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Chapter 3 of Unearthed secrets I would really like some reviews!
"And I'm George." said George keeping his eyes on her breast.
Ginny also walked up to her and shook her hand blocking Wylow from view from Ron, Fred, and George. "Hi, I'm the youngest and only girl Ginny." said Ginny.

"Well its nice to meet you Ginny." said Wylow laughing at Ginny's remark.
The Weasley's, Wylow, and Harry talked all through the day until suppertime completely missing lunch.
Molly called everyone to the back yard were they had their lunch and talked about the upcoming school year.

"Well since Harry is going to teach the D.A. this year too, why doesn't he just teach more people? I mean Fred and George could recruit people at their shop and then we could just add those kids on to the D.A. You could make them take an oath and every thing. So what do you say?" asked Wylow thinking it was pretty good idea.

"I don't have a problem with It." said Fred

"Me 'neither" said George agreeing with his twin.
After lunch everyone headed out to a patch of land where the boys would practice Quidditch and with Wylow as the ref. and Arthur and Molly Weasley as the audience they Weasley's played until the sun went down.
Tired and having to go to Diagon Alley tomorrow every one turned in early heading up to the Burrow about 8:00pm. Ron and Harry went up to there room first followed by Fred and George who were the followed by Ginny and Wylow.
The groups of teenagers were not asleep long before awoken by the cries of Wylow downstairs, as the group of four boys walked closer to down stairs they stopped and Ginny sitting on the steps with her head down.
"What happened Ginny? Why is Wylow crying?" asked Ron worried.
"Dumbledore came and got Wylow about 20 minutes ago and he just told her that Belletrix killed Tonks about an hour ago. The Death Eaters ambushed a group of order members. I'm not sure why though." said Ginny in a hurry.
"That so sa....."Fred started. He didn't get to finish because Wylow and Molly had just said goodbye Dumbledore and was headed up the staircase. Everyone hurried to their rooms before they were caught.
As they walked into Ginny's room Ginny turned over so her face was hidden and listened to what they were saying.
"Its ok dear they will get her. She will pay for what she has done" said Molly trying to reassure Wylow.
"You don't know that Molly. You can't say for sure that they will catch her. You can't say that she will pay for killing my sister. 'Cuz you don't know." as Wylow said this she started to sob silently.

“I just want to go to sleep Molly. Can I please just go to sleep?"

"Of course dear, of course" said Molly covering Wylow with her blanket then walking out the door shutting it behind her.

"Get up every one we got to get going" yelled Molly up the staircase, no one was very excited about getting up before the sun. They all rolled out of bed half asleep and zombie like. Every one walked down the stairs and into the kitchen sitting at the table for Breakfast. Molly hurriedly served then all and sat down her self and ate.

"Where is Wylow" asked Harry looking around the table.

"Well I figured I would let her sleep a little longer, she had a tough night last night and I'm warning you all right now if I found out that you are asking her about it when she doesn't bring it up then you will have to deal with me do you hear?" threatened Molly

"Yes maim" they all replied in unison.

Wylow woke up and got dressed. She wasn't in a very nice mood but she didn't think being stuck in the room all day would help any. So she slowly walked down the stairs in to the kitchen and sat at the table. Every one looked at her in aw but didn't say any thing. They just let Wylow eat quietly.
As the plates were cleared Wylow got up to help clean.

"Oh no dear" said Molly taking the pans away from her. "You don't have to do any thing"

"Look Molly just because Tonks... died doesn't mean I'm incompetent, I can do think for my self so please, please, just treat my like nothing happened" said Wylow with a single tear falling down her face. Every one that had been talking to each other sat quietly and just looked at the scene before them.

"Yes, yes of course dear" said Molly a little fluttered. Wylow took the pans and put them in the sink while the others went out side to practice their Quidditch.

"So what do you think is going to happen to Wylow? Were do you think she is going to stay?" asked Ron.

"Well probably with her house elf at her mansion" said Harry who remembered Roxy her house elf coming over and cooking them breakfast. The group had gotten to the top of the hill were they would always practice when staying at the Burrow.

"Well I know one thing." said George. "Oh and what's that." asked Fred.

"Well she is going to need a shoulder to cry on and I'm the one that's going to be there." said George smoothly.
At this comment there was a big argument and all the guys got in it with poor Ginny on the side lines trying to get them to shut up.

"Will you guys please shut up" yelled Ginny getting very annoyed,
"You are acting like a bunch of animals!!"

Everyone looked at Ginny and then walked quietly up to the practice area. Every one was a little rusty but they all seemed pretty good. About an hour later Wylow walked up to the practice area and all the boys came to her side in a hurry.

"Molly told me to tell you that it was time to come in and pack.
'Cause we are going to the train tomorrow." said Wylow not looking to well but better than she had.

"Well then lets go shall we?" said Fred putting his arm around her making the other guys very angry with him, and they walked down to the burrow.

"Wake up every one we have to get to the train." said molly Weasley up the stairway.
Every one walked down the stairs very groggily. As they sat down at the table Errol the Weasley's pet owl flew through the window and landed head first on the table. Ron got up and took the letter from his leg and looked at the name on it.
Mr. Harry Potter
Ronald Weasley's Kitchen
The Borrow

"Hey "airy you have a letter" said Ron passing it to him. Harry grabbed the letter and opened it reading it silently.
"What is it Harry" asked Ginny.

"It’s a Letter from Dumbledore. He said that Wylow, Ron, Hermione, Fred, George, and I are to meet him in his office the day after the sorting."
Harry put the letter down and looked at their faces.

"But why would he want us there?" asked Fred.

"Yeah we don't even go to Hogwarts anymore." said George.
"I don't know but if Dumbledore wants you there than it must be important. Besides it might have to do with the D.A." said Molly Weasley.

"Or The Order?" said Ron hopefully.

"Well I wouldn't go that far. I don't think he will tell you guys any thing about the order because of the fact that you to and Hermione are under age." said Molly
"But Fred and George are so there might be a chance." said Ron arguementivly.

"Yeah and if he wanted to talk about the order than he would have only asked for Fred and George. Or waited for the next meeting." said Molly in a way that ended the conversation.

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