Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1191449-Ah-the-Sweet-Memories
Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Adult · #1191449
This has some mature content, Karma can bite.
Ah, the Sweet Memories

         When she met him she thought that he was just what she needed, a night to let loose without regret.  She remembered being as coiled as a spring when she met him, bursting with a newfound energy that she had found deep in his sharp bright green eyes.  Working at “Drinks on me” had taught her a lot about people, for instance what people were like by what they drank.  He threw her for a tail spin when the first thing that he ordered was tequila also known as “Tokillya.”  So clearly he liked to live on the edge, live life dangerously.  That was easily known but then he switched later to a Black and Tan which is a classier beer.  So perhaps he had a little class to him as well.  His confidence reminded her of a lion, he clearly knew he was king of the jungle and he didn’t even have to try for it, it seemed to come naturally.  His styled, thick, dirty blonde mane may of have had something to do with it.  Along with his strong white fangs that he clearly took care of to show off his smirk.  When she first spotted him through the flaming shots, his eyes locked on her sparking in interest.  They were so bright and piercing that she felt them search her soul.  Who was this man, she had never seen him before and she knew everyone who walked into the bar.  When he moved it was as if he had muscles where he wasn’t supposed to, demanding the attention of everyone in the room.  His voice was a smooth chocolate rich, deep, and full of flavor.  She later learned that his name was Sebe Sparks.  Sebe had just moved into town and was working to become a sharpshooter in the FBI.  The first time that he touched her it was the barest of touch a slow graze of the tips of his fingers over her knuckles brought a slight sigh from her lips and ignited a passion within her.  That was how it all started, where it all began.  The sun tickled her senses as she awoke in the morning with no recollection of where she was.  The sun was what had awoke her, blinding her vision for a moment before she moved her head into the shadows.  As her eyes opened they fell upon a mirror that hung right across from her vision.  Shocked at what she saw she jumped slightly.  A muscular arm draped over her waist lightly holding onto her.  She followed that arm up to a body that was lying on its side watching her lovingly.  It was Sebe the lion, how did that happen?  Last she remembered they were sharing a drink laughing about bad work stories well at least she felt better.  She rolled around to meet his eyes “Morning Angel,” came that deep voice still gruff from sleep.  She yawned “Good Morning Sebe.”  She really didn’t like the nickname because it clearly didn’t fit with what she had done.  It was very awkward because she was only getting pieces of what they had done.  She felt like getting up and leaving she really wanted too but that wouldn’t be right.  So instead…
“Could you direct me to the bathroom?”  She asked him politely. 
Sebe smiled “Sure follow the hall the third door.”  He pointed her in the general direction and she headed there padding softly on the carpet thankful that she was dressed and didn’t have to steal the sheet straight from the bed.  The place was nice wherever it was Sebe defiantly had taste for expensive things.  There was a slight fresh scent that she really couldn’t place.  As she entered the bathroom to find the mirror lined in gold the toilet, bath, and sink all made from a dark blue marble.  She found herself looking out the window to see nothing but the blue sky.  Wow they really must be high up in a beautiful skyscraper she loved heights, but as she neared the window she and looked down, she didn’t see streets crowded with cars.  She didn’t hear the obnoxious beeping of frustrated drivers.  She didn’t see bright streetlights directing chaos or dirty pidgins fluttering on the filthy streets.  Instead she saw waves and if she listened quietly she could hear them licking at the boat. BOAT there was no land in sight and her pulse began to race.  This was getting a little freaky.  If she was in a dock there would be no problems, but she still had to go to school and had no idea where the hell she was.  She recollected herself before returning to Sebe “So you live on a boat?  Well it is a beauty.”  She amazingly said.
“Oh why thank you Felicity it cost me a fortune, but last night was worth it.”  He bragged with a smirk that showed those pearly whites once again.  Felicity let out a nervous laugh “Wh-Why aren’t we docked?”  She asked curious.
“I figured that we could use the romantic getaway.”  He said softly as if it really meant something to him, almost as if they were married to each other and today was there anniversary.  For a moment she had nothing to say, what could she say at the time “Thanks for the great night but I really should get back to my life?”  She was about to speak when he cut her off.  “I would prefer it if we cuddled, I like to cuddle afterwards.”  He practically begged her.  With that sad puppy look how could she refuse?  So she climbed in next to him, but instead of him putting his arm around her like she thought he would his fingers traced over her white scar on her hip.  “How’d you get that?”  He asked her staring at the scar as if he was memorized by it.  Felicity sighed “It’s a long st-.”
“Oh trust me we have the time.”  He cut her off again.  “Alright it was three years ago, I was working the usual late night shift.  It was one of the hottest nights in the bar that I could remember.  I think it was the heat that was getting to everyone’s heads along with the alcohol….”  She slipped back into the painful memory as if it were happening before her eyes.  She hadn’t been working long and was still trying to figure out all the combinations for the drinks.  It was a busy mess that night she was being yelled at from every which way like a mother.  “Hey Bartender A bloody Mary!” a drunk bimbo squeaked, her boyfriend was obviously getting pissed with Felicity because his face kept growing redder by the moment, and if that vein popped out any farther she swore his head would explode.  It just made her even more nervous and didn’t help her clear her head.  She felt like she was babysitting 30 kids who were demanding there needs right at the moment.  She already had someone pulling on her and had to get the security guard, who was on his break, involved.  As if things couldn’t get any worse with the tensions rising a fight was just about to break out.  She swore she could smell it because the moment she turned her head and saw fists clenching she leapt clearing the bar and landing in-between both men.  “Hey boys, how about we settle this outside without any violence, I’ll even give you a free round.”  She bribed anything to lower the tension that had been building.  She wasn’t fast enough as a blade was pulled and bit into the flesh of her hip, laying her open to the shining bone.  That was it she could feel something snap inside her as she turned on the guy who had pulled the knife, without a thought she drove her fist into his face.  The pain drove her to fight harder then before.  She didn’t even feel her own blood as it flowed freely from the wound soaking her jeans.  All she cared about was driving her fist faster and harder into her enemies drunken face, over, and over again.  Even when she felt the satisfying snap of his cheekbones she didn’t slow that wasn’t enough, nor when his face became a bloody mess and her fist slippery in his blood.  The last she remembered was his deformed face and what she had done to it, and the sick wet sound of her fist beating his flesh before she blacked out and woke up in the hospital.  “I regret every bit of it, I-I don’t even remember thinking about what I was doing.”  She finished telling him.  She had noticed that his grip on her waist had increased to the point that it was bruising her.  “Easy killer that hurts!”  She added playfully although it was truthful.  Sebe had turned so that he was sitting up.  “You think that hurts Felicity, that’s nothing,”  he had turned so that she could see his eyes grow dark and cold in a heartbeat.  His grip increased and she tried to move from him but his eyes froze her in her place.  “Do you know what really hurts, having your face beaten in, and having to have 20 reconstructive surgeries to even get the hint of an appearance that isn’t grotesque?”  He moved in closer so that he was more then intimidating. “I wish that I could have cut you deeper, I wish I had cut your pretty little throat when I had the chance.”  He growled his eyes burning into hers.  Felicity stayed where she was, silent her eyes filled with terror, all she could do was listen at the moment.  It was all hitting her all at once.  When she could comprehend it all she tried to move but couldn’t her limbs wouldn’t move.  “Oh, don’t you worry Felicity why don’t you try to scream, no one will hear you, and within a few minuets you wont be able to make a peep.  I bet you right now you are trying to move and can’t, I’ve injected you with a poison that slowly takes away the movement from your muscles, and eventually stops your heart.”  He paused “Oh did I forget to mention on 30 seconds you will start suffocating.”  That brought a smile to his lips and lightened his mood.  He even laughed, the same spark that she saw that night once again lit up in his eyes, but this time he was killing her slowly.  Her eyes widened as the tears began to flow adn she began to cough and wheeze an awful raspy noise.  She could feel her lungs giving into the burning that was beginning to start.  She tried to take a breath but failed.  Slowly the oxygen to her brain was being cut off killing her brain.  She couldn’t even scream the only thing she felt was the steady thump of her heartbeat.  Where Sebe had laid his head listening to it slow thump…thump….thump and then silence.  With a bounce in his step he lifted her lifeless form into his arms laying a soft kiss on her freshly dead lips before feeding her to the ocean.  Whistling a jaunty tune as he lifted his anchor and watched her body fall into the depths, a moment later a cell phone rang.  With a bounce in his step Sebe walked over to answer.  “Hello you’ve reached Sebe.”  He said into his phone.
“Hi, Daddy are you ready to pick me up from dance recital.”  Said the cute voice of his seven year old daughter Janie.
Sebe smiled a smile only a father can have proving his love for his daughter “Sure baby, I’ll be there in a half an hour.”
         “I love you Daddy!”  She yelled into the phone
“I love you too Janie.”  He said softly.   
© Copyright 2006 Felicity (born2fly at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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