Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1189465-Casey-And-Julie
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · LGBTQ+ · #1189465
To girls fall in love, and face unpredictable probelms
Casey and Julie

Julie had the softest red hair; it cut off right at her shoulders and flipped in. Other than that one curve it was relatively straight. Her powerful green eyes and soft features made her beautiful. Not to mention her gorgeous figure as she stood there in the park. Early Saturday morning watching her little four year old sister play on the swings and slides.

I, Casey Walters, found myself in love with this redheaded beauty. I had long brown hair currently in a ponytail. I had freckles, a crooked nose and plain brown eyes. And I wasn't nearly as developed as the other girls my age. Regardless, ever since I had moved to my new town I had went jogging every Saturday morning.

So maybe the first time was to see what the new neighbourhood was like, you know find my way around, but now it became the utmost important thing to catch a glimpse of Julie. As I jogged lightly down the path, I couldn’t help but speed up at the thought of her. My heart did flips, and then it hit me like a brick wall. The sudden inability to fill my lungs no matter how many breaths I took, it was never enough. My breathing was hoarse and the wheezing was loud. I doubled over, searching through my purse as quick as I could. I snatched up my puffer and inhaled, once, twice, I had to do it three times before I was able to breath somewhat easily again. Stumbling and still not feeling quite myself I carefully made my way to the park bench and just about collapsed. I watched Julie from the corner of my eye listening to her gentle words of warning not to get in the other kids way as she watched her sister with worry. I closed my eyes and tried to even out my breath. And tried not to think of the beautiful redhead as my heart raced.

"Excuse me, but are you alright?"

I opened my eyes and recognized the voice before I even saw her gorgeous green eyes looking directly at my own. "I...I just overdid it a little that's all." I said, not even believing that this was actually happening, it seemed so much like a dream.
"My name's Julie Carter, the truth is I've wanted to introduce myself for a while now but I've never had the nerve. There was something about the way you looked today that made me know this was my chance. I had to make sure you were alright." She blushed of slight embarrassment but then smiled warmly.

Julie, that was such a perfect name for her. And that smile! I can't believe she was afraid to speak to me. All this thinking made me forget my place for a moment, and Julie began to become nervous at my awkward silence, so I quickly spoke up, “My names Casey, Casey Walters. Thanks. For being concerned and all." Shit, I thought, I sounded like a complete idiot, I cringed at my words and wished I could take them back I hated being awkward. I saw her respect for me slowly washing away.

"That's what I'm here for, concerning." Julie seemed to make the same face I just had, as if she was embarrassed by her perfect words. "How are you getting home, I mean I could give you a lift. If that, I mean if you want me too."

"Yeah, that sounds like a good idea I don't think I could jog home. And it would be a lot more fun too." I said and sat up straight.

"Good, wait here then." Julie said and she took of in a flash to get her sister. I had no idea when they normally left the park but Julie didn't seem upset if they were leaving early.

I smoothed out my hair and was almost surprised when Julie returned on her bike, her younger sister waited by the sidewalk on her tricycle.

"Hop on." She said and gestured to the back wheel, which had a place on either side for my feel. I carefully stepped up and put my hands on her shoulders, a shock of electricity and desire raced through me at the touch of her bare shoulders. (Did I mention she was wearing a blue tube top?) I wondered if she had felt it too but we left without another word.

We rode on the road, and I told her the street I lived on along with my house number. Her little sister rode on the sidewalk just ahead of us. We stopped at my house and I jumped off. Her sister sat, waiting, honking her horn over and over impatiently. "Thankyou." I said smiling and blushing slightly.

"My pleasure really." She took my hand in both of hers and handed me some kind of card. "Hope I see you there." She said and winked.

I watched her as she rode off and then looked at the card in my hand. It was an invitation to her 18th birthday, a pool party. My heart sank, I was two years younger than her, there was no way she was interested. And I had no idea if she even liked women...


The next weekend I couldn't have been more nervous, my hands began to shake as I neared the door. In one hand I held a bag with a change of clothes and a towel, in the other, and small envelope, inside a birthday card and a thirty-dollar gift certificate for the mall, made out in her name. I wore a green two-piece bathing suite, the green top covered more than most girls wear and swim shorts, I never liked bikini bottoms. I wore a pair of jean Capri’s over top, not feeling very comfortable walking through town in a swim suite. I was nervous as hell, who would be here? I didn’t know anyone at school, would I be the youngest girl here? Worst-case scenarios raced through my mind as I walked up to the doorway. As I reached for the doorbell I prayed that it wouldn’t be Julie who answered it. I rang it and stood there waiting, is disbelief over how nervous I was, why was this such a big deal?

The door opened and I almost jumped back in shock, a woman, in about her late thirties answered the door. She was wearing the highest heels I had ever seen, and what I would say was a little to lusty of an outfit for a mother. “You must be one of Julie’s little friends, they're all out back, the gates open just walk right in.” She said kindly and the closed the door.

I turned around and peaked through the gate, I couldn’t see anything through it so I just walked back there. The pool was enormous, there didn’t seem to be a lot of people here. There were two boys playing with a volleyball in the pool and three girls, one of them Julie, lying in the sun. I couldn’t help but stare at her at first; she looked so amazing in that tiny blue bikini. And her perfectly tanned skin seemed to glisten in the sunlight, or maybe that was just my vision fogging. I snapped myself out of it and walked over to her.

“Hi, Julie.” I said and handed her the card I had bought. She took it and I placed my bag by the fence and I slipped out of my Capri’s having every intention of hiding in the water. But before I could it seemed that Julie had something to say to everyone.

“Okay then,” Said Julie standing up, “Now that everyone’s here I say we play a fun game of Marco Polo in the pool, sound good?” She said and glanced around at everyone.

I nodded and made my way over to the pool and dove in, careful not to hit either of the boys. The other two girls seemed afraid to enter the water, and Julie slipped in by the stairs. Eventually they came in as well, shivering as they entered, and complaining.

“Before we play I say we introduce ourselves, my names Brian.” Brian said, he was closer to the wall then the other boy, and as I now noticed, they looked identical, perhaps they were twins. He looked at his brother who was looking at me and grinning, “That’s Jason, were twins.” He said proudly. Jason nodded; apparently he was the quiet one.

“I’m Christie and this is Amy.” One of the girls said, their obvious attempt at a tan had clearly gone wrong, as their skin appeared almost an orange tint instead of brown. She was wearing a black bikini, she had jet-black hair and she smiled cheerfully as she gestured towards the other girl while she introduced her. Amy smiled weakly, she was wear a flowery pink two piece and her hair was blond with red highlights, and as she looked to me she had the look of someone being forced to acknowledge someone they seemed beneath them. She was obviously not interested in meeting me.

“My names Casey, I guess I’m new in town so it’s nice to meet you all.” I said though I was talking more towards Julie than anyone else.

“Well than, now that we have gotten that out of the way, I’m sure you all know that I’m the Birthday girl so I’m being it first. You have to stay in the pool, but otherwise go wherever you want.” Julie then closed her eyes and turned away from everyone, facing the wall of the pool. And began counting to ten, after all there wasn’t many hiding places.

I stayed in the deep end, holding myself up with the ladder. It would be easy enough to swim away if she neared me. The game went on for a while, passing between people. Jason was it for a whole twenty minutes before Brian finally took over for him. It wasn’t until it was my turn that it got interesting.

I swam around, an was one of the only people who actually kept my eyes closed. “Marco!” I shouted. I got four Polo's in response, but was only listening for one voice, Julie’s. I heard her sweet voice and dove towards it. Little did I know she had no intention of moving. I came right up to her, my body pressing tight against her and she was squished into the wall. I opened my eyes, shocked from her body being so close to my own. One of her legs twisted around me, holding me against her but hiding the fact that she was from anyone else.

“You got me.” She said, whispering into my ear. I felt desire creep up through my body, as our noses touched all I wanted to do was reach out and kiss her. But before I got the chance she dove under water, and I swear she kissed my stomach as she slid down. When she came up she announced it was time for cake and ice cream. Presents too.

Everyone ate, and when the gifts were handed out I was surprised at how personal they were. Amy gave her a book that apparently Julie had been just dieing to read, it was signed by the author and the book mark had a picture of her, Amy and Christie, she loved it. Christie’s gift was a day at the spa, along with a gift certificate and a poem that Julie didn’t want to share with anyone else. It became obvious that the three were best friends.

Brian and Jason gave her one gift, two tickets to go see A Midsummer Nights Dream that was paying at the local theatre. Apparently, they both expected to be the one she chose to go with her. She opened mine last, and seemed more pleased with it than any other one, though I couldn’t see why.

The rest of the night we spent talking and playing trivia games, and Julie and I kept exchanging glances at each other, she seemed to be thinking the same thing I was. We need some time alone. Eventually everyone's rides had shown up and they left, then I tried to leave but Julie stopped me.

“My parents said I could have one friend sleepover, provided it was a girl.” Julie said with a devious smile, whatever her parents had wanted to prevent it wasn’t going to help.

“You want me to stay? But aren't they your best friends?” I said in disbelief, my mind wandered to what happened in the pool, even now in my dry clothes I could still feel her body against mine. She ran a hand through my hair and I pressed my cheek against it, enjoying her touch.

“Of course I do.” Julie said coyly and lead me back outside, the pool was lit up with lights all around it. “And my parents aren’t home this weekend. She moved her hand up and under my shirt. I knew she was going to take it off, but whatever thought I had of resistance vanished from my mind, her touch was too intense.

I felt like I would pass out from desire and lust as she pulled my shirt off. I stood, in the dark, as she knelt and unbuttoned my shorts, sliding them off. In only my bra and panties I took her into an embrace and kissed her. She pulled me closer and made the kiss deeper, pushing her tongue into my mouth. My hands slid down and began to pull off her shorts and then we broke the kiss for a single second, though it seemed an eternity, to pull off her shirt.

I pulled away; some part of me said this was wrong, that it was too soon. “Don’t be afraid.” She said, and her voice relaxed me. She lightly took my hand and led me into the water and it was so warm. All my thoughts of ending it there disappeared. All restraint was gone she was my one weakness then, and always would be.

She drifted out till the water was above her waist, I couldn’t stand to be far apart from her. I quickly glided to her and she slipped her arms around my waist. We looked at each other for a moment and then I kissed her, this time both of moved are tongues and when we met it seemed so blissful. I undid her bra with one hand that seemed to impress her, she took of mine and the she slipped underwater. She slid of my underwear and kissed my thighs. She had taken off her own underwear as well, and I pressed myself up against her. We kissed again longer, and deeper, and it was there we both had our first taste of what it was like to make love.

The sun was peaking through the open window by the time I woke up. We lay naked in bed, Julie’s head resting on my chest. We had walked back into her room after our late night swim. A ran my hand through her soft red hair that was sprawled out on my chest. She moved slightly and I felt bad for waking her up, “Morning Sunshine.” I said as she opened her bright green eyes and gazed up at me.

Julie smiled and ran her hand lightly over my breasts. “That was the most restful sleep I’ve ever had, you can stay over any night.” She said and crawled up closer kissing me lightly on the lips.

I put my hands on her butt grabbing her and pushing her up closer to me, “No one will ever suspect a thing.” I said and giggled.

Julie jumped up, she sat up on the bed, worried, “Oh, Casey, my parents must be home. We better get dressed quickly!” She pulled herself up and threw a pair of jammies at me, as she dressed herself. She turned to me in explanation, “My parents, especially my mom, well lets just say there not the most open minded people.” She said and crawled back into bed beside me.

“I thought my mom was going to kill me when I told her about my first girlfriend…” My voice grew sad and I looked away. I had never gone very far with her and I think Julie knew that, but still, it was obvious that I was her first love.

“What happened?” She asked softly, she didn’t want to upset me, but I could tell she was curious as to why it ended.

I took in a deep breath, I was almost to afraid to say, “She didn’t really love me, she thought she could get back at her parents, tell them that she was gay just to upset them. When I figured it out she told me she had been disgusted by me, and said it was torture every time she kissed me…” My voice cracked near the end, and even though it seemed like a lifetime ago I still felt the tears on my cheek.

Julie took my hand in both of hers, “I think that’s horrible. And I promise you that I could never hurt you, and kissing you is bliss.” She said kindly and gently stroked my cheek. “Let’s forget about this and go and get some breakfast.” She got out of bed and walked to her doorway, she turned and smiled at me.

I took a deep breath and got up out of bed as well as I walked over to her, she looped her arm through mine and we walked down to the kitchen together. As we neared, the sweet smell of pancakes filled the air. Julie’s father stood by the oven and grinned when he saw us.

“Good morning girls, I made pancakes, sausages and eggs, hope you girls are hungry.” He said laughing and he piled three pancakes on each of our plates along with some sausages and eggs.

Julie sat down at her spot and took a deep breath, then she winked at me, “All that swimming made me famished, what about you Casey?” She said and poured us both a glass of orange juice.

I laughed and grinned at her, “I know exactly what you mean,” Though I knew I had the feeling her father didn’t, and with a little luck he would never know. I dug into my food straight away. Both Julie and I were quiet at the table as her father watched us eat breakfast.

Eventually he left, satisfied that we were actually going to eat and not throw it away and aware that he was making us both feel a little awkward with him watching over us. I relaxed slightly as he left, letting out a soft sigh, “For some reason I felt like he knew something.”

Julie shook her head, “Don’t be ridiculous, there was no way he could no, and if he did he probably wouldn’t have made us breakfast.” She said then laughed. “Besides, I should be the one worrying not you! Wanna go for a swim?” She asked and cleared out plates.

I nodded, that seemed like an excellent idea.


I sat on my front porch, watching the neighbourhood kids playing; they seemed to have a huge game of tag going on. I had been asked to play but I was in kind of a sad mood so I turned them down. For the past three weeks, Julie and I had been practically inseparable. And now it was our first weekend apart. Julie was on a camping trip with her family, and as much as she had begged I wasn’t allowed to go. Her mother said that we were spending too much time together and need to be apart. Either way, even though I knew she would be home soon enough, I was still lonely.

Desperate, I had invited my best friend, who lived too far away to visit often, over for the weekend. It took some time to convince his parents, as mine already knew my sexual preferences and, that nothing would happen if he slept over. Though we promised to sleep in separate rooms, it took my parents promise that we’d never be alone together to let him come.

I checked my watch for the hundredth time, it was two o’clock and he should be here any minute. A sat anxiously waiting, and then I heard it, coming down our quiet street the rumble of a big truck. The kids playing on the street moved quickly out of the way, afraid more of the noise than the truck itself, as it was moving quite carefully and slowly.

I carefully stood up and watched as the truck pulled into my driveway, as soon as the driver, Jeff jumped out I rushed over and hugged him tightly. His arms around me were gentle yet protecting, and it felt like coming home. His brown hair was a little longer than the last time I had seen him, but his deep brown eyes were still the same. And though he towered over me like a giant, he was as gentle as could be.

“Hey Case,” he said, his voice kind and cheerful. He pulled out of my arms to give me a good look, “Well, you look quite the same, but I do say a lot happier.” He said and brushed a hair of my cheek.

I took his hand in mine and lead him over to the porch and we sat down together. “That would be on account of Julie.” I said, smiling at the thought of her. “But what about you Jeff, you still single?” I asked him jokingly.

“You know I’ve dated every girl in that god damn city, and the only ones who were ever interested are depressed at the fact they’ll never see you again.” He said, making reference to the fact that a few of the girls had changed their minds after I had come out so openly. “So, when do I get to meet this lovely Julie I’ve heard so much about?”

“Not this weekend…”I said and grinned, “She’s away on a camping trip with her family. They think we spend too much time together so I wasn’t allowed to go.” It wasn’t till then that I wondered if her parents suspected anything, but doubted it since they would have punished her for sure.

Jeff shook his head, “That’s why you invited me here, so you wouldn’t have to be alone. And here I thought it was cause you wanted to see me.” He spoke trying to sound upset, but it was obvious he didn’t really care.

“That’s not entirely true, I mean, I did want to see you. After all, you are my best friend and who else could I share all my lovely night time stories with other than you?” I asked, not really expecting an answer.

“Well, I could think of a few of my friends who’d be interested…” He said, his mind wandering of into thought.

I laughed, “If you told one single soul…” I said trying to sound threatening, but we both just smiled and I stood up. “Come on, let’s go in and get a late lunch. Or early supper, whichever you prefer.”

Jeff nodded and followed me inside, “Though I’d really prefer an extra late breakfast, since I haven’t eaten at all.”

I shook my head slightly, Jeff had this terrible habit of not eating unless someone made him, and he seemed to always forget he was hungry. “Your horrible, I swear, if you lived alone you’d starve to death!”

"That’s why I don’t plan on moving out until I find a roommate whose an extremely good chef.” He said and laughed, as he took a seat on the kitchen table and watched me prepare something for us to eat. Nothing fancy, just a hot turkey sandwich, made mainly from leftovers from the other night.

After eating Jeff and I made our way to the park, it was there we spent the rest of the day, catching up on everything that had happened in our lives. It was just after dark that I hopped onto one of the swings, Jeff was lazily pushing me, though I hadn’t asked him too. I sensed though there was something nagging on his mind that he was having trouble voicing. “Jeff, is there something you want to say?” I asked, as my eyes watched the first stars begin to appear as the sun set on the horizon.

I heard him sigh and he stopped pushing me, making his way to another swing and sitting down. It took him a moment before speaking, it occurred to me that either this was hard for him, or he was afraid it would be too hard for me. “It’s about Jamie. I know you don’t want to hear it but…”

At the sound of her name I shivered, visibly disgusted. “Your right I don’t want to hear it.” I said, interrupting him, I got up off the swing and turned so I stood in front of him. “I don’t care if she’s about to die, I want nothing to do with her.”

“You don’t mean that, I know she hurt you but I don’t think you really want her dead.” Jeff said and stood up, walking towards me. I backed away, but something in his eyes made me want to hear him out. He was right, a part of me still loved her, and I had the feeling this was serious.

“All right then, I’ll listen, but I’m not going to like it, and I’m not making any promises.” So, without interruption I heard him out. Apparently after I had left the parents leaked to Jamie’s parents about what she had done to me. They found it easier to accept being lied to and having there daughter use someone then having her actually be gay. So, after a few family talks they came to forgive her. This did not work out so well for Jamie, who wanted nothing more than for her parents to hate her. That was when Mark and Luke came in to play, and things went downhill from there. They were the towns local druggies and drunks, and the same age as Jamie. She would invite them over and let them smoke in her house, and even leave drugs wherever they pleased. Her plan was to make her parents believe that she was actually doing drugs, without doing them herself.

The real trouble started when Erin moved to town. She wasn’t as easy going as Mark and Luke, and so one night she forced Jamie to smoke with them. Weed, heroin, and alcohol took over her life. Right now her parents have kicked her out of her house and she lives with Erin now, stealing and doing whatever she can to get her hands on enough money to feed her addictions. Her parents will only take her back if she promises to clean up. And, to make matters worse she owes a lot of money to Erin’s supplier, who is becoming less and less pleased about it and plans to take action. Which, may mean the end of Jamie for good.

I stood frozen for a moment after he had finished, it was a lot to take in all at once. I glanced at my watch, thankfully it glowed only around 10:30, not to late yet. “What does all this have to do with me?” I asked slowly, taking in a deep breath. I was afraid that I already knew the answer.

“Jamie asked for your help,” Jeff said and shook his head, walking over to me he put a hand on my shoulder. “We both know that you’re the only one who can get through to her. She needs someone close to her to talk to her, and as sad as it may seem you’ve always been her only friend.”

I sighed and looked up into Jeff’s eyes, “I won’t leave until Julie gets back, we have to wait till Sunday night anyways, since that’s when my folks expect you to leave.” I rubbed my eyes, somehow it seemed like it had been a very long day indeed. “We’ll talk more tomorrow, let’s get some sleep for now.”

And so, with that we made our way home, we had snuck a snack before bed. Just some cereal, as Jeff said he was hungry, even I was when I thought about it. We went to our separate rooms and laid down. But I didn’t do much sleeping, I spent most of it thinking about how I was going to tell Julie, she wouldn’t like it. I didn’t even like it. And I spent a lot of time thinking about what I would say to Jamie. Though I can’t tell you when exactly, I know I did fall asleep, because I remember being woken up.


In the morning I found myself being shaken awake by Jeff. Moaning I turned over on my side “It’s too early, lemme sleep…” I mumbled without even opening my eyes to see who it was.

“Come on Case, you gotta get up. We have trouble.” Jeff said, and then seeing me sit up and look curiously at him he continued. “Your dad just called from the hospital. Last night remember how your parents went out? Well there cab was hit by some drunk driver on the way home. Your mom is in critical shape.” He said his voice solemn, obviously we were meant to go to the hospital.

As he finished I felt my body go limp, how could this have happened? I felt frozen in the spot, but then my fears slowly came back and I leapt out of the bed, scrambling around my room to find my clothes. And without shame I quickly undressed and dressed in front of Jeff. Who, though feeling awkward didn’t feel wrong about taking advantage of the situation and watching.

Finishing up by throwing my hair in a quick ponytail I made my way downstairs. “I’ll grab us some food, and we’ll eat when we get there.” I thought I heard him agree, saying something about using the washroom first but I wasn’t sure. I grabbed a bag of sandwich meat and a loaf of bread. A long with two water bottles and some muffins. I went outside to find Jeff already waiting in his truck. I leapt in and we made off.

By the time we reached the hospital I had completely forgotten about food, thankfully Jeff remembered and grabbed it as we went in. My father had told us he was on the fifth floor but was unsure of his room number. So we decided to ask the front desk. They were extremely nice to use and we were told room number 53. As we entered the elevator, it finally hit me as to what had happened. I felt my legs give way and thought I would fall to the ground.

Jeff managed to place the food container down gently and hold me up with his other hand. I turned to look at him, afraid my eyes would give away how I felt. “It’s okay, your dad is fine. And I’m sure your mom will be fine to, these doctors know what there doing.” Jeff said in a reassuring voice.

I felt like my own voice had left me, all I could do was nod. Jeff took my arm and when the elevator stopped he lead me to the room. I don’t think I could have done it on my own. I prepared myself for whatever I might see inside. With a deep breath and a small smile for Jeff I walked in.

My father was laying on the bed, his left leg and left arm in a cast. He was sitting up, and when he saw me he smiled. He looked older than he was, with grey hair and twinkling eyes. He was only in his early forties, he wasn’t over weight but had a round face. I ran up to him and felt him put his arm around me. And I buried my face in his chest and cried.

When I was done I looked up at him, my cheeks tear stricken. “Dad, I love you so much.” I said, leaning forward I kissed him on the cheek. As our eyes locked he knew what I was going to ask next, “Where’s mom?” my voice was shaky, but I tried to stay strong, if not for him then for myself.

My Dad shook his head softly, “They’ve been operating on her all night, and she’s still in surgery. I’m not sure if she’ll…” This time my Dad’s voice cracked, unable to voice the thoughts we all feared. I looked over at Jeff, he nodded and left. We would meet in the café. As I watched my own father cry, I saw that he to was human, a mortal man that felt pain like everyone else. I crept closer to him, sitting on the bed.

“Don’t worry dad,” I said, my voice somehow stronger now that it was I who needed to comfort him. “She’ll be okay, after all, were talking about mom here. She’s a survivor.” I said and kissed him. I stayed with him for a while until my stomach made me leave. With a hug and a promise to return I left him.

Jeff was sitting at a table by himself. His face was solemn, empty of emotion. When he saw me coming he took out a sandwich and a drink for me. “Sorry, I ate all the muffins.” He said, trying to cheer me up.

I laughed lightly and began to eat slowly, “That food has to last us all day you know.” I said and took a sip of my water. When I looked back over to him, his face was full of concern, “I’m okay…” I said answering his unvoiced question. “I’m so sorry Jeff, this was supposed to be our weekend together.”

“Don’t worry, I’m glad to be here for you.” He said, putting his arm around me and soothingly rubbing my back.

He was right of course, I couldn’t do this on my own but I felt bad that it wasn’t the weekend either of us had wanted. “Just like old times…nothing ever goes right.” I said, laughing a little through my tears. Jeff beckoned me towards him, and barely getting off my chair I moved and fell into his arms. He let me stay there, crying as he whispered small comforts to me.

Full, and feeling slightly better I slowly stood up. Jeff looked up at me, waiting to see what I wanted to do. “I want to find my mom, she’ll be on another floor, at least for now.” I said and Jeff nodded. I walked over to the nurses desk nearby, Jeff by my side as soon as he packed up the food we had left.

I glanced at the clock as the nurse phoned someone to find the floor where my mother was, it was hard to believe it was 1:30 already. Jeff must have let me sleep in, god knows I had needed it, of course having no idea when we got here that was only a guess. The nurse smiled cheerfully, and told us she was on the third floor. She had just gotten out of surgery, they were still watching her closely, but we could go in and see her. I thanked her and we made our way downstairs.

I took Jeff’s hand as we neared her room, knowing she would be in worse shape than my father. I thought about my mother as we walked. She was always kind, and always had a smile on. She was pretty, and even she was older than my father you would never guess it. She had soft features, and a kind personality to match. When I had told her how I felt about women, she had accepted it, and never once questioned if that was how I truly felt. For that only, I would be forever grateful.
“Do you want me to wait out here?” Jeff asked as we reached her room, we were standing outside the door. Waiting for me to be ready.

“No,” I said and shook my head, “I need you by my side.” He nodded and guided my in. I closed my eyes, fearing the worst, and when I opened them, once again I cried. My mother was laying flat on her back, only able to just turn her head towards us. It was obvious she was in pain, and she was wrapped up everywhere in bandages. But no casts, I guessed that they had wanted her to be awake and out of surgery before they set anything. I walked over to her, tears blurring my vision.

“Come here Casey,” She said and upon seeing Jeff she smiled, “The incredible duo together again.” Though her face was scarred, and her left eye closed, she still looked beautiful to me.

I walked over to her and knelt beside the bed. Jeff sat in the chair nearby and listened to us talk. We did not speak of the accident, or of anything of importance. Just gossip, and little things. It lightened the mood and made everyone feel a little more comfortable. Then, for a moment my mother paused and looked into my eyes, I felt like she could see everything, know everything I thought.

“Your going to go see Jamie aren’t you.” She said and smiled, “I can see it in your eyes, she’s the only one to be able to cause that kind of pain. A mother can tell.” She said, giving us the answer at how she had known.

“She needs me mom, I have to go to her.” I said gravely, it was not something I wanted to think about, or actually go through with but what choice did I have? After all, she deserved to be saved, right?

“I know, it must be serious for you to go, but stay safe as I won’t be able to protect you. And tell Julie before you leave, she has a right to know what your up to.” She said, and looking kind of tired she sighed, “I’m sorry kids, but your going to have to let me rest now.” She said.

I pulled the blankets up to cover her. “I will mom, don’t worry…I love you.” I said and kissed her. I turned to Jeff who had stood up, even he looked about to cry, but I didn’t think he would.

“Bye Mrs. Walters, thanks for having me over and take care.” He said and we both wondered if she had heard us, she looked like she was already asleep. We quietly left the room and stood outside. “Want to go back up and see your dad? Or are you hungry?” Jeff asked, making it obvious that he was hungry.

Before I had the chance to answer though my cell phone rang, in truth with all the commotion I had forgot I even had it with me. I took it out of my pocket and answered it, “Hello?” I said, my voice still shaky from talking with my mom. “Hey there sexy, just got home, and I’m dieing to see you. There was no answer at home,” There was a pause for a moment. “Are you alright? You sound upset. Where are you?” How she could tell I was upset by one word would always be a mystery to me. “Hey Julie…” I said my voice strained, and I tried my best not to cry. “I’m a the hospital.” “Oh my god! Casey are you alright? Listen, give me a second and I’ll be right there, whatever it is you know my parents would let me see you if your hurt!” Julie’s voice sounded worried and I regretted having said it so bluntly, “No, Julie, sweetheart, its okay I’m fine. It’s my parents. Listen, no need to come here, I promise I’ll come over as soon as I get back. I love you.” I said, and then I did start to cry. “Okay, I’ll be here…I love you so much Casey, take care.” And with that, she was gone.

“Let’s go see your dad and then head home. It’s a long drive and it’ll be late by the time we get there. Your parents won’t want you to spend the night here.” He said, and as the only person who was reasonably well, I agreed and followed him back upstairs to tell dad how mom was doing.

By the time we got back home it was around 9:30. Jeff had decided to spend another night here, and then head home with me tomorrow. He had told his parents everything that had happened, and that he didn’t want to leave me alone. I made him some spaghetti, well started the noodles and the sauce and told him what to do when it was ready. I also said that, odds were high he’d meet Julie tonight.
So, it was almost 10 O’clock by the time I started to walk over to Julie’s house. Luckily, she didn’t live far away and I knew the route well enough by now. When I arrived I saw that all the lights in the house were out, and wondered if she had given up. I wandered over to there porch and saw Julie sitting on the porch swings. She looked up at me but didn’t move. She could sense something was wrong.

I walked over to her, and for a moment we stayed in silence, as I looked down at her sitting so peacefully. “Julie…”I said her name softly, and she leapt up and into my arms. I held her close, tightly, not wanting to let go. Eventually I did, and sat down with her on the swings. And told her everything that had happened this weekend, including Jamie.

“That’s why you sounded so upset, oh Casey, you went through so much and I wasn’t even there for you. I’m so sorry, I’m glad you had your friend. I guess I wasn’t a very good girlfriend…” She said, feeling tears well up in her eyes.

“Don’t say that,” I said and pulled her towards me, and I gently stroked her cheek, before passionately kissing her. “You’re the perfect girlfriend, you always are.” I said and she kissed me back, eventually we stopped, and she just laid there, her face on my chest.

“You have to go don’t you, you have to go and see Jamie.” Julie said, looking up at the stars, it was painful for her, and my heart ached. How could I expect her to understand. “Even after all she did, you can’t erase your feelings.” She said it so perfectly, and I wrapped my arms around her, holding her close to me.

“I don’t need to do this alone, and I don’t want to leave you. Please, come with me.” I said, my eyes pleading with her, she sat up and looked out at the sky before turning towards me. “No, Julie please…I can’t…not her, not alone.” I said and felt my eyes well with tears, loosing her was something I could not face, not now and not ever.

“I can’t. Casey, if I leave with you, what will my parents think? I could live with them mad at me. But they’ll take you, it will be the end and they’ll make sure of it.” Julie said, and she did cry. “I don’t mean to punish you, but it will be worse if I go, please understand. I hate being away from you.”

I did understand, and as much as I didn’t want to hear her I knew she was right. “Then come with me tonight.” I asked as I stood up at took her hand in mine.
She smiled, her eyes still teary, and stood up, falling easily into my arms. “That I can do.” She said kissing my neck, and we walked back to my house arm in arm. Julie and I whispered sweet nothings into each others ears the entire way home, It got to the point that by the time we arrived all we wanted was each other. The last thing we expected was to find Jeff waiting up for us. I kissed my lover and opened the front door, and almost fell over backwards to find Jeff sitting at the kitchen table looking up at us.

“Well come on Case, aren’t you going to introduce us?” Jeff asked as he looked Julie up and down. “I can say one thing for sure, Casey sure can pick ‘em.” He said and chuckled, Julie blushed at the compliment and I merely frowned as they stared at one another.

“Ahem,” I cleared my voice to get there attention as they we obviously distracted, “Jeff I’d like you to meet Julie, my girlfriend. And Julie, this is Jeff my best friend.” I tried to speak louder to attract still more attention but nether still really noticed.

Julie smiled and took a seat at the table beside Jeff. “I heard a lot about you from Casey. But she failed to mention how adorable you are.” Julie said and lightly stroked his arm. She pushed her well curved body towards him, and with her free hand and twirled her long silky red locks. If she hadn’t been flirting with Jeff, I would have been captivated by her movements.

It was Jeff’s turn to blush and he sat up straight all of a sudden. “I’d say she did a good job describing you. She was absolutely right when she said you were a goddess.” He said, and moved closer towards her, reaching forward he gently stroked her cheek.

I watched the entire scene with my mouth wide open and in a daze like stare. I wasn’t one for seeing the obvious, and so found myself in pain and agony as I watched them both play my heart strings. It was around that time that both Julie and Jeff started laughing. This only made me more confused, and partly angry as well.

Julie looked at me and saw that I didn’t realise they had just been fooling around. “Hey honey, its okay. We were just getting you back for not introducing us sooner.” As she spoke she stood up and made her way over to me, wrapping her arms around my waist. “I’m not going anywhere, and especially not with him.” She then leaned forward and kissed me lightly.

I felt my whole body relax as I slowly began to understand what had transpired. My heart leapt for joy at Julie being so close to me, and I knew then that nothing would tear us apart. Pulling her even closer I kissed her deeply, letting our tongues dance in one another’s mouth. I felt my hand wonder instinctively up her shirt. And also hers slip down my pants.

Jeff watched it all with an amused smile, later he told me that the three of us should hang out more often. It wasn’t long after that before all we wanted was a little privacy. And so Julie and I retired to my room. Though I’ll admit we didn’t sleep for a long, long time.

To Be Continued...(Soon Hopefully)

© Copyright 2006 Candy-Ace (candy-ace at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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