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by 13
Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Friendship · #1183716
All Abby wants is an easy life, does she get it? probably not.
‘I had a call from your principal today’ mom said.

‘Yeah’ I said taking a bottle of water from the fridge.

‘He told me you’re flunking a few of your classes and you’ve been ditching’

‘So what’ I said

‘Talk to me honey’ she said. ‘What’s going on?’

‘Nothing is going on’ I said sitting at the counter.

‘I know its been a tough year Abby, its been tough for both of us but you have

to concentrate on your schoolwork more, I don’t want you throw it away, you

were a straight A student’

‘I’m just not really interested anymore you know, I have a lot on my mind


‘Your dad?’ she asked

‘Yes daddy, other things too, i’m finding it hard sleeping at night’

‘Honey do you think you might benefit from talking to a shrink or a doctor

maybe they can help you’

‘I don’t need to talk to anyone mom’

‘What other things are on your mind’

‘Life is short mom, to short’

‘I’m only concerned because you’re graduating in like 2 weeks, if it carries on

you might not even get your high school diploma’

‘Mom I will be fine’

‘Please can you just try to knuckle down, you don’t have long left Abby’

‘I will mom’ I said


‘Ok’ I said

‘You know i’m flying out to Chicago tonight’

‘All weekend?’

‘pretty much, i’m doing Oprah’ she said ‘Courtney and Richard will be staying

here for the weekend but they wont be here until about 8 tonight, i’m sorry


‘Mom I can take care of myself you know’

‘You can always come with me if you like’

‘No thanks, I don’t know anybody in Chicago and I don’t fancy staying in a

hotel room all weekend’

‘Ok, i’m sorry honey, I will make it up to you though how about next weekend

we go away somewhere’

‘Yeah maybe’ I said. ‘I’m going to take a shower’

My father died 2 months ago; he walked into a liquor store in south central Los Angeles and got shot in the back. He was a legend. He started a band in the 70’s called the pink lips. He was really rock and roll very controversial and extremely famous.

My parents have been divorced for 15 years but they were still pretty close. He lived just down the road from us in Beverly Hills. I miss him still like crazy. Every morning when he was home he would come and make me breakfast and sometimes even dinner.

Mom is an actress and works pretty hard all the time and although she has slowed her workload down a lot she is still working a lot of the time. I wonder why dad went into that liquor store because he doesn’t drink anymore. He was a recovering drug addicts and alcoholic and alcoholism was why mom and dad divorced, well that and womanising. Perhaps it was to buy a pack of cigarettes or a newspaper.

I remember that morning well, he had come over and cooked scrabbled eggs but I was running late and couldn’t eat it. It was a Saturday and I was going to practice tennis with my coach Mario. I quickly kissed him on the cheek and left saying I would see him later. Mom said she ate the eggs. I hate myself for not taking the 5 minutes it would have taken to eat the stupid breakfast.

I went to a pool party that afternoon when Courtney, my godmother, called me and asked if I could come home now. I didn’t ask questions as I could just feel something was wrong.

‘Are you going out tonight’ mom asked as she came into my room

‘Yeah, Tammy Winterson is having a party tonight’

‘Have her parents left her home alone again’

‘Well they trust her mom’

‘I trust you Abby; I think it’s nice for you to spend time with Courtney and


‘I don’t mind’ I said

‘Will you do some studying this weekend?’

‘See that brown paper bag by my TV’ I said


‘It’s full up with assignments I have missed’ I told her

‘Jesus Abby’ she said looking into the bag. ‘There must be a whole months

worth in here’

‘Yeah there is, i’m gonna start working on it tomorrow morning after tennis’

‘Your going back to tennis that’s great news!’ she smiled

‘Yeah, don’t make a fuss’ I said

‘I’m proud of you honey’ she kissed me head. ‘I’m leaving now; I will probably

see you Monday morning’

‘Ok mom, tell Oprah I said hi’

‘I will do honey. Do you have money?’ she asked

‘Yeah I do’

‘Do you need anything?’

‘No i’m cool mom’

I left Courtney a note explaining where I would be and I wouldn’t be home too
late. The party was crap Tammy’s parents came home early and exploded
when they saw collage boys doing kegs and girls smoking joints. My friends went on to another party but I just went home deciding to start doing some assignments. I talked with Courtney for a while before going upstairs. I finally hit the sack at 3. I had to be up at 8 for tennis.

Mario shocked face turned into a huge smile.

‘My, my, my, look who we have here’

‘Can you fit me in today?’

‘Yeah that’s cool; we will start now the other kid I teach is always late. Let’s

play and see how rusty you are child’

‘Lets warm up for Mario’

‘Cool, cool’

We stood on opposite side of the court and gently hit the ball back and forth.

‘So how have you been’ he asked

‘Ok’ I said shrugging my shoulders. ‘How have you been?’

‘I can’t complain Kid; my wife is expecting our 4th child’

‘4th wow ever thought of having the snip Mario?’ I smiled

‘Tell me about it, i’m quitting now, no more kids after this one’ he winked

‘That’s what you said last year!’

‘I mean it this time, anyway, how’s school?’

‘Its ok, I guess’

‘Just ok’

‘Well i’m failing a few things, it just doesn’t seem to worry me anymore, and I

know it should’

‘I know, but you have to get your head down, you’ll be graduating this year


‘Yeah I know, I will’

Back at home Courtney had made chicken salad for lunch.

‘What are your plans for today Abby?’ she asked

‘I have some catching up to do with my school work’

‘Oh, what about tonight, do you want to go see a movie or something?’

‘No, I would love to but I really need to get this done Courtney, maybe

tomorrow night’

‘Ok, that’s cool’

I managed to do about 75% of what I had to get done by Sunday afternoon. I was really pleased with myself. Courtney and I went out to dinner to nobu’s resturant and then we saw a movie. It was a pretty good evening. I slept well that evening.

‘You have done really well honey’ mom said Monday morning, she had just got


‘She was at it all weekend’ Courtney said.

‘Well I am proud of you Abby, how do you fancy going shopping today after


‘Sure, are you coming to Courtney?’

‘Yeah, I could do with some retail therapy’

‘Cool, well I will be home at lunchtime because I have 2 free periods after


Some of the teachers were pleased I had done my work others just didn’t
comment. I went to the library before I went home to pick up some notes on chemistry from a super geek called Stuart.

‘Good day at school’ mom asked me

‘Yeah it was ok’ I told her

‘Are you ready to do some major shopping’ Courtney asked

‘Please, I am always ready Courtney, i’m just gonna take a quick shower and

change, I wont be too long’ I smiled

I took a real quick shower and changed, I wore my baggy roxy jeans and a tight
black top that said Punk chick on it. As I walked towards the lounge I overheard mom and Courtney talking and I stopped.

‘You have to tell her sometime Sharon’ Courtney said

‘I can’t do it just yet, its not the right time’

‘When will be the right time?’

‘I don’t know after she’s graduated maybe, I don’t want her worrying, she has

had enough to deal with this year already, I don’t feel like she could handle


‘I know’ Courtney said. ‘But if something happens…’

‘Nothing will happen if I can help it. Abby is more sensitive then we give her

credit for, she is still trying to get over the fact that frank isn’t here anymore. If

something does, Courtney you will look after her wont you.’

‘You know I will Richard and I will take care of her like she is our own. I love

that kid to death. But you can’t keep doing what you’re doing’

‘As long as I get the chemo, ill be fine’ mom said

‘maybe she could help you, its crazy you keeping this from her, going off

having chemo staying at my house while i’m in yours’

‘It takes a lot out of you’

‘I can imagine but…’

‘Courtney, please don’t carry on I can’t bare to talk about this anymore’

‘Ok, that’s fair but Richard and I are so worried about you’

‘Please honey, I will be fine’ she said that was followed by a long silence where

I figured there were hugging.

I was a little confused at first. Mom was having chemo for cancer? Where was the cancer? How long had she had it? Why couldn’t she tell me?

‘I’m ready’ I said finally going into lounge. ‘Are you sure you are ok to go

shopping mom, you look pretty tiered’

‘Ill be fine honey’

‘Actually I think i’m gonna skip the shopping, give you two some time alone


‘Are you sure’ mom said

‘Yeah, maybe some other time this week’ she smiled

‘Well let’s go then mom’ I said after we saw Courtney off.

‘Come on then’

‘Can I drive your car; I have no gas in mine’

‘Ill drive’ she smiled.

‘Oh please mom’ I pleaded

‘Ok, but i’m driving back’

Mom drives a Lamborghini Gallardo and I drive a bmw x5. My mum and dad
brought me this car when I passed my drivers Ed. I was very impressed.

‘So how was Chicago?’ I asked

‘It was ok’

‘When will it be shown on TV?’

‘I’m not sure, what’s with the sudden interest, you’ve never been interested

before’ she said

‘Just trying to make conversation mom’

‘How was school?’

‘Ok, I told you already. I think I may go and take some flowers to daddy’s

grave later’

‘That’s nice’

‘Do you want to come?’

‘Ok if you like’

We did some major shopping; I had a whole new wardrobe. I figured it was
guilt money because she was lying to me. I decided as she wasn’t giving up any information I had to start asking questions.

‘So what new with you mom’

‘Nothing, same old stuff’ she said

‘Where is Michael I haven’t seen him for like ever mom’

‘We aren’t glued to each other’

‘I know mum, i’m just asking’

‘No, I think we are going our separate ways’

‘Really, I liked him too’ I said

‘You actually like someone I was dating?’ she laughed

‘Yeah I did’


‘Yeah he was cooler than some of the guys you date’

‘What was cool about him honey?’ she asked

‘Well for one he didn’t try to act like a father figure and he didn’t feel sorry for

me either’

‘Nobody feels sorry for you’

‘Yeah they do mom, I can tell, I know’

‘Well I can understand that honey, i’m just happy to be on my own for a while’

‘You be on your own for a while, what’s going on mom, you don’t like to be


‘Maybe i’m turning over a new leaf’

‘Maybe’ I sighed. ‘Are you sure there is nothing more going on’

She didn’t reply she just stayed silent.

‘Mom’ I said

‘Abby now is not the time, let’s just get home’

‘Something is up isn’t it?’

‘Let’s just get home’ she repeated

‘Ok whatever’ I said

Once we were home I asked mom what was up.

‘Honey, nothing is up’

‘Mom, i’m sorry but I just get this feeling you’re lying to me’

‘Oh Abby’ she sighed. ‘Some things I would just like to protect you from’

‘Mom I am not a kid’

‘You are a kid honey, that’s it I don’t wanna talk about it anymore subject



‘Subject closed’ she said sternly.

‘Ok mom’ I said

I went upstairs in a bad mood and didn’t return downstairs until breakfast time. Mom had made bacon and eggs.

‘I’m going away tomorrow for a few days, Courtney will be over again’

‘What are you going away for this time’ I asked

‘Just a few things ill be back Friday morning, are we still gonna go away this

weekend?’ she asked

‘I don’t know, I have tennis Saturday morning’

‘Well we can get away after that; I thought we could take a drive down to the
lake house together’


‘You’re annoyed with me aren’t you’ she said

‘Why would I be annoyed with you mother’

‘You tell me’ she asked

‘I have nothing to say, I don’t keep things from you’ I said, ‘anyway, i’m late

for school, not that I care’ I said leaving the house

School was boring, my friends are supposed to be the coolest in school but even they are boring, my best friend sally is dating my ex boyfriend Alex. I don’t mind or anything but he was like obsessed with me. Every so often I catch him looking at me. I wonder if he wants to be with sally or he is just using her to get to me. He is so cheesy.

I ditched the last class with my gay best friend Julius. Julius is the greatest; you can have so much fun with him. I really like his older brother Louis, he is 23 and in collage in New York City. Julius teases me about it all the time. Louis is a major hottie. I came home just around dinner time.

‘I didn’t cook because I didn’t know what time you would be home’

‘I’m not hungry’ I said putting my bag on the couch. ‘You don’t really want to

cook anyway Mom, why are you making so much of an effort’

‘I’m just trying to be your mother honey, this attitude you’re carrying around

has got to stop, and I’m getting annoyed with it to be truthful’

‘Well deal with it, I have enough on my mind at the Moment without you

keeping on at me’ I said


‘Yes really’

‘Like what Abby, you told me you have no secrets from me, so come on tell

me’ she said

‘Well my dads died…’

‘Stop playing that card on me’ she said

‘And my own mother has cancer, god only knows where and she won’t even tell

me about it’ I shouted

‘How do you know about that?’

‘I overheard you and Courtney talking about it, so you can tell her but you

can’t tell me huh’

‘Courtney is different’

‘Well who else have you told before me?’ I asked


‘You lied to me Mom’

‘I didn’t, I just didn’t tell you about it, I don’t want you to worry’

‘I’m not worried’ I said. ‘I already lost daddy, i’m sure ill get over losing you

too, you don’t mean as much to me as daddy did, I hate your guts’ I said


She stood there with a look that was cross, hurt and angry all at the same time. I didn’t feel guilty until I reached my room and I cried my eyes out. I didn’t study I feel asleep on the bed.

I left for school pretty early and met up with sally at her house. I did it to avoid Mom. She wouldn’t be there when I got home and I wasn’t ready to talk to her. I felt a mixture of anger and sadness. I wanted to be with Mom to tell her how much I loved her and I would do anything to help her and on the over hand I was angry that she kept something this major to herself.

School was long that day, I was asked out on about 6 dates but I turned them all down, I get this everyday. Everybody is getting excited about the prom asking each other out on dates. I’m not interested and even if I was I wouldn’t go with a boy from this school. My next door neighbour is a guy called jimmy drake, he’s cool. He is 23 and is in a pop band, I have made out with him a few times and i’m sure he likes me, so I may ask him if he will go with me.

When I got home from school Courtney was there waiting for me to pull up.

‘Come on Abs, let’s go out for dinner tonight’ she asked

‘I don’t really feel like it’ I said

‘Oh come on sweetie’

‘I want to see my mother, is she at your house’ I asked

‘Yes she is’

‘Well hop in and let’s go’ I said

‘I don’t think that’s such a good idea Abby’

‘Why not’

‘Because she doesn’t want you to see her sick’ she said

‘Well what about what I want Courtney, huh?’

‘She will probably be asleep’

‘That’s ok, please Courtney I just have to see her’ I pleaded

‘Ok’ she said and got in the car.

I drove over to her house and she let me in.

‘She will be in the spare room sweetie’ Courtney said

I slowly opened the door to the spare room. Mum was there but she was lying

on the bed facing away from me.

‘Mom’ I said but she was asleep. I walked around to see her bed and she

looked ill, in fact she looked awful.

‘I’m so sorry’ I whispered in her ear and I put my head just below hers.

After a minute or so she put her hand on my head.

‘What are you doing here’ she croaked

‘I wanted to see you’

‘I thought I was dreaming there for a minute and this wasn’t real, I mean I

dreamed you being here’

‘I’m here Mom, to apologise, I didn’t mean to be so heartless and I didn’t

mean what I said’ I told her and began to cry

‘Don’t get your self so upset baby girl’ she said. ‘Get in and give me a cuddle’

I slid next to her and cuddled her.

‘I don’t want you to die Mom, i’m scared’

‘I won’t die honey’ she whispered. ‘I just have a few more treatments left and

hopefully it will be gone’

‘Where is it to Mom?’

‘It’s in my butt’

‘Oh wow, I don’t wanna see it’

‘Ok I wont show it to you’ she laughed

‘I don’t wanna lose you to Mom’

‘You wont, and if you do Courtney is gonna take care of you’

‘I don’t want her to take care of me’ I said

‘Why not what’s wrong with Courtney’

‘Nothing, she isn’t you Mom’

‘I promise you know I will be here for a long time yet’

‘I love you Mom, and I really am sorry’

‘I know you are, I love you too honey’

‘I’m gonna leave you now, ill see you when you get home’ I said. ‘Take it easy’

‘I will do thanks for coming by’

‘No problem Mom’

Courtney drove my car home because I just didn’t feel like it.

‘You wanna talk about it?’ she asked

‘No’ I sighed

‘It might help’

‘Who cares I don’t want to talk so can we drop it Courtney’

‘Ok, chill’

‘Sorry, i’m just tiered and I have so much studying to be getting on with, I feel

like my mind just hasn’t stopped all week’

‘Ill help with you’re studying if you like?’

‘You can do my English history paper if you like; write 2000 words on Mary

queen of Scots’

‘Sure its something I can recall from my school days’

‘Was Mary the queen of Scots around when you were in school?’

‘Say what!’ she laughed

‘I’m just kidding Courtney, you don’t have to do it’ I said

‘I want to, but you can’t tell your mother’

‘Well if you really want to’

After tennis with Mario on Saturday morning Mom and I took a drive down to

the lake house. The weather was great although a storm was predicted. Mom
sat outside in the shade while I sunbathed and text jimmy to ask him if he was

in town next weekend. He said he was so I asked him if he would like to take

me to my high school prom on the Friday night and he said he would buy

himself a tux for the occasion.

They he asked if I wanted to go over and fool around with him, I said I

couldn’t because I was out of town.

‘So you will be graduating Sunday’ Mom said

‘Yeah, just about, I handed all my work in though and it all seemed ok’ I told


‘Did jimmy say he would take you to the prom?’

‘Yes he did’

‘He is a nice boy’

‘Yeah he is’ I smiled

‘Do you like him?’

‘Why do you ask that?’

‘Well when he’s home your always with him’

‘Yeah he is ok’ I said

‘So what do you plan to do this summer’ she asked me.

‘I don’t know a few of my friends are thinking about going over to England for

a few weeks’

‘You should go’ she said

‘I would but they are leaving a few days after graduation on Wednesday


‘For two weeks huh’

‘Yeah, I won’t be going’

‘Why not?’ she asked

‘Well because of you, this cancer thing, it’s not right’

‘By the time you would have got back from England the cancer thing will be all

over’ she said

‘Still it’s not right’

‘You have to go, I will talk to sally’s Mom and sort it out, you’ll have a great

time, and we can talk on the phone everyday too’

‘Are you sure Mom’ I said

‘Of course’

Over dinner that night we talked a little more about her cancer and I understood it a little more.

‘when we were arguing the other day just before you told me you knew about

the cancer, I sort of shouted at you for throwing your dads death in my face


‘Yeah I remember’

‘I'm sorry about that, truth is you never talk to me about your dad, I hate that’

‘Mom, it’s just too upsetting for me at the Moment and I know it upsets you

too, it’s just not worth talking about it, and I’m not ready, sorry’

‘That’s ok honey, but when you’re ready to talk will you come to me’

‘Of course I will’

A storm did come that night and the rain was so hard and heavy that the lake
doubled in size! Mom was sat outside in the porch when I woke up. And I drove us home soon after breakfast.

The next week went quite fast, I didn’t expect to be sad about leaving school but I was. I realised I would probably lose a few friends I hadn’t even got myself a collage yet, well I had been excepted to all the ones I had applied for but I hadn’t decided what one to go for. I will decide when I get back from England.

I had a lot of fun with Mom helping me pick my prom dress she hired a dressmaker to make it, it was beautiful, a long black dress with a split up the front to the top of my thigh and on the back crawling around to the front was a long pink flower.
Mom hired her make up artist and hair stylist for the evening so it cost over 7 thousand bucks just to get me out the door. Jimmy picked me up at 7.45 I told him to come then as I wanted to be late for the prom that started at 7.

‘Wow, you look stunning’ he said in his English accent.

‘You don’t look to bad your self, nice suit’

‘it’s a Gucci, I got it especially for tonight, I got you this to, your mum told me

to get a pink one’ he tied the rose around my hand’

‘thank you’ I said kissing him on the cheek.

He sort of looked deep into my eyes for a Moment but Mom broke the look when her and Courtney came in to take pictures of us. I had my picture taken about a hundred times before I left the house.

‘Tonight is your night so there are no rules, no curfew no anything’ Mom


‘I will take care of her’ jimmy said with a smile

‘Good because if you don’t I will kill you’ she joked, at least I hope she was


We had the Gutons playing as the band they were pretty cool, I knew them already through my dad and through jimmy. They spent a little time chatting with jimmy but jimmy didn’t seem interested as his eyes were all over me.

There was like a mini award ceremony it’s a stupid thing really. Best dressed female student, best dressed male student, class clown, geek of the year, most likely to… I won best dressed and also to win an Oscar. Sally and Alex won prom king and queen and after all the rallying they did to get votes they deserved it.
Alex made a snide comment to me. ‘If we were still together it would be you wearing that crown’

‘Is this your ex’ jimmy asked

‘Yeah he is an idiot take no notice of him’

‘I'm not, I can’t take my eyes off of you Abby’ he smiled and then he kissed
We have kissed before but this was different, it felt different, I can’t explain it but I had butterflies in my tummy. The after party was at Tammy winter son’s house her parents had got over the earlier party and decided to let her have another and they really did go away for the weekend this time. I was glad because she does throw great parties.

We went back to the Beverly Hills hotel room around 2.30 in the morning, I was a little tipsy but I knew what I was doing. Some of his friends were in the bar and we had a drink with them for a little while before going up to a room.

‘So what normally happens on the night of the prom’ he asked

‘You know what happens, we are supposed to make love lose our virginity to

each other’

‘Are you a virgin Abby?’ he asked

‘I wish I was, no I went out with Alex when I was 15 almost from the get go we
were in a sexual relationship’

‘I thought so’

‘Why did you think that?’

‘Well if I was Alex I would be crazy not to be having sex with you wouldn’t I’

‘I don’t know what you mean’

‘Abby, you’re gorgeous and not just on the outside’

‘You don’t mean that’

‘Why would you think that?’

‘Because you just probably want to fuck me just like any other guy’ I smiled

‘well I'm not gonna say that’s a lie because its true, I always have since I

moved next door to you and I could see you sunbathing in skimpy bikinis, all

that fooling around we did but I didn’t want to take advantage of you too much’

‘What’s changed now?’

‘Now you have left school you’re a woman’

‘Not quite I don’t graduate until Monday’

‘Really I’d like to come to that’

‘You can come if you like’

‘I will’ he said standing in front of me. ’I wanna kiss you again’

‘Then do it’

Within seconds of kissing each other we he was undoing my dress, he slipped it to the floor to reveal my nakedness I wasn’t even wearing underwear. I ripped his shirt from him popping a few buttons in the process; I could feel he was rock hard. He kissed me all over and I melted. He picked me up and put me on the bed and he went down on me, it was amazing, we made love until the early morning. It was pleasure I had never known before, I can understand now why Mom always liked a lot of men in her life. We got a cab home at 7 in the morning. No one was awake when I got in. I had a few hours sleep and woke up at noon.

‘Did you have a good time last night?’ Mom asked

‘Yeah it was cool’ I smiled

‘I didn’t hear you get in’

‘It was pretty late’ I said. ‘7 ish this morning’

‘Wow, what were you up to until 7 this morning?’

‘That’s private’

‘Did you have sex with jimmy!?’


‘Really did you’

‘I can’t answer that!’

‘So you did, was he good?’

‘He was yeah, it was just perfect’

‘Oh I am really pleased honey’ she smiled

‘Hey, I won best dressed pupil last night’

‘Really, I'm not surprised’

‘Me either’

‘I'm starving what’s there to eat’

‘Nothing put some clothes on and i will take you out for lunch’

‘Sounds cool, can we go to a steak house’

‘Sure whatever you want’


We had lunch and I had a massive steak and fries with the whole shebang.

After lunch I went home and took along bath. Jimmy asked what I was up to

tonight I said I hadn’t made any plans and he invited me over for dinner, I


‘Something smells good’ I said entering his house

‘I'm cooking you a proper English roast dinner, I even made my own

Yorkshire puddings’

‘I have no idea what that is’ I said

‘You have it with roast beef’

‘Is it sweet?’

‘No, its savoury, can I get you a beer glass of wine, soda’

‘Ill have a glass of wine’

‘White or red’ he asked

‘Well red goes with beef’

‘I know, red it is’ he smiled. ‘Just wait here, ill be right back’

‘Ok’ I said

I spent some time looking at his cd collection. He had thousands of cds and

every CD by Pink Lips which I smiled at. But it wasn’t all pop; surprisingly he

had some classical CDs too.

‘Do you wanna come in to the dining room, the food is ready’


I followed him into the dining room and he pulled out a chair for me.
I really enjoyed the traditional Sunday roast. We had roast beef with horseradish sauce. Roasted potatoes, carrots, broccoli and a Yorkshire pudding.

‘You have really surprised me jimmy’ I smiled

‘Did you like it?’

‘Yeah, I didn’t know you could cook’

‘I'm more than a pretty facing Abby’ he laughed. ‘No I don’t cook very often

only special occasions’

‘Is this a special occasion?’ I asked him

‘Well it’s a little like I first date, and also the first time you had a proper roast

and Yorkshire pudding’

‘I didn’t realise this was a date’

‘Well, the nights what ever you make it Abby’

‘My dad always used to say that to my Mom’


‘Yeah he did’ I said but I wasn’t smiling anymore. ‘So what do you normally

do on the first date?’ I asked

‘Well I don’t normally cook, but then I have never already made love to the girl’

‘I really enjoyed last night jimmy’

‘Me too, I haven’t felt that intimate with a girl for a long time, there is having a

shag and having a shag, if you know what I mean’

‘Not really’

‘Well last night was really passionate don’t you think?’

‘Yeah it was’ I smiled. ‘But you don’t seriously think you and I could become

a couple’

‘Why not?’

‘Well were from different places, besides I don’t wanna be held down you

know, I'm only 18’

‘And I'm only 24’

‘24 is a lot older than me, 6 years! I just wanna have fun jimmy, there are a lot

of men out there that I wanna meet’

‘Well we can still have fun but not on a relationship level’ he smiled

‘So you just want to use me for sex’ I said

‘Well I would like to date you but you don’t want that do you?’

‘No I don’t, sorry’

‘Then I will use you for sex’ he said with a cheeky grin. ‘Would you like some

ice cream?’

‘Sure’ I smiled

The ice-cream led to another all night sex session. I was pretty sore the next

day but I enjoyed it all the same.

I spent Sunday with Julius; we went shopping for stuff to take to England with

On Monday morning I was a little sad as I got ready to graduate. My dad should be here to enjoy this with me. I know Mom would be there with Courtney and jimmy, but I wanted dad to see this more than anything.

‘I'm so proud of you’ Mom said 5 minutes before we left, I was finishing my

make up in my room. ‘And I know your dad would be too’

‘I was thinking of him?’

‘You have been pretty quiet all day, and I was thinking of him too’

‘I wish he could come back just for one day Mom’

‘Me to’ she said giving me a hug

‘I don’t want to talk about it anymore’ I said

‘Ok’ she said, ‘if you don’t hurry up we will be late.

‘I'm coming now’

The graduation service dragged on and on. Nearly everyone had a little speech to make. I didn’t. As I looked around I realised I had known all of these people for most of my life. There parents some just as famous as mine, some not. It really was a school for celebrities’ kids. It wasn’t like normal high schools like you see in movies, even the geeks here have style. Everybody here is friends with everybody, there was never any bullying, like in my cousins schools.

I loved this place and it would be the last time I would be here. It brought tears to my eyes but I didn’t cry, I hadn’t cried because dad couldn’t be here and that was far more important than leaving school. I did cringe a little when
Mom got talking to Julius’ father Rodger they had shared a rather steamy sex scene in a movie a couple of years ago and I still blush when I see them together. I remember Louis showing me the tape and asking if I could do that to him, I was only 13 at the time and I fled his house in embarrassment! That was the first time I had seen one of Moms movies, I have never watched one since. Louis was there, he was so hot it was unreal but he had a girlfriend and plus I didn’t think Julius would apprieciate me hitting on his brother today of all days.

Jimmy and I headed to a pool party in Malibu, thrown by Chris Travis, a jock. I dated Chris for a while when I was 15, I didn’t like him that much he wanted me to watch him practice football all the time so it didn’t work but we were still good friends. It was a good party, although I always feel a little self conscious walking around in just a bikini in front of loads of people. But At least there were no photographers. When Mom and I go on holiday, it seems they will do anything to get a picture of us together half naked in bikinis.

We flew to London on Wednesday and arrived at lunch time, there time. We checked into the Browns hotel in Mayfair. I was sharing my suite with Julius who was cool because I know he is a lot cleaner than some of the girls and wouldn’t leave make up everywhere.

‘I wanna go to the galleries in Cork Street’ he told me.

‘Well can we go down to Bond Street, I want to do some shopping’ I said

‘We can do both, while you’re unpacking I will check out what the other are up


‘Cool’ I said. ‘Do you want me to unpack your stuff?’

‘I did it babe’ he smiled. ‘You unpack like miss daisy’

‘Hey there is an actual bar here called cheers’

‘my dad would kill me if I got arrested for underage drinking in london’

‘No, you can get hammered at 18 over here’


‘Yeah, Mom told me just before I left’


‘I had better phone her actually’ I sighed

‘Ok well I will see you shortly…London baby!’

I found my phone that they wouldn’t let me take on the plane so I had to put in in my suitcase.
Mom wasn’t answering her phone so I called Courtney.

‘Hey Courtney’

‘Hi abs, what’s up?’

‘I'm just outside the hospital waiting to pick up your mother’

‘oh, I wondered why I couldn’t get hold of her, will you tell her I'm here and I

ask her to call me when she is ok to’

‘I will do, I'm staying with her tonight so ill take good care of her’

‘I know you will, Courtney. Courtney’


‘Tell her I love her’

‘Aw, I will sweetie’

‘Thanks see you later’

Julius forced us all to go and see the galleries, so we didn’t have time to go to Bond Street. I had a call from a member of the pink lips, Johnny Skeleton, to ask if I wanted to meet him for dinner tomorrow night. I accepted it felt a little weird because I haven’t spoke to him since the funeral.

We all went to a night club in Soho that night. It was pretty cool, jimmy text my to say he would be in London tomorrow and wanted to know if I would come to a place called Bristol with him, to meet his parents. I said no at first but he persuaded me saying it was a great place. And he also said me and my friends were welcome to his show at the London docklands. Which my friends thought was cool, because we would have our own box. I said they were all more than welcome to go and I would catch them up later as I had already made plans.

I met Johnny at a restaurant called Petrus. This was a very nice place.

‘Hi, how are you?’ he said greeting me with a big hug.

‘I'm cool, how are you?’

‘I'm doing ok’ he said as he sat down. ‘I'm sorry it’s been a long time’

‘It really hasn’t been that long’ I said

‘Still, I should keep in contact more, so tell me what you have been up to?’

‘Well, I graduated high school on Monday, now I'm just chilling with some

friends over here’

‘Sounds good’

‘I'm heading up to Bristol tonight with a friend of mine, have you ever been


‘Yeah, it’s a nice city, about a 2 hour drive away but worth it’


We had dinner and talked for an hour or so, tip toeing around the subject of daddy. I could tell he was just as devastated as I was, he had known dad for 30 years or more.

I headed over to the docklands to catch the last part of the show; I felt tiered and really didn’t want to be there. It had been all over London tonight, I even had to go back to the hotel to pack a bag before heading the docklands. My friends and I went backstage to see the guys.

The way jimmy was treating me, you would have thought I had never been to a pop concert. He was really getting on my nerves; I have been to some of the wildest rock concerts on earth, better than a shitty pop concert any day of the week.

‘Hey Julius, if I just sneak off back to the hotel would you call me a bitch’

‘Hell yeah, aren’t you supposed to be going someplace with this guy tonight, to

meet his folks’

‘I know but I really don’t want to, and I feel like I have been treated like a kid

here tonight’

‘Well, I think he is just over excited Abby’

‘I don’t care dude, this is suffocating me, and I got to go, ill meet you later at

the hotel room’

‘Sure, ill tell you all about it’

‘Cool’ I said. ‘And here is my overnight bags do me a favour and take it back

with you’

‘You’re not going straight back to the hotel?’

‘I don’t know yet’

I ended up in a place called china white. I turned my phone off because I was
being inundated with calls from Jimmy. I met up with a few people I knew and
hung out with them. I was introduced to a lot of people I had never met or heard of. One guy certainly caught my eye. His name was Michael Williams. He told me he was a kid’s television presenter.

‘Really, none of the kids TV I watched had presenters as hot as you’ I flirted.

‘You’re just saying that’ he smiled

‘Yeah I am. I never really watched much kids TV’ I said

I knew he would end up at my hotel. So I didn’t waste time.
Halfway through making love as I was riding him Julius walked in and it brought me to a stop, but it didn’t take much to start me up again.
I really enjoyed myself. The next day after getting rid of Michael, I tried to call Mom again but couldn’t get through, so I called Courtney.

‘Mom still hasn’t called me back’ I told her

‘Abby, I think you need to come home’ she said

‘Why? What’s happening?’

‘I was just about to call you. Your mother has taken a turn for the worst’

‘Oh my god’ I said

‘I will book you a flight home’ Richard said taking the phone from Courtney.

‘Is she dying’ I asked

‘No, but I think she wants you buy her side’ Richard said

‘Ok, when is the flight’

‘I will let you know’

I was back in l.a by lunch time the next day. Richard met me at the airport.

‘Is she dying?’ I asked him

‘I have got to be honest, I don’t know sweetie’ he said

‘Has she asked for me?’

‘Yes’ he said

At the hospital I couldn’t believe how mum looked she looked awful. I sat down next to her.

‘Can you hear me’ I asked

‘Yeah’ she said softly

‘What’s going on Mom?’

‘I don’t even know, I just collapsed honey’

I didn’t know what to think?

‘If I die, Courtney is gonna take care of you real good’ she said as if she was


‘I don’t want her too’ I said. ‘I want you too Mom’

‘Honey, I'm, not well, I thought I could get better, I thought I would be ok, but

this is killing me now’

‘No, it can’t be Mom, are these not the best doctors, ill pay for the best

doctors, I have all dads money remember’

‘It’s not about money’ she struggled to say. ‘Look, I don’t want to dwell, there

are so many things I need to say’

‘Mom you are not going to die, you can’t die and leave me on my own’ I said

taking her hand

‘Just in case’ she assured me. ‘I need to say them’

‘Go on then’ I said

‘I split up with your father for you, we couldn’t of all stayed together the way

he was, but we always loved each other…there was no doubt about that honey’

‘I know Mom’ I said crying

‘I can just feel him here Abby’

‘What are you saying Mom’

‘We will be together again, soon’ she closed her eyes.

‘Mom’ I said.

‘I'm still here’ she said

‘I think I'm just gonna step outside for a Moment ok’


As I walked out of the room the nurse walked in. I heard her say something about morphine but that was it. Courtney and Richard were outside.

‘I'm just going outside for some fresh air’ I told them.
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