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Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Drama · #1179624
Nicoli gives his life to a vampire and is sealed away into a book.

Rain poured from the heavens, as if the gods felt sorrow for the tragedy that was just about to unfold. The rain fell upon the wounds of a young man. He laid, dieing, and yet he felt relief. He had no regrets for leaving this world, as a matter in fact he wanted to cross over. He was soon to die anyways. Whether it was his ill health or his life being taken from him by an unholy creature, he didn’t care anymore.

"Sonya, how could you betray me so?” Nicoli whimpered as he lay out in the cold rain. Tears streamed down his cheeks and dribbled down onto his bloody neck and into his killer's mouth. “Did you ever truly harbor the same feelings I still hold for you? Did you ever honestly love me?” He asked as the thought of his true love leaving him for another crossed his mind. He could feel a deep suckling sensation in his neck, his essence flowing from his body into another. He felt sick to his stomach, but this is what he wanted. He wanted to leave this world. Without Sonya, life meant nothing to Nicoli. She was the only reason he fought so hard against the illness that ravaged his body. She was the only reason for him to live.

His killer returned his pearly fangs into their sheaths.

"Satisfying." The man laughed. Nicoli watched as his maker stood up and smiled with his bloody fangs. There was a lurching in his stomach at the ghastly sight and yet he couldn't help but smile back.

"Thank you, so much." Nicoli whispered as his killer turned and began the other way. He closed his eyes to accept eternal sleep. “I gave you my heart and soul. I will forever love you, even after death. That is why my soul will never find rest; my soul will forever belong to you, Sonya.” Nicoli’s life was slowly coming to an end. He greeted death with open arms. His heart was broken and he was ready for life to be stripped of him.

"Nicoli!" A voice called out. "Oh god! You're bleeding!" Nicoli could feel someone lift him into their arms and a handkerchief being pressed up to his neck as if to stop the bleeding. "Please hold on a bit longer!" Nicoli heard the voice cry; a cry so faint it could hardly be heard. He felt the pair of warm arms wrap tighter around his cold body. “Hold on, little brother.” Nicoli felt stray tears fall upon his face. He quickly realized that it was his brother, Domonic. “Please, Nicoli, don’t die yet. Don’t die!”

“I’m sorry, Domonic. I’m so sorry.” Nicoli whimpered. "She doesn't love me anymore, so I can't go on with living. I'm sorry."

"Don't be sorry! You'll live! You'll live." Domonic sobbed. Nicoli felt his lips curving with a small smile.

"Goodbye, Domonic." Nicoli's last breath escaped him as he lay in his brother’s arms.

“No! Nicoli, please don’t die!” Domonic pleaded. He shook Nicoli's body, hoping death hadn't retrieved his soul. "Nicoli! Nicoli!" Domonic continued to scream. "Nicoli." His voice finally faltered. Domonic began sobbing as he held Nicoli's still body. He nestled his head deep into his brother’s chest. Nicoli’s chest was still and his heart beat no more. Domonic lifted his head and looked down at Nicoli’s face. A face that once held pain, heartache, and illness, now looked as if it held some sense of contentment. Domonic’s whole lower jaw trembled as he stared down at his brother’s oozing neck wound. Domonic felt his whole heart breaking as he looked down at Nicoli. “Please forgive me, Nicoli. I’m sorry I couldn’t help you. I-I’m so sorry!” Domonic held Nicoli’s cold dead body as he mourned his loss. Nicoli was gone, what more was there to live for?


Chapter 1

“Oh Nicoli! You are so bad!” the woman cried out in pleasure. Nicoli ran his fingers through the red tresses of her hair. He kissed her sweet supple skin as he ran his gentle fingers through her silky hair. Her light jasmine perfume was inhaled through Nicoli’s nose, making him desire her even more. His lips sought out hers while she unbuttoned his shirt. She pulled away and ran her fingers through his long raven black hair. “You want me don’t you?” He continued to trail his kisses up her neck until he came to her ear.

“You don’t know how bad.” He throatily whispered. He savagely took her lips and kissed her again, while tracing the course of her veins with his fingers. He could feel the warm blood flowing beneath his fingers. He couldn’t wait to feast upon it.

“Nicoli.” The woman whispered as he pulled away. Nicoli gently bit her bottom lip. He trembled with pleasure as he savored the sweet taste of her blood.

God! I can’t wait any longer! I must have her blood now! I must have it! Nicoli thought as he pinned her to the bed.

“You are bad, aren’t you?” she smiled. Nicoli leaned down to her ear and chuckled.

“You don’t know how bad I am.” Those were the last words he said to his victim. In a flash, he sunk his long fangs into her flesh. He suckled her skin as her blood was sucked into his mouth. So sweet. I almost don’t want to pull away. Nicoli thought as he continued to feast upon his victim.

Nicoli Barkov had died over ninety years ago, indeed, and was reborn as a vampire. In his time in the underworld he had committed an unspeakable crime and was banished from his home. He was cursed to walk the mortal plains as a child of the night, better known as a vampire.

Nicoli’s senses began to weaken. His eyes became heavy and his bodily control was diminishing. Why? Why do I all of the sudden feel so weak? I understand that this is my first time feeding in over a week, but I can’t be in this condition just because of that. Nicoli pulled away and felt as if he were about to collapse. He managed to stand up and brace himself on a nearby wall. He felt so disoriented. A sinister laugh filled the room as he hit the floor. The window flung open, letting in a gust of wind. The candle that lit the room flickered as this wind encircled his victim’s body. She stood up and smiled.

"Did you think you could lose me so easily, little brother?” Nicoli’s eyes widened as his victim changed. Her long red hair was now as black as the night, her green eyes were now blood red, and her once womanly figure was that of a man’s. It was Nicoli’s brother, Domonic

“Domonic?” Nicoli whimpered. A wide smile spread across Domonic’s face.

“Ah, so you do remember me.” Domonic said gleefully.

“How can I forget my traitorous brother.” Nicoli said. Domonic approached Nicoli with a sinister look in his eyes. Domonic knelt down and grasped Nicoli’s chin and forced him to look deep into his eyes. Nicoli tried to pull away but to no avail. “What have you done to me, Domonic?” Nicoli asked as he continued to try and pull away.

“Opium, brother.” Domonic said as he pulled a flask from his coat pocket. He uncorked it and placed it under Nicoli’s nose. “You have become lazy Nicoli. I thought you would have at least recognized your own brother.” Domonic corked the flask and tucked it in his pocket before kneeling to Nicoli’s level.

“I haven’t been able to recognize my brother for over ninety years. The Domonic Barkov I knew died a long time ago. You are not Domonic, you are nothing but a filthy rat who has to resort to trickery!” Nicoli shouted with a smirk on his face.

“How dare you treat me like that! I am lord of the underworld now and I demand respect!” Domonic’s fist connected with Nicoli’s jaw, making his head cock back. “You have no right to speak to me like that!” Domonic shouted as he continued beating Nicoli. He finally stopped and regained his posture. He pulled out a black book and threw it on the floor. “And as lord of the underworld I humbly ask for you to do a favor for me.” Nicoli stared at Domonic with a grimace.

“And what exactly is this favor?” Nicoli asked as blood dribbled from the corner of his mouth.

“I wish for you to summon the demons from this book so I may rule over the mortal world as well as the underworld. If you agree I will let you return to my palace as part of the royal family, you may take one of my wives for your own and live a life of leisure, but if you refuse,” Domonic unsheathed his black blade and placed it up to Nicoli’s neck, “I will rid of you right now.”

“You can keep your wives. My heart belongs to someone already, and I would rather die than let you destroy this world as you did the underworld. I won’t let you destroy the world she loved.” Nicoli said as he thought of his love, Sonya. Domonic smirked.

“But, brother you see tonight is the only night you can do this. And don’t forget the consequences. We have to perform the ritual while the moon is in its fullest phase and painted the color of demon’s blood. If you don’t perform this ritual tonight, well we’d have to wait for two hundred years dear brother.”

“I still won’t do it. I’ll protect this world for her.” Nicoli said.

“She no longer inhabits this world so why do you care? She died over seventy years ago!” Domonic laughed. He pressed his blade into Nicoli’s neck, just hard enough to break the skin, and let Nicoli’s crimson blood ooze out onto the blade. “I don’t care for you reasons to protect this world. As long as you are gone you cannot protect it. I will just summon those demons myself.”

“You can’t. You don’t have the strength to do it. Why else would you come ask for my help?” Nicoli asked as he sat there helplessly. Domonic bit his lip as he ran his finger over his blade, collecting Nicoli’s blood. He sheathed his blade and pulled out another black book. Domonic waved it in front of Nicoli and smiled.

“Do you know what this is?” Domonic asked.

“Yeah. It’s a sealing book.” Nicoli replied.

“Very good. Now, do you know what I intend to do with it?” Domonic quizzed. Nicoli nodded his head yes.

“You intend to seal my soul away in it correct?” Domonic nodded his head as he wrote a spell in the book with Nicoli’s blood. Nicoli laughed. “You’re performing this ritual all wrong.”

“That’s where you are wrong.” Nicoli stopped laughing so he could listen to Domonic. “This spell differs from the one you are used to. I came across this certain spell a few days ago. Instead of using my blood to perform this ritual, thus sealing you to me, I use yours.” Domonic closed the book and wiped the blood from his fingers. “This spell will seal you away until I call upon you or your one and only love, Sonya, frees you from your slumber.” Domonic placed the book over Nicoli’s chest.

“S-Sonya?” Nicoli stammered. Domonic readied his sword, by pulling it back. Nicoli’s eyes widened. With one quick thrust the sword ran through book and into Nicoli’s body. Nicoli screamed out in pain as blood escaped from his wound. Domonic watched with pleasure as pain washed over Nicoli.

“You brought this on yourself.” Domonic smiled as he slowly forced the blade deeper into Nicoli’s body. Nicoli could feel the blade pushing against the skin of his back, making him want to cry out more.

“Stop! Please, I beg of you! Please Domonic!” Nicoli screamed as tears streamed down his cheeks. Not tears of sadness, no not like the tears he shed on the day he died, but tears of pain. He could feel the blade break through the skin on his back. He cried out once more before he looked at Domonic with a scowl on his face. “Why? Why do you demand such power!? Are you so greedy that you would dispose of your own flesh and blood?” Nicoli asked as his chest heaved in and out. His breathing became labored as his blood gushed from his body.

“I demand power because I am superior to all creatures. I crave power because I am better than anyone else, even you! I will rid of you tonight!” Domonic shouted. “Demons of darkness and angels of light! Come together now so we can seal this soul from sight! Years will come and years will pass, but the seal on this soul will forever last!” Domonic recited the incantation before laughing. “Farewell, brother!”

Nicoli’s body began to throb with even more pain. He felt as if someone was cutting off his breathing and yet he continued to scream. His body was beginning to get pulled into the book. Memories poured into his mind as he began to fade away. “You know I love you Nicoli.” “I’m sorry, Nicoli.” “Sonya, how could you betray me so?” “Please, Nicoli, don’t die yet!” “I will forever be loyal to you, Master Nicoli.” Memories of his life, death, and life in the afterlife, flashed in his mind. Images of his friends, family, and his love flashed before his eyes. “I’m sorry, Nicoli. Jarrod is healthy and can provide for me, but you...I’m sorry!”

Will those words ever cease to haunt me? Oh well I can forget them now that I’m going away. I can finally forget those words. Nicoli smiled as tears escaped his eyes. “I can finally forget those words.”


Domonic watched as Nicoli disappeared. Nicoli looked up at him with tears in his eyes. “I can finally forget those words.”

“I’m glad you can find some peace in this, but I know you still love her, and for that I am disgusted with you.” Domonic looked down at the book and Nicoli’s blood stained clothes. “She damned your soul and you still love her? I despise you. I despise you and that woman.” Domonic picked up the book and stared at its blood stained cover. “I loathe you, Nicoli Barkov.” Domonic looked out the window and much to his disliking the sun was beginning to rise. “Damn it all!” Domonic shouted as he dashed for the curtains. He shut them and began throwing his fit of rage. He was too late. Now he would have to wait two hundred years, but at least this time Nicoli wouldn’t be in the way.


200 years later...

A gentle breeze blew through an open window and let in the scent of the fallen rain from outside. The refreshing scent of rain blended in with the sweet scent of the cinnamon incense in the house, giving it a unique scent. The house was silent, except the sound of a crackling fire downstairs. The flames cast eerie shadows as they danced about in the fireplace. Everything around the Jamison household had been quiet for the past three years, not like before. Where there was once laughter was now filled with silence, where there once was happiness was now filled with sorrow. It seemed that the joy that once filled the Jamison house was but a distant memory.

A loud pop, from the fire, made the house’s eldest resident, Marc, jolt up from his slumber. His book, which was resting on his chest, was now lying on the floor. He stared dazedly as he remembered the accident that took his parents from him and his siblings.

“Today’s that day isn’t it?” he asked himself. “Today is the day they died.” He stared at the fire, making his blue eyes glisten as they stared at the dancing flames. He sat in complete and total silence before sitting up. The light cast from the crackling fire made it seem as if a heavenly halo had formed around his golden blond hair. The old grandfather clock began ringing; signaling that another hour had passed. It read eight o’clock. Marc grimaced. “Work.” He mumbled as he slunk towards the laundry room. He heard a door open and close upstairs, meaning either his sister, Emily, or his brother, Lawrence, was up. He didn’t bother to look as he entered the laundry room. Knowing how lazy Lawrence is I bet it was Emily.


Emily could hear Marc’s heavy steps on the hardwood floor downstairs as she undressed. Once she turned the hot water on in the shower, the steam rolled out onto the floor like fog. She climbed into the shower and let the water drops roll down her face and trickle down her throat. She turned off the water and stepped out of the shower.

She stood in the middle of the bathroom, with nothing but a towel, staring out a window that peered out into the fields as morning began to come upon the land. The sky was dark and painted with dark grey clouds. She ran her hand down the glass as she looked at her own reflection. Tears stained her cheeks as she remembered that day three years ago, waking up to Lawrence’s cries of anguish and pain. Today was that day, the anniversary of her mother and father’s deaths.

“Three long years ago today. It doesn’t even seem that long.” Emily said as she turned around and looked into the mirror. Everything had changed that day, even she had changed. Her once exuberant eyes that held so much happiness were now dull and filled with pain and her jovial smile was now gone and replaced with false grins.

Emily dressed and hung her towel before heading for the door. She reached for the handle when she heard a loud cry.

“AGH!” it was Marc. Emily flung the door open and rushed downstairs.

“Marc! What is it!?” Emily cried as she ran into the laundry room. She found Marc on his knees holding a pink shirt. Emily kneeled down next to him. “What happened?” Emily asked.

“Emily, who did the laundry yesterday?” Marc asked.

“Well it was Friday so it must have been Lawrence.” Emily said. Marc squeezed the shirt in his hands. He shot up and ran towards the stairs.

“I’m going to kill him!” Marc cried as he stomped up the steps. “He did this on purpose! I know he did!” Marc shouted as he reached the top of the stairs. He took a right and headed for Lawrence’s room. He burst in the door and there was a loud ‘THUMP!’

“What was that for!?” Lawrence’s voice boomed. He and Marc both came storming out of the room. Lawrence headed down the steps with Marc right behind him.

“What do you mean ‘what was that for?’ You turned my shirt pink!” Marc shouted. They both came to an abrupt halt at the bottom of the stairs. Lawrence turned on his heels.

“I did that to your shirt?” Lawrence asked. Marc twisted the fabric in his hands.

“Lawrence, you had laundry duty yesterday, didn’t you?” Marc asked. Lawrence nodded in response. “Well you see I went to get my work shirt from the dryer, but instead…I found this pink mess! All of our whites, shirts, socks, underwear, bras, and my apron are pink! How am I supposed to go to work with these clothes? We have dress codes you know? White shirt, black slacks, and an apron. My boss is coming in today and I have nothing to wear!”

“Well you’re in hot water aren’t you?” Lawrence laughed as he tussled his honey brown hair. “Besides, who’s to say it was me? I mean, how do you know Emily didn’t toss some of her ‘delicates’ into the load”? Emily’s jaw dropped.

“Maybe because I’m not a klutz and I like to use my brain unlike you.” Emily said.

“Well you don’t exactly have evidence that I did that to our clothes.” Lawrence said as he pointed at Marc’s shirt. Emily smiled. She walked into the laundry room and looked into the open dryer. She dug around until she found what she was looking for. She smiled as she walked back over to her brother’s and shoved the evidence into Lawrence’s hands.

“I do now.” Emily laughed. “Unless has Marc a pair of Spiderman underoos he’s been hiding.” Emily laughed. Marc’s head went from the underwear to Lawrence’s face.

“So you did do it!” Marc shouted.

Ever since the terrible accident that took both Mr. and Mrs. Jamison’s lives, their three children had been living on the estate, on which they had all grown up on. Marc, being the eldest, was head of the house and both his brother and sister’s legal guardian. Though Marc wasn’t very close to his parents, when word came of his parents’ deaths he flew in from California to care for Emily and Lawrence. He gave up his education, career, and life just to come back for his brother and sister. Marc differed from both his brother and sister in looks and attitude. He was calm, cool, and collected in most situations. And his looks were but a mirror into his soul. He had golden blond hair, hazel eyes, and a tall, built physique.

Lawrence was the second son and middle child of the late Gracia and Lewis Jamison. He was very different than his brother and far from being like Emily. Lawrence’s outlook on life was living it to its fullest and enjoy while you can. He was a manic young man who was very passionate towards his artwork, work, and his family, and his appearance complemented those qualities well. He had short honey brown hair that he wore spiked up, except the few bangs that always teased his brow, hazel eyes with golden specks around his pupils, and he had a very tall, gawky appearance.

Last, but certainly not least, there was Emily Jamison. Emily differed from her brothers only because she had qualities which they both possessed and a few of her own. She was usually calm and kept to herself, like Marc, unless she is put in charge of a situation. That’s where the Lawrence factor of her personality kicked in. She was passionate about everything she did. Living with Lawrence she had learned ‘Do it right the first time and if you screw up try again until you at last succeed.’ But where she differed from her brothers was how emotional she was able to be. She could show her pain, love, and any other emotions without fear of what other people think. Emily’s inner beauty went perfect with her outer beauty. Long honey brown hair that went down to middle of her back, beautiful golden green eyes, and a small figure. In every aspect she was like her mother.

Marc’s icy stare drifted over to the clock. It was now eight forty-five. “I’m going to be late.” He muttered. He sighed before slipping on his now pink shirt and headed for the laundry room. He grabbed his black pants off the top of the dryer and reached into the dryer for his apron. He quickly finished getting ready before heading for the door. He grabbed his coat before pausing. He turned around with a wide grin on his face. “Oh by the way, Lawrence, don’t you have work today?” Marc asked.

Lawrence’s eyes widened as he looked at the clock. “Oh no! I’m going to be late! Lesat is going to kill me!” Lawrence’s long legs quickly carried him up the steps. Marc laughed as Lawrence scrambled into his room. There was a long silence until he turned to Emily.

“Emily? I was thinking,” Marc paused, “I-I was thinking we should put some flowers on the graves today. I mean it was today they…well you know. And I don’t have time to do it and Lawrence won’t have time to do it, so I was hoping…” Emily cut him off.

“I’ll do it.” Emily said. A small smile spread across Marc’s face.

“Thank you. Make sure Lawrence takes you to town then and here’s twenty dollars.” Marc said, reaching into his wallet. He pulled out a crisp twenty dollar bill and handed it to Emily. “Also I won’t be home until ten tonight so you guys are on your own for dinner. Well, see you guys later.” Marc said before he opened the door. He grabbed his coat and walked out the door.

Just as Marc left Lawrence came running down the stairs.

“Oh, um Lawrence, Marc wanted you to take me to town. He wanted me too…” Lawrence interrupted Emily.

“Yeah, sure, whatever. Just get your coat. The rain’s stopped so you won’t need an umbrella.” Lawrence rambled as he threw on his coat. “Lesat is going to have my head.” Lawrence said. He looked at Emily, who was taking her time. “Hurry up! We don’t have time to waste.” Lawrence said forcefully.

“I’m not wasting time. You’ll get there on time I promise.” Emily said as she opened the door. She walked out and was soon passed by Lawrence.

“Hurry up!” Lawrence shouted as he opened the driver’s side door on the car. Emily rolled her eyes before running over to the car, dodging mud puddles along the way. “About time, now let’s go.”


Sunlight had finally begun to peer through the dark grey clouds that hung overhead. The beams of sunlight found their way into a small motel room. The air in the room smelt of blood and antiseptic. Bloody bandages and bottles of antiseptic sat on the nightstand by the bed. Blood was spattered on the walls, was set into the carpet, and stained the sheets on the bed. Where cries of pain were once heard there was only small whimpers and gasps. On the bed was the whole source of this grotesque sight, Nikki Kitsune.

He looked so fragile in the bed. His brother, Benedickt, stayed close. Benedickt stared at Nikki and watched as pain jolted throughout his small, frail body. It broke Benedickt’s heart to see his brother in such a condition. Nikki let out a gasp as he clung to the pillow with his long claws.

“B-Benedickt, it hurts. It hurts.” Nikki whimpered. “Please make it stop. Please.” Benedickt’s eyes moistened.

“God I wish I could, kiddo.” Benedickt said. Nikki cried out in pain and Benedickt could only watch. There was a long silence afterwards until Benedickt spoke. “You did this for him didn’t you? You stole the book for Nicoli.” Benedickt said as he looked over at a black book that was lying on the desk across the room.

“Of, course I did.” Nikki smiled. “I know you want to see him again too.” Nikki said. He pushed himself up onto his hands and knees. “I want to see him again. I-I miss him, brother.”

“Nikki, lie down and rest. We can look for the girl tomorrow.” Benedickt said. Nikki shook his head as he reached for his clothes.

“Aiden will be looking for her and if he beats us to her, only God knows what he’ll do to her.” Nikki said as he laid down on his back. He slipped his pants over his long slender legs.

“Nikki, we can wait.” Benedickt said. Nikki stopped what he was doing.

“Do you remember what Nicoli told us before he was banished?” Nikki asked. “He told us that we were free. That we didn’t have to be his loyal servants anymore.” Nikki turned around to reveal the seriousness in his face. “He knew that Domonic was going to look for him after he was banished. The only thing he didn’t know was that Domonic had a dirty trick up his sleeve. He didn’t know Domonic was going to seal him away.” Nikki paused so he could dry the tears in his eyes. “I remember when I first swore my loyalty to Nicoli. I swore I would always stand by his side as a loyal servant, and I still intend to keep that promise. He doesn’t want this world to fall to ruins like the underworld did under Domonic’s rule and I won’t let it happen.”

Benedickt looked at Nikki for a long time before smiling.

“I guess being raised by a man like Nicoli takes that toll on someone like you. Well hurry up and get dressed. We’ll leave as soon as you’re ready.” Benedickt said. “I swear that we’ll find Sonya and free Nicoli, and then we’ll stop Domonic together.”


That damn Nikki and his brother, Benedickt, sure gave me a run for my money. I thought that damn half-breed would never die. Aiden thought as he took a long drag of his cigarette. Aiden threw his cigarette down and stomped on it before reaching into his pocket and pulling out a portrait of the woman he was supposed to be looking for. His lips curled to form a maniacal grin.

“For a mortal woman she’s beautiful.” Aiden said. The woman in the picture had long hair that was pulled back to show her beautiful face. She had beautiful doe-like eyes that seemed to bore into Aiden’s soul and her smile was just gorgeous! “Nicoli knew how to pick them didn’t he?” Aiden laughed as he tucked the portrait back into his pocket. Just as he looked up he saw her! The woman in the portrait was now just thirty feet away.


Emily waved goodbye to Lawrence as she shut the door. He quickly drove off in hopes Lesat wouldn’t be mad at him, whereas Emily took her time as she walked down the street.

The town was small and quaint. Everywhere you looked there were family owned businesses. Many of the families were ones Emily knew. Emily waved and plastered on her famous fake grin as she passed by. Everyone knew of the Jamison siblings’ past and felt sympathy for them, but one thing Emily never did was except their pity, even though she felt terrible.

Emily stopped at the local flower shop and looked at all of the flowers. Roses, tulips, lilies, and other such flowers, filled the shop. The scent of roses overwhelmed her nose. Her lips curved to form a small smile. They smelt like her mother. She followed the scent and found the roses section. She stood in total silence taking in the aroma until she heard a voice.

“Beautiful aren’t they?” someone asked, making Emily jump. She turned to face a handsome young man. His silvery eyes raked over her body before he spoke again. “I’m sorry miss. I didn’t mean to frighten you.” The man said.

“No you don’t have to be sorry.” Emily laughed. “Oh! Umm…my name is Emily Jamison.” Emily properly introduced herself.

“My name is Aiden Stantoff, Miss Jamison.” Aiden said.

“Oh no need to be formal, Emily is just fine, Mr. Stantoff.” Emily laughed.

“No need to be formal either, Emily. Aiden is just fine.” Aiden smiled. “What brings a pretty girl like you out on a gloomy day like this?” Aiden asked.

“Well my brother wanted me to get some flowers for our parents’ graves.” Emily said almost so quiet it was like a whisper. She felt a few stray tears stream down her cheeks. “They died in a car accident three years ago today.” Emily whimpered. She felt Aiden’s hand wipe away her tears. She looked up into his smiling face.

“Why don’t I buy those roses for you and I’ll escort you to the cemetery. After all I don’t know how far you’ll get without an umbrella.” Aiden nodded in the window’s direction. Once again it was raining.

Once Aiden had purchased the flowers for Emily he offered his arm to her. She slipped her delicate arm into the crook of his arm. He popped open the umbrella and just like that Aiden had found the girl, the girl who could free Nicoli from his prison.

© Copyright 2006 blackxkiss (blackxkiss at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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