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Rated: E · Essay · How-To/Advice · #1180402
this is a process analysis essay on how to get over anger.
Could your day have gone any worse? Your alarm decided to not go off today. This put you behind schedule, and you were forced to prepare for your day in only ten minutes. Hence, making you slightly late for your bus. But, your bus driver is incredibly kind, so when she was told you were coming by the guy at your bus stop, she waited. Though it was nice, it still caused all the kids on your bus to laugh at you as you huffed and puffed up the great big hill. Luckily, the pile of books in your arms did not tip and fall all over the wet asphalt. When you finally made it to the bus and gasped your gratefulness, you were just in time to be mocked by basically everybody on your bus. When the school day started with the first tardy bell for first period, you were at your locker, frantically searching for your research paper. It counted as a fourth of your grade this semester and was going to be on your progress report next week. Then it hits you, in your rush this morning, you accidently left it on your bed at home. You make it first period with only ten seconds to spare. Your teacher glared at you when you tried to explain your predicament. Nobody was at home, so you could not just call home and beg somebody to please drop it by the school. Though first period was rather disappointing, your day only got worse. Your book bag broke just before you came within arm reach of your locker, your binder full of important papers peradventures to drop, and those papers splash onto the floor and cover the floor where inconsiderate people continued to walk while rushing to class. Among those papers was your permission slip, due today, for a field trip, which you soon found out was one of many that was not recovered from the crowed hallway. After this, you math teacher decided to give a pop quiz on the information being taught; information which you did not understand. The madness did not stop here, after school, you were practically incapable of reading anything as written during "Constructive Writers" and every ball that came your way during softball practice either flew two feet over your head or dropped six feet infront of you. To top off this record making day, when you came home, you found your house in total disorder. As you walk into the kitchen, your jaw still dropped, you see your dog, who isn't allowed inside for the exact reason displayed before you, trotting happily up to you with your mother's new doll in her mouth. You know, full and well, that your mother would complain if she got home and the house was not clean. So there you are, standing in the middle of the kitchen, thinking about strangling your adorable pooch. Before you do something you may regret later, remember, it is important to handle anger in a constructive way that helps rather than harms.

One constructive way to handle anger is to burn energy. Luckily, you are in a perfect situation to do so. Start cleaning. Pick up all the things wrong with the room and replace them in an orderly fashion. Start with the big stuff and switch from room to room, mindlessly cleaning not dedicated to any particular task other than to clean. And then, if this doesn't work for you, feel free to take out five minutes and do some type of exercise. Whether it be sit-ups, jumping jacks, push-ups, or stretching do some sort of exercise vigorously till you have no energy. If you would like, you could easily combine the two. Clean quickly, running up stairs, bending down low to pick something up or stretching up high to put something away. But if you are not the intense type, there are other ways to constructively handle anger.

Another way to constructive handle anger is to take a deep breath and do something you find relaxing. Even the rudimentary count to ten is helpful. However if this is not enough and you find music to be a language thought which you find it easy to communicate, listening could be a great help to you. If music does not work, or if you do not correspond well with music, writing may be the ticket for you. Write a poem, a short bit of what happened today, or at the least, incoherent words all jumbled together, and when you are finished, burn it all. As you watch the flames lick your words of anger and frustration, let yourself relax and feel the anger drain from your system.

If you see yourself as more of a vocal person, it may be good for you to talk about the situation. In your particular circumstance, you could call your best friend, but be conscientious of the time, for you still have a mess to clean up. If you called, but your friend was not there, and you are certain that talking is the only way you can release this anger of yours, you may find it helpful to turn to singing. Even when you are not all alone, and something or someone other than your dog can hear your wretched voice, it will incredibly help you, so do not falter in your decision to belt out your version of "Chasing Cars". However, if you happen to have it on your own authority that you are the absolute worst singer in the world, and once again, you must vocalize your anger, talk. Even though no person can hear you, talk. Talk to yourself, your dog still innocently looking up at you. Speak. And just release all that is in your mind. Get rid of that anger.

If none of these techniques work for you, release your anger in some other way. Anger is very distracting and takes away from life if held and kept, so do not stay angry. Do not brush it off and put it at the back of your mind. If a classmate asks, you should not lie nor shrug it off. Remember the old adage: If you hold onto your anger, your anger will hold onto you.
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