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this basicly about oricles so read it you'll learn somthing |
I know you've all heard of ying and yang ........................ well have you heard the real story on what really happened between them. .............. no?! Well are you in for a treat. Let's begin. Ok first of all ying and yang are not twins. Yes as surprising as that may seem there not, ying's a boy and yang's a girl. Ok Ying is actually 15,000 years old even though he only appers to be 17. He has long braided waist length hair, and wears mainly blue and white clothes. Oh and another thing he's only half angel, the other half being mortal. the reason for being that is because the ark angel, Gabriel, had come across a beautiful woman in his trek on earth, her name being Aries. Gabriel being enchanted by her, had fallen in love with her and no sooner had had they met they had a child with but after the child was born he was to immediatly die. The hevens had cused Gabriel for doing such a mortal sin,causing Ying to be born with no heart. In desperation to keep the child alive, and his mortal wife happy, he made a deal with the devil. He sold 100 virgin women to him in exchange for a heart. the devil disided to steal the heart from a young girl no older then 1 year from a mortal woman, the woman pleaded with saten to not kill her baby. Saten spared the childs life, but at a horrible price not only did the child loose her heart she was turned into a half-demon before hand to secretly infect the angel baby. He also took the child to hell with him so she would live with him and be under his influence. he named the child, who's name used to be Kendrana, to Yang. As the years slowly passed both Ying and Yang grew up not truly knowing about there past,but as Yang turned 18 (in human years) and Ying turned 17 (also in human years). Yang had come to earth to get away from her father and to live on her own, she became an assassin for a powerful and very rich mortal in Japan. Ying, who's parents had been very welthy, had was also living in Japan (Kyoto to be exsact) and had become her next target. As Yang was traviling she met Ying on the road, who had offered her to stay with him for she had told him she had been on a very long jorney. Not relising that this was the man that she was destined to kill, did not object, in hope to find out if he knew where Ying lived. During the first night however and relising that her target was all ready in range, set out to kill him. She snuck into his room only to find him not there, and serched the grounds and found him not too far off sitting next to a pond. He saw her as she sat next to him and couldn't belive how beautiful she looked in the luner light. Her short dirty blonde hair was pulled back in a very loose pony tail and her chocolate eyes always seemed to catch the light. The only thing that upset Ying about the maiden was that, even when he met her she never seemed to smile. Puzzled he asked her why. She told him that she had never had a mother and she had always hated her father (leaving the part out about her father being Saten) she told him that she would never love a soul and that she never could. For her father had only showed her hatred and treated her more like a possesion then a daughter. She then asked him why he was always smiling, life was never good for her what had his life been like to make him in always such a good mood. Ying responded that his father had abanted him when he was 2 for a reason he did not know, and his mother had died he had turned 10 leaving him alone in the world. He told her he remembered crying night after night, sure he was now the master of a wounderful house and he still had servents, but he felt as though all hope was goon in the world, but then he remembered that she had told him to smile during the bad times as much as the good, so he disided to always look at the best of things in life. Yang at that moment felt so confused, Ying's life had really sucked and yet he was always smiling. From that day she lived with Ying and there they fell in love as Yang's heart had grown back over the many years. You're proberly thinking right about now ................. that's it they lived happily ever after ...................... Well no actually it's not. But i'm going to write a story of there live in true detail and all that jazz. but your gonna have to wait *auther goes to hide from enraged readers* it'll be up soon .............. i hope. *smiles* But please be nice to me this is my first story i'm putting up on internet. I love you all ying_of_light ^_^ |