Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1184328-PS-what-ever
Rated: 18+ · Poetry · Friendship · #1184328
This for Guys And Girls
Boys lie to you and some times even
hurt you more then your girlfriends
this is ture to almost every guy in the
world. But what they don't know is when
they say something they don't relize
how they say it cause some times
the way it comes out all together
is a dead give away. I hate the fact
that they have to lie and just can't
tell us the truth. I mean don't get
me wrong i've lied to guys before.
What they don't get is when you really
like them and they lie and tell you
they have a girlfriend even thoe you
know that it's a god damn lie. Guys
just don't understand fully how we
feel about them like when they say
well lets just be friends when you
know you want more then just friends.
When they say something like that
we tend to say ok i guess were just friends
even though every bone in your
body is telling you that you want more.
But sometimes we just have to eather
step up or step down and just let
things happen on there own. Sometimes
it takes a whille for things to happen but i
think it's worth the wait. If you really love
some one you will stand by them no matter
what happends and you will take them no
matter there faluts or who they hang out
with. I think every thing would be easyer
if all guys came with a book that told you
every thing about them but that would be
to easy right. Guys need to set lower standers
for the girls they most have and us girls need to
as well don't get me wrong it would be nice
to get that hot guy of your dreams or for guys
that girl of your dreams. But get real people
you will never find anyone like that and if you do
then your just really fucking lucky. I mean guys these
days want girls that dress like sults or stripers or
hockers and have big boobs. Guys get real and grow
up cause you will never find that. Girls don't go and try
to change your self for a guy cause chances are they
wont like you any more then before.
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