Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1179847-Lady-Praisworthys-bad-Romance
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Comedy · #1179847
A comedy drama. This is my first draft on this site, so be gentle :-P
This story was a bit of a challenge. I asked a couple of friends for random subjects to write about and was given the following to use.

and it needed to be a Soap Opera. They wanted it to be a Victorian Soap Opera, but this being my first piece, I decided against.

It was 12-o-clock noon when Lady praiseworthy finally arrived home in her cottage made of White chocolate. Praiseworthy was so delighted knowing her lover Franklin, a Seaman of HMS Toothbrush, would soon be in her arms. After many months of being away at sea, it was finally time for him to receive a well earned shore leave.

Lady Praiseworthy was busy slipping into her best Pink Leather Victorian style tutu. Slowly but surely she slipped slender arms into the leather garters, clasps and the many other complicated devices and mechanisms that was part of all of her garb.

A fine goose was slowly roasting on the spit by the fireplace. The sound of Juices and the sour kraut sauce dripping down into the flames could be clearly heard in the background. Lady Praiseworthy was hoping that the heat from the flames would not melt the walls of her fine White Chocolate cottage, but he was well worth the risk.

Lady Praiseworthy, sat down upon the mushroom sofa Franklin had given her on his last trip to The North Pole. He had won it in a water polo competition. Franklin was apparently on the verge of loosing, but fortunately for him, his opponent's horse drowned.

Finally, there was a knock at the door. Lady Praiseworthy jumped to nimble feet, sprinting to the door, the feel of the cold peanut brittle floor sending a tingling sensation up her back as her heart pounds fast in anticipation. Quickly, she opens the smoked salmon flavored dark chocolate door revealing the handsome figure of Franklin.

She quickly wrapped her arms around the handsome two foot tall lover, hosting him into her arms, and squeezing him tight.. Lady Praiseworthy presses Gentle lips to his, kissing him passionately. Franklin tries to break free tasting the Onion soup praiseworthy had obviously had for breakfast.

Lady Praiseworthy then sets franklin down gently upon the kitchen table.

“Oh how have I missed you my love! These long months have been so hard on me. So many suitors knocking on my door. I have had to reinforce it with new smoked Salmons. But it does not matter now! You are home and in my arms!”

Franklin Grins wicked, as he flicks a fresh booger from a broad nose.

“I have missed you to my gentle tumble bug”

About that time, there was yet another knock at the door.

“I wonder who that could be,” said Lady Praiseworthy as she made way to the door. Franklin, just sat upon the table continuing to pick his nose. Once again Lady Praiseworthy opened the door revealing a young blond headed woman with a pickle rested gracefully upon one ear. The woman glared at Lady Praiseworthy, then proceeds to push her to the floor.

Lady Praiseworthy falls to the peanut brittle floor with a thud.

“So you are the harlot that has been sleeping with my Frankie!” yells the woman.

Lady Praiseworthy, Slowly gets up, noticing the damage done to her fine peanut brittle floor, anger flaring in pretty petite face, as she draws back and slugs the Stranger hard in the face. The Woman stumbles backwards from the great blow, daised.

“How dare you come into my house and assault me! And even worse, claiming my love for your own! Who in the hell do you think you are!”

“If it is any business of yours, I am Miss Butterfly Picklelover, you damn dirty whore! I have been seeing Franklin for many years, and have now discovered he is sleeping with another!” Miss Butterfly glares at Franklin, “How could you two time me you sick deviant!”

Franklin, continues to pick his nose, “I am sorry love, but I justed needed some strange, if you know what I mean.”

Both Lady Praiseworthy and Miss Butterfly stare at Franklin in amazement.

© Copyright 2006 Arthur Lewis Akerman (mcgreger at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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