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Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Fantasy · #1183400
To find a hidden world in the middle of a vicious war, make a desion and new friends.
Abiding Fire: Chapter Three
People Presue Parnormal Pastimes

This morning it wasn't my alam clock that woke me up. It was my sister. Around six, which is far to early in the summer, I woke up because someone was beating on my door.
"Tinian come on youv'e got better things to do than sleep."
"Go away." She left but not because I wanted her to, she knew it was to late for me, once I was up it was impossible for me to go back to sleep. I considered staying in my room just to annoy her but decied against it, she was right I did have better things to do and since I wasn't sleeping I guess I would do them. So I got up. When I looked out my window all I could see was the fog that covered the lake like a blanket, like a wet blanket, kinda like Nera.
The morning air was coll so I put shorts and a sweatshirt on over my bathing suit. I took a quick swip at my hair with a brush but my hair was short and easy to brush so I didn't and really coulden't do anything else for it. I slipped into my flip-flops and stumbled downstairs. My sister and parents were already there. Morning people, yuck. I ate breakfast and followed my sister outside.
"So what are we going to do this morning?" She asked cheerily.
"We could go on the rocks." I mumbled. So we marched down the beach a little to a bunch of rocks that stuck out of the water and were perfect for climbing on. I had spotted them when I checked out the area yesterday. We talked as we scuttled around on the rocks.
"So what do you think we'll do here?"
"Hopfully meet some nice people."
"Like there is such a thing."
"What about me, and you, oh and Tammy?"
"You are meaner than you think you are, I am not nice, even I know that, as for Tammy there is an exeption to every rule."
"Anyway, what do you want to do?"
"I have no clue, besides get a way from that dreadful town. Getting a nice tan would be nice.
"Thats it, a tan come on brain you can do better than that. If you could have anything with in reason this summer what would it be, top three."
"You go first." I said stubbornly.
"Fine,"She said it was hard to tell if was patiently or exasperatedly. "well its always nice to meet people so thats number one, I want to start taking pictures, or Imean I want to check out photography it sounds really cool thats number two, and number three start leaning French. Now yours." It took me a minute, I didn't have much I wanted for summer getting away seemed pretty good to me.
"Adventure." I said simply.
"Adventure is a big wish." She didn't have anything to say to that asking for anything else would be like asking for a pony and a new laptop for your birthday. "Come on I'm hungry." So we got off the rocks and went home and ate lunch.
"Lets go for a walk." Nera suggested.
"What about swimming."
"We can swim later, please."
"I guess." Befor I finished Nera was already pulling me down the beach. We walked mostly in silence. There weren't many people on the beach we walked a long ways. After a while we decided to turn back. This summer was going to be great I could feel it in my bones.
"Hey wait." A unknown voice called. A little girl ran to us from the front of one of the camps. "Who are you?" She asked
"Hi, I'm Nera and this is my sister Tinian, who are you." Nera said, she is greatb with kids.
"I'm Baxie, and I'm six. You both look alike."
"Thats because were identical twins."
"I wish I had a sister, all I have is a older brother. and he's just a bother, espeshaly when he's bored like right now." In front of there camp I could see a boy about our age reading a book.
"Baxie please come back here and stop bothering people." He called
"See what I mean." Baxie whispered. Nera and I coulden't help but giggle.
"Coming." Baxie started walking that way then turned around. "Would you come here, I'm bored and you can talk to me over there. my parents aren't home and Alex is wtching me and hes boring all he does is read and paint, oh and draw he does that too." Nera smiled, I coulden't help smiling too, and we walked over to where Baxie was plopped in the sand.
"Sorry my sister dragged you over here your not the first person that shes lured off the beach." The boy said.
"Thats okay we don't mind we were kind of bored ourselves, by the way my name's Nera and this is my sister Tinian."
"My name's Alex, how long are you staying here?"
"Two weeks, you?"
"A month, where are you staying?"
"Down at the other end of the beach, the last one befor the rocks." Nera said. When she said it I could see Alex flinch, Nera didn't catch it.
"Whats wrong with that camp?" I asked befor Nera could continue.
"Oh, nothing." Alex said quickly.
"Well it's got to be somthing, as soon as she said it you flinched."
"Fine. I don't live very far from here and a lot of the kids at school say that place is haunted."
"Haunted, yea right, by whom?"
"Well about fifty years ago there was a man that lived there. He was completly normal then he went for a walk on the rocks one day. He was gone for about ten minutes. When he came back he claimed he had been away in this hidden land called Hianden for almost two years. All the town people thought that he had fallen off a rock and hit his head. The next day he and his wife just weren't there. Their daughter, Litia, said that the night befor her father had asked her mother and her to go into the secret land with him her mother went but she stayed, she though he was crazy. The town sent out a search party but to this day nothing was ever found of them exept a note that said only 'May true truth be retured to you and may you find the map and the way and take it.' A little while ago the daughter tried to sell the place, but it woulden't sell so shes renting it."
"Wow!" Nera exclaimed.
"And how much of that is true." I said.
"All of it. I didn't tell you the rumors, I told you the old police report I tried to find out more about it but thats all I could find."
"Well we need to go I guess we'll see you later." Nera said forseeing a fight.
"Oh, you can be sure of it. I want to show it to you tomorrow, and the spot where the note was found. Tommorow." At that note we left and he went back to reading.

more later

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