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Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Friendship · #1191505
Can friendship and unproclaimed love susrvive jeolousy?

You have to understand that he was all that could attract a young person. He had the most captivating hazel eyes. He was soft-spoken and well mannered. He worked out three times a week, which accounted for his beautiful body. A brown tan and chiseled chin accentuated his features. He gave his full attention when being spoken too. He listened intently like your words were the most important things he heard. 

He was my best friend, someone I grew up with, knew for a long long while. We were a part of each other, we played, wrestled, went to the movies together. I even remember us bathing together several times when we were younger. We had sleepovers every chance we got.  Needless to say, we were inseparable, were you saw one you were destined to see the other not far behind. We talked about any and everything. Our bond was unbreakable, when were together it seemed like nothing could go wrong. We talked about his experiences and my lack there of. Family, school, and friends nothing was of limits. After every date, he went on we made it a point of duty to share his encounter in vivid and sometimes funny details. From start to finish I would have a blow-by-blow description of the events which took place on his nights. I do not quiet know when things changed between us so quickly. What I do know is that I did not have a chance to adjust. Things became even worse when I reached seventeen.

I was well aware of how the male mind worked. My hormones were also peeking. I filled out more than the average teenager and was noticed by many of my peers of both sexes. He also began to notice their attention and voiced his disapproval countless times. He was a bit over protective and it was also at that time we began to spend less time together. When we talked it was always short and he spoke only of his family and school. He had no interest in my days and dates and made it clear he preferred not talking about his. The topic would change quickly whenever anything remotely pertaining to sex came up. He avoided eye contact and avoided situations where we would end up in any physical contact.

It was a regular Saturday night and as usual there was a loud and rowdy event taking place on the streets. He was never a street jam person so I had no doubt he would be home. So I decided to pay him a surprise visit. It was suppose to be a regular visit just old friends talking having fun as usual. Maybe laughing and playing around again like we used too. Our conversation started of with the usual pleasantries, then things started going down hill. It was like a chain reaction of events that could not be avoided and always ended with someone in tears.

‘So what you been up to,’ he asked, ‘or should I guess.’

‘Guess about what? You know my schedule maybe even better than I do.’
There is school, home, study, eat, and sleep. Not necessarily in that order though. I started laughing. ‘No big mystery there,’ I said more seriously.

He shrugged lightly, then turned towards his wall and begun fiddling with books and papers.

‘What about you?’ Don’t think I have not noticed all the new faces going in and out of your room lately,’ I said wiggling my finger in a parental sanctioning motion.

‘So you’ve been noticing me, he answered with a smart squirm on his face.
‘I have seen your new boyfriend, didn’t think you would have the time to do anything but him. The way you two are going on thought it would take a crow bar to pry you two apart.

‘Guess I’m not the only one doing the noticing,’ I instantly snapped back. ‘And what new boyfriend, I never had an old one so there can’t be a new one now can there?’

Asked the one question I had not been prepared to answer was the beginning of the first link in the chain reaction.

‘Have you two done it yet?’ he blurted out.

It was not the question as much as the abruptness of it and the sudden change in his features that threw me off.

‘Are you waiting for all the juicy details?’ I answered.

He chuckled smugly.

‘I guess not,’ he answered sure of himself.

‘Guess not?” ‘And who’s to say I have not done IT yet.’ I retorted.

‘If you had I would already now.’ ‘You would have given me every detail of the event by now.’

‘I would do no such thing,’ I said, knowing he was right.

He chuckled, a low annoying chuckle that upset me even further. I leaned in punching him as hard as was humanly possible. He grabbed hold of my hand so quickly that I was left dazzled for a moment when he flipped me over and instantly an old wrestling match began. By the time it was over the room looked like a tornado had passed through it. We were both breathing heavily and laughing hysterically like we used too.

‘The room looks like a night of wild sex just took place,’ he said still laughing.

‘Really!!!!…… I said.

‘You are such a virgin,’ he said still smiling. If you weren’t,’ he went on tightening his hold on my hands as he smiled and surveyed my expression. ‘I would now.’

‘Stop it…. I blurted out. I could feel the tightness in my stomach building as we locked eyes.  When he looked at me in that way it made the hairs on the back of neck stand upright.

‘If you are not a virgin, then me doing this should not make you uncomfortable now should it,’ he said bending down and gently brushing his lips across mine.
The heat of his lips and the sudden penetrating warmth sent waves through me. He must have sensed the tensing of my body; his lips were covering mines before I could respond. His kiss was gentle yet hard. His tongue darted forward circling my lower lip. My lips finally parted and the reward was absolutely splendid.

‘What’s a little sex between friends,’ he whispered into my mouth as he broke his kiss.

The reality of his words tore through the moment then finally registered. The anger whish followed was nothing I had ever experience before. Fueled by the fact that I had enjoyed the kiss even for a breath moment, and that I was so mistaken by my once best friend caused the flow of the next words to pour out heavier than I expected.

‘Sex… between friends…….,’ I spoke loudly. ‘That’s all you care about isn’t it, your next lay.
‘That’s all I would be,  ‘a little sex.’ I went on, pushing away his hand that still held on tightly.

‘It’s not,’ he answered. ‘Calm down.’

‘Calm down…….! ‘A little sex,’ that’s what you said right? ‘A little sex between friends.’

‘I’m sorry,’ he said. ‘That’s not how I meant it and you know that.

‘Sure I do,’ I shouted. ‘I had better leave before we both say things we don’t mean.’
I could feel the sting of tears forming and was not about to let him see me cry over his words.

‘Stop!!!…….. he blurted out, halting my exit. I could hear his footsteps as he walked towards the door I was facing. Quickly I whipped at the tears and quietly cleared my throat.

‘I am sorry,’ he said in a low voice.  The warmth of his breath stung the back of my neck. I could feel his lips brush across my skin.

‘Please don’t leave, not like this,’ he pleaded. His voice now slightly distorted.

‘Why would you say such a thing and to me?’ I asked. I was still facing the closed door and steadily contemplating leaving.

‘I’m a guy,’ he said chuckling.

‘A jerks more like it,’ I said turning to face him.

He planted his hands on the door at both sides of my shoulders. We know faced each other. Silent and unspoken words relaying between us

‘What happened to us, we used to be able to talk about every and anything. Now if we are not arguing we are talking about the weather,’ I continued, trying desperately not to laugh at the faces he was making while I spoke.
He then leaned forward and kissed me once again like before.

‘You are such a virgin,’ he whispered after breaking the kiss.

‘Damn it,’ I yield pushing him away and moving quicker now to leave through the door.

‘Ok, ok I’m sorry,’ he said laughing quietly under his breath.

‘You know what?’ I said.

‘What!’ he responded still quietly chuckling.

‘It’s because of small minded little boys like you, whose biggest thought is getting laid, that I’m going to remain a virgin.’

‘What?’ he said loudly. His brow was now arched with rising anger.

‘I came here looking for my best friend, instead I found you. When my best friend gets back tell him I dropped by.’ Quietly I turned and walked out the door pulling it a bit to rough causing a loud bang as it closed.

It was six weeks since we had seen or spoken to each other. I had been so angry and he fueled my anger even further that day with his constant chuckling. The boy I grew up with was gone; he was now a man and a typical one at that.

Saturday was my eighteenth birthday and it came quickly. The sun seemed hotter than usual but the shopping had to be done. I dreaded having to go out and possibly bounce into him. The thought of another confrontation especially on my birthday was agonizing. I used a different rout than the usual to ensure me not running to him. I had successful completed my shopping and was returning home when low and behold we ran smack dab into each other. We stood for a while not a word said to each other. The tension was thick and the heat made the day even more uncomfortable.

‘This is not your usual rout,’ he said. ‘I guess we had the same thought in mind

‘It’s not yours either,’ I answered.

Again the silence came.

‘So what you been up to,’ he asked his eyes never meeting mine.

‘Shopping………..’ I said coldly.
‘And you?”

‘Nothing interesting, these days are boring.’ ‘There is hardly anything special coming up. I can’t sleep,’ he said all in one breath.

‘I wonder why,’ I answered.

‘I’m looking forward to leaving here for the summer.

‘Leaving!!!!……. I said.

‘Yeah,’ he said. ‘I leaving in the summer for New York. My uncle says if I like it there I can stay and continue school from there. It’s a great opportunity I think.’

‘Congratulations,’ I said

‘We might not see each other again,’ he continued.

‘Could be.’ I said.

There was a long moment between the two of us. Everything seemed suddenly still and the freshness of the up coming summer filled the air. Flashes of how things used to be and how they now are flooded my head. The boy he was and the man that stood infront me. The happy times and the ruined moment by his idiotic comments.

‘I have to go these bags are getting heavy.’

I was angry at how he could be so cavalier after what he had done. I was not about to exchange pleasantries. The shock of his news stung and the fact that he was leaving and would have never told me if we hadn’t run into each other hurt even worse. He would up and leave and never let me now. The reality of how things were between us now was all to clear. Immediately the tears began as my pace quickened.
Summer came and went, and as he had said he was now gone and off to New York.

I breezed through the balance of high school very quickly. When the news that my overly protective non brother was no longer going to be at school with me the hormone ragging boys quickly started their plays for my attention. Some lines were actually funny and refreshing from the usual pick up ones. Never the less neither impressed me to the point of actually accepting their ill faded offers. I was successfully accepted into the local college, which I graduated from with honors. I declined several job offers until I was offered a job at a most prestigious organization.

The firms were opening a new branch and I was told my fresh new face, roar talent and contagious energy was what was need to get the new branch up and running. The task of sorting through the necessities of ensuring it’s grand day view and quick acceptance by the public was up to me. The thought of moving to new York caused an instant flash back on my once best friend and I could not help but wish we would see each other.

One year later on the eve of it’s first opening a shopping spree had been organized by the female employees for a Friday after working hours. I was delighted that the chosen area was not one I was familiar with. After several minutes of browsing an eerie feeling crept over me, a feeling that I was being watched. It was however quickly gone once I caught sight of the clothes, shoes and bags section, they were more than just beautiful, they were exquisite. I had picked up several items but replaced them after viewing the outrageous price tags. Even the jewelry was beautiful and expensive. Neither had quit caught my attention like the silk scarf in the display case. The orange and yellow colors complemented each other perfectly; the hemline was intricately designed with gold and silver. I was a kid in a candy store at the sight of the scarf up until the point where I saw the price tag. I blinked twice to be sure my eyes were not deceiving. $100.00 the tag read. I had the money I could afford it but besides it’s beauty it was not worth a hundred dollars, forty at best.

‘You have to be kidding me,’ I said.
‘I called the cashier over to find out whether there was a pricing error but she confirmed, the price tag was right.

‘They’re from France,’ she said. Apparently proud she knew they were from France.

‘The scarf is elegant, but I am not that desperate to spend $100.00 dollars on a scarf,’ I said.

‘It’s from the finest designer in France, he made it himself in France,’ she went on still apparently trying to convince me to purchase the over priced scarf.

“That may be so but it’s still a scarf.’ With that said I left the store but not without one last glance at the beautiful scarf and not without feeling a bit disappointed that I did not purchase it.

I was finally home; I had acquired a two-bedroom suit at the Octavos Inn. Very porch and very costly, perks of the job. A few more steps and I could soak away the day in a hot tube of bubbles and drowned myself in some peach Arbor Mist. The thought immediately quickened my pace.
I came to an abrupt halt at the sight of a green box rapped in silver ribbon at the entrance of my apartment door. A quick survey of my surroundings proved that I was alone and that thought was not all to reassuring. I quickly picked up the package and entered my room. I then even quicker locked and bolted the door. The package was very light for it’s big rapping and there were no rattling sounds. I searched for a note but none was attached. I placed it on the edge of the center table and watched it wearily. I contemplated whether to open it or not but that was only for a second my curiosity got the better of me.

My heart jumped at the sight of the yellow and orange scarf lying in the tissue lined green box. I grabbed at it then swung it over and across my neck. I danced around the room for a few seconds basking in the feel against my neck and shoulders. It was smooth and gentle to the touch, in the same instance it was yanked from neck and went flying across the floor. The movement of my own hands alarmed me. I had no idea who the scarf was from and it became very clear that whom ever it was knew where I lived.

I cringed at the thought and immediately felt I needed a bath. Who ever bought the scarf touched it. I knew my logic made no sense but my skin felt dirty, like the hands that touched the scarf was touching me. Quickly I jumped into the shower and scrubbed thoroughly.

The following days were tremendously worrisome. I could not sleep, hated the feelings this unknown person was creating in me. Every two days a different package would be waiting in front my door and just as before there was never a note attached. I began to notice that they were each an item I had picked up then replaced after seeing the price that day at the store. It then struck me; the eerie feeling of being watched I had was real. Someone was watching my movements that day at the store. I questioned every co-worker some I questioned twice they all denied sending the gifts. I went back to the same store to question the clerk but they were of no help. Some of the female workers even hinted on wishing they were the ones getting the expensive gifts. I wished at that moment that it were they instead of me also. I thought of calling the police.

What would I say to them I thought I could just see myself explaining to the police officer?
‘Someone keeps sending me very expensive gifts for no reason Mr. officer! A hundred dollar scarf, a one hundred sixty dollar bag, a two hundred eighty nine dollar pair of shoes, oh and don’t forget the four hundred dollar suit. No officer I did not return the gifts I kept them all.  It sounded just as true as a prostitute saying a john giving her money for no sex. The police would never believe me and may even right it off as a lover spat.

I became very conscious of where I went and where I walked. I parked close to the male employees parking spot so I would have a male figure around me too and from my car. I rechecked my door bolts several times after entering my apartment. I even resorted to wearing Chinese sticks in my hair so I would have a constant weapon handy. The gifts finally stopped coming.

It was the day of my twenty-fifth birthday. I was always weary that this person may start up again but I was more relaxed than I had been the three years before. I was now promoted to chief designer and the bonuses got better and better every year. The staff threw a surprise birthday party, which ended early that afternoon. There were prior engagements planned and I had already mapped out how I intended to spend my night. I was on my way to the entrance of my building when that eerie feeling of so long ago crept up again. I looked around for a few seconds then shook it off as being nerves. I entered the building, went up the elevator and in front of my door sat a package. My heart froze for moment, my legs refused to move as my heart started pounding heavier and heavier. From behind I could hear approaching foot steps, quickly I thumbled through my purse searching for my keys. They are sharp I said to myself they can do damage. I then turned to see my neighbor heading towards me. She must not have picked up on my freight for before I could speak she picked up the package and shoved it into my hands then hugged me. She smiled and said, ‘happy birthday neighbor.’

My heart dropped as I sighed a low sigh of relief. I was about to enter my suite when she stopped suddenly at the elevator and said, ‘nice package, who ever sent it has great taste.’ Then she stepped into the elevator and was gone.

I immediately released the package from my hold. It hit the floor lightly as I locked and bolted my door like I had done many years before. Again I looked at the package with deep concern. The worry that was gone for three years was now rushing back three folds. I passed the center table and headed to the bathroom. I showered longer than usual and took extra long strokes combing out my hair. When I was done I returned to the center table and sat watching the package on the floor. I was about to reach out for it when…

BANG BANG BANG……, there was knocking on my door. I instantly jumped at the sudden loud sound. Quietly I walked towards the door and peeked out the eyehole. I peeked again, wiped my eyes then peeked once more. My hands sort the doorknob and bolts hysterically.
In front of me stood an older more sophisticated version of an old friend. He looked at me then smiled, his teeth were pearly white and his hazel eyes were more defined by this small mustache and neatly treamed beard. He was even more handsome than I remember.
I hesitated for a moment, he then grabbed hold of my hand pulled me towards him and we were instantly locked in a tight and somewhat stiffeling but wonderful embrace. We held each other for all the years we had not held each other. When his embrace was subsiding I clung to him and he took note. His grip around me tightened even further. I held onto him longer than I had intended and felt the pace of his heartbeat intensify.

‘How I have missed you,’ he said as his palms worked circles against my back.

I cleared my throat and released my hold on him. The room felt cold and empty for a moment.

‘You don’t look any worse for wear,’ for said.

‘Are we still back there,’ he said?

‘Did we ever stop being there,’ I answered, ‘You left without a letter or even saying good bye despite how things were back then I would have never left you without at least saying good bye.’

‘If memory serves me right, you were the one who pushed me away….let me see what was it you said, and I quote… ‘A small minded boy like me.’

‘I had every right to say what I said, you………

‘Enough of this,’ he said cutting off my trail of thought.
‘This is not why I came here.’

‘Why did you come here,’ I said and how did you know where I live.’

‘God you are stubborn.’ He spoke waving his hands in the air.
‘I came here for you.’


I jumped and grabbed hold of his hands, snuggling my body close to his.

‘What’s going on, it’s just the door, why are you so jumpy,’ he said.

‘I’m sorry; I’m just being silly. The knock caught me off guard that all.’

‘Why are you on guard,’ he asked, ‘is something wrong.

‘Nothings wrong,’ I lied.

‘I’ll get the door, he said.

He reached for the doorknob then opened the door.

‘Someone left a package at your door.’

I watched in horror as he stepped towards me holding out the package. With every step forward he took I took a step back shaking my head.

‘No………. not again,’ I said.
‘Who’s doing this, why would some do this. I thought he had stopped or gotten tired but he is back…. I went on rambling.

I felt a hand grab hold of my shoulder, I could see his lips mouthing something but the tears, which were pouring out stung, and I began to tremble.

‘Why would someone do this,’ I asked.
‘I didn’t ask for any gifts and I don’t want them,’ I said. I was now pacing the floor and continuous rambling on. ‘I am calling the police.’
I reached for the phone when his hands took hold of the receiver.

‘Wait………’ he said holding my hands. ‘I have to talk to you.’

He took hold of both my hands and sat me down on a side chair.

‘I am so sorry,’ he started.
‘Sorry?….. why?’

‘The gifts….. I sent them.

‘You….. sent the gifts.’

‘Yes….. I had no idea you reacted to them that way.

I sat quietly as he explained how he had seen me in the store that day. He believed that I had seen him also and was still so angry that I pretended not to have noticed him. So he had the gifts sent to me as a piece offering. He went on to explain that he had been transferred three years ago to another site. That he had search for a link store like the one he was in but had no luck. He was finally transferred back here and immediately sort out the store to purchase the last items. When he was done he took in a deep breath.

‘I am so sorry for scaring you,’ he said again.

My mind flashed back on the past four years and everything made sense once I put his explanation together with what had happened. Then my mind went to that year when I was so afraid to leave the office alone. Know the anger in me started build up.
I looked over to him sitting on the opposite side of the chair staring at me. I felt my hand form a fist and before I could stop myself I willed the clenched fist at his nose. I stood and began yelling and swearing profusely at him.

‘Your sorry……..’You’re sorry…..
‘Is that it.’
‘Do you know what you put me trough.’
‘I was scared for a whole year, and then the following two I was paranoid. When I finally regained control, in pops another package, you little shit.’

I went on for a full three minutes giving details of exactly what he had put me through. It wasn’t until I had gotten every swear word out that I realized he was sitting on the floor pinching his bloody nose with his head tilt back and laughing hysterically.

‘That’s quit a fist you have on you,’ he said.

‘Serves you right,’ ‘Don’t expect an apology either,’ I said.
I retrieved a few pieces of ice from the fridge rapped them in a kitchen towel and placed it on his nose. It had stop bleeding by then and was now just red and a bit swollen.

‘I took a self-defense course incase I ever needed it,’ I told him.
‘You could have just attached a card so I would know it was you.’

He took hold of the hand that held the ice towel, lowered it then spoke softly.

‘Do you forgive me?’……..
‘I have to or you may sue for assault,’ I said pinching his nose to check for signs of breakage. I smiled inside as he squirmed.

He took hold of my hands once more and spoke softly again.

“I am speaking off when we were younger,’

‘That you are not forgiven for yet.’

‘You still do not get it do you,’ he said turning towards the door.

‘Get what?’ I asked.
‘You drove me crazy then,’ he said.
‘You grew from my skinny side kick to a gorgeous girl, suddenly every guy at school was interested in you.’ It drove me crazy that you were starting to take interest in them too.’ ‘I realized you would be getting a serious boyfriend soon and my best friend would be gone.’
‘I preferred to leave and go anywhere but to stay there and watch another guy with you knowing what he was doing with you, when I wanted to be that guy so much.’

He spoke so calmly and perfectly that what he was saying almost didn’t register. I started to laugh.

‘Great…. Here I am letting you know how I felt, how I still feel and you’re laughing,’ he said.

“No…., you’re the one who didn’t get it,’ I said.

I took hold of his hands and kissed his still sensitive nose.

‘I have never been interested in any other guy but you.’
‘That’s why it hurt so much when you treated the other girls like they were your world and treated me like I was still some little kid.’
‘I hated you for not loving me the way I love you,’ I said.

‘Loved me…. ,right!…..he said looking at me with his piercing gray eyes.

‘Love you,’ I said.
‘I have always loved you and I still love you,’ I said taking his face into mine, meeting his lips I kissed them.
The kiss was deeper than I had first expected. A bit of warm air escaped his lips as it parted from mine.

‘Hum……., he said. Before proceeding to kiss me further.

‘I love you so very….’ ‘I have missed you so very much.’
‘I want you,’ he said. ‘I have wanted you since that day in my room.’
He spoke as he continued kissing my neck, shoulders, then on to each eye. I slid my finger under his shirt and ran a finger down the center of his back. The movement caused an instant intake of his breath and he released a low growl of pleasure. I slide the other hand down his pants as I unzipped them. His shaft was full of life and sprang out ready. He moaned as he drew me even closer to him. His veins of pleasure were clear as he lifted me quickly from the floor.

‘Bedroom…. , he said.

I pointed to south of the suite. Within seconds he was there placing me on the bed. Slowly he unwrapped my robe like a kid unwrapping a gift. He casually bent over me surveying every inch of my figure.

‘You are even more beautiful than I remember,’ he said before kissing me again.
‘Make love to me now,’ I moaned into his hot waiting mouth.
‘With pleasure,’ he said

He kissed every inch of my body before removing his clothing. He was a full-grown and experienced man now.
He took each breast into his mouth, the combination of coolness and warmth sent chills through my body.

‘Oh…….. Clara,’ he said.

‘Clara?’ I said.

‘Clara is Italian for my darling or my love,’ he said.

‘I like the sound of that,’ I said.

Slowly he moved down my body taking time to kiss every ridge. He moved lower still as I tried in vane to stopped what he was about to do. When he reached the entrance of my woman hood he paused. . The coolness against my moist flesh was delicious. He licked and sucked for what seemed lick hours sending my body into convulsion after convulsion.

‘You are so sweet,’ he said rising from between my legs.
From his position between my thighs I could feel his pulsing.

‘I would never hurt you,’ he said as he slide inside filling me. His body was hot and hard and his width was bigger than anticipated.
I tensed as he slides himself further in. He then stopped and looked down at me with surprised eyes.

‘What… I said. ‘Didn’t expect me to be a virgin?’

‘Well……… no……… he said.

‘It’s ok,’ I said ‘I’m ready.’

‘Are you sure,’ he asked.

‘Yes I am very sure, I do not want this any other way.’

‘I love you so much,’ he said. Before completely filling me

I bit down hard on his shoulders as the sudden sharp pain soared through me. Once subsided I slowly began rotating my hips. Our bodies moved in unisom as he plunged deep into pleasure. My release came first bringing on his own which was stronger and more powerful. Our breaths were hot against each other as we kissed feverishly and came down from our sexual high.

We spent the next few days in bed only getting up to eat and shower after which we resumed our lovemaking. We made up for all the times spent arguing. All the misunderstanding and past years without each other seemed to fade away.
We finally had to leave my suite and return to work. Our buildings being only twenty blocks from each other made it possible for us to ravish each other every chance we got.

Three months had passed and our love and hunger for each other grew intensely. The day finally came when he had to leave for Germany on a business trip. He agonized over leaving but it could not be helped. It had been two hours since he had left when I felt my stomach stir. I raced to the bathroom and brought up what seemed like every thing I had eaten for the past two days. Thoughts of what I had eaten went through my mind. Then finally the possibility of being pregnant settled in. I opened the first aid shelf and removed a pregnancy kit. For the next few minutes I sat nervously watching the television and switching the channels. I remembered we talked about kids when we were younger and how he had said he wanted a basketball team of kids. I smiled at how happy he would be to be a bad.
The alarm tinged signaling it was time to check the results. The phone rang I grabbed the cordless and headed to bathroom.

‘My flights been changed, I’m on flight 182.’ ‘You miss me yet,’ he asked all in the same breath.

‘Miss you tremendously already,’ I answered. My heart increased it’s pace ten folds at the sound of his voice.

‘I’ll be back tomorrow, keep the home fires burning,’ he said all the while chuckling at the other end of the line. It was that same chuckle that had irritated me immensely, now all I felt was tremendous love and being loved by the man at the other end of that chuckle.

Picking up the stick, which now showed and confirmed with its two very present and positive lines that I was indeed pregnant, I left the bathroom and sat in front the television once again.

‘Want me to bring you back anything,’ he said.

‘Just yourself,’ I said.

‘I love you,’ he said before another surge of nausea hit. Quickly I ran towards the bathroom dropping the phone on my way in. A sudden chill ran over me upon leaving the bathroom. I picked up the receiver, which I had dropped on my way to bathroom, the line was dead. I hung it up and positioned myself happily on the chair. It was silly but I was certain I could the baby move at that moment. The news was giving a special report.


© Copyright 2006 snakeeyes (snakeeyes at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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