Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1181867-A-Tale-Of-Love
Rated: 18+ · Chapter · Drama · #1181867
Jamie meets a boy named Tristan and falls head over heels in love, where will her love go?
I open my eyes and I’m sitting in a planet pizza booth with Lara, my Best Freind Forever who’s short with long brown hair and hazel eyes. We’re sitting here just talking while Maddie gets our food. There she is standing by the cashier, my tall cherry blond haired friend, paying and getting our pizza. Maddie brings it to the table and sits with Lara on the other side of the table, leaving me with their jackets. While we’re eating, Maddie peers over my head and her face turns bright red. Lara doesn’t notice what she’s looking at until Maddie pokes her to look. Lara’s eyes widen. At that moment, a guy walks by and Lara and Maddie start to go crazy.

The guy is tall, and has deep blue eyes; he has long dark, crimson hair that covers his face. He’s wearing a fedora over his head and that makes the hair go even farther down his face. He’s wearing a beaten up jean jacket with assorted patches on it, a tee shirt, and jeans. I start to feel a bubbly feeling in my stomach. All I can think is, “He’s fucking gorgeous!” Maddie notices the look on my face and she grabs my hand and we go right by him into the girl’s bathroom. we spaz out to ourselves and then relax.

We go back out and catch Lara all over him. She’s talking to him about things she’s interested in and about how cool Canada is. He looks utterly bored, so he smiles sweetly and walks away from her and sits down at a table on the other side of the restaurant. Lara looks angry that he just did that, but Maddie has a look of hope on her face. Lara always gets the guys with that tactic. Lara also always seems to have a way of always liking the same guys Maddie does, (except Lara always gets the guy).

The guy finishes eating and we follow him. We follow him around town until we lose him, and we have to go home for bed because we have school. The next thing I know I'm on the bus to school and in the cafeteria with all of my friends; just like every morning.

Even though Lara’s just visiting she comes to join us at school. Every morning Maddie and I meet each other in the cafeteria, so like everyday I meet her there. Lara’s there too. Maddie and Lara are staring at someone a few tables away and it’s HIM. He’s standing with his friends, with a cig in his left hand and a shoulder bag over his right shoulder. I didn’t know he came here. Lara is officially interested, and she’s not obligated to go to class, so she has wide-open chances to get to him.

Maddie gives me a puppy dog look, and pulls me to the bathroom, leaving Lara behind. She looks at me and says, “Jamie, I’m going to have a chance with him. Lara always gets the guys I want and now I’m going to get him. Cover me in class, PLEASE?”

I agree, and she jumps for joy. I tell her, “if you need anything else I’m your man, or in this case you WO-man” she giggles and leaves the bathroom. I stay back and I look at myself in the mirror. I now know that he’s hands off.

I end up spending the whole day covering Maddie, and trying to distract Lara as much as possible. As soon as the last bell rings he runs out of the building as fast as he can, trying to get away from school.

I’m walking to the buses when a voice calls my name, “Jamie! Your Mom wants me to pick you up. Hop on in. Hope you don’t mind sitting with Matt’s friend,” it’s Matt’s Mom, he's my neighbor.

I get in the car and Matt’s younger siblings Ashley, age three, and Sam, age five, are sitting in the middle of the van. I drop my bags in the trunk and sit next to him. It’s HIM, the one Maddie and Lara are going after. Matt plays his CD he mixed and we talk about sports, video games, and just stuff.

I find out his name’s Tristan, and that he’s a junior and he works at the park. He makes sure everyone picks up their dog’s poop, he also gets bands to sign up to play there and he gets his own little office in side the park. It’s a little building that has a window and a desk to work at and a telephone. The park has a skate park in it also, so Matt works there. He says, “I only needed a ride today because I have to escape these two girls that were not leaving me alone! I couldn’t get away from them.”

I blush when he says this and think about how they were attacking him today, must have been funny. I say, “They are my friends. Sorry.”

“It’s no problem. I just wonder how you put up with them.”

“Practice,” he laughs at that and I’m surprised, I didn’t think it was funny. The car stops finally, and we’re at the skate park. He and Matt get out and they ask me to hang around with them, and help out, they’d pay me, but Matt’s Mom says that my Mom is waiting for me and I need to go. He gives me a wink and Matt tells him to stop flirting and punches him in the arm.

I get back in the car and Ashley and Sam are singing some Gorillaz song. I get dropped off at home and I thank Matt’s mom. I get into my house and I go in my room. I drop my bag on the floor before I attempt to take my bra off, and turn around to lie down on my bed.

Lara and Maddie are sitting there looking at me. I squeak, as they both get off my bed and attack me, “Where were you? Why were you late? And why aren’t you helping us find that guy?”

“Matt’s mom picked me up and we dropped Matt off at the skate park,” I respond calmly, while reattaching my bra, and we hang out for a while, until Maddie and Lara get in a fight about which one of them he likes more. They both look at me and tell me that we’re going to go find him.

We go check Matt’s house first. We go into the basement, where Matt’s room is. Tristan’s sitting on the couch, flipping through channels. We sneak to the door and Lara and Maddie push me in first. I trip and fall on the floor next to him. He looks down at me, in my little mess on the floor, and he says, “Are you drunk, or just clumsy?”

I blush and get up, “this is Lara and Maddie. Guys, this is Tristan. Oh, and no I’m not drunk, just extremely clumsy,” he looks a bit worried and I give him a sympathetic smile.

They go after him like dogs to a hunk of steak. He pulls his skates on and cruises out of the house. He cruises down the street and towards town. Maddie and Lara follow and I sit there still stunned at the scene that just happened. I think about where he might have gone and that maybe I should tell Maddie where he is, to give the upper hand, but I don’t. I go to find him myself.

I walk to the park, where he works, I figure he might be there sitting on a park bench. I look everywhere through the twilight lights of the setting sun. I can’t find him, so I sit on a bench and look at the sunset. I notice smoke coming from his office shack. I go to it and I look through the window, then I look down. He’s sitting there, smoking. He looks up into my eyes. i blush and jump backwards out of the window.

I go around the back and into the shack. He’s getting ready to run away, somewhere else. I block him in, “slow down, I’m alone and you’re safe here,” he looks at me and I say, “I want to talk to you, about whatever. I want to get to know you better,” he sits down and relaxes.

The office is shaped like a square. There isn’t that much room, just a little square carpet on the floor, a rolling chair, a desk with computer, a lamp, and a window going to the park. I see his skates in the corner, laced down and lifeless. I sit down against the wall on the opposite side of him. We talk for hours, just about general things.

He seems like he really likes me. The sun is coming over the horizon and he looks at his clock, it says 5:00 a.m. He says, “Want some breakfast?” I nod and he goes to get a couple snacks and sodas from the machines outside his office. He comes back with armfuls of chips, snacks and a few cans of different sodas. He sits down and says, “bon appetite!”

We pig out a bit and then he watches me a few seconds. He finally says after a long period of silence, “You’re the first girl I’ve ever met that actually wanted to get to know me before doing anything else. You’re the first person to actually try understand me,” he leans over and looks into my eyes.

His eyes are like deep pools of water, never ending. We lean into each other and kiss. I don’t ever want this to end. Then I hear this annoying beeping sound, I open my eyes and I’m sitting in my room. My alarm is beeping in my ear. It was just a dream, again. I hate that.
© Copyright 2006 IrisWriter (iriswriter at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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