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Rated: 13+ · Novella · Romance/Love · #1182254
The first part of my story!

I have to stop him, I need to talk to him, she thought. She started to reach for him, just as he faded away. For a split second she saw the car coming, then suddenly she heard something hit the ground hard.she started to run towards the sound, then she saw him. he was on the groung, not moving and there was blood seeping out of his head. "Oh god," then she realized that there was no way he could've survive the hit. he told her something that she will never forget, that day, "I love you." She went to him as he took his last loving breath. Then she crumbled to the street and started to bawl.

The old memories were haunting her in dreams, and she couldn't escape them. It was time for a change, and her family agreed that moving would help the memories pass. She is like a zombie for almost two years. All she did was sleep her pain away, except for when she went to school. She even quit all of her after school activities, because she didn't care about anything any more.

Moving to California wasn't such a good idea, she was even more displaced form her family and friends. She didn't even come out of her bedroom, since she arrived two days before, and today she was starting in a new school. The only person she knew in the new school was her twin sister, and that was only because they were family. She didn't feel like going to school, but her parents said she had to go. She didn't have the emotional strength to argue with them, so she got out of bed and lazily put on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. Then she walked in to her bathroom to brush her teeth and comb her long, ebony hair.

She started to trudged down the stairs, when she noticed her sister was waiting for her. They went to the car and drove to school. When they arrived there, her sister got pulled away by their new neighbor, and she was left to fend for herself. As she wandered through the empty halls, she collided with someone and fell to the floor. Whoa, she thought, she looked up to the person who ran in to her. He was so handsome, she thought, "Wait, I shouldn't be thinking that." He had chestnut hair, amber eyes, and a wonderful smile. He held out his big hand and said, "Sorry."

" Yeah , Right," she said as she stood up.

" Hey, you ran in to me," he argued, " It looked like you were daydreaming."

" I was not," she paused, " and you ran in to me!"

" Whatever, I have to get back to class, before I'm missed," he replied.

" Can you at least point me in the right direction to go to the office," she asked. He pointed to the right and walked away.

What was her problem, I said I was sorry, he thought. "She was the one who ran into me, and made me late," he said out loud, but no one heard him. The teacher reprimanded him and gave him a tardy, even though he explained why he was late. He was so angry, but he couldn't stop thinking about her. Those fierce, blue eyes turning brown in an instant, after he knocked her down. Her black hair fell over her angry eyes, when she looked up at him.

He turned his attention towards the door, when he heard the knocking. The teacher to opened the door, that's when she walked in. His temper boiled,as she gave a slight smile, and waited to be introduced.

"Class, we have a new addition today, her name is Chloe," the teacher announced. At that moment, he saw her blue eyes scan the room. "This is a honor english class, so I would like you to tell us something about yourself," the teacher demanded.

"Umm...okay," she hesitated. "I came here from Montana, and I used to raise horses." She stated.

"What kin of horses?" A student in the back asked.

"Mustangs and stallions, but that is in the past now," she answered.

"Very good, you may take your seat now," the teacher said, and pointed to her seat.

After twenty minutes, the bell rang and all of the students rushed out of class. He waited for her because he wanted to talk and see her again. When she came out of the room, she started to walk away.

"Wait," he yelled after her.

"Please, leave me alone," she replied.

" I just wanted to introduced myself, because this morning we didn't get off to a great start," he paused, "I'm Caleb." He held out his hand.

She took his hand and said, "Goodbye Caleb," then walked away

It was time to go home, after a tiresome day at her new school. Chloe decided to walk home instead of riding home with her sister, Cassie. While she was walking home, she started thinking of earlier that day. "I was never that rude to anyone before," she thought,"He was the only one who noticed her.

He got her so flustered, and then he broke through her impervious shield. She heard an engine of a car behind her, but she didn't turn around. Then, a red mustang pulled up beside her.

"Do you need a ride?" asked a familiar voice. She looked to see who it was, even though she knew it was him.

"No, I don't," she replied,"Now go away."

"I just thought....," he started to say, but she interrupted him.

"You just thought you'd get lucky if you offered me a ride home," she continued,"I don't think so, Caleb." then she continued to walk home. He got out of his car, and ran after her and grabed her arm.

" That is not why I offered you a ride," he explained,"You just looked like you needed to talk to someone."

" Why would I talk to you?" She asked,"I don't even know you and I just want to be left alone."

"Okay, I will leave you alone then," he said as he walked away. After he got in his car and was about to drive away, she knocked on his window.

"Can I drive?" she asked.

"You want to drive my car?" he replied. She shook her head yes, and he let her in. She started his engine and drove off.

"Will you please slow down?" Caleb asked.

" I love power in a car," she replied," Ok, I will slow down."

"Thank you," he said as he calmed down.

"Your welcome, I think I should head home," she told him,"I don't want anyone to worry."

"Aren't you old enough to make your own decisions?" He asked.

"I have made too many bad decisions in my life," she said in a sad voice.

"What could you have done that was so bad?" He asked.

"Just leave my past out of the future," she said as she pulled into her driveway. She stepped out of the car, and turned to leave.

"Would you go out with me sometime?" He said before she was to far away.

"I don't think so," she replied,"It isn't in the cards for me."

"Why?" He asked wondering.

"That is another story for another time." She said as she walked away.

"I'm home," Chloe yelled.

"Where were you?" Her mother asked sternly.

"I was with a friend," she replied.

" You were with a friend," her mother repeated, "and what were you doing?"

"Driving and talking," she told her mother.

"Well, you forgot to pick up your daughter today," her mother stated.

"No I didn't, Cassie was suppose to pick her up for me, so don't patronize me," Chloe yelled and stormed upstairs. She walked into her daughter's bedroom and found her sleeping.

"I'm sorry you were forgotten, Sami," she whispered, "It won't happen again."

"Mommy," Sami cried sleepily.

"Go back to bed, baby," she whispered. She held her daughter as she went back to sleep. What was she thinking, she had a child to care for. She shouldn't be driving in a car with a stranger, when she should be spending time with her daughter. She had to let Caleb know that they couldn't be friends at all.

The weekend was over, and now the school was filled with students. She was at her locker when Caleb walked up to her.

"Hey, how was your weekend?" He asked with a smile on his face.

"Fine," she replied as she slammed her locker closed.

"Are you mad or something?" He asked.

"Yes, I got in trouble because I was with you, driving around town!" She responded.

"I'm sorry," he said.

"Don't be, it was my fault because I got in the car," she said then walked away.

He followed her and said, "Why do you always walk away from your problems?"

"I do not!" She yelled.

"Yes, you do," he told her.

"Look, I don't have time to fight with you," she remarked, "I have to get to class." Then she turned down a hall and walked into a classroom. What is she hiding, he thought, I don't know, but I'm going to find out.

It was time for the afternoon ritual called lunch, and all the students filled the lunchroom to converse with friends. He found her sitting by the fountain, listening to music.

"What ya listening to?" He asked her.

"Nothing," she replied as she shut off her ipod. He grabbed it out of her hand and turn it back on.

"Hey, that's personal property," she yelled, he put the headphones in his ears and ignored her.

"Wow, these songs are great, but I haven't heard them before," he said as he listened, "Did you write these?"

"Yes, now give my ipod back," she said, then snatched it back. The lunch bell rang and she started to leave, but he stopped her with a particular question.

"Go out with me this weekend," he stated and he saw her expression, "not on a date, but as friends." "We can go where ever you'd like."

She paused, "I'll think about it, would you like walk to class with me?"

"Sure," he replied and they walked down the hall, together.

"Do you dance?" she asked.

"Why?" He replied.

"Because, I want to go dancing," she said with a laugh.

"Okay we will, on Saturday," he said and walked into the classroom.He peaked his out the door and said, "Are you coming."

"Yes, in a second," she replied. Gosh, she was going dancing in two days, which she hasn't done since the death. What was he doing to her, she thought. She was so happy, which she hasn't been in years. She took a final deep breath, then walked into class.

There were only two days until she is going dancing with Caleb. The last two days, she has been ripping up her closet trying to find something to wear, and nothing was good enough. So, she decided to ask her sister for advice, and if she could borrow something; Cassie had better fashion sense than she did, she thought. She walked up to her sister's door and knocked; she waited for an answer.

"Who is it?" Cassie asked through the door.

"It's Chloe," she paused, "I need help." She waited for a second, and then her sister opened the door.

"I thought you'd never ask," she smiled, walking into her room and toward her closet. The way she decorated her room, fitted her personality. The walls were covered with fashion magazine articles and her sister's designs. Chloe knew that one day her sister will become a fashion designer. Cassie walked out of the closet with an outfit.

"Because you are going dancing, I picked a hippie skirt," she continued, "and a green cami because you might get hot while dancing." "This outfit also shows off your assets because you have them." She explained.

"Why do I have to show off my assets?" Chloe asked.

"Because, if you want Caleb to like you..." she started to say, but Chloe interrupted her.

"I don't want Caleb to like me," she exclaimed.

"Chloe, it has been a very long time since you went on a first date," she replied, and was interrupted again.

"It isn't a date," she paused, "and we're just friends."

Cassie handed her the outfit, then said, "sure."

"Thanks for the outfit," she replied, and walked out of her sister's room. She returned to her room and tried on the outfit; she had to give it to her sister, she looked nice. She put it back on the hanger, and put it in her closet until Saturday.
She woke up Saturday morning with a headache; the reason for the headache was Caleb. She was going to go dancing with him that night, and she was scared. He actually talked to her and treated her like a real person. Most guys only talked to her because she was pretty, not because of who she really was. She got into some sweatpants, and starting to clean her room.

After she was done with her room, she decided to clean her daughter's room. She had to clean it because her daughter wasn't even two yet and she couldn't do it for herself. She walked into her room and found her daughter playing with her toys.

"Samantha, why don't you go downstairs and eat breakfast?" Chloe exclaimed.

"No, me want to play," she said.

"Baby, I have to clean you room, then you can play," Chloe explained.

"No!" She screamed.

"Sami, be reasonable," Chloe pleaded.

"No!" She screamed again.

"Sami, go downstairs!" Chloe yelled, then Sami ran out of the room crying. "Oh my god, what did I do," she said as she started to pick up Sami's toys.

Cassie walked in and asked, "What did you do?"

"What are you talking about?" Chloe asked back.

"Sami is downstairs bawling and she said you yelled at her, why?" She explained.

"I don't have to tell you why," she yelled at her sister, then finally told her. "Ok, she wouldn't let me straighten up her room and she wouldn't go eat some breakfast," she said as she slid to the ground. "I feel like I'm failing as a parent, maybe I should've given her up."

"Don't say that, you're doing a great job considering," Cassie continued, "and I don't think you could've given her up, that's just not you." Cassie sat next to her sister as Chloe started to cry.

"It's just so hard sometimes, to the point where I want to give up." She said.

"I know, but life's hard," Cassie replied.

"How did you become so good at giving advice?" Chloe asked with a laugh.

"I got it from you," she explained. Cassie embraced Chloe, and they started to laugh together.

"Well, I should go down and talk to Samantha," Chloe said as she stood up. "Thanks," she told her sister as she left the room. Cassie smiled and she followed her sister out of the room.

© Copyright 2006 Girl in Two Worlds (thelastlove at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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