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by wiifan
Rated: E · Other · Fantasy · #1187874
about a stupid creature who saves the universe, from overpricing by sony and microsoft


The last we heard from Pablo was fifteen years ago when he fulfilled his prophecy. He had slain the evil Sony Dragon and stopped Sony’s evil reign of overpriced terror. In case you have forgotten over these long years, Pablo Bacon Cheese the 3rd hasn’t really changed. He hasn’t aged a bit, and he’s still one fry short of a happy meal, or here’s another one, dumb as a box of rocks. I also have more pleasant news for you. ( I guess I really do not know if this is good news or not, because it has to do with an overlord.) Pedro el Bacon the 3rd was recently announced the winner of the Supreme Overlord elections today in a landslide, 2% to 0%. Pablo had been rooting for him all the way. Now, I suppose it’s time to begin another action, adventure, and a wee bit of humor filled story.
CHAPTER 1 !!!!!!!!!!!!
Pablo and his good old friend Frank were playing a multiplayer game of Red Steel, when there was a loud knock on the door. “ Hmmm... I wonder who in the name of Wii that could be?” wondered Pablo. So, he and Frank walked slowly up to the door with Wii-motes wielded. Pablo opened the door and he found a basket. Inside of the basket he found an XBOX 360!!! This wasn't good at all. It was basically a threat to Pablo from those weird guys at Microsoft. Pablo brought his Wii-mote up to his chin and then brought it down and slashed the XBOX 360 into pieces. Pablo was enraged, infuriated, and quite aggravated. "Hey, ..Pablo, umm... you feeling all right buddy?' questioned Frank. ' You know Frank, I really do not know anymore if I'm, 'okay'. But I do know one thing for sure, I need you to help me on this perilous journey to destroy Microsoft." Frank was bewildered, but eventually accepted. Now...how in the world was Pablo supposed to get his powers to Frank, so they would both have a fighting chance.
CHAPTER 2 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Then it him, Pablo was so powerful he could easily transfer his powers to Frank using his brain. ( Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa wait! Didn't we say his brain was small and he was one fry short of a happy meal? Oh well, we nee Pablo to save us all, I think.) So, anyways, he started sending brain waves to frank and just like that, zippity zap, Frank was ready to got kick some Microsoft booty.
They both dashed out the door to Pablo's noble steed, well, his nearly millennium old X-Wing anyways, I can't tell the difference. But then Pablo realized something else, he could find a space game and take a very large and speedy ship. So, he used Star Wars and took out the Millennium Falcon. " Now we're talking! " yelled Pablo. They both hopped into this fantastic ship and were off into the Last Frontier, you know what I'm talking about, space??? Frank was just thinking when he had a powerful vision. He didn't see anything, but he felt lots of shaking and little girls screaming. "Pablo, dude, I just heard the weirdest things in my vision. I heard shaking and rumbling and little girls screaming. This cannot be good, at all!!!!" yelled Frank to Pablo who was in the pilot's room trying to concentrate. But, that's when the ship was hit with some sort of explosive, then again, and again, and again. The ship was shaking, rumbling, and Pablo then heard little girls screaming, but that turned out to be Frank. Suddenly, a..A.. a Mega Mario popped up and picked up the ship and helped it stay in balance, but then it disappeared. Pablo turned his ship around and was staring into the helmet of a giant Master Chief that was nearly eighty feet tall, and was holding a humongous rocket launcher which Frank was pretty much looking right into. It was as if they were staring death right in the face, and they were except for the fact that it was eighty feet tall!!!!!!! But, Pablo could not lose his concentration, so he decided to man up and start firing blindly at this giant foe. Many of the powerful blasts hit, and instead of me saying they didn’t faze him one bit, I shall just say that they definitely did faze him. Pablo was so excited he forgot about Frank, but oh well, Frank obviously saw the giant soldier get blown to smithereens. Pablo was hitting the control boa, but that was a costly mistake. Sparks suddenly jumped from the boar and several of them got Pablo right in the face. He was knocked out cold, and the worst part was, Frank didn’t know that his pilot was out cold and they were about to crash into Microsoft’s Bill Gates monument!!!!
CHAPTER 3 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Millennium Falcon was gradually plummeting towards the monument faster and faster, when Frank decided to go and see what in the name of Wii he was doing. He opened up the door and saw Pablo’s buff/obese body sprawled on the floor. Frank tried not to panic, but he just couldn’t. He got into the pilot’s seat, and just turned the wheel and pressed buttons. Another BIG mistake. The ship was completely stalled and then was sent crashing down, and the monument turned into rubble. The ship would have exploded if it weren’t for the fact that they weren’t going as fast as they were earlier. The huge shockwave of the hit woke Pablo up, but he saw that Frank was trapped under Bill Gate’s head. Pablo quickly dashed over and levitated the head, and tossed it out of sight. He helped Frank up. “ Well, I guess we still made it here in one piece!” said Pablo in a worried yet hopeful tone. “ Yea, but now, where do we go and what do we do???” questioned Frank. Pablo had no idea whatsoever the answer to that question was.
CHAPTER 4 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But Pablo always finds an answer, and here it is; run into the 360Temple, and do what he did to Sony’s beasts fifteen years ago. Now, they just had to get there. Pablo sat down and meditated, and finally locked in on the precise location of the 360Temple, one mile behind them. Now you see why all of these super powers are so handy for him to have. He and Frank teleported to the entrance and weren’t greeted happily. They were first confronted by zombie football players from Madden NFL 2076 and were getting gang tackled by the whole Chicago Bears defense. Pablo and Frank easily slashed their way through the foot ball players, but received minor injuries from the Bears defense. But not enough to stop them. Next, after they jogged up to level two of this surprisingly small building, they met machines and warriors of unspeakable power from Gears of War. This was a tough battle between the two, but eventually Frank built up enough power to cause a lightning storm and it short circuited all machines, and the warriors were dead.
Now, was the final task. They were to face Hunters, The Flood, and armies full of Master Chief clones from Halo, Halo 2, Halo 3, and Halo Wars. The flood first swarmed towards the two brave warriors, but they set part of the building ablaze, and all of The Flood was disintegrated. But now, the hunters and clones all combined their fire into one brutal attack, which nearly blew Frank and Pablo to bits, but luckily, it didn’t. They were battered and bleeding, but that is something I cannot get into. The two almighty and brave warriors combined their strengths to do one last final blow. They both bashed their swords into the ground, and the buildings all around were destroyed, either that or they just vanished. Now, to finish it off. They pulled the swords out with all of their might, and before the army of brutal warriors could attack, they were annihilated. Pablo and Frank were sent flying because of the afterblows and shockwave of their attacks, but used cat like reflexes and landed on their feet.
CHAPTER 5!!!!!!!!!!!

Now, after being in the hospital for months, they were released from the hospital and they returned to Pablo’s house for some good old fashioned Wii. They had many head on competitions, and even better, Pablo was normal again. ( Well, as normal as Pablo can be!!!!!!!!!!!)
© Copyright 2006 wiifan (yungauthor5 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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