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Rated: E · Other · Personal · #1183418
An essay on a confusing subject that is important to me.
As a new Christian, one of the first things I did was read, watch, and listen to as much Christian messages as are available in mass media land.
Concerning books, I read of course, the Bible. Especially bibles that came with helpful notes explaining the scriptures. (For example the McArthur study bible.) I also read several Bible commentaries, by writers such as Matthew Henry, J.Vernon Mcgee, William Barclay and several other notable Bible scholars. While these were very helpful, I noticed many different interpretations for some of the same Biblical passages.
Being a new Christian, I tuned into Christian Television. The Daystar network is the only such station available on my TV. As I watched and listened to these preachers, I became troubled. Most of these guys seem more interested in making money than preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ. They twist scripture around to a message of prosperity instead of salvation. This prosperity comes by sending money to the ministries of these preachers. After researching the background of some of these folks, I wasn't surprised that they live in mansions, drive luxury cars, and some even have their own private jets.
There are a couple of Christian radio stations I listened to. After a while I noticed that many of those TV preachers were also on one of these stations. That station is no longer on my dial. The other station features speakers who preach directly from the bible , don't promise prosperity, and rarely ask for money. I still listen to that station, although sometimes a preacher on one program directly contradicts a point made by another preacher on the preceeding program.
There are all kind of different doctrines, denominations, interpretations, and yes, scams, out there today, all seeming to spring from one source, The Bible, the inspired, unerrant Word of God. It is no wonder many shun Christianity as a false, hypocritical religion. Those who claim to represent God have put out an evil, judgemental, greedy message to the world. How can one discern what is true Christianity, the true message of the Bible? There are too many voices saying too many different things about one book.
First lets look at organized Christianity. If there is one God , with one plan for salvation, then why so many different denominations? It is because different people get different meanings out of the same book, sometimes from the same verse in that book. Then they argue over that interpretation, and when they can't agree, they split into different camps and form their own church based on that interpretation. Wars have been fought and many killed over these matters. Is this what God had in mind? For his followers to argue, fight and kill over His Holy Word?
One of the things that irritated Jesus the most, was how the Jewish religous leaders nitpicked Mosaic law to the point that the intent of the law was lost and became a burden to the Jewish people. Jesus' life, death and resurrection broke the yoke of the law from the peoples backs. After Jesus ascended into heaven, his apostles formed the early Christian church. It didn't take long for the church to attempt to improve upon christianity by adding on their own bells and whistles, just like those pharisees. By Martin Luther's time, a church member could buy his way into heaven by purchasing an indulgence from the church. Kinda like purchasing a prayer cloth from Robert Tilton.
Along with Martin Luther came the reformation. Christians broke away from the Catholic church, and attempted to worship in a manner closer to that of the early Christian church circa the first century.
The new denominations that sprang from the reformation became too rigid, controlling, and in the eyes of many strayed from the gospel, which led to the awakenings of the 18th and 19th centuries. Once again, these were movements to get back to the basic tenets of the Bible and worship such as did the early church. Constant disagreements over doctrine among these new denominations led to splits and thus even more splinter groups of these denominations. All saying "Our way is the right way." Some of the arguments over doctrine would have made a pharisee proud. For example one Church argued within itself whether to serve communion with one big cup or a lot of little cups. They couldn't agree so they split into two denominations. When Jesus was suffering in excruciating agony on the cross to bring us back to God, was He thinking " If they use the small cups this is all for nothing."?
But which church is right? The Catholics, the Baptists, the Methodist, the Pentacostals.? Or maybe its the Lutherans, or Presbyterians, or Episcopalians, or , or , or , oh just forget it. You get my point.
Don't try to find the answer from the TV preachers. I'm not going to say they're all bad, but most are, at least on the staion I tune into.
These preachers are in the Word of Faith Doctrine. Statistics show Christianity on the rise in our nation. Unfortunately, the new Christians that fuel this rise are Word of Faith Christians. In a nutshell, this philosophy is "Don't ask what you can do to serve God, tell God what he can do to serve you! And get healthy and wealthy why your'e at it!" Its an appealing message, sounds better than "turn or burn" or a "straight and narrow path." It didn't take me long to figure out what these guys were about, so I quit looking to them for any help in spirtual growth or biblical teaching.
These guys also discourage non Christians from possibly turning to God, Who wants to follow Christian leaders who lie, steal cheat, at the very least. You can remain outside the Church and do all that.
So what I am finding out is this. No matter how many commentaries I study, how many churches I attend, how many different preachers and teachers I listen to, there is no one that completely understands the Bible. If someone claims they do, run.Read and study the Bible yourself. A lot. Pray for understanding and discernment, Pray for God to speak to you through the Bible. Bible commentaries are good, but remember the commentator is a pilgrim just like you, and because He interprets a passage a certain way, doesn't necesarrily mean its the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. The parts of the Bible that you understand, live by them. The parts you don't understand, pray that you will, but don't get hung up on them. Move on through the Bible. Memorize verses. This helps immensely.
My conclusion is this. God loves us. He sent Jesus to die for us. Jesus rose to save us from death. If we accept Jesus as our Saviour, believe, obey and trust Him, and give our life and will over to His service, we will have eternal life. We should love God with all our strength, mind, and heart, and love our neighbor as ourself. We should read our bibles daily and pray without ceasing. These things I will do instead of worrying about points of doctrine such as the proper method of baptism, speaking in tongues, predestination and other topics that Christians argue about when they could be spreading Christ's love.
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