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by ricsal
Rated: ASR · Other · Crime/Gangster · #1179740
2 Best friend, an evil desire that cant be stop and choice one has to make.

Jack kept staring blankly at the picture he was holding and sighed, “It has come to this...” he put down the picture and looked at the calendar.

“Our 30 years anniversary tomorrow...sheesh...” He rest his head on his hand and stare at the mirror.

Hours passed and Jack just kept looking at himself for no apparent reason. He suddenly came back to his senses and turned to pick up the newspaper he left on the floor.

“Russian diplomat coming to Sentosa Island to celebrate the opening of the new casino...hmmm” He turn his view again on the calendar and rubbed his hand on his chin.

“Thats it, I think that will be the right place...” After looking at the map in Sentosa.


Jeff was in deep slumber after a long night work. He faintly heard the sound of his mobile ringing like a buzz of a bee. He slowly appointed his hand to do the searching from left to right and finally he managed to find his mobile stuck deep in the pillow.

He answer the call without looking at his mobile ID, “Hello...I'm sleeping now...go away....”

“Idiot, if you're sleeping now then how come you can answer my call?” The voice on the other side laughed at him.

Jeff suddenly became fresh when he recognized his best friend voice.

“Jack, bloody hell...I thought it was my workplace. Whats up?” Jeff rubbed his eyes looking at the time which is half past ten in the morning.

“Tomorrow is our 30 years anniversary as best friend dude. How about you and I go fishing for once...” Jack giving his suggestion.

“Fishing? You know how I dislike fishing...after that incident...sheesh” Jeff shake his head trying not to remember the past.

“(laughing) Don't worry, the place doesn't have any people walking around. Its a secret spot. Plus, you don't need to worry since you can't accidentally hooked another old lady skirt again” Jack force him to remember the incident.

“Alright...don't make me remember that incident will ya? Thats was embarrassing to run 3 blocks away from a mad old lady. Jack, why all of a sudden you want to celebrate our friendship? Its been like many moons already that we never celebrate it” Jeff questioned Jack.

“Thats true, it has been many moons already. Thats why I thought we should celebrate it again..just this once...for friendship sake” Jack's voice seem forceful.

“Alright Jack. I'll meet you tomorrow...” Jeff agrees.

“Phew, thats was hard. Asking you out like asking a girl of my dream out on a date...” Jack laughing at Jeff.

“IDIOT! See you tomorrow!” Jeff put down the phone.

He sat down staring at the date on the calendar and smiled. “Our anniversary...Jack...Jack...you sure have a lot of surprises for me...30 years of friendship and I still don't understand you much...” Jeff muttered to himself.


The big day came.

Jeff was waiting for Jack at the entrance of the Sentosa fuming at Jack's punctuality.

“Where is that Idiot?” he murmured.

After 5 minutes he finally saw Jack's car coming towards him and stopped.

“Yo! Sorry. I got some things to do so...” Jack tried to explain.

“Cut the explanation. Lets go...sheesh” Jeff went inside the car.

Jack noticed the atmosphere take a sudden change inside the car when his best friend in a bad mood.

“Sorry Jeff, this will be the last one I'm going to come late...there will be no more next time...” Jack smiled at him.

“Better dude. I can't wait for you all the time...” Jeff look out at the scenery from the window.

“Alright...this will be the last time you wait for me...” Jack laughed.

They finally reach the place. Jack parked his car and Jeff unload their fishing gear from the bonnet. When took out Jack fishing bag, he noticed it was lighter than usual.

“You didn't bring the full gear...?” Jeff stares at him.

“Oh, I'm fishing light today...with one rod I will beat you...” Jack grinned.

“Yeah right, you should know by now that when fishing, lady luck is always by my side...” Jeff gave him a vicious smile.

“You mean old lady luck??” Jack laugh at him trying to make him remember the incident.

“Asshole...” He shake his head.

They went up the small hill and camp at the top. Jeff looked down at the sea and puzzled at their fishing spot.

“Hey Jack, the distance is far for us to cast. What makes you think there is a fish here?” Jeff turn to him.

“Thats the reason why I bring you here. If you watched the deep water closely, there are abundance of fish waiting for us. The challenge now is that who can haul the fish up to the top without breaking a line. Want to take this challenge?” Jack viciously smile at him.

“Bring it on dude...” Jeff gave a thumbs up.

An hour passed and Jeff kept getting quite a lot of fish. He manage to hauled up away from the rocky edges to prevent the line from cutting. But his concentration is not on the fish but on Jack. Jeff puzzled by Jack's behavior. He still slowly assembling his fishing rod and kept looking far away.

“Hey Jack, why aren't you fish yet? You're going to lose to me if you kept day-dreaming” Jeff try to wake him up.

“Oh...nah...don't worry about me....” He smiled and put a small stand on the ground pointing at the other side of the towards the plain fields where there are people celebrating opening of the new casino.

“What even are they having...?” Jeff watch the event from afar.

“They celebrating the opening of the new casino. All of the key political holder is here including the Russian diplomat Volakis” Jack explain to Jeff while unscrewing the fishing rod and put it in the stand.

“What so great about the Russian diplomat till you can even say out his name...” Jeff turn to Jack who was actually lying down looking at the rod ring.

“Well...they claim that he is the next future for Mother Russia because he currently trying to clear out poverty in that country” Jack aiming his rod at the person.

“That's good. This kind of people should live long to help everyone. Erm...Jack, what are you doing right now? You aren't fishing are you?” Jeff realized Jack was in different position rather than his normal fishing position.

“Pity for the guy...he's going to die later...” Jack grinned while scoping.

“Die? What are you talking about dude...?” Jeff confused by his words.

“Jeff, what if I told you that I am not your normal friend? That I am an Assassin for hire...” Jack turn to him and smiled.

“What the hell are you babbling about? Cut these nonsense Jack. Its not funny” Jeff glared at him.

“Its funny to me...you see, I've been killing people for nearly 20 years Jeff...and yet you still think I'm working as an consultant...plus...the people that consult me is the hirer” Jack gave Jeff an evil grin.

“You never tell me all of this...what made you do this?” Jeff bring himself up and coming near to Jack.

“Jeff, I would stay put if I were you. I had mined these place even near me. If you make a wrong step, kaboom!” Jack laugh at Jeff.

“Dammit Jack!! what the hell happen to you!? Please stop all of this. You're scaring me and that piece of fishing rod is not a gun!” Jeff yelled at him.

“This fishing rod? Heh...Jeff...Jeff...you are so stupid. This is a modified rifle that I created myself. It has the caliber of a sniper than can shoot from a distant. Only the drawback is the scope though. One need to have a perfect eye to aim and shoot...” He smiled.

Jeff couldn't believe what he hears. He knew Jack for 30 years and never did Jack lied or show this behavior to him. It is somehow he finally saw the other side of Jack.

“Jack...explain to me...why now...why now do you want to reveal to me your true self...?” Jeff calmly sat down away from him to avoid the mines.

“It was all for money...at first I was hesitant to do it...but seeing that money...I just can't resist it. I killed quite a lot of people that hirer hired me. From a normal small fry to higher key personnel from a war torn country...I killed them without remorse Jeff...” He focus on his target to get into full view.

“Don't you feel sinful? Don't you value the life of people? Killing for money is not the right thing to do Jack! I've been you friend and I always asked you of your problems but yet you kept quiet and smile away. Why can't you tell me before you do it...?” Jeff throw his fishing rod at the side while glaring at Jack.

“You are so naive. Just because we are best friend doesn't mean we share every secrets we have. Jeff, I really do cherish our friendship and I always do. Its just that this Job of killing has blinded me so badly that I really can't differentiate between wrong and right. Plus...after countless killings, I lost the sense to mourn over them anymore. Can't you see me smiling Jeff?” He smiled while waiting for his prey.

“If you don't want me to know of you secret vendetta, why are you showing me all these now? For our anniversary sake??” Jeff yelled at him.

“Hmm...no. Actually this is the touchy part...today I have to do 2 mission hired by two person. 1 is for me to kill that Russian diplomat and the 2nd mission seem hard for me to take but since that person willing to pay everything to me than I can't resist it...so I decided, let kill 2 bird with one stone...and you should know why you're here now...do you Jeff?” Jack sniggered at Jeff.

Jeff backed a few feet away after hearing his explanation. He couldn't believe what he just heard from his best friend...someone paid Jack to kill him.

“Who is the one hired you to kill me...?” Jeff demands from him.

“I can't tell you Jeff...its a secret...just wait a minute will ya. After I kill that guy, you will be the next one...and please don't run away. Remember the place is all mined...the reason why I came late...” Jack laugh at him.

Jeff fell on his knees and cover his face, “Jack...what can I do to stop you...?” He glares at his best friend with his teary red eyes.

Jack stares at him for a while...and sighed.
“Do you really cherish our friendship Jeff?” He questioned.

“For once, I never have second thoughts about our friendship because everything went smooth. We always protecting each other when we were kids Jack. Remember the time you injured yourself fighting with a mad dog just because you wanted to protect me. I really owe my life to you on that day...and I have been cherishing our friendship ever since...” Jeff smiled at him with his teary eyes.

“I remember that day...where I had to undergo countless stitches just for you. Well, thats was a good reason to make me remember all of this...I appreciate that Jeff...so I will give you a chance...” Jack smiled at him while pointing at the bushes beside Jeff.

“What is it Jack?” Jeff look puzzled.

“In that bushes over there is a gun which I hid especially for you. That gun is a choice for you...either you kill yourself for me or you kill me and destroy our friendship...its a hard choice Jeff....if you didn't do it...then I will be the one killing you. I can't cancel the contract that have been given nor can I fail my mission just for you. So...this is it...its your choice. Plus you can stop me from killing that guy over there too...” Jack went back to his sniping position and kept smiling.

Jeff took out the gun from the bushes that was put by Jack and aim at him.

Without even looking, Jack laugh while focusing at the diplomat.

“So you finally decides to kill me. Your best friend...well...good luck pulling that trigger...and please, shoot me in the head. I trained myself to pull the trigger even if you disabled my hand. So, please do it cleanly...” Jack finally got a clear shot at the diplomat.

“Jack...stop this...I don't want to do this...we are like brothers! I don't want us to be in this situation...please stop it Jack...you have a choice...” Jeff points his gun at Jack with his trembling hand.

“Choice...?...my choice of going back to be normal has already gone. In my mind, I always had the killing intent on everyone I see...I don't have a choice now...Ahhh, there is the guy. Now Jeff...made your choice...I'm going to pull the trigger...” Jack slowly pull the trigger.

“STOP IT JACK!!!!” Jeff yelled at him.

“DO IT JEFF!!!!” Jack yelled back and was about to press the trigger.


Everything went silent.

Jeff fell to the ground crying loudly at his dead friend.

“I'm sorry Jack...I'm really sorry....” He sat down with his legs covering his face.

Jack motionless body lay sprawl on the ground with a smile on his face that can never go away.

Jeff kept staring at his friend for quite some time.

“Lieutenant! Are you alright? The support team is coming your way...”

“Yes, I am alright...be careful...the place is mined...” Jeff replied to the transceiver on his collar.

The support team came and investigate the site. Jeff kept quiet the whole time. He was in a state of shocked for killing his best friend.

His Captain came to him and shake his hand, “You did the right thing. I know this is hard for you Lieutenant. But he has to be stop. Now since he is dead, everyone is safe” He pat Jeff shoulder.

“He is the greatest friend I ever had and I betray him...”Jeff began to swell with tears.

His Captain couldn't console him and just went away.

He couldn't bear to see his dead friend anymore and turn around to walk away when his assistant came to him.

“Sir, there is an envelope with your name on it. We found it in his jacket”

Jeff took the envelope and read the letters.

Hi Jeff,

If you read this letter is means I'm already dead. I guessed I had tell you everything that you want to know right now. But most of it are not entirely true Jeff. I guessed its about time for me to stop making sins that can never go away. I realized I can't stop killing even though it pains me every time I did it. I couldn't stop myself. I was totally powerless to my own evil. I need help...and you are the one that can help me.

I killed countless people until I don't understand the meaning of sadness and pain while looking at the mother whom I killed her son. Her tears made me realized how sinful I am to the people. I tried many ways to tell you my pain but I the feeling of addiction really taken me over. I tried many ways to avoid myself to killing and yet I still accept any mission that has been given to me. The last straw for me is when someone I know send me an email requesting me to kill you. That person willingly gave me anything I want just for the sake of me killing you for insurance sake. Thats when I realized there is no money or anything in this world that can make me kill you. Our friendship is priceless to me. When we were kids and when your family take me in when my parents were killed. I owe you a lot Jeff. But this addiction of killing really eaten me up. I decided to stop myself. But I need someone close to me to help me and I choose you. I'm sorry for doing these but this is the only way for me to be in peace. Someone has to stopped me from doing anymore harm to innocent people. Thank you Jeff, you've been a wonderful friend for these 30 years. You are always a brother to me.

Since I'm dead, in my car has all the evidence that you need to catch all of the people that hired me. My snuff website that I made is also indicate inside the evidence that I compiled for you. I know from the very start that you are an investigator that was trying to sniff me out Jeff. I tried many ways to foul you out of the case and that was a pretty good game.

In the snuff site, there will be one secret document with password for you to read. In it you will know who is the hirer that hired me. This is your choice Jeff. You decide what you want to do to that person.

Here is the password: BESTFRIENDFOREVER

Take care Jeff. Find a better job and a better life. I will pray for your safety Jeff. This a wish from a friend of 30 years.

Thank You.

Your Best Friend,

Jack Robertson.


“Jack, you will always be a friend to me. The evil person that willing to kill his dear friend is me. Not you Jack. I knew from the start that you couldn't kill me. But you kept provoking me...Idiot Jack...” Jeff smiled and wipe his tears away.

After 1 month, all of the people that hired Jack has been apprehended. Including Jeff's wife. It was devastating for Jeff to know the truth but he knew Jack was doing whats best for him.

Jeff went out of the Police department with his letter of resignation, he smiled that everything is over thanks to Jack's help.

He went put his stuff in the bonnet and start the car. Her turn to look at the letter Jack left him and smiled.

“Thanks Jack. This is the greatest gift you gave to me...” he put down the map that Jack gave and turn to look at the big sack of bag he put beside the driver's seat. The money Jack gave to him.

“My journey starts here...” He smiled and drove off leaving the life that he hates.

© Copyright 2006 ricsal (sallehsaidali at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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