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Rated: E · Fiction · History · #1179433
FULL TITLE: A brief history of our plane of existence as described by the writer.
The Creation of the Elements and the First Gods

It began as any other day in the aether. There was no sun, there was no planets, there was nothing; neither animal nor plant could be found. The Gods awoke, as they always did, at the beginning of the day. They did not know how they awoke, or why, but they did all the same. And on that hour of that fateful day in the aether, they decided they would create. And so, they gave each other names, so that they may call one another, and the one they were calling would stand and speak back.

The male was named by some as The All Father; others named him as Allah, Zeus or simply ‘Him’ by his consort. His true name he kept to himself, though some say he will divulge it at the end of all things; and that will set into motion The Years of Light. His consort, was named by others as Hera, others as The All Mother, or simply ‘she’ by her lover. She also kept her true name to herself, and some say the revealing of it would bring about The Years of Darkness.

And upon the naming of these two Deities, they split their everlasting souls into the elements, or Yin and yang; for without Yin, there is no Yang. After word, they looked on their handiwork and mourned, for it was not complete; so they split their two souls further, into the seven basic elements. And upon the splitting of their everlasting souls into the seven basic elements; those being water, air, tetra, fire, lightness, darkness and mind, they then split those parts of there soul again, and created the first Demi-Gods. The first of these smaller Gods, were two fold. One was named Mes-Tate, and the other, Tet-Tate. These two symbolized The Night, and The Day, and were each the opposite of the other; though they both had a little bit of the other in them.

The five other Demi-Gods are as follows; Bao, representing fire; Ish, representing water; Kalani, representing the mind; Khos, representing air; and Othiani, representing tetra. Upon the splitting of the Yin and Yang forces of their everlasting souls, the two beings left this plain, but did not forsake it, for they were prophesied by Destox to return one day, millennia from now, and to bring about the end of this world, and the creation of a new.

The awakening of the Gods and the Creation of the Multi-Verse

The two Demi-Gods awoke at the instant that the two beings left this plane of existence and floated above the aether. Seeing themselves alone among the blankness of the aether, with only each other to talk to, they created a language that would withstand the test of time, and would come to be known as ‘God Speak’. Now able to converse, they began to talk of the things they saw in their dreams, and of the great majesty of the world that disappeared the moment they awoke. As they talked, they inadvertently created the first dimension; for as they grew cognizant of the power they wielded, they talked more excitedly and whispered into each others ears, secrets that would stand the test of time and space. Soon, the first dimension and ultimately, the first life was born upon the umber soil.

Upon the completion of the first dimension, they saw that five beings began to walk the plains, and as they conversed, they decided that these beings were not of their creation; thus, something else had made them, and as with themselves, these beings were conversing in the language of there choice, and were thus creating other areas of existence. Seeing the wonders that these things created, they went down to them, and conversed as well; thus creating the multitude of dimensions we see and know today, principle among them was Sol, the first dimension created by all the others conversing with night and day.

The Creation of the “Other Gods”

And low! The first gods took it into there hearts to mate, and soon other gods appeared amongst them. Such were the powers of these gods that they could not comprehend the aether, where the mighty Seven ruled; so, they left the aether, and frolicked amongst the titans, who created legends upon legends about them, though only few are true.

Concerning the Tribes of Men and the Four Mighty Tribes of the Titans

And so, we bring our attention to this seemingly dull dimension, with only a very small amount of life in it. But low! The wonders of this life; for the Demi-Gods, having seen each others looks, created life on insignificant Sol which mimicked there looks, and combined fragments of all there abilities. For upon life springing into the dull piece of rock that was called earth by the inhabitants of future yore, Bao gave his fire to them, in a thing that he called Sol, after the name of that dimension; Ish gave forth crystal clear waters and sparkling Ice caps to the fledgling creatures; Khos gave them wild tempests, gentle breezes, and the means to breath; Othiani gave forth Luna, the moon, to shine on the world when Sol was not there to give them light and heat; Tet-Tate and Mes-Tate gave forth Night and Day; Kalani gave them life and death.

And low, as the seven of lore spun the webs of life across the dimension, they saw yet another thing spring upon the small planet Earth; that which was called titans. Kalani, upon seeing the marvelous thing that was this creation gave them the most precious gift of all, sentience.

And soon, life bloomed on this fledgling plain of existence. The humans, as they were called by themselves, began to explore there plane; for the first thing they saw upon awakening was the beauty of Sol, which they named the sun. Upon night arriving, for the titans themselves were not nocturnal by nature, slept; though a few stood up instead of lying, and marveled at the night sky (for the sky was darker then, and not polluted by cities and fires.) And soon, beliefs sprung throughout the small area populated by titan; these being the worship of the moon and stars; and the worship of the sun. Soon worship drifted from the sun and moon, to individual beings; though some say this was not the titans idea, but rather the seven themselves grand design. The titans marveled at nature and its bounties; which then created the urge to know more.

And with that urge to know came the magic of old, the magic the gods handed down unto the titans leaders; and who, in there loyalty to there people, handed it down unto them as well. This magic was as varied as the Multi-Verse; as varied as life, and all its glories. As such, some of the leaders shared their magic with the tribe’s elders, to help better understand it. While some shared the magic with the whole of existence; which caused some of the magic to be lost, or degraded as it left the hands of the leaders and flew into the hands of the whole of the populace.

Not too long after the giving of magic, they saw that the sun, stars and moon moved about the sky, in what looked like a dance of the cosmos. The humans created legends and lore about them; such as the Legend of the Five Sons of the Moon, which proclaimed that the five brightest stars in the sky (Those that did not move in accordance with the others), were the sons of the moon. Other tales and legends sprung up as well, though these were more incorporeal myths dealing with the five sons of the moon; or with other mythos which sprung up, and these myths always changed, depending on the location of the tribe.

One such legend of the five daughters of the moon and sun, described the gods that created this plane, and in stunning detail. They named them each as there names were of old, and described them as they first came unto this plain. The tribe that spun these tails soon drifted off the face of this world, having combined the magic of all the tribes. Some say that they just drifted away, on the wind; while others say that they had found means to travel beyond our comprehension. Though these beliefs are but mere speculation, the truth is not that far from the telling of it; for the tribe of the air, as they called themselves, were not gone from this world, but lived in magnificent castles in the air, made of the finest spider silks, and held aloft by strong currents of wind that kept all but the mightiest of sky creatures from visiting there homeland.

Another mighty tribe, known as the Dwellers of Earth, dug themselves into the mantle of the earth, with huge tunnel systems that created the effect of a “hollow” earth. Though not many people knew of there existence, some found the beginnings of cave systems, and soon found themselves lost in the maze. One such human who outwitted the caves, authored the only account of the “hollow earth” which passed off as fiction.

Next we come to the Tribes of Fire; a fierce war like tribe who dwelled near the surface of the sun, called sol by the gods. They constantly waged war on the mighty and lesser creatures that inhabited the suns surface; often taking them as slaves. Though war like, their culture was very sophisticated; they had mighty castles floating atop the upper atmosphere of the sun, where the suns heat did not affect them as much as it would have on the surface.

The watery tribe of titans lived on the bottom of the ocean floor, near to the whale graveyard. A protective bubble enclosed them in the safety of fresh air, and vents in the bubbles themselves magically pumped fresh air into their home from the mantle of the earth; as such, the dwellers of earth and the water tribe traded many times over for each others goods.

The End of an Era

Millennia later; when the titans were in there decline; differences appeared between two tribes, (though none were of the seven mighty tribes) dealing with there beliefs. These were the desert tribes of what we now know as the Sahara, and the forest tribes of what we now know as the Congo. These two tribes spent much time trading between each other, and word spread to the desert tribes elders of the forest tribes nature based beliefs. For that tribe; that of the forest, did not have an organized religion; just a loose set of beliefs. This angered the desert tribes elders; for why should another tribe not think alike to them? So, the natural course for them to take; at least to there way of life, was to make war on the peaceful forest tribe nation. The forest nation was decimated by the imperial might of the desert tribes. And so begins our descent into the days of now, for at the moment the last member of the forest tribe died to the hands of a desert native, the titans fall out of favor with the gods, and lost all there power and magic.
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