Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1182771-My-Best-Friend-Is-Engaged
Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Romance/Love · #1182771
About a girl who thinks shes in love with her best friend.
"Drea?...Drea?" Talan said with a look of concern on his face.~0~

"Yeah?..Sorry." I said kind of blown away.~1~

"Is this bothering you?" he asked while rubbing my arm.~2~

"No. Come on I'm happy for. I know I don't show it. Its just that working late is making me sleepy a lot sooner than normal." i said with a weak smile.~3~

I was lying to him. Ive never lied to him.~4~

If anything Ive always told him the truth.~5~

But not this time. I couldn't. I couldn't tell my best friend in the whole world that I loved him. I could ruin the friendship forever.~6~

"Drea maybe you should get some sleep. We can talk about this in the morning. Ok?" he asked giving me a hug.~7~

"Yeah. That'd be perfect." I said hugging him back.~8~

"Ok I'm going to take a shower. I think I'm heading to bed too." he said as he laughed a little.~9~

I went into my room, sighed and changed clothes. Laid down on the bed and apparently i was sleepier that i thought. As soon as my head hit the pillow i was out.~10~


"Andrea, honey, this is Talan from down the street. He just moved here."

"Hello Tallan" i said with cake in my hand. It was my Th birthday when we first met.

"Hi Andrea. Happy birthday." He said with the cutest smile that made me blush.

"Ill go get you some cake, Talan." My mom said.

"I don't have any friends." he said with his head down.

"Ill be your friend." i said and he gave me that smile again.


"mmm.." I woke up the next morning to smell of bacon n eggs. My favorite breakfast.

I got out of bed and stretched. Went into the kitchen and seen Talan standing over the stove.

"Sense when do you cook" I asked a bit shocked.

"Sense Rayne showed me." He said smiling.

Rayne is his faïence. Long golden blonde hair with gorgeous blue eyes. Long legs and a body for a goddess.

I couldn't compete with that. I had short legs medium chestnut brown hair with green eyes. My body was OK. I mean it wasn't a model or anything. But i liked it. Clean cut and slender.

He put half on a plate and the other half on another plate while i got some orange juice.

We went and sat in the living room and as soon as i took a bite he started asking me about what i thought about him and her being together and all that stuff.

I couldn't take it anymore.

He should know.

He should explore all his options before settling down with Rayne.

Don't get me wrong she is a nice girl. But Not for Talan.

I'm the girl for Talan.


Not her!

"Talan i need to tell you something. I don't want you to interrupt me. Just listen. Because this is very important to me and i feel that you should know." i said nervous.

I placed me plate down on the coffee table and turned toward him.

"What is it Drea?" Talan said while putting his plate down too.

"If its that you don't want me to marry Rayne, then i wont your opinion means everything to me." he said grabbing my hand.

I took a deep breath and was getting ready to tell him when...

"Hello baby!" She said while walking in. That was Rayne. Good Ole Rayne always knew when to make her entrance.

"Hey" he said right before she gave him a quick kiss on the lips.

"Hi Drea" she said while tossing her hair.

I sighed and said "hi" back barely audible.

"Could you give us a sec. Rayne" Talan said.

"Sweetie we have be over my parents house in a few Min's. Cant you talk later?" She said while giving me a slight smile.

"oh yea i forgot about that. Drea do you mind if we--"

"No not at all. Have fun" I said cutting Talan off. I diverted my eyes from his.

He grabbed his wallet and keys was on his way out. He gave me a sympathy smile and i laughed a little. He hugged me and i hugged him back. I hugged him tight to. A little too tight i think.

"Drea, ill be back in a few hours. Loosen the grip a little." he said while chuckling.

"Huh? oh sorry." i let go completely.

"We'll finish our talk later?" he said standing at the front door.

"Yeah." i said and sat down on the couch.

I was so bored that i fell asleep.


I woke up to someone rubbing my face. I opened my eyes and seen Talan bent down in front of me.

"Sorry i didn't mean to wake you" he said now sitting on the floor.

"Its OK" i said smiling. "Did you have fun meeting the parents?" i said jokingly.

"Oh yeah, a blast." we both started laughing.

"But seriously though i couldn't stop thinking about what you wanted to talk to me about." he said more seriously.

"Oh, well i thought about it and if your happy, then I'm happy for you." i said obviously lying. I couldn't look in him in the eyes so i dropped my head.

he lifted my chin up and said "Drea, tell me what you really want to say."

He saw through my lie. I dint know why i thought i could get away with it. But hey i tried.

"Look i like what we have and i dint want to ruin it." i said with pleading eyes for him to just drop it.

But he didn't.

"I feel the same way" he said now rubbing my check.

"..." i didnt know what to say. Did he mean he liked me too? Or did he take the wrong way?

"What way is that exactly?" I asked slowly.

"I love you Drea. I always have and i always will." he said while he moved his hand.

I sat up. And he sat beside me.

"You mean like a friend loves another friend? Right?" i asked kinda nevus.

He leaned in and kissed me. He then parted my lips with his tongue and we were making out soon after.


"Drea.." Talan said in between laughter.

I opened my eyes and he was standing above me. My tongue was on the couch. I quickly pulled it back in my mouth.

"That must have been some dream you were having." He said laughing really hard.

I gave him a go to hell look. I looked down and i drooled all over the couch.

Yeah. It was just a dream. I cursed myself mentally. And sat up.

"What you dreaming about anyway?" he asked still laughing.

I hit and said "none of your buisness."

"Aw. Come on i was just joking. But really who were you dreaming about?" he said with a big grin.

"Brad Pit" i said with a sneaky smile.

His smile went away when i said that which made me laugh. He hated Brad Pit. I don't know why but oh well.

~The Kiss~

Ever sense I had that dream about Talan, I’ve been pretty nervous around him.

I decided to take a shower to calm my nerves a bit.

As the stream started rolling in from the hot water I began to undress.

Talan walked in and just stood there and stared at me.

I yelled at him to get out then covered myself up.

He finally walked out of there in a trance like state.

I got done and went to watch some television.

He was already sitting there.

“Hey” I said trying to act like none of that happened.

He just stared at me…again.

“What are you watching?” I asked him.

“I can’t seem to find anything.” He said flipping through the channels.

I sighed and walked into the kitchen to find something to drink.

I got a bottle of water and walked back to the living room.

“I’m going to start packing” I said on my way to my room.

I didn’t want to move out.

Talan said I could stay as long as I wanted to, but let’s be realistic here.

Me, living in a house with a married couple. That just screams awkward moments.

This was all just a bit too much for me to handle.

I mean he was always the one saying he’d never get married. I was always trying to change his mind.

Me on the other hand had dreamed about getting married ever sense I was a little girl.

Always put pillow cases on my head. That took the place of my veil.

But now he was getting married and I didn’t even have a boyfriend.

It’s kind of funny how things turn out.

“Need some help?” Talan asked standing by the door.


“So, um, you’re really leaving. Huh?” he said as he put something’s in a box.

“Yeah, it’s going to be weird leaving all this behind.”

“Where are you going to go?” he asked not wanting to look me in the eyes.

“I’m going to live with my friend, Chloe, for awhile. Till I get my own place.”

“That’s if they let a crazy person get their own place.”

“Hey!” I said and threw a pillow at him.

Which then started our infamous pillow fights; it usually ended up with him in one corner and me in another, both of us out of breath and ready to attack again.

I couldn’t get any of my packing finished because of it.

But I didn’t mind one last memory before I had to leave this apartment.

We lay on my bed for the longest time. Just laughing and talking about when we first met.

How everything’s changed sense then.

He leaned into me and was getting closer. All I could think was, ‘Am I dreaming? I have to be dreaming.’

As soon as our lips collided I knew it wasn’t a dream.

I didn’t feel fireworks.

Just his cheesy breathe from earlier.

He had been eating them while I was in the shower.

Soon I felt something on my tongue, but it wasn’t his tongue.

No, of course not. It was some of his Cheeto.

I pulled away immediately. And spat it out.

He, then just sat there. Big shocker there.

“It’s not a big deal. Really.” I said trying not to make him feel bad.

But that was not what was running through his head at the time.

Rayne came in the door perky as ever.

What he did next I’m sure will scare me for the rest of my days.

He grabbed Rayne and kissed.

Not a peck on lips kind of kisses either.

One of those long and passionate kisses.

Then they went into his bedroom.

And I sat there stunned that he could kiss me one minute and turn around and act like nothing happened between us the next.

To top it all off he had sex with her.

I was so mad and confused. Why would anyone do that?

Then I thought ‘maybe I turned him. Maybe his sexual drive came from me.’

After he practically ran out of my room I started packing again.

I wanted to know. I had to know. If he loved her, or if he loved me and didn’t know how to say it.

So I started to do what most women to when they need to know something.

I began testing his boundaries.

Not soon after I had thought up my plan he came out of the bedroom with Rayne.

“Nothing like a quickie before work.” She said while winking at me.

I just nodded and smiled.

I followed Talan into the kitchen as Rayne left for work.

“Hey buddy, what going on?” I asked him tapped him on the back. I had a huge grin on my face.

“Hey” he was acting very skittish.

“Do you still want to help me pack my things, or what?” I asked still remaining very calm.

Even though I wanted to bash is head and scream like a little girl.

But this was close enough.

He came in the room with me and we sat down.

He started packing my stuff up. He was going pretty fast.

“In a hurry?” I asked while moving closer.

He’s breathing began to get heavy, and his voice went higher.


“Do you want to do other things, Talan?” I asked now with my hand on his lap.

He got up and went to the door.

“You know I forgot I had some stuff I have to do so ill see you later”

He said as he practically ran out of the apartment.

I don’t what was going on with him. But I was determined to find out.

© Copyright 2006 MindOfJess (mindofjess at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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