Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1186044-Not-Enough-Time
Rated: 18+ · Chapter · Romance/Love · #1186044
This is a paranormal romance, with some humor.
This will be written in several installments....please be patient....Work In Progress....

Chapter 1

The screaming had almost died down. The frightened woman was crouched under the expensive glass coffee table, shaking and shreiking loudly enough to wake the dead.

"Funny", Lenora thought, "I'm dead", then she let out a cackle that had the glass on said coffee table rattling so hard it threatened to shatter. The woman cowering under the table just screamed louder and tried desperately to escape the terror she was now experiencing.

"Whh..who are you? Wh..Why are you doing this to m-me?"the desperately frightened woman managed to croak. "What do you want from me?"

No thought needed on Lenora's part, she bellowed in what she thought was her best and most hideous ghostly voice, "Get out, get out, get out!" Lenora allowed her voice to raise several octaves, "Leave and never return! "

The now hysterical woman, Janice Downs, scooted out from underneath the still shivering table, and almost broke her neck trying to unlock the front door's deadbolt. She was babbling and shaking. "Forget you Kiah, you and your crazy house. If y-you think I'm every coming back, ...."

"OUT!" Lenora bellowed one last time, before she allowed the front door to finally slam open. The very frightened Janice Downs stumbled to her car, got in and sped down the street so quickly, she took out two mailboxes and the back bumper off of a Lexus that had the misfortune to get in her way.

After laughing herself silly from the other woman's antics, as well as her own, Lenora sat down on the couch, as well as any ghost was able to sit on something from the 'real world'.

Good riddance to bad rubbish! The nerve of that odious woman, trying to steal from Kiah!

The jingle of keys in the door announced the imminent arrival of the house's owner.
Kiah was going to be in for a heck of a shock when he saw the state of the place. Well, it couldn't be helped. That woman had needed a good lesson and Lenora saw to it that she was well taught. Laughing softly, Lenora Chesson slowly faded into a silvery mist, waiting, watching.

Chapter 2

Kiah James unlocked the door and stopped. The scene was chaos! His first thought as he stepped over the threshold was someone had burglarized him, little did he know, but after a quick glance around, he changed his mind. Looked more like someone had had a temper tantrum. Judging from the call he'd gotten from a hysterical Janice a few minutes earlier, he figured on the latter.

Janice was snob and a drama queen, and he really didn't put much store in whatever she said. She didn't want to see him again, which suited him fine. The woman had a strange imagination, rambling on about ghosts and his house being haunted. She defiinitely needed to hold off on the booze or whatever drugs she'd been taking.

Kiah walked through the house and noticed that while drawers had been pulled out and many of his belongings tossed about, nothing had been broken or destroyed. Just a temper tantrum, just as he suspected. Why did all of the women he dated think that they had the right to his home and his belongings? Fortunately for him, they always seemed to back off and change their minds soon after attempting to stake a claim in his life. Who knew? Maybe he did have a ghost in his home who scared off all those unwanted trespassers. All the better for him if it was true.

Lenora stood quietly in the shadows, observing Kiah as he picked up the mess she'd generated. It was a shame that he had such trouble with the women in his life. He was such a beautiful man, really. His shoulder length wavy dark hair drew attention, as well as his deep brown eyes with lashes so long and thick, they could almost make a woman jealous. He had a beautiful mouth that could be both serious and sensuous. At 6'2" Kiah James was tall and well built, firmly muscled in a way that could only come from daily hard work and manuel labor.

She let out a soft sigh. She let her mind wander to Kiah, and his present state. He needed a wife, someone who would love and appreciate him, and share his world. Yes, Lenora was resolved to help Kiah James find the right woman to spend his life with, and to keep those 'other women' as far away as possible. Come what may, this was her mission, whether he liked it or not! A second soft sigh escaped her.


Kiah lifted his head from the letter he'd been reading. There it was again! He'd definitely heard a 'sigh' coming from somewhere behind him. He turned, looking into the shadows as if he expected someone to be standing there. No one was there of course, at least he couldn't see anyone.

(To Be Continued....)
© Copyright 2006 Dougless Raine (deidre at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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