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Rated: 13+ · Other · Sci-fi · #1187060
The group ends up leaving in a hurry, and the prince begins his own journey
Chapter 13: Common Instincts Cause Confusion

"This is bad" Getch said "Meryll is alone up there with all the kids. Wonder if she'll be able to handle six kittens all at once." he thought 'Good thing I'm stuck with one of the smart ones' he looked back to see the child angrily gnawing on his wrist 'Or not.'
"I just realized that that vent is the only way out of this room" Meryll observed.
"Yeah, that's a REALLY poor design" Saight said "Don't suppose we could climb up either can we?"
"Not unless you have some kind of alien gadget" Meryll said. She looked at the other kittens, they were all playing around and tackling eachother. Instead of breaking it up and thinking of how to escape, she simply stared and said "Aww, cute!"
"What are you doing?"
"My ahm itches" Alpha said, his wrist still in his mouth.
"So why not just scratch it?" Getch asked, leading the boy along.
"I dunno, it ahwaysh sheebed like it wash the right way to do it." Alpha continued to chew at his arm viciously.
Getch sighed "When we get home, remind me to check you for fleas."
"Uhh, Meryll? Escaping?" Saight gestured to the vent.
"Right." she turned away from the playful kittens to examine the vent once more. She looked up inside it "I think I see something, but... too dark. Pyro, can I get a light?" she looked back "Pyro?" she then looked down at the unconcious child in her own arms"Oh... yeah..."
"Holy h***, now we're really in trouble." Getch looked down through a vent into a factory floor littered with guards. One looked up as Alpha's claws were clicking the metal grating. Getch turned and shushed him.
"I can't help it, what do you want?"
"I'm currently lacking a weapon, and I don't want to get in a fight, especially without it, so we have to be stealthy"
"I've got weapons right here!" Alpha said, holding his claws out. He pushed his claws into the metal and dug a hole in a circle around him, crashing down into the curious guard. He picked up the metal piece and started to beat it over the already-unconcious guard's head, tossing it to the side when he thought the man's mask was bloody enough. "C'mon!" he yelled up to Getch, leaving him totally speechless.
"Well, lightning works as good as fire for light." Meryll said.
"Yeah, but is it such a good idea when the light is needed in a small, entirely metal, shaft?" Flash asked rhetorically.
"Well it doesn't hurt you unless you do it too much at once right?" Meryll asked "So you'll be fine!"
"Uhh, if you say so..." Flash stepped into rhe shaft and tried her best to keep a barrier of lightning around her to be able to see up. there was a small, bright red button a little way up the shaft "Hey what's-" she was cut short by her electric field discharging onto the vent wall "Ow!" she got hit with a static shock.
"Oh yeah, try getting hit with it directly." Meryll commented "Just take my word that it doesn't feel great."
"You're a violent little guy." Getch said, hopping down onto Alpha's head.
"Thanks, I've practiced on some of them." Alpha snickered "I get a little more to eat than they think I'm going to if the guard gets too close."
"Remind me to keep you away from the kittens at night." Getch jumped to the ground "Now let's hide, I'm willing to bet that the rest of the guards heard that and are coming. You got lucky with that one but it won't last. We need to evade."
"Okay Trent, climb up and get it." Meryll said, she was standing all the way up in the vent with three of the kittens already standing on her outstretched hands in a pyramid. Meryll felt Trent claw her way up her leg. She vaulted up the other kittens and just barely managed to slap the button.
All the kittens fell down onto Meryll from being kicked downward by the flying Trent "Ow... the things a girl does..." Trent moaned.
"You're a girl?" Meryll asked.
"Shh." Getch repeated quietly for what seemed like the hunderedth time "You're going to give us away!"
"No I'm not." Alpha argued at the same tone "We'll be fine!"
"You don't seem to understand the gravity of this situation!" Getch said seriously "Your life is in danger, as is mine, and possibly the entire universe. Luck brought us this far, but it only goes so far, you have to take this seriously or everyone's screwed."
Alpha looked at him with a guilty look on his face, he hadn't seen it as being this serious before. He had been working completely on the idea of vengence on the guards, he hadn't thought of what happened if they did catch him again. "I'm... I'm sorry..." he whispered "I didn't mean to..."
"It's okay, you haven't ruined everything yet, so we're still alright. Though you have managed to put us in quite a situation." Getch admitted "You'll have to be serious from here on out, at least until we get home. Is that alright?"
Alpha nodded seriously.
"Alright, we need to move very quickly and quietly, no killing unless we're spotted, and never if we're outgunned. Let's go."
Meryll struggled her way out of the vent backwards, followed by the kittens "You didn't notice either?" Trent complained.
"Honestly, no." Meryll said defensively "I just assumed with the name..."
"Why does everybody say that!?" Trent whined "Why can't I have just been given a normal girl's name!? Stupid GeM..."
"If you hate it so much, why don't you just change your name?" Meryll suggested "They don't have control over you anymore, you can be whoever you want to be."
"I... I never really thought about it before..."
"Tell you what, when we get home, I'll help you decide on a better girl's name, how's that sound?"
"Alright... I can deal with it for a few, umm, days was it on your planet?"
"Yeah..." she finally looked up to see a large opening leading into the familiar generic white hallway
"Hey, are you two coming?" Saight asked "I think we're getting closer to my sis, I can practically feel the anger..."
"Move." Getch whispered on top of the hybrid's head, he moved down one of the catwalks silently, trying his best to stay on his hind legs to avoid the clumsy noise of his claws. He burst forward with incredible speed, though totally silent with his renewed determination for stealth. "Okay, now when going up stairs, try to use the environment around them to get up, stairs make too much noise no matter how you climb them." Alpha just nodded, glancing around for anything he could use. He looked up and saw the catwalk above them, right where the stairs led. He smiled, his instinct for curiousity of his ability getting the better of him, he crouched low "Uhh, what are you-? Whoa!" they flew upward, Alpha digging his claws into the grating of the above catwalk, then crawling around to the top of it.
"How was that?" Alpha asked quietly.
"Actually... that was genius..." Getch whispered his praise. Alpha smiled and continued to move as before.

Chapter 14: Cause and Effect

"So now what?" Flash asked
"I suppose we should find Getch and Alpha" Meryll said.
"But Ghost is so close!" Saight whined.
"Okay, we'll help her first. Which way?"
Saight paused for a minute "Uhh, I'll, heh, be right back." and he left to look around.
Meryll sighed "Hope Getch is okay..."
"They won't find you if you stay in inaccessable places and keep on all fours to stay low"
"Gotcha" Alpha said, looking across the hall.
"Gotcha" Alpha said, looking across the hall at a guard turning the intersecting hallway. He followed quickly on his heels, not his claws.
The guard heard a crash behind him and turned to see nothing. Disregarding it as his imagination the man continued forward, unknowing of the child and cat right beneath the grating he was on. "Too easy." Alpha whispered. He bared his claws and pushed himself into the air right next to the guard and kicked him in the dead-center of his chest before he could react. The man stumbled backward into the rail, losing his footing and falling over the rail. Alpha looked over after him and soon heard a yell and a loud crack "Ooh... he is NOT getting up from that one."
"That was a bit careless." Getch said "Don't think it'll be a problem though."
"Hey, you!"
Getch looked back "Uh-oh."
"So this is it? We're finally here?" Meryll asked Saight.
"Yep, this is it." the group turned into one last doorway and saw the holding room once more. The cylinder in the center of the room had what looked like a hard black plastic cover on it, concealing it's contents. There was something inside hitting the edge of it, along with faint growls, curses, and what sounded like life threats.
"Y-Your sister is in there!?" Meryll stuttered.
"Wow, she's still doing that? I thought she would've given up by now."
Meryll reluctantly approached the cylinder, pressing the open button. The second it started moving up, she felt a sudden pain in her wrist as a very intense-looking kitten clamped it's jaws on her arm "Ow! Get off!" she yelled, wavng her arm a few times.
"And so meet the two forces of subtlety." Getch said sarcastically.
The kitten let go and dropped to the floor "What did you call me!?" she shouted angrily, then paused with a surprised look on her face "bro!?" she grinned violently.
"Yep!" He said with a similar look on his face.
They dashed toward eachother quickly and collided into a roll. Ghost ended up on top with her claw right on Saight's chest and they stared at eachother maliciously "You're late."
"Nice way for a reunion." Meryll smiled.
"Hey Saight, who's your pet?" Ghost asked.
Meryll stood still for a second, her eye twitched "Hey! You were like me before!" she yelled furiously.
"Yeah, and now I'm not.I like the new form, but I don't like this place." Ghost said "These scientists can go to h***, I'm outta here, I assume you guys are here for the same?"
Meryll stared at the kitten again, she wasn't used to the children being this wild and rude, so she just nodded.
"Alright, so let's go!" she stepped off of Saight casually and he gasped for air for a minute. "Okay, let's go slave girl."
Meryll's angry shouts were blocked out as a blaring alarm sounded over her and a voice came on over that "Enemy located! All available personnel report to the upper factory are!"
"Oh no, now what did they do!?" Meryll yelled without the loud voice over her.
"Who?" Ghost asked "Speak girl."
"Will you shut up! I'm here by choice!" she folded her arms "Sort of... Either way, we need to get back to the ship and wait for Getch, he's the only one who can fly the heap of junk."

Chapter 15: Group Internal Conflict

The kittens and Meryll ran through the halls frantically, desperate to find an exit. Since they had gone through a one-way vent earlier, they had no way of tracking which way it was to the exit. All they could tell was that they needed to go up, and if they went too far, they wouldn't be able to get down from the above-ground stories. "So what did they make you to do, you little brat?" Meryll asked.
"Well slave girl-"
"Stop calling me that!" Meryll yelled "My name is Meryll, and nobody owns me!"
"Whatever." Ghost said carelessly "I can pass through solid objects at will!"
Meryll looked confused "Then why did we need to save you!?"
"Because I can't go through that dark matter stuff they put around the glass, slave girl!" she yelled back.
Meryll stopped and turned around to look Ghost "I asked you to stop calling me that! I can beat up Getch, what makes you think I won't do the same to you!?"
"Who the h*** is Getch?" she asked, now curious, but she started taunting again a second later "Is he your master?" the kitten soon flew backward into a wall as Meryll stood with her arm out. By now everyone was watching the two in shock of what she had just done. Ghost stood up and stared back at Meryll "Y-You..."
"Getch is a friend, he would never own me just as I refuse to be owned. Now stop that, you're against your own kind. You might not be sentient anymore, but you don't want to be one of those that made you into this do you?" she watched as Ghost shook her head "Well, that's how you look, you're thinking and acting just like them. In essence, you ARE one of them!"
Ghost's eyes were starting to tear up "No... I... t-t-" she couldn't find the words at all. She started to sob, partly from this realization, partly from being hit against a wall.
'She's a tough little b****, but she's still just a little kid, granted, a superintelligent little kid.' Meryll thought to herself 'I feel kinda bad making children cry, but she has to learn.' She walked closer to the sobbing kitten, placing Pyro on the floor on the way. She sat down right in front of Ghost and picked her up into her lap as the kitten braced to be hit again. Ghost looked up in surprise as Meryll started to pet her "I'm not sure if it's the same for you guys, but... cats on my planet like when you do this... helps calm them down. You don't need to cry, Just don't do that anymore, I don't want you to feel threatened by me."
Ghost sniffed, speaking weakly through a steady stream of tears "What's wrong with you!? You hit me and now you're being all nice!"
"Humans call it 'tough love'" Meryll smiled "I'm starting to think of all you kids as part of a family, I want to see you all raised right, not as a bunch of racists like the rest of the universe seems to be. And you wouldn't listen to me, so I had to. I'm sorry."
Ghost tried to say something, but she couldn't hold it back anymore and began weeping loudly.
"It's alright, Ghost. Can someone else carry Pyro?" Meryll asked. Trent eagerly hopped over to him and began lifting him onto her back as before.
The group finally continued to run forward again, Trent now carrying Pyro and Meryll trying to comfort the other hurt child.
"Now what stealth-man!?" Alpha yelled, panting between breaths.
"Shut up and run!" Getch yelled back, Alpha was running on all fours from several guards, trying to take as many turns through the catwalks as possible to try to get away.
"Why aren't they shooting us?" Alpha asked. He had a definite speed advantage over the sentient guards, being smaller and moving the way he was, and they were pulling away.
Getch hadn't noticed, he thought for a minute "Well... There's no reason they shouldn't... unless... unless there's something they don't want to get hit..." he looked around for a moment.
"Whoa!" Alpha yelled, a GeM soldier had ran in from a side door. He slid, locking his claws in the grating and falling over, Getch rolled over the floor. The soldier grabbed Getch first, then attempted to hit Alpha with his fist, but yelled in pain as he was bit in the wrist and began bleeding immediately. In a panic, the guard tossed the cat in his hand to the edge of the walkway "No!" Alpha jumped over the railing, grabbed Getch with one hand and the grating with his other.
"Thanks," Getch said "but don't stop running!"
"Right." Alpha responded quickly, crawling his way back up and around the distracted soldier and out the door he had come in from.
As Alpha kept going, Getch said "Okay, the good news is, we're out of there, the bad news is-" there was a loud bang and a small needle-like object struck Getch.
"Ah, what the-!" his speech slurred, he almost immediately fell unconcious on Alpha's back.
Alpha panicked "Getch! Are you okay!?" he turned to see a soldier holding a pistol out in front of him. He began running again, more darts following closely and just barely missing. He turned one more corner and literally ran into Meryll "Ow..."
"Hey! There you are!" she said, then she gasped "What's wrong with Getch!?"
"No time! Elevator!" Alpha said, pointing to an ordinary door "Trust me! I've seen it!" he ran up to the door and punched a button on the side, it arrived immediately and the doors flew open, the group filed in as more of the needles hit the wall. Meryll tapped the 'one' button on the panel frantically. The door closed and a few more pierced it, falling in half as it moved up slowly. Everyone sat on the floor, relieved to finally be out of the situation.
"So... what's wrong with him now?" Meryll asked, watching Alpha dig out the needle with his claw.

Chapter 16: Improvised Battle

As the elevator opened, the group walked out, Alpha flicking a some-what bloody needle behind him. "What the heck?" Meryll said "We're outside already?"
"Does anything else in this place make geographical sense?" Trent said "There are door switches in the ventilation system!"
"Point taken, let's go before they can get up here." Meryll started running for the ship "So if they sedated Geych, how are we gonna fly that thing?"
"Well..." Saight started to speak up "I've been watching him use it since I found you guys..."
"You just wanna fly the spaceship don't you?" Gaze said flatly.
Saight laughed nervously, then looked up at his still-sobbing sister 'nobody's ever been able to do that to Ghost, then again, the only people she's ever interacted with were guards specifically ordered not to do that.' he looked further up "Hey Meryll, maybe Ghost can help?"
"Huh?" both Meryll and Ghost said at the same time.
"It won't be too easy, Getch was a pilot before he was changed" Saight said "I'm just saying I could use some help..."
"No..." Ghost sniffed "I can't do it... I don't wanna..."
"I've seen Getch fly it and I remember the controls," Geno spoke "I could help."
Saight had been hoping that the offer would help his sister calm down, but since that wasn't going to work, he simply nodded in agreement. They soon found themselves at the ship and filed inside. From the second floor of the building, a teenage wolf hybrid watched curiously through binoculours "What are they doing Meto?"
"They're stealing our property." the large man behind him said "They must be stopped."
"Okay..." the young hybrid said reluctantly. Looking again, he whispered quietly "Alpha?"
"Okay..." Saight said, staring at the controls. He shrugged and hit a button, as the landing gear lifted and the ship rocked forward. Geno hit it again to fix it then used both forepaws to pull a lever that started the ship. "Showoff." Saight said.
"Hey, I got good memory, might as well use it." he smiled.
"Something tells me he figured out his ability." Meryll said "A perfect memory just might be it."
"Okay, hang on!" Geno flipped a switch and they flew forward "Oops!"
"Then again..." Meryll said. Geno and Saight frantically pressed buttons, pulled levers, and flipped switches as the building pulled closer.
"Whoa!" the hybrid in the building shouted. The ship nearly struck the building, then arched up at the last second, scratching the bottom of the hull, and approaching the atmosphere. The young half-wolf was thrown across the room along with many shards of glass "Son of a b****!" he cried out in pain, pushing himself up "Meto, get 'em alive!"
Meto looked confused "Yes... sir..." Meto said, stepping into a nearby radio room.
The group fell back in the ship "Atmosphere!" Geno shouted back.
"This ship is a hazard!" Meryll yelled, clinging to the edge of the back room's door.
They quickly ran out of atmosphere and fell to where the artificial gravity said was the floor, Meryll flat on her face.
"We can't help it, we're poor, remember?" Geno said.
"Aww, and here I thought our rescuers would be loaded" Saight said sarcastically.
"Well we have a planet to return to." said Meryll "I'm glad that's finally-" something struck the ship, knocking everyone over "What was that!?" Meryll yelled.
"AS satellites!" Alpha panicked.
Meryll began to ask, but Geno answered "Anti-spacecraft, they're trying to bring us down."
"Turn on the comm. and call 'em!" Alpha said "They can't take us once they know I'm in danger."
Geno pushed another button and a screen came from the ceiling with a whirring sound as there was another crash of the hull. He punched in a few numbers and the screen searched for a frequency, soon, the familiar face showed up, smiling wickedly.
"You finally ready to surrender, Max Getch?"
"I thought Getch was his first name." Meryll commented quietly..
"Hey, this is news to me too." Trent whispered back.
"No." Saight said calmly "But you might want to reconsider shooting at us."
"Now, what reason would I have to do that?" Meto taunted.
"You idiot!" the hybrid came in behind the man and struck him over the head "I don't want you to kill them! Especially when they have a hostage!" he clicked a few buttons and the satellites backed down "What are your demands, terrorists!"
"Terrorists? Beta, did you forget EVERYTHING I told you!?" Alpha said
"I remember, don't worry, the doctors said they can control your condition with that treatment they use on me, we can help you."
"You still don't get it, do you?" Alpha said angrily.
"You're my friend, Alpha, I want to help you. Rest assured, I will personally locate you and take care of your captors." Beta finished enthusiasically.
"Don't bother!" Alpha yelled, leaving Beta speechless "You're no friend, you won't listen to me!... These are my friends now!" he slammed his claw into the screen, cutting off the communication immediately.
"Okay, everyone get ready, we're gonna jump!" Saight said.
"Back room everyone." Meryll sighed.
Saight, Gaze, Ghost, and Alpha looked confused "Why?"
"Remember when we said we were poor?" Geno asked rhetorically "Well that was an understatement, get back there and hang on to something soft."
"Your kidding..." Alpha said, just then removing his claw from the machinery.
"Come on." Meryll grabbed his hand and dragged him into the back room as the kittens followed.
"To home!" Geno shouted enthusiastically, slamming his paw on the button. The ship slowed down for a second, then burst forward faster than any creature's eye could comprehend. Within a minute they halted almost immediately over the blue planet, sending people and possessions flying forward. The others stepped out of the back room.
"Oh, so THAT'S why we cushion the front wall too." Meryll moaned, rubbing her head.
"I guess that's also why Getch keeps a belt under the seat" Geno said through the control panel "Ow, that hurt..."
Saight pushed open a panel from under the controls and walked out "I could have used a little more warning there."
"Alpha, who was that guy anyway? You called him Beta, but..." Meryll paused.
"I know, he was giving orders." Alpha sighed "He is the main battery for the Nekos. He's also the king's son..."
"What!? So he's behind all this?" Meryll asked, paused, then asked to herself "The universe is a monarchy?"
Alpha shook his head "He's lived freely his whole life, he isn't even aware of what's going on. He believes that he waas born with a deformity, and without 'treatment' he'll become delusional, like I am, creating conspiracy theories."
"And he believes them!?" Meryll asked in disbelief.
"You have to admit, it would sound pretty far-fetched to someone who's not part of this." Gaze said.
"I tried to tell him, but... you heard him yourselves, he thinks I'm imagining it..." Alpha said.
"So he thinks that when they use him, he's being treated for an illness?" Trent asked.
"This government... is just evil..." Meryll said.
"It's true..." Everyone turned, Getch was staggering out of the back room "Ugh, my head."
"Getch! You're not dead!" Flash said.
"Thanks, I noticed." he laughed, then looked out the window. "So who got us here?"
"Saight and Geno." Gaze smiled "They need a little work though"
"Hey! We got you here didn't we!?" they both said at once.
"Well, I'm too hung over to drive." he layed down right on the floor "Ow. Think you can put this piece of junk down?"
"I dunno... we're not exactly experts at this, and we don't know what kind of damage we have." Saight said, looking over all the panels
Geno smirked "You know where the landing gear is."
"Shut up..." Saight sighed "O2 levels dropping, is that bad?"
"Only for those of us who breath oxygen!" Meryll complained.
"Okay, I'll lead you kids through it." Getch moaned.
With Getch's assistance, the ship slowly made it's way toward the planet. As it penetrated the atmosphere, there was an alarm "What the-" Getch started "Guys, level off into orbit, something's wrong. We're going to have to go in and hit the ocean, we're picking up way too much heat."
They nodded and dove straight in towards the blue, this time ignoring the siren, it quickly became unbearably hot. "Getch! The system is... shutting off!"
"We're going to hit terminal velocity! Hang on everyone!" Getch shouted, some of the metal on the ship started to turn red. Meryll stumbled backward and stopped herself against the wall with her hand, then let out a shriek as she pulled back her burned hand. The ship hit the water, skipped, touched again, and slid along the water. It finally came to a rest as it crashed into the beach, being stopped by a long line of trees.
"Now, what reason would I have to do that?" Meto taunted.
"You idiot!" the hybrid came in behind the man and struck him over the head "I don't want you to kill them! Especially when they have a hostage!" he clicked a few buttons and the satellites backed down "What are your demands, terrorists?"
"Terrorists? Neta, did you forget EVERYTHING I told you!?"
"I remember, don't worry, the doctors said they can control your condition with that treatment they use on me, we can help you."
"You still don't get it, do you?" Alpha said angrily.
"You're my friend, Alpha, I want to help you. Rest assured, I will personally locate you and take care of your captors." Beta finished enthusiasically.
"Don't bother!" Alpha yelled, leaving Beta speechless "You're no friend, you won't listen to me!... These are my friends now!" he slammed his claw into the screen, cutting off the communication immediately.
"Okay, everyone get ready, we're gonna jump!" Saight said.
"Back room everyone." Meryll sighed.
Saight, Gaze, Ghost, and Alpha looked confused "Why?"
"Remember when we said we were poor?" Geno asked rhetorically "Well that was an understatement, get back there and hang on to something soft."
"Your kidding..." Alpha said, just then removing his claw from the machinery.
"Come on." Meryll grabbed his hand and dragged him into the back room as the kittens followed.
"To home!" Geno shouted enthusiastically, slamming his paw on the button. The ship slowed down for a second, then burst forward faster than any creature's eye could comprehend. Within a minute they halted almost immediately,
{Rest of Chapter on desktop}

Chapter 17: Status Report

"It's shot." Getch said.
"What is?" asked Meryll.
"The ship, it's a miracle we landed at all" Getch said, kicking it's side once and watching the panel fall off "It's not fit for space travel anymore."
"So I guess we'll be here awhile?" she kneeled down and put Ghost down in the soft sand.
"Don't know, this planet is uncharted, I can't fix this thing without some creds..."
"So we're stranded?"
"Looks like it." he started to walk around it "This won't support oxygen, and the heat shields broke off."
"We don't need oxygen, I have the suit." she pointed to herself.
"Alpha doesn't, hybrids are more rare than sentients. There is no bioware for them at all. I imagine Beta has one, but that would be a perk of royalty."
"Perfect." she looked back at the beach.
"Get comfy, whether I sense one or not, we're going nowhere." he started to follow her.
"So, what's this surprise you got for me?"
"You told me you wanted to show me something when we got home."
"Oh yeah, the ship picked up a signal the last time we came in, I found something very interesting there, I was going to take everyone there, but... duty called."
"Okay, I'll get the kids." she walked off.
fifteen minutes later, they all stood in the ship, Getch at the controls once more. "I thought that it was broken." Geno said.
"It is in a vacuum, but here it's okay." the ship took off vertically and flew slowly forward.
"We can't go faster?" Pyro asked.
"Not without heat shields." Getch said "It's not far anyway, I walked last time" they started to descend only minutes after lifting off. Getch led the way from where they landed through thick vegetation, he soon peeked through a bush and smiled to himself "There it is."
The rest of them walked through behind him "Whoa..." everybody said at once. There was a large, intricately decorated, moss-covered tower. It was just barely covered near the roof by the jungle's canopy, but it was so tall that it was more covered by it's green roof. It was a massive building, maybe made to enshrine some god of a lost, primitive civilization. "Getch, what is this?" Alpha asked.
"Very old," he said "but still stable..."
"What are you getting at?" Meryll asked.
"Do you want to stay in a cheap, half-broken spaceship?"
"Over an old temple?" she smirked.
"Yes, this place was made for massive groups... and don't think I don't hear you bang your head off the pipe in there when you wake up. We're going to be here awhile, we need someplace big."
Meryll sighed "Yeah, what you're saying is that we have a home... but not a house."
"Something like that." he shrugged.
"Alright, I call first pick on rooms!" she said loudly, running inside as the kittens ran after her.
Getch smiled and laughed, watching them race in and soon followed himself.

;:End of Act I:;.

Act II: The Other Side of the Spectrum

Chapter 1: The Prince Falls Out

Beta dusted himself off after the communication broke off, then turned to Meto "What kind of damage have they caused?"
"It looks like they have cap- stolen project Saight, project Gaze, Project Ghost, and your... 'friend', Alpha." he said irately, quite annoyed that he couldn't have dealt with the problem right then and there.
"Listen Meto, if I find that ANYTHING has happened to him, it's on your head." he turned to the door.
"But, I-" the hybrid held his hand up as he started talking. Meto scowled "Yes... sir." Beta kept walking "Where are you going, sir?"
"I've had the treatment, Alpha isn't here, and I'm tired of you. I'm leaving."
"What!? But your father-"
"I don't care where dad told you to keep me, I'm leaving." He fell onto all fours and clicked down the hall faster than the large sentient could handle to run.
"That child..." Meto whispered to himself angrily.
Beta looked up at his ship. It was large, comfortable, fast, and most important for someone who can't completely pilot spacecrafts yet, self-guided. He walked up the boarding ramp and took a few minutes to find his way to the cockpit, where he sat down and clicked a switch as several computer windows appeared in midair around him, he watched the face of a regular cat-type pop up and ordered "Open the cockpit."
"I'm sorry sir, but we have orders to keep you here."
Beta stared at him for a second, then said "Valaner, launch." the ship made a loud clicking noise, the rockets on the back opening. Beta closed the connection to the shocked scientist.
"What the h*** does he think he's doing!?" a ferret-type behind the scientist yelled.
"He's lifting off..." they watched the ship through the glass for a second as the ship disappeared down a long tunnel, then the cat's ears perked up "What are you waiting for!? Open the hangar!"
The ship approached the hangar doors rapidly, they were opening horizontally. He grabbed the flight stick in front of him slowly, putting his claws on it one at a time. Just as the wings of the ship were about to crash into the hangar doors, he shifted his entire weight on the controls, turning the ship sideways and corkscrewing through the doorway without touching it.
Meto watched as the ship bolted out of the speed launch shaft "He's going to kill me this time."
Beta stood and stepped back away from the cockpit, he sighed 'Alpha, you are so close to being old enough to be removed of your dellusions, and now this... I've got to help.' he sat down against a wall and muttered to himself "Think, Beta."
He had only been out for a few minutes and he was already restless, he stood and began to wander the ship. He clicked a panel on in the side of the hallway "Valaner, show me where I can find GeM databases."
The computer complied immediately with a short list of locations. "Filter word, 'Alpha'" the list shrank to four items he tapped one with his claw on the screen. The GeM logo appeared with 'RESTRICTED' in large, red letters. Alpha pushed a small card through the slot on the side of the panel, only to see the words: 'Passkey Incorrect' appear over it.
"What the-" he muttered "This thing's supposed to have unlimited access..." he looked over the limited informatimn he had "Hmm, office located on Jenit..." he walked back to the bridge casually and sat in the pilot's seat, the screens popping up around him again "Valaner, let's go to Jenit. I don't know why, but father doesn't want me to know something..."

Chapter 2: My Name is Seriq

Beta didn't blend in with the crowd on the streets of Jenit. It was almost assured that no one had ever seen anything like him, and he was noticably taller than most of the animal-types around. He carelessly wandered onto the planet anyway, driven by the possible discovery of new information.
He kept low to the ground on all fours to try blending in, but the animal-types still gave him strange looks. He approached the skyscraper with the GeM logo sitting halfway up the tinted windows, which had to be large to accomodate the plentiful number of sentients they "employed". Though he had never been to this building specifically, he had a stroke of dejá vu as he walked in to the cavernous foyer, his claws clicking against the hard marble floor echoed through the halls briefly. He came to a halt in front of the desk, looking around momentarily to wonder why such a large area didn't have a soul in sight.
"Can I help you?" a cat-type said from the desk, looked up at him from a computer, then stumbled over on top of the console in surprise "What the-!?"
"Don't worry, I know about my condition and I've been treated this set." he said calmly, flashing his full clearance card, deciding to not let her see his real name "My name is Seriq Kinde" it was the name he used when incognito, his father didn't even know about it.
"Oh... umm... sure" the secretary muttered. She was more confused than ever now, but she couldn't argue with full access, so she flipped a switch under the desk and the doors behind her slid open "H-Have a nice day... Mr. Kinde..."
Beta didn't speak another word to the flustered secretary, opting to step through before she started asking questions. The inside was hardly anything to look at, clean white walls and ceiling, bright lights shining brightly down on him, large tiled white fooring, closed white doors in what seemed to be an obsessive pattern down the hall. It looked like a hospital that had been recently abandoned, everything still working, but no-one around to use it.
Beta sighed "Just like home..." he stood upright and started down the hall, quietly peeking through each door as he went. He was usually led by guides who knew the layout of the buildings, which were designed specifically to confuse intruders. "I need a mainframe" he thought out loud in a whisper. He pulled open another door, it was just storage room after storage room, nothing else. It almost seemed like everything was there for the express purpose of filling space. He opened one last door "-The h***!?" He saw a large moniter across the back wall of the huge room, glowing with various shapes of sentient bodies, DNA models, information, and results on each. He stepped into the room cautiously, but it seemed there wasn't a person in the entire facility. Beta approached the console at the base of the enormous computer, pushing a few keys, then placing his cardkey in. Then he punched it a few times and kicked the scrap aside. "Useless..." There was nothing on it he could access, the archive was empty.

Chapter 3: Secrets

"Why is there an empty computer in here?" Beta asked himself "And what is this?" he looked at one of the figures on the wall. One of them was turning red in various parts, soon covering it's whole body on the diagram, the word "OKAY" showed over it in large blue letters. "Hmm..." he looked down the information next to it 'LOCATION: MOVING TO ISOLATION'.
"And what do we have here?" Beta asked. He stepped around to the desks on the sides of the room,opening the drawers, he saw some writing utensils, bio-ware, and sometimes empty. He closed the empty one and almost stepped away, but noticed the desk. There was a blueprint with a note scrawled in the corner:

You really need more memory for your organizer, you aren't supposed to have a paper copy lying around, but here it is until then.

"Wonderful, glad to know these are the people in charge of the universe." Beta sighed, lifting the map. He stepped out of the room and turned down the hall, repeating this several times, keeping the large blue paper out in front of him until he heard footsteps. He stopped quickly, the page bending in half in front of him.
A wolf-type walked down the hall, drowzily whistling off-tune, oblivious to the hybrid. As the scientist left his sight, Beta dropped down from the ceiling and turned to... a wall. He glanced down at the map, then up again, he had lost his bearings in his haste to hide. Beta's eyes darted around the blueprints in the corner he remembered he was in, but he was at a four-way intersection, there was nothing to use as a reference point. "Freaking perfect!" he threw the map at the ground, and it flipped onto it's back. "Hmm?" the back had a few series of numbers jotted in the corner, Beta picked it up again and looked at them, there was no discernable pattern or markings to give a hint as to what they were, but they had to do something he wasn't supposed to get into, so he folded and pocketed the map for later. Beta couldn't help but feel that something was wrong around him, the ominous feeling that one is being watched, felt when left alone in quiet for too long. He stopped for a minute, holding his arm down, and moved his hand around in a strange pattern, giving the bio-ware under his arm a visual signal to release the knife attached to it. It fell into his hand, as he turned, flinging it down the hall. It hit a wall. "What the...? I'm just imagining things." he reassured himself. He nervously pulled out the map again, glancing behind him once or twice, hoping he could get his bearings straight again, but it was still as impossible as ever in the halls without landmarks. Beta wanted to try the doors, but he knew they would just lead to a lot of box-filled rooms. After several more minutes, it would've been obvious to anyone that there was no other option, so he pulled open the nearest door. To his surprise, it was not a warehouse inside, but a small, even whiter than the hallway, room with a large cylinder in the middle. He approached the tube and noticed the little bundle of fur curled up in the center "A cat-type?" Beta said with astonishment, pressing the release button to examine the unconcious kitten more closely.
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