt beside the body looking down at the battle. He put the sword to his chest and fell over it and over the cliff.
At that moment a large force of the might Druugs, who the orcs feared greatly, flooded over a large hill over the battle. With the great horns of the Druugs blowing all men, elves, orcs, goblins, and trolls turned towards the druugs in amazement and fear. This spectacle immediately scared the Hand of Eris, but with no knowledge of their leaders death they held their ground. Once the last horn was blown all the drums of war stopped and it was quiet. A loud roar came from the Druugs after the short pause and they charged in all their fury.
They cut through the lines of the orcs like a sword killing all in their path. The scared orcs turned and ran towards the Armath Mountians in fear. The orcs entered the caves of the dwarves who slaughtered the orcs one by one as they ran through the gates. The dwarves then collected all the dead bodies and burned them creating the huge smoke stacks that rise from the northern Armath Mountians.
In the great battle Ivriyal the King of Ivrinor was slain in battle. He left no heir to the throne, ending the royal blood line of his family. Upon return to the great city of Narshcoan, a young warrior, by the name of Leshnor, became the king after picking up the Kings Sword in battle after he was killed and defended the kings body with great strength. He was the first of this new royal blood line.
With the victory and a new king, Yeinnor knew it was time to move on to finish the fight. Before he left for Ezen he warned the king and his people to be prepared for another great battle. “Ezen might have the mosst powerful force known to man, but the Evil One has a force to match.” At this point Yeinnor headed towards the kingdom of Ezen for his final journey into the east. A journey taking him into the heart of evil. A place that one he entered he had little hope for escape. He had one last mission before this world was set right.
The news of the defeat of the Hand of Eris reached the dragon quickly. Immediately he knew there was only one last piece left to fall in place, his death at Yeinnors hands. There was no question to him that Yeinnor would come for him. He called his general, Radel. “Go to the gate and tell the gatekeepers to allow Yeinnor in when he comes. The escort him to me in the great hall.”
Yeinnor arrived at the gates of Ezen’s great city Envile. The gate opened to welcome him in as a guest of honor for in these lands word moves faster than any traveler. Yeinnor walked to the Kings castle in hopes he would follow his plan. Within an hour of being inside those gates he had the complete and full trust of the king.
Yeinnor stayed the night and began his journey to the Lands of Black Blood. When he arrived at the gates of Ailios, they opened to allow him to pass through. Not three steps past two giant orcs immediately grabbed each of his arms and dragged Yeinnor through the fortress of Ailios.
After the long painful walk he was thrown to the ground onto his knees and face in the mud. Before them stood the red dragon of the gates of his great hall. The Evil One snarled at all three and turned inside. The orcs grabbed him and carried him inside. They threw him into a hard wooden chair. The Evil One calmly sat down in his throne and said, “Everyone leave, this is a private matter between him and me.” Everyone immediately left the room and closed the doors behind them.
“So here we are, finally in the same room together. I’ve been told so much about you by the Imnari and their pitiful speech. They have told me that you cannot be defeated, you are the savior of the so called good in this world, and all these pathetic lies. Tell me this, are you prepared to die?”
Yeinnor stood up from his chair. “Ailios do we really have to go through all this talk? The easiest and quickest way to end this is for one of us to die.”
“I am sorry to say you will have to wait.”
Raising his voice in annoyance Yeinnor said, “I will only wait so long Ailios.”
“I am more powerful then the Imnari realize. I could destroy this whole fortress in a matter of seconds. I control seven different people from three different races. I have conquered all the northern Kingdoms of the western men. Do you truly believe the final two kingdoms of the western men and your dwindling little army of elves could possibly defeat me, the greatest being on this planet.”
“That is why I was sent. They couldn’t defeat you by themselves, but then I came to give hope to the hopeless.”
Laughing Ailios stood from his throne. “You defeat me? Only if Yinea himself came down and entered your body.”
“You over estimate yourself. We each had a destiny and our destinies brought us here. Those destinies were set up by the Imnari and Yinea. This destiny of mine is to destroy the root of your evil and your destiny is to die at my hands. You can deny it all you want but in the end the truth and light will shine through the darkness. There is no preventing this now for I am here to end your reign.” As Yeinnor said this he started glowing.
With his sword in hand Yeinnor attacked, quickly slicing off one of the seven heads, stunning the red Dragon. In a fit of rage the Dragon let out a roar that shook the world. With a quick jerk of the neck a thirty pound head and a solid neck came swinging towards Yeinnor. Yeinnor dodged left avoiding the massive head. Slicing down with the sword, he cut almost through leaving the head to dangle from a slim peace of meat and skin.
Enraged at losing two heads so quickly the Dragon attacked with all his speed and strength. A head flew too quickly for Yeinnor to dodge. He raised his sword and jammed it straight through the eye and down through the open mouth and out the lower jaw. Ailios realizing the opportunity pulled the head back with the sword leaving Yeinnor to appear weaponless.
“You should win the battle before you talk mortal. You aren’t fighting orcs anymore.”
“Mortal? You think dieing is natural for me. I have lived for thousands of years and you think I am a mortal. I may be a man but I cannot die.” Yeinnor pulls out two small knives hidden in his armor. Like te speed of a diving eagle and the agility of a cat Yeinnor charged the Dragon dodging the heads. Slicing and stabbing at every chance. He dropped to the floor sliding across the floor, under the Dragon’s belly. Taking out his long dagger Yeinnor stabbed straight up into the Dragon’s heart.
Ailios stumbled backwards hitting the wall crushing the throne. The whole fortress shook like an earthquake. Yeinnor walked over to his sword and pulled it out of the dead head. Yeinnor cut off four of the remaining heads struggling for life. He walked over to the center head. “You thought you were all-powerful.” He threw the head to the ground. He smashed the dragon’s head under his foot. Yeinnor turned and the dragon disappeared as the spirit was being forced to leave this world.
Yeinnor, covered in blood, walked out of the great hall. The orcs stunned by his exiting of the hall could only stare into the empty room in amazement. Finally one of the orcs realized what happened, “Seize him.” Immediatley three orcs surrounded Yeinnor, chained him, and threw him into the deepest, darkest dungeon.
That night thousands of men from Ezen and Ivrinor approached camouflaged by the clouds in the night sky. When the clouds rolled away, they revealed the army of men standing with their armor shining in the moons rays. The orcs on watch were amazed and scared at the sight of their revealing. The men stood outside the walls until sunrise. At this time the seven white wizards came to the front of the lines causing fear throughout the fortress.
With Ailios dead the orcs had no one leader and had been separated into separate factions, all following their own agenda, never coordinating with each other. Most realized there was no hope for victory, but followed their leaders anyways. Upon those walls and the giant gate came a great battle, marking the beginning of the new age. A battle that was larger and greater than even the battle of the Fields of Ivrinor. It is thought that no battle like it will ever be seen again.
The orcs marched to the gate waiting siliently for the gates to burst open and the flood of men to pour in with swords held high, as the battle between the archers took place on the walls. Once opened the battle became a war. For ten days they fought at that gate and for ten days orcs and men alike fought and died. Many of those deaths came from exhaustion, but even more by the sword. On the tenth day the final orc was captured and killed, while very few men had survived.
Immediately the search for Yeinnor began. Once arriving at the dungeon’s they found him quickly and released him giving him water and food. They brought Yeinnor to Ezen to rest and recover from his battle.
Yeinnor quickly recovered within a few days and arose from his bed. He immediately headed west towards the coast. Upon his arrival the seven white wizards greeted him along with Gastoff, who would be the last of their kind in those lands. Yeinnor knew their kinds time of power was over and it was the age of the white wizards. Before he boarded Yeinnor said, “Finally I get to see my reward.” Then Yeinnor boarded the vessel to never see those lands again.
© Copyright 2006 The One X (theonex at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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