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This is about the first time a couple meet. |
Marley Madison tossed the left boot behind her. Blades of grass brushed against the frayed leg of her faded jeans. A hawk circled in the cloudless sea blue sky. "I believe this belongs to you." An unfamiliar voice stated making her jump as chills cascaded down her spine. he spun around and collided with a broad-shouldered, rugged-looking man. He rested on one knee and held her boot in both hands. "Um, yes. My feet needed a break from those torture devices." "Allow me." Dimples formed at the corners of his mouth and his cobalt blue eyes laughed as he spoke. His short cropped hair shone like gold in the sunlight. Marley tucked her bootless foot behind the opposite leg. "Thanks, but I'll put it on later." "That was a pretty hard trail to hike today. You did a good job of keeping up" "I thank you for being nice, but I think you mean I slowed everyone down ." Her breath quickened as she inhaled and her pulse sped up as she stared at the brawny stranger. A rough hand reached for her right hand. "Dr. Jack Rees. Gotta love the Great Outdoors. I've been doing this for most of my life." Marley blushed. “Marley Madison from Los Angeles.” Her voice cracked as she spoke. She looked at the ground and composed her expression. “Merlot Publications is scouting for locations here this weekend. I'm the Administrative Assistant to the Director of Marketing. I'll be moving here to set up a new office." Jack revealed his long legs and tall stature as he stood. "If you're not busy, perhaps you'd join me for some dancing this evening?" Dancing? Romancing? Her thoughts tumbled as she accepted his gesture and pulled to her feet. "We have a meeting tomorrow morning at seven." Jack's fingers interlaced with hers. "Don't worry. I'll have you home before midnight, Cinderella." "I'd like that very much." She gave him a wider smile and studied the furrows that framed his dazzling eyes. "Seven o'clock?" His fingers loosened and the tips danced over the back of her hand. "Okay. I'll be ready." She glanced at her watch. But only if I spend some time soaking in a tub. Her heart pounded as she turned away from him and headed toward the house. One foot in front of the other. You can do it. Don't linger too long, or he might figure out how much your feet hurt. "Aren't you forgetting something?" Her face flushed, she glanced back at him and swallowed. He shook her mud cased hiking boot. Her fingers grazed his as she reached out and claimed the ill-fitting boot. "Thank you." "Better take the other one off when you get inside. Wouldn't want my dancing partner being benched by sore feet." * * * High heels paired better with the midnight blue silk dress but her aching feet demanded gold beaded flat sandals. She fastened them at her ankles, tucked a matching purse under her arm headed for the door. She left the suite and headed for the elevator. Pain engulfed her feet and she winced as each footfall met the carpeted floor. Jack appeared in the main hall. He wore black, pleated trousers and a black silk shirt unbuttoned at the neck. He winked as she approached. "I confirmed our reservations." His gaze swept over her slender body and landed well below her knees. "You'll enjoy seeing the Denver skyline after dark." "Skyline?" The words stuck in her throat. "What about our date for dancing?" Jack shook his head as she limped on the polished wood flooring. "I wanted you to enjoy your first night here. Even slow dancing would hurt your swollen feet." "Thanks. I appreciate the change in plans." She stepped forward and his arm wrapped around her waist. A gentle tug brought her against him. Jack's warm breath tickled against her cheek. His laughter filled the air. "I treat animals not people, but I know when a woman's worn the wrong shoes." They stepped onto the weathered porch planks, and she looked to the sky. Dark amber smudged a pale peach sunset against the purple mountains. A slight breeze caressed her bare arms and she shivered. Jack scooped her into up into his muscular arms and carried her down the creaking steps. The silk of his shirt rustled beneath her arm and he smelled faintly of Old Spice . He carried her around to the back of the house. A white gazebo glittered with an array of bright lights and sheltered a romantic table set for two, complete with two flickering long white tapers and a vase filled with white roses. "I thought you'd enjoy this more." His smile calmed her nerves. A gusty wind whipped her long black hair around her face and her mouth watered as the scent of grilled meat come from a burning mesquite wood-pit barbeque. Once he stepped into the gazebo, his strong arms released her. A wolf howled in the distance and drowned out Marley’s rapid heart beat. "You're a guest here at Elk Ranch. I want you to enjoy tonight." He smiled. "Forget the hard hike and those sore feet. Concentrate on something more fun." Wax trickled down each taper and struck the crystal glass holders. Jack poured two glasses of rose colored wine, handed one to Callie, and raised his to hers. They clinked the crystal rims together as the candle flames danced higher. She took a sip of the wine, it tasted deliciously of strawberries. "This is good." " I' m glad you like it, it came from my own vineyards." He said proudly. "So you own this ranch and the vineyards and you are also a vet. How does that happen?" she asked curiously. "The ranch has been in my family for three generations, but small ranchers don't do well these days, so I went to collage for a degree in animal medicine." He paused and smiled another dazzling smile. "After I graduated and came back I started the vineyard as a hobby." "Interesting hobby." Marley started then she winced as her feet throbbed in pain again. "Here, sit down and I'll turn the steaks" Jack said as he pulled out a plushly padded chair from the table. * * * Later, with the remains of a very delicious meal spread on the table between them, Jack asked slowly. "So how am I doing? I hope this has made up for the hike this afternoon." "Yes, it does, very much so." Marley smiled." I have one more question, why are you hosting my company's retreat this weekend?" "It is another way to make the ranch pay for itself. I give up my privacy a couple of times a year to some companies that want to have some kind of retreat in return for operating capital for the ranch." Jack got up and poured some more wine into the sparkling glasses. " So how are the feet doing?" "Still sore." Marley said remorsefully. "I should have worn the boots before today and broke them in. I had planed to, but with everything going on with the move I just didn't do it." "I have an idea that might help your feet now." Jack said as he knelt at her feet. "You do?" "Sure do." Jack reached for one foot and slipped the gold beaded sandal off. Then he started massaging the bottom of her foot. "Oh, that feels wonderful!" purred Marley. " Your a man of many talents" " Think my many talents can include one more thing," "Depends on what it is?" The wine slid down her throat like liquid gold warming her whole body. " I would like to capture Cinderella's heart. Think I have a chance?" |