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Rated: 18+ · Other · Fantasy · #1191547
After watching interview with the vampire, wanted desperately to be bitten by Brad Pitt

It was summer again and Julie was even more bored than usual. Julie had a vivid imagination which kept her parents on their toes most of the time. Her greatest fantasy involved the undead or as we call them vampires. She was tired of her usual games to gain attention from the rest of her family and decided to just call it quits and let the summer go by. “I wonder if anyone would notice I was gone,” Julie thought. So busy with themselves they hardly notice me anymore.” “Just how much trouble can a seventeen year old get into in this quiet town anyway.” “Mystery that’s what I need. How I wish vampires were real,” she thought.

Sleep came over her as she thought about ways to drive her parents crazy and gain their attention. The room was quieter than usual, the air was still and had a lingering unusual smell. A strange scent for the summer air but Julie paid no attention and went off to a slumber sleep.

An hour into her sleep at least that’s what it felt like to her when she was awakened by the feeling of being watched. The room was still quiet and the same scent from earlier was even stronger now. Julie surveyed the room for a minute and saw nothing but closets and shelves. Still the uneven feeling lingered and the sense that she was not alone grew.

“To much late night tv,” a voice said.

Julie looked around even more certain that she was not alone.

“That is what you were thinking,” again the voice spoke.

“Who’s there, who are you, Julie asked.

“Who… is not the question, but where am I.” the voice said.

Julie shook her head trying to clear her mind and spin logic into it. “This is all in your mind Julie girl, just a dream, wake up Julie you need to wake up.” She said to herself.

“Nope” the voice interrupted. “You are not dreaming.”

“Think Julie you are all alone sleeping, this is a dream only a dream,” she tried convincing herself.
“I assure you sweet one you are anything but alone. You have not been alone for a while” the voice came again.

“A while?” Julie asked shaking all thoughts of sleep from her mind.

“Yes I have been observing you. You like taking risks and playing games. Nothing seems to rattle you. This is why I have taken an interest in you. I seldom see such youth without fear and great abandon to their safety,” the voice said softly.

A figure stepped slowly from the corner of the room. Julies thoughts froze as she carefully took note of every feature standing before her. Tall he was, dark long hair, broad shoulders with long hands and long legs. It was not so much his striking features that interested her but the piercing smooth grey eyes and red very red lips.

“umm,” was her first thought as she felt a sudden tingle between her legs.

A slant of his corner lip producing a long and sharp canine which caught Julies attention immediately.
“You are pleased with what you see,” the voice said.
“No,” Julie lied.
“Your heart beat and inner smile would prove you wrong,” the voice continued.

“Pleased by an intruder in my room, I don’t think so,” Julie commented.

“I never would have taken you for a lier Julie but the wetness between your legs says other wise,” the voice now smiling went on.

Shock followed by a soft blush swept over her. “You presume to much Mr…? questioned Julie.

“Oh I know so, I know exactly what you think and if I do so say you are not only intriguingly sweet but have the most vivid imagination. I shall enjoy exploring…., his voice stopped abruptly.

Julie was now to his front twisting a scarf which had layed on the closet. Her sudden movement had altered his grin. Now both sharp canines were clearly visible indicating to Julie that she should stop where she stood. Calmly she walked across and proceeded to walk along side and behind him.

“Never knew vampires to be afraid of anything other than sunlight,” she said very proud of herself.

“Afraid!” “Of you!” he said with a chuckle.

“You flinched at my sudden movement, are you denying that?” Julie questioned.

Had he been honest he would have admitted her sudden movement had caught him of guard.
But before he could answer the scarf was around his hand and now tying frantically at his wrists. Julie pulled on the scarf to ensure it was secure, thankful for a girl scout training in tying notes.

“Now sit,” Julie commanded.
“What nerve coming into my room uninvited, isn’t that against the rules or something, aren’t I suppose to invite you into my house?” she asked.

“You watch too much television.’” he said.

“Oh and aren’t you supposed to be pail white in ancient cloths not sporting the latest trends?”

“Like I said, “you watch too much television little girl.”

“So now I’m a little girl, not so little that I could out smart you” Julie said proudly.

“Have you out smarted me?” he said.

“You are tied up aren’t you?” she asked.

“Am I?” he said rising and lunging towards her. His hands were now free of the scarf she had so skillfully tied. They now held her pinned against the wall of her room.

“You have no idea who you are dealing with, let me enlighten you so you will never be mistaken again,” he said hungrily.

Julie saw his teeth now full length aiming towards her neck and knew what was coming. She squeezed her eyes and hoped that the pain would not be so bad and that it would be over soon. He leaned forward and pressed against her ready to drink but the warmth of her skin and plump breast pressed against in his chest was more than he could handle.

“You drive me crazy,” he said.

He instantly took her mouth into his and savagly kissed her.
Julies mouth opened to meet his tongue, the heat was not what she expected. He kissed her hard and deep and longingly. One hand made its way down her breast and proceeded to caress them. Her hands rose to his face which weren’t surprisingly cool, she clung to him as she felt his hands now caressing under her night gown.

Without releasing her he lifted her from the floor as he continuously massaged her. Julie felt the straining of him hard against her thigh.

“Oh…, she said.

“Shh…. I won’t hurt you,” he said.

“I know, Julie said surprising him.

“You know!” he exclaimed.

“If you wanted to hurt me you would have the moment you came to my room,” she answered.

“Um my sweet little know it all,” he said before closing his lip over hers once more.

He could no longer hold back. Releasing his hold on her hand he slid them underneath her dress and ripped off her panties. She shuddered under the quick movement of his hands. Slowly he kissed and traced the lining of her breast with his tongue. Each breath against her skin made her shiver, ever scratch of his teeth against her hard nipples made her want even more. He stepped back slid one finger down the line from her navel to her swollen bud.

“ummm…….. moist,” he grinned.

Julies eyes were tightly closed as she savored the pleasure his hands were giving her and the hungryness of his lips on her nipples. She tried to speak when she felt it, his cool tongue and hot breath wet at the lips of her opening licking and sucking feverishly. Her knees gave way as she fell to the floor. Never releasing his mouth from its spot he allowed his body to lower along with hers.

His tongue worked circles on her swollen bud while his fingers molded and knead her breasts. When Julie felt she could take no more he pushed her yearning even further over the edge. His- tongue was now inside, massaging her walls, sucking up the juices that flowed.

“Stop… she helpless murmured.

“Sure about that my sweet one?”… he said smiling at the way her body moved under his touch.

“Uh huh,” she whispered before he plunged his head deep between her thighs to her wet lips once again.

Slowly he raised his head replacing his tongue with his fingers.

“Oh,” she moaned.

“I know, feels good doesn’t it,” he said. “I can make you feel even better,” he looked at her with her eyes shut tight.

“It was mystery you wanted…..”

In one swift motion he slid half way into her pressing his weight up on her. Julie’s eyes flew open as he entered her.

“Shh…. he said gently stroking her hair.

Julie was about to speak when he slid the full length of his hardness all the way up into her. She wanted to speak, to scream, to stop his movements inside her but the words never came.

“Relax enjoy the pleasure, let go of your many thoughts, just enjoy me inside you,” he said.

She relaxed at his word and meet his thrusting. Their bodies clung together full of sweat, heat and uncontrollable passion.
Wave after wave flowed through until she lost all notion of where she was. He continued weakened state. It had been long since he had feed. The scent of her heated flesh swam through his head. His need to feed overcame his need for release, he could no longer hold on and let go of all inhabitions and bit hard into her neck.
Julie screamed from the instant orgasm which came from his biting her. Her orgasm went on forever. It came hard and shot through her loins. Her low scream and scent of fresh blood awakened his strength. His thrust was now long and hard and hungry. He ragged for release and shuddered violently inside her as he came hard and fast.

“JULLIIEEE,” he groaned furiously.
“That was …” he said still pump inside her.
“Julie,” he said in a low tone.

She was quiet not a sound not even a breath escaped her.

“Julie are you with me?” was caught in his throat.

He looked down at her motionless body and saw the blood from her neck. He remembered in his moment of passion he had bitten her. “She is dead,” he thought.

Slowly he saw the rise of her chest and the small curl of her lips.

“Julie?” he said. “You little …..he continued as he clung to her.

“Never knew vampires to be afraid of anything other than sunlight,” she said laughingly.
“Scared you didn’t I,” she laughed.

Bet I could do it again.”

“I want to do you again,” he said leaning in to kiss her tenderly.
“You’re going to be the death of me Julie,” he grinned hungrily at her.

“Strange words from an already dead man,” Julie thought.

“And that doesn’t scare you does it?” “Being with a dead man or as you call me a vampire?” he asked.

“Nope… she answered cheerfully.

“Ummmm… my sweet one,” he said licking his lips hungrily. “I knew I would enjoy you.

It’s going to be a long summer,” were his last words before kissing her deeply then proceeding to ravish her over again.

© Copyright 2006 snakeeyes (snakeeyes at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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