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Rated: GC · Novel · Drama · #1182726
A tragic tale of Kevin coping with depression, suicidal thoughts, and life in general.
The numbers on Kevin's clock seemed as if they hadn't changed in hours. He stood there, next to his dresser staring at the clock. The cigarette had burned out a long time ago. Kevin placed the knife back into the dresser drawer.
"Suicide...." he thought, "now that is just crazy."
He wasn't sure if he really thought that. He wasn't sure if it was the fact he didn't have the balls to do it. Either way, it wasn't going to happen. He didn't go through with it the day before, and he wouldn't today.
He lit another cigarette before heading into his living room. The television buzzed and the fuzzy snow moved just enough to make the room glow a dim white. Kevin knew that today would be just like the rest. He would drag himself through his sorry excuse for a life. The ashes fell off the cigarette and he watched them fall to his dirty carpet. Once more he looked at the clock.
"Can't you move any faster?" he asked sarcastically. "I really would love for this day to be over already."
Kevin left his house, leaving his front door open as he usually does. He didn't care about anything. He has nothing that he valued enough to care if it wasn't there when he returned. Ever since his wife left and took the baby, he didn't have much care at all. Every morning on his walk to work, he thinks about the day they weren't home when he came home. He had felt like a fool. He thought it was a kidnapping and had filed a police report. Little did he know she ran off with his best friend, Terrance.
As he approached the corner where he makes he turn toward work, there was a man. A tall slender fellow, with a long coat and dark hair pouring out of a ragged hat. This was not a norm for the walk to work for Kevin. The tall man stepped toward Kevin.
"Hey man.... whatcha need?" the man asked.
Kevin didn't reply. He continued to walk past the man. At this point he was a little afraid of the stranger. He had a routine, and this guy was ruining it.
"I'm talking to you!" the man yelled. "You got some sort of problem?" he then asked.
"I do have a problem. I have a lot of problems, and the last thing I need is you adding to them. So back off, mister!" Kevin exclaimed. The words had just flown out of his mouth. He didn't know why or how, but he thought for sure he has made a mistake.
"Alright buddy, don't get your panties in a wad." the stranger said as he backed away. As Kevin continued to walk he sighed in relief. Just as soon as he let out his breath he heard a click from behind. Kevin froze in fear.
"How about you give me all your cash, and I won't shoot you. How's that for a problem? Harsh times call for harsh measures, and these days ain't lookin to good for me."
Kevin couldn't move. He couldn't speak.
"Look here buddy, I need a fix. I got no cash, and I know you gots some. And it doesn't seem to me like you need it since it looks like you are on your way to earn some more."
After a few seconds Kevin finally spoke, "Shoot." was all he said.
"What? Are you serious man?" the man was stunned and didn't know what to think. A few tears ran down the face of Kevin. He wasn't sure what the guy was going to do. All he could think was one way or another it would be over soon. If the man shot him, he wouldn't have to live with his pain every day. If the man didn't shoot, he'd keep his money and go about his day. Time was moving slower than when he was at his house with the knife in his hand.
Kevin closed his eyes tight for what seemed like forever. He held his breath until he couldn't hold it anymore. Time wasn't going slow, it was really passing by. By instinct Kevin spun around. The man was gone. No sign of him anywhere.
"What the fuck? What just happened?" Kevin wondered. "Hello?!" he screamed.
Shocked and stunned, he had to take a seat on the curb. What would make someone do that? Yet, do nothing? The man just left without saying anything. Now that's just crazy.
"Like suicide." Kevin thought outloud.
He didn't feel he could go back to work, so he turned back toward his house and went home. He walked through the front door still open from just awhile ago. He turned off the television, the fuzz and buzz were just too much right now. He sat down on his couch and lit up another cigarette. He tried to relax his mind as he thought about what had happened. Just then the phone rang. Kevin reluctantly answered. "Hello?"
"Kevin, you're late again. You're fired." the voice on the other line said.
Kevin hung the phone up. Being fired hadn't even sank in. He was just robbed. Or held up at gunpoint for nothing. Which was worse? This was the life Kevin lived. He wasn't surprised something like that happened. It wasn't a normal thing for him to be held up, yet he wasn't surprised. He couldn't handle it. He knew he really wanted that man to pull the trigger. Why didn't he? That's just Kevin's luck.
© Copyright 2006 Kris Kane (daddykane at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1182726-UNTITLED