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Rated: E · Short Story · Experience · #1181621
It is about a tragic event that I will never forget
My Favorite Aunt
By: Theresa Grefer

How could she just get us all excited to go to Illinois? I had packed everything ready to go and when she picked us up. Surprise! We’re not going. As I was taking my shower I heard the phone “Ring, ring,” My mom answered it and then I heard her screech “ No, not my baby sister.” I wondered what could be wrong, what’s the worse that would happen. When I came out in a rush Josh and Aaron both bombarded me saying.
“Tessie, mom just started crying like crazy, she ran out screaming.”
“What do you think happened?” I asked confused and worried. My mom would get very emotional at times but today it didn’t seem like one of those days.
“I think I heard mom say someone died.” Aaron responded I tried not to show any sign of worry so I walked into my room calmly. I felt my head tighten from trying to hold back tears. Then I turned my journal to help ease the pain. My pen scribbled aggressively. My mind scrambled wondering if it could be true.
“Kids come here, I need to talk to you,” my mom called to us. When I entered the room she was tense from trying to stay calm. Her face was a puddle of tears. Right then I knew…it was true. I tried not to cry truly I did but seeing my mom like this thinking of death I just busted.
“ Your grandma just called saying that My sister Doris died this morning; we don’t know how she died,” she stuttered. I wanted more information like they just think she might die, theirs some hope or in those words to find a lie or joke. But who would joke with such a thing.
The phone rang again but this time it was for me. “Hey.. Tessie… it’s your cousin Nikki…. I just needed someone to talk to about Doe, Doe,” Nikki said hoarsely and then she sobbed trying to get more words out but just sniffing. Nikki new Doris way more than me since she lived only two houses down. I wanted to hug her passionately and be able to convince her it will be ok except it wouldn’t.
Soon my mom made me get off so she could call some friends so I sat in my room staring at the wall. I really wanted to go to Illinois and see all my cousins and aunts but not this way, not for a funeral. I wanted to see Doe Doe one last time but not dead. The words ringed in me ears, dead. My eyes started filling with tears. When my mom got off the phone I started flipping through my phone book looking for someone to talk to, Ashley, not home, Christi, Chelsea, all not home, Chris!
“Hey Chris.” by the end of the conversation I couldn’t see through the tears and my phone was wet on my cheek. Chris kept on saying stuff like “oh my gosh” and “are you ok” which didn’t help much but just knowing he was on the other line was all I needed. Aaron passed me mocking my strained sobs. He copied my struggle to say she died. But I didn’t yell at him because he said it in a way to try and make me laugh. That’s the only time I laughed that day.
The next day my moms’ boyfriend Johnny came so we packed all of our stuff into his huge van. When we got to Illinois almost all my family was there, grandma, grandpa, my aunts, cousins’ even Uncle Drew was there and he’s always drunk so he’s never in his right mind. Some of them were even from Washington and Arizona, which I haven’t seen them since I was seven. Even though it was a sad day seeing all my family was nice and I tried not to get to emotional to help the little kids stay calm. Kristen, Do Dos’ eight-year-old daughter was the one who found her mother breathless on the couch. Kristen’s little brother was only five so he was clueless from all that was going on. From what he knew his mom was on a long vacation. I tried to think of Aunt Doe Doe being in heaven smiling and laughing in the choir of God but sometimes even that can’t help.
On the day of the funeral I had a choice to see the open casket. I had to think on this for a while because Nikki and Emily said they might not go. I had too decide if I could stand it without them. I knew I would hardly be able to stand it, but I wanted to see my gorgeous aunt one last time. She was still beautiful even though she was pale. I could see her smile even when her life was gone. Doris was always the most cheerful aunt of mine, even when the worst of things can happen. But she always seemed to need gardening done when I came by. She was the only aunt who truly understood me or cared. Oh Doe, Doe why’d it have to be you, I can’t live without you, I’d say to myself. I felt her cold skin revealing her death too me… I was hoping she would wake up but I had proof of her rubber body. Her delicate voice is still clear in mind saying, “ don’t worry I’m safe in the arms of my Lord,” And when I close my eyes I can still feel her squeezing me tight and kissing my forehead. My cousin Amanda was the first to cry. I tried to help her by hugging her and comforting her but all she wanted was to be alone. So I stayed with Nikki, Emily and my brother. Courtney my other cousin and her brother Eric sat down and didn’t cry one bit. Eric and Courtney both didn’t cry. Why? Don’t they care about my Aunt and miss her?
Doris’ skin was cold and felt like rubber. She still wore her favorite cross necklace and had elegant white lily’s smothered around her. Wow, even Aaron my brother cried and he never cries cause he’s too “Manly” to cry. For the first time ever I saw my Uncle Drew sober.
The next day was the funeral so I wore my best red shirt and plain black pants. Before the funeral everyone went to there church. The church was filled front to back with family and friends. When the preacher started out giving the summary of Doris wonderful life, I felt great about how many people she’s touched through the years. Then we had special songs sung. My mother sang beautifully. I wish I could sing like that. Then Nikki sang the song she promised Do Do she’d learn and sing it with her. Nikki may not have sung it with Doris on earth but I can imagine Do Do singing it in heaven. She would have been so proud.
My Aunt may be dead but she still lives in my soul and everyone else who loved her. Her happiness, faith, and angelic voice will always be a memory for us all. So I always remember she wouldn’t ever want me to be miserable my whole life because of her death. Life goes on and death is just a part of it. Even now, two years after her death being in 9th grade I still miss her. But isn’t it selfish how we think of how we want them to stay on earth instead of being in heaven with God the only character who truly loves you with all his heart. She’s happy now and we want her too be sad again?

© Copyright 2006 Theresa Grefer (Melusine Redro (melusine at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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