Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1183052-Fate-Not-In-My-Life
Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Drama · #1183052
It's not about me. Just saying because I get that a lot.
My name is Sara. Im 16 and so far my life as been ok. Not bad to where im suicidual, and not that great to where im all bubbly inside.

I live my mother, who is a single parent. I never knew my father, and he died recently.

Apperantly he had heart problems, but insisted on drinking anyway, go figure.

I have an older brother, Matt, but hes never around considering he has a kid and ex-girlfriend.

Me on the other hand, Single and loveing it.

I couldnt be happier.

...Ok so im lying. At least i wont have to go through heartaches and a vengence to kill Love for all.

Yea thats right.

Anywho, My mom is a nurse there for many of times she is not around.

Which is ok by me. I like me time. Its very calm and relaxing.

Ok maybe a littleBig lie.

Lets see...Oh im 5'9" and yes i get told im tall. I say "Thank you so much." with a smile plastered on my face.

I have a mirror people i know im tall.

Im done venting now.

My hair is mid-back length, The shade of Hazel nut brown. Narturally wavy. Not Curly.

I have blue-ish green eyes. Another form of hazel.

Which you know I think they should just come up with another word altogether.

And i know what your thinking, 'They have a name its called Blue-Green' Well smartass thats not really a name.

I am currently starting grade 11th. Yes just one more year. After this one.

Ugh, I think i covered everything except my two bestest, yes i still say bestest, friends ever.

First theres Lily. We've been friends sense the 5th grade.

She has long beautiful blonde hair. Nice n shiny all the time.

And yes that bugs me. I can be a tad bit jelous sometimes.

She has vibrant green eyes. Very lovely if i do say so myself.

And most importantly she has the best personality that will never leave you bored.

Next is my other friend, Luigi.

Thats a nickname by the way. He's real name is Allen.

We call him that because he's 6'2" and loves, i mean LOVES the color green.

He has black hair. And brown eyes. His hair covers his eyes 99.9% of the time.

A good look for him.

Not that im saying he's ugly, but he just has this look about him.

He is a sweet guy.

Not one of those macho egotistical kind.

Anyways im not a labler. Nor do i like when people label other people. Im just stating the obvious.

So there you go.

I have a friend that considered a prep && punk.

I not sure what they call people like me.

I dont usually stick to a certain group of people.

I tend to sway different ways.

I was laying on my bed listening to the radio. I would have put in a CD but im too lazy to get it and change it.

Yes Im still stuck with a single holder for CDs.

Anyways I was waiting for Lily to show up we were suppose to catch a movie together.

And Allen wasstuck in the bathroom doing god knows what.

"Allen, you alive in there?" i said tapping on the door.

"Yea, Im just trying to get my hair right."

"How? It just hangs over your face." i said with a little hint of anger in my voice.


"Ah, finally!" i said as i ran down the steps.

"Hello darling!" she said with a big smile on her face.

"Your late! Let me guess.. Micheal, right?"

"Well, yea i stayed there longer than intended." she said with a sheepish smile.

I rolled my eyes and said "Allen if your but isnt down in 5 mins we're leaveing without you!"

Oh my god i just sounded like my mother.

"Wow, you just sounded like your mother." He said with a look of shock on his face.

"What are you? A mind reader? Lets go!" i grabbed my jacket and headed out the door.

After The Movie

"Man, that was a waste of time." she said while sighing.

"Yea tell me about it, people misunderstanding the word thriller movie not porn!"

We were briefing the movie hostel.

"Well i liked it, I found it haveing many curves" he said while laughing.

"Yea ill bet." i said and me and Lily hit him in the arm.

"So you guys want to get something to eat?" he said.

"Well, i would but, I promised Micheal that be back over soon. Sorry." she said with a 'please forgive me' smile.

"Its like its just me and you" i said with pure delight.

Haha, no seriously it was fine.

"So any new girl in your life?" i asked trying to break the silence.

"Nope. Just you and Lily" he said inhaling his food. "What about you? Any guy your interrested in?"

"No, I dont feel the need to have a boyfriend at this present time in my life." i said in a 'matter of fact' tone.

"I didnt say that. Just asking cause you asked me. You going to finish that?" he said that last part with his mouth full reaching for my plate.

"Yes, glutton." we laughed little.

The next day

My nice hot shower was rudely interrupted by the door bell.

Yes i pouted a little.

I wrapted a towel around me and answered the door.

"Luigi, what are you doing here?" i asked through clenched teeth.

"Well hey to you to." and he walked in with his friend behind him.

I went closer to him and said, "I dont have any clothes on."

"Its ok we'll wait."

"Fine" i said and huffed off.

"So thats here huh?"

"Yea, what you dont like her?"

"Are you kidding? Shes so hot."


"Ok, Whats up?" i said a bit out of breath.

"Oh, ugh, this is my good friend Tim. We call him Timmy." he said nervusly.

I squinted my eyes a bit at him.

Then turned to face Timmy.


"Nice to meet" he said and i was in 'aw'. I swear my mouth was open a little.

"Nice to meet you too. So do you go to Adams High?"

"Yea sometimes." he laughed and so did Allen.

Apparently i missed the funny part.

"Uh ha" i said. And im pretty sure i had a steal look on my face because the laughter stoped, almost instantaniously.

"Not to be rude, but you did interrupt my shower, So what do you want exactly?"

"See i told you very blunt"

"Im not that blunt, I could be blunter, trust me." i said with a deep inhale.

"Well Tim and I was wondering if you wanted to hang out." he very fast.

Tim and I, what was he up to? "Ok, sure just let me grab a jacket."

"Wow that was easy.." Allen said to Tim.

"I thought you said she would be difficult?" Tim said with an eyebrow raised.

"Ohh, just give it more time."

"Ok lets go!" huh, never noticed it before, but im always the one who says lets go.

Went out and had pizza.

Tim starting to grow on me a bit. He was funny, and smartass, and sometimes a smartass but it was all good i too at times could be a smartass.

Oh, I know, I know. How could I, Sara Michelle Standford, be a smartass.

But i gotta tell ya, i was starting to like that side more and more.

We ended going to a hang out place where apparently the highschool went after school and any other event they had to hang out.

Pst. Talk about feeling like a stranger at your own highschool.

"Oh, hey Sara, I didnt know came outside, other than when your at school." Meet Candy, the oh so talented && oh so slutty pretty.

"Hm, Funny you i was thinking the samething about you. Speaking of which, Shouldnt you be by a corner? How much are you these days? $1 $2?"

"No." she said with squinted eyes.

"Oh im sorry shooting to high for your little brain to comprehend?"

She huffed and walked off.

"Hey Candy wait up! I'll see you later Sara" he winked at Tim and ran off to catch Candy.

I dont know what he meant by that but if its what i think it is, he's wrong...So wrong.

"So, Sara, How are you?" Timmy asked awkardly.

"Look! I am not going to hook up with you. So whatever Allen put in your head you can just forget it." i said practically yelling.

With a look of shock on his face he said "I dont know what your talking about, But for onething 'hooking' up with you never crossed my mind."

"Oh, Well good." i said quickly.

"Besides i have a girlfriend." he kind of snuck that one in there.

"Y-you do?" i asked as if i was interrested but i was just curius.

"Yea. She's great. You should met her sometime." he said as he began walking.

"Uh ha." i said and caught up with him. I dont know why, but i suddenly wanted to know everything there was to know about.

I mean the way he talks about her. He makes her seem like shes the only girl in the world.

I wanted that.

I wanted someone to make me feel like that. Or at least make it seem like that.

"What does she look like?" i said still keeping that same attitude.

"Shes beautiful. "

As laughter corrupted me i couldnt help but say "You mean, you want to have a sexual relationship with her?"

"No. Sex isnt everything. I mean sure its a plus, but your going to have to see that person a lot you have to be able to talk. You cant have sex all the time"

I thought he was joking, but no he had serious face on and stood by what he said. And i had to admit it was nice to know that not all guys had only sex on theyre mind.

We talked for about 3 hours. Just about how we felt on things.

We dis-agreed on somethings but it was all good.

He told why he did or didnt like something and i could see how he would get that feeling about it.

Right when we were getting a little too close, Allen came back.

Disappointment washed over my face as he said "You guys ready to go?"

"Yea" Timmy said as he stood up.

I said, "yea", also because as you cant tell i didnt have a choice.

He didnt seem to have thought twice about our little chat.

In fact to push me even more to think that he could careless, he did the worse possible thing a girl could get.

He gave me a high five, and said "See ya later" when we reached my house.

Allen gave me hug and said "call you tomorrow?"

"Yea" i said barely audible.

I went into my house and closed the big oak door, leaned up against and slid down into a bliss and incase your wondering, no, it was not a bliss of happiness.

More like a bliss of feeling rejected. Damn those boys. Damn them all!

They trick you into falling for them and right when you do theyre like 'meh, whatever.' Arrrg.
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