Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1188713-We-As-Americans-not-patriotic
Rated: 18+ · Other · Political · #1188713
A rant of some sort about my view on America
(As a sort of disclaimer I would first like to say that I am sure most people will be offended by this. Especially the people that love this country unconditionally. If you may feel offended by a rant about American culture, please do not read this. Thank You!)

We as Americans

We as Americans believe everything we are told
See it on T.V. and we are sold
Never question anything
Laughing, smiling, buying, consuming
So pretty
Nice cars, house, boat, lawn
America: Land of the free
freer than “there” doesn’t make us free
is getting worse every minute
Rich people have too much
Poor people never have enough
The middle class are so far in debt
they might as well be poor
Credit is the worst thing ever invented
Taking money that people don’t have
to buy things they can’t afford
Our whole existence is based on greed
American culture is a sickness
Cocaine, Heroin, Crack, Crank
Weed out the weak and bring in a new breed
Keep the rich wealthy
make sure to control the poor
In God we all trust
We create our money
Every penny we own is pretend it means nothing
The land we own belongs to no one
We own a piece of paper
We paid for that paper with another piece of paper
And will sell it with a piece of paper
So let us inhale fatty foods
Fear Everything
Hate everyone
Devote our lives to invisible beings
Spend it all
Kill ourselves
Destroy the planet
Kill each other
Live godless
Consume our lives away
And the sad part is
we don't even mind
© Copyright 2006 Richard Caufield (mrdurden at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1188713-We-As-Americans-not-patriotic