Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1178825-Shatter-Complex--Part--Three
Rated: XGC · Other · Fantasy · #1178825
Shatter Complex continued.
A few weeks had passed and Alex had become another one of their group. Her and Anny were best friends and they hung out together every day they could. She constantly flirted with Linx and she felt something might develop there, but neither of them had the courage to ask out the other. Phade was fitting in nicely as well. He was no longer as nervous as he was at first but he was still shy enough to blush at any sort of innuendo. Life was good for Alex. She was finally feeling accepted for who she was. Her gloves and glasses were left on however. She hadn't been ready to remove them yet, and she felt like it was the last thing holding her back.

She was a little late getting to school and homeroom had already started. Luckily it was just a study class and Mr. ShatterShield didn't mind if they were late. She sat down next to Anny and looked around for Linx. He wasn't there. He hadn't missed a day yet, where was he? Rune wasn't here either. Maybe he had transformed and that's why they weren't here.

"Hey Anny, where's Linx?"

"I think Rune turned into Pestilence and he got sick. Don't worry, he'll be here tomorrow. He's never sick for more than a day. Anyway, check out my new top." She turned around to show it to it's full effect. It was white and rather sheer. Alex could almost see her bra through it but it might have been an illusion caused by the color. "Isn't it awesome? I haven't gotten a new top in a while so I'm kinda bein' a dork about it." Her pencil dropped and she bent down to get it. There was a sudden snap and Anny shot up.

"Are you ok?" Alex asked.

"My bra just broke!" She said in furious whisper.

Alex laughed. "You should have got a new bra instead of a top."

"It's not funny!" Anny hit her with the back of her hand. "Dammit. I haven't brought spare clothes to school since that incident with Meld. You got a spare one by any chance?" She looked ridiculous holding herself and it took a lot of effort for Alex not to keep laughing. She shook her head no and Anny asked to be excused to the bathroom. Mr. ShatterShield gave her a strange look but let her go. The bell rang before she got back and Alex just headed to her next class, certain that Anny could take care of herself. The rest of her morning was uneventful and she was looking forward to lunch. When she got to their table Smudge was reading a text book and Nytemare was eating.

"Hey guys."

"Hey." Smudge looked up from some homework she was working on. "Do you know what the chemical breakdown for Nudragons fire is?" Alex looked alarmed at such a complicated question and shook her head. "Damn. I have no idea why I would need to know this."

Suddenly Anny appeared next to her. Out of breath and sweat covered her face and the skin of her chest above her shirt. She was holding her books in front of herself and she sat down as fast as she could. She kept rocking back and forth and shooting nervous glances everywhere.

"What's wrong with you?" Nytemare asked her.

"Ummm... I'm having... a really... bad day." She panted. She kept fidgeting and moving herself back and forth on the seat. She couldn't sit still.

"Why are you holding your books like that?"

She lowered them slowly. Her new top was soaked with sweat. She had removed her broken bra and you could see her nipples clearly through the fabric. She must have been cold or something because they were erect and straining against the material.

"Oh my god! Anny!" Cricket came up to the table. Anny squeaked and threw the books in front of herself again. "Shit! Come here. Put this on." He took off his shirt and put it around her when she came up to him. He was wearing an A-shirt underneath so the school couldn't really say anything. She kissed him on the cheek. "Thanks Sam. Your very... sweet." They just stood there for about a second and he suddenly jumped back. She covered her mouth with her hand and ran toward the bathrooms.

"Anny!" Alex ran after her.

"Does she know..." Nytemare started, but Smudge just shook her head. "Oh boy. This isn't going to be pretty."

Smudge looked over at Cricket and then looked away hurriedly. "Ah. Your zippers undone."

"I know. Why do you think I jumped away from her."


God she's fast! By the time Alex was out of the cafeteria Anny was already in the bathroom. About thirty seconds later Alex finally reached it. She stopped outside of it and took another thirty seconds to catch her breath. Whew! I need to get into better shape! When she felt fully composed she opened the door and walked inside. She saw Crickets shirt thrown onto the counter and there was only one stall with the door closed, but it wasn't locked. Alex could hear groaning inside and winced at a particularly loud one.

"Anny? Are you alright?" She heard a gasp.

"God... no... Alex... go... please... go...." She sounded like she was in pain.

"Anny? What's the matter?"

"Just... oh god... oh god... just go!" She was breathing very heavily. Is she gonna throw up?

"Anny. Tell me what's wrong or I'll open this door." All she got was a particularly loud moan in response. "Fine. If that's the way it's gonna be..." And she threw open the door. Oh my god!

Anny was sitting on the toilet, legs spread wide, with her shirt lifted up and her skirt bunched around her waist. She had one hand pinching her nipple and the other was rubbing her bare crotch. Alex was frozen with shock at what she was seeing.
"Oh god! Anny! I'm so sor-" With an animalistic growl Anny leapt forward and pulled her into the stall, slamming her against the wall. "Wha-" Was all Alex got out before her mouth was covered by Anny's. Her tongue explored Alex's mouth and her hands were creeping up her shirt. Alex could feel her own nipples getting hard as Anny played with them through her bra. What the hell!? What the hell!? She just kept screaming that in her mind as her best friend massaged her breasts, kissing her deeply. Suddenly her shirt was thrown up and Anny snipped her bra with a pinch of her claws. She stopped kissing her and moved her mouth down to her breast, sucking the nipple and flicking it with her tongue. Alex's eyes rolled up and a moan escaped her throat.

"Ah! Anny... stop... please... oh.... oooh...." It felt so good but she knew it was wrong. Her pants suddenly loosened and Alex knew that Anny had undone them. She felt her claws moving down her stomach, thankfully soft, and slip beneath the elastic band of her underwear. "Ahh! Oh! Oh god!" Anny was slowly rubbing her claws up and down her crotch. She could feel herself getting soaked. And all the while Anny kept going back and forth between her nipples.

"Anny... no... no... Anny... why...." She was almost crying, but from pleasure, or hurt that her friend was doing this to her, she didn't know. She gasped as she felt one of Anny's claws enter her. The sensation of being filled, even slightly, was almost too much. She felt herself trembling and her knees getting weak. She looked down and she noticed that the fingers of Anny's other hand was pumping in and out of herself. The sight almost made her lose it, especially when Anny suddenly bent her finger inside her, scraping against a rather sensitive pleasure zone. She felt her stomach tighten. This is wrong! This is so wrong!

"Anny... stop... please... stop... I'm gonna... I'm gonna..." She felt a release and screamed, "ANNY STOP!" A current ran through her whole body and she heard a loud crack. She felt herself get slammed into the wall and everything went black.


"Alex?" A voice. It sounded so far away. "Alex?" It was getting closer. Why does my head hurt? "Alex are you alright?" It was Anny. She sounded like she was right next to her. She had better get up to see what's wrong. She opened her eyes and the lights above were spinning. She groaned and they started to slow down, then stopped. "Oh thank god, your awake." She looked over at Anny and saw right up her skirt to her bare crotch.

"Shit! Anny, close your damn legs!" She sat up quickly and got a sharp pain for her effort. She rubbed the back of her head and felt a large lump. She brought her hand away and checked but there was no blood, thankfully. "Why aren't you wearing any underwear?"

"Sorry. When I got in here I just sort of tore them off, literally. I was in kind of a hurry." She sounded really worried. Then it all came back to her.

"Oh god! What did you do? Why Anny? Why?" Alex almost started crying again. She looked up and was surprised to see that Anny had already been crying.

"I'm so sorry Alex! I couldn't control myself! Are you ok? Please don't hate me!" She was sobbing now and despite what just happened Alex felt sorry for her
"Anny, just explain yourself. I don't hate you. But I would like to know why the hell you just molested me." She kept her tone calm. The last thing they needed right now was to lose control. Again.

"I'm sorry. I... well... you know how I'm kinda... bestial?" She sniffled and tried to stop crying.

"Yeah... it's kind of hard to miss. What does that have to do with... oh." Realization dawned on her.

"Yeah... it's embarassing... but about every three months I go into heat. It only lasts for about a day, maybe two. But during that time I'm horny as hell and have little control when it comes to anything sexual. I can usually fight it until I get home, if it happens at school. But today, when my bra broke, it... when I took it off... it sort of triggered it. I was fighting it all day. But when you caught me masturbating... I just... I needed release. I needed it! I needed to feel someone else. I wanted your body so badly! I just lost it! I'm sorry! Please forgive me Alex." She was crying hard, despite her best attempts, and Alex put her arms around her.

"It's alright Anny. I understand. I understand." She just held her for a minute until she finally did stop crying. When she finally calmed down Alex held her at arms length and looked at her. "You seem pretty coherent now..."

"Yeah. I'm good for a while after I cum. That little jolt you gave me got me off." She gave Alex a weak smile.

"To tell you the truth, I came too." Alex grinned sheepishly. Then she realized what Anny just said. "That little jolt... oh god. You saw me." She brought her hand up to her eyes. "Anny, where are my glasses?"

"They're right here." She held them up to her and Alex saw that her palm was red and burned.

"What happened to your hand?"

"You did. Right before you shocked me your... crotch... got really hot. Your hair melted the stall too. It was kind of wierd. It all lifted up and started glowing red. Your gloves were smoking too, right where the nails are." Alex took her glasses but didn't put them on. She looked at the stall and saw the melted spot where her head had hit.

"Well. I guess I owe you an explanation now."

"You do?"

"You saw my body, more than anyone else besides me. You have to be wondering what happened to me."

"Yeah. But I've been wondering for a while now. I've just been waiting until you were ready to tell me."

Alex bit her lip and geared herself for something she didn't think she was ready for. She stared into Anny's confused eyes and slowly slipped off her right glove. Anny glanced down and gasped at what she saw. Alex closed her eyes and, resignedly, pulled off the other as well. She didn't want to see them. She didn't want to see her blackened and burned hands. She didn't want to see Anny's reaction.

She felt Anny put her hand on her shoulder and she opened her eyes again. She expected any number of things; horror, revoltion, outright alienation. What she didn't expect was the look of pure acceptance in Anny's eyes. Tears streamed down Alex's face as Anny brought her into a hug. She held her until she stopped crying, just as Alex had done for her just a few minutes ago. She held her at arms length and stared into Alex's eyes for the first time since she had woke up. In all the excitement she hadn't really noticed that they were an almost solid blue, with a thin jagged green ring where the iris should be and only more blue inside that. She made sure that Alex had calmed down and released her.

"Your eyes are beautiful Alex." Alex gave her a weak grin and sniffed back more tears. Anny carefully took one of her hands and examined it closely. It did indeed appear blackened, but it looked more like cracked paint than burns. She examined the whole hand and the only normal colored part was the nails. "They don't hurt do they?" She asked her. Alex shook her head and wiped her eyes with her free hand.

"It's not just my hands. You saw the stripes on my stomach. It basically follows the path the lightning took through my body. My hands and feet took the most damage and they're the worst."

"What lightning?" Anny questioned her.

"I suppose I had better tell you the whole story. Back in Michigan I had some friends that were... kinda jerks. Anyway, we were out during a thunderstorm watch and walking around in a field. The storm hit and we were stuck out there. The only shelter was this old tree with a rusted chain wrapped around one of the branches and nailed to the trunk. We all ran underneath, because we were stupid and wanted to get out of the rain. I was the last and just as I got underneath the tree the chain came loose and swung at me. I grabbed it so it wouldn't hit me in the face and just then a lightning bolt shot down and struck the chain." Anny gasped. "My hands were on the chain so they got hit and the shock ran down my body to my feet. The storm must have been pushing all the spare magic in the area because it changed me. I woke up in the hospital. My hands and feet were bandaged and my eyes were covered. I was like that for a few days and one day when they came in to change the bandages I was fine. The skin had healed, despite the fact it still hurt, but the coloring had changed permanently, my eyes too. They figured that the magic must have healed me somehow and ran a few tests to make sure. They said I was fine, completely healthy, and let me go. After I got home I tried a simple cosmetic spell to see if it would fix it. It didn't work, at all. I didn't even feel the magic take hold. I got frustrated and kept trying. Eventually I lost my temper and... BLAM! I shot my mirror with my own lightning bolt. I looked in a shard and saw that my hair had lifted off my head and was glowing. I must have gotten even more upset because the crotch of my pants caught on fire, which was embarassing, and I noticed that the flames didn't hurt me. I put them out but I cried for days about how that storm changed me. Then I got my gloves and glasses, none of my so called friends would talk to me, and then we moved here. Oh, and when I'm really upset my eyes start moving. It's kind of wierd, you'll have to see it sometime."

"I just did, while you were talking about your friends. I'm sorry Alex." They hugged and Alex realized she felt a lot better for telling someone, besides her family, everything.

"So... no hard feelings about... uhh... what I did?" Anny still looked concerned.

Alex, feeling rather giddy, laughed at her look. "No. Hell, I'll probably think of it the next time I need to get off."

"God, please don't say shit like that. I'm still not through this. Just thinking about you playing with yourself and I'm wet. The first time this happened I spent three days constantly masturbating. The only one who understood was my mom."

"Ah, sorry." Alex stood up and felt her bra slip, she went to fix it and noticed that it was snapped in half. She sighed and went to stand up but her pants felt wierd, she looked down and they were still unbuttoned. More importantly, her underwear was burned through and ruined. "Looks like we'll both be going commando."

"Sorry, I forgot about that." She looked embarrassed again. She watched hungrily as Alex took off her bra.

"Hey, don't be getting any ideas. It's cold in here is all. Dammit, I don't want to walk around like this. There's not much I can do about the underwear but my nipples are too sensitive, guys'll be able to see them from a mile off!" She thought for a second. "Oh! Do you still have your bra?"

"Yeah. But that's broken too." Anny gave her a wierd look, and kept shooting glances down at her breasts and once at her crotch. Alex let it go, she wasn't herself, but she did button up her pants.

"I know, I have an idea. Wait right here." Anny waited and Alex left for a few minutes. When she came back Smudge was with her.

"I don't even want to know what you two have been doing but I hope that both of your bras being broken has nothing to do with it. Just give them here." They gave her their bras and she took the broken straps and smudged them together. "There ya go. Good as new."

They both thanked her and each went into a stall to put them back on. Alex took the time to remove her burned panties as well. She ran her hand through the small patch of hair over her groin. I wonder if it will stop it if I shave it all off. She put that thought away for another time and was thankful that she wasn't wet anymore, although touching herself like that almost started it up again. She put her pants back on to waylay any bad ideas. Whoah, that feels really wierd. When she came out Smudge was standing there and holding Anny's thong. "I found this and fixed it too. Put it back on. I'm going to assume it's soaked because of the puddle that I didn't find it in." Anny blushed and thanked her again. When they were all fully dressed, except Alex, and she felt kind of put out that she had to ditch her panties, they started out of the bathroom. Smudge stopped Alex just before she left.

"Umm... Alex... your eyes are gorgeous. Why do you cover them up with those sunglasses? And what happened to your hands?"

Alex smiled. "That is a story that I'm only going to repeat once. Come on, I'll tell everyone." And they headed back to the cafeteria.


"All you have to do is tell me what they look like. I can find them and take care of them all in one night." Nytemare seemed pissed about Alex's ex-friends. Alex laughed and made a show of considering it but turned her down. She had just finished telling everyone her story and was showing them her hands and eyes. Not a single one of them made a criticizing remark. Alex was amazed until she actually thought about it. What was her skin compared to Crickets shell? Or her eyes compared to Nytemares mask-like face? These people have accepted their appearances as a part of who they are. She felt reassured for finally telling them. These were true friends.

"She's not kidding you know. She can, and will, do it." Smudge told her. Alex looked at her curiously, wondering what she was talking about. Then she remembered Nytemares offer and laughed again.

"That's alright. As much as I would love to cooperate I would rather just put it behind me. Thanks anyway Mare." Nytemare smiled at her and winked.

"So you can generate electricity?" Phade asked her. He was always asking questions about peoples abilities and had been dying to interrogate Alex.

"Yeah. And I'm immune to heat. And when I get upset my hair and nails fills with energy and get superheated."

"Can you do that on purpose?"

Alex thought about it. She had never tried and told him so. Everyone encouraged her to try so she closed her eyes and started sending charges to her hair. Slowly at first but faster as she got the hang of it. Everyone gasped as her hair lifted up and started glowing a bright red.

"That's amazing. I can feel the heat from here." Cricket was standing right next to her and was holding a hand up about a foot from her head. "Anyone got any marshmallows?" Alex gave him a look and her hair dropped back down. He grinned. "Just kidding."

"Can we see you do something with electricity?" Phade was in his glory.

Alex sighed theatrically but was secretly enjoying this attention. She lifted her hands and sent charges to her fingertips. Suddenly sparks started shooting across the gap in her hands. A few seconds later she had a steady current going. She kept it up for about a minute then stopped. She started to wonder what her limit was. She had always tried to pretend she couldn't do this stuff. Practicing never came to mind.

"That was amazing. Did you know your eyes glow when you do that?"

"They do? I've never really used my powers before, much less watched myself." She was learning a lot about herself today. And she felt good about it. Why did I try to hide this for so long? This is actually kinda cool. She couldn't wait to show Linx and Rune. They would get a big kick out of it. Especially Linx. He had been very supportive of her privacy but she could tell that he wanted her to come out in the open.

She looked over at Anny. She was a little more composed than before but Alex could tell that she was still struggling. Her eyes tended to dart about and she was constantly fidgeting. Alex got the suspicion that she was trying to get off on the movement, so she didn't say anything to embarrass her. She's having a hard enough time without me adding to it. She caught her eye and gave her a smile. Anny grinned back but it looked a little forced. Alex walked up next to her and put her hand on her shoulder. She sent a small charge through her and tried to focus it on her crotch. She must have succeeded because Anny stiffened and trembled for a second than sighed and leaned back. She gave Alex a grateful look and Alex winked at her. No hard feelings, babe. Your the one that helped me through this, more than anyone else. You can count on me to be there for you when you need it. She didn't say anything out loud but Anny gave her a full, genuine smile.

Phade looked over at Alex. "So, what are you gonna do now that you don't have to hide yourself anymore?"

"I don't know, I guess I need a whole new wardrobe. I don't have anything without long sleeves."

Smudge and Nytemare looked at each other and smiled big broad smiles. They looked back at Alex. "Perfect." They said together.

"You wanna help, Anny?" Smudge gave her a concerned look.

"Umm..." She looked over at Alex and Alex winked again. She laughed and said yes.

"Good." Nytemare looked over at Alex. "Meet us out front after school. I'll take Anny and Smudge to their houses so they can get some clothes for you to try on and then I'll take you to your house so you can tell your mom, then we're all gonna go to my house and pool our clothes together. We'll see what looks good on ya." And she gave Alex a wink. "I'm thinking your gonna need something hot for tomorrow."

"What's tomorrow?" Alex asked her.

"Linx is back." Smudge said matter-of-factly.

"What!?" Alex blushed, then hung her head in embarrassment. "Is it that obvious?"

"Unfortunately," Cricket spoke up. "But don't worry. He's pretty thick so he doesn't know. And if I'm any judge than the feelings are mutual." Everyone laughed and Alex couldn't help but join in.


Alex headed outside after the last bell and waited for Nytemare to show up. Smudge appeared first and she talked about some of the clothes she thought Alex would like. Anny came up next to them while they were talking. She was looking much calmer since lunch and Alex figured she had just got out of the bathroom. Alex took her hand and gave her a little squeeze for support but took it away when Smudge gave them a funny look.

"Is it just me or are you two getting a little touchy-feely lately?" Smudge asked them. "Did something happen in the bathroom?"

Anny and Alex looked at each other. Alex made it clear that it was up to Anny and she shrugged and nodded. They told her the whole story. At first she seemed to be a little repulsed by it but when they were finished she gave Alex an approving look. "Your a true friend Alex. Not many people would take that kind of thing in stride." She looked over at Anny. "You get off on being shocked?" Anny blushed a little and nodded. "What about you?" Alex shrugged, she had never tried it before and said so. "Huh. Wierd."

"What's wierd?" Nytemare stepped out of the shadow of a tree, literally. It was like watching her step through a very dark doorway.

"Nothin'. Don't worry about it. What took you so long?" Smudge gave the other two a wink.

Nytemare gave a frustrated sigh. "Ms. Sherril wanted to talk to me about my homework. I couldn't get away from her. Anyway, you guys ready? I'll take you first, Anny." She lead her up to the shadow and they both stepped through. Smudge and Alex watched them go.

"I figured you didn't want everyone to know so I didn't say anything to her. I'll leave it up to you on who you want to tell. That's a big thing but if anyone can be trusted it's Mare." They waited around for another minute or so and watched as Nytemare stepped out of the same shadow as before.

"Your turn, Smudge." They both walked through the shadow and Alex was left alone to contemplate what Smudge told her. She had no doubt that her and Nytemare would both be very discreet about the incident but she wanted to consult Anny if she should tell anyone else. She waited about another minute and then Nytemare was back. They walked through the shadow and it was just like walking through a dark hallway. They appeared in Alex's room in the shadow of her door. She told Nytemare to wait right there so she could go tell her mom about what they were doing. She was gone for a few minutes and was back, rolling her eyes.

"I'm gonna have a lot of explaining to do tonight." She told her.

"More than you might think. What happened today? With you and Anny? You guys have been acting kind of wierd ever since lunch. What made you decide to come out with the big secret?" Nytemare was giving her a calculating look.

"Umm... can I get back to you on that?" She had already decided to ask Anny first, she wasn't about to go back on that now.

"Hmm... alright, but I want to hear the whole story tonight. Everyone needs their secrets but some stories need to be told."

Alex sighed and they stepped through the shadow again, but it never got any brighter. "Uhh... Mare?" She called out.

"Umm... you need to promise me something, Alex. What you are about to see is not to leave the four of us. Okay?" She sounded nervous.

"Okay... I guess." Suddenly it got brighter and what Alex saw almost made her choke.


"Pink. Your room is pink. Bright pink." She started laughing.

"Shut-up!" Alex got hit in the face with a pillow. She checked and, sure enough, it was also pink. "I like pink. What's wrong with pink?" Nytemare sounded almost offended.

"Nothing. It's just, you dress all gloom and doom. I didn't expect... pink."

"Yeah, I see your point. I like my clothes dark and my room bright. I mean, the clothes fit the powers but the room fits the personality. I don't act all 'gloom and doom'. Do I?"

"No, you don't. I suppose this does fit you pretty well." Alex looked around the room and she did see a few splashes of black here and there. It seemed that some of the shadows contributed to the decor as well. She could see lights cast onto different objects to create different effects on the wall. It was masterfully done and looked amazing. Once you got past the color, it was Nytemare all the way.
"How long before the other two arrive?" She asked.

"I'll give them a few more minutes before I go get them. They're bringin' a lot of stuff. I hope your up to it." She smiled and Alex got a little nervous. She had never done anything like this before. Not even with her old girlfriends. It shouldn't be that hard. I'm just trying on clothes. She looked around the room for a little bit and Nytemare watched the clock. Eventually she got up and stepped through the same shadow they entered from. A minute later her and Anny stepped through, along with a large duffel bag. Anny gave her a grin and Nytemare stepped through once more. As Anny started unpacking Smudge came through with a suitcase. They both unpacked everything and Nytemare started getting clothes out of her own closet. Alex just watched them go at it. She didn't know what she was supposed to do.
"I think I have some boots that would fit you as well." Nytemare said from her closet.

Anny was arranging her clothes on the bed. "I brought everything I could. I don't know what you usually like so I just grabbed whatever was clean." Pretty much everything was just stuffed into her bag so they came out kind of wrinkled. Smudge was also laying out her clothes but everything was neatly folded.

"So... what am I supposed to do?" Alex asked them.

Anny laughed. "Just pick some stuff out and try it on. Here." And she handed her a sweater.

"No. No long sleeves. I'm sick of them. The less sleeve the better as far as I'm concerned." So the girls started sorting out the sleeved from the sleeveless and a dark blue sleeveless turtleneck caught Alex' eye. "Ooh... that's nice."

Anny giggled. "We're well on our way. Now, what do you wanna do about your legs? Skirts? Shorts? I'm assuming you don't want to cover them up again either."

Alex thought for a second. "Well, I don't really want to wear anything too skimpy. But I do want to show off my legs a bit."

"This should be perfect then." And Smudge handed her a black skirt with a slit up the right side. It showed a considerable amount of leg but was ankle length. It seemed to have a torn lace over the material that looked gorgeous. Alex's eyes lit up at the sight, literally.

"Whoah." Smudge exclaimed. "That was kinda creepy." But she winked to show she was joking.

"Here, try these on too." And Nytemare handed her a pair of big black boots. They had two horizontal straps with rivets, and had steel caps on the toes.

"Okay. Here I go." She walked into the bathroom and started to strip, but stopped after she unbuttoned her pants. I completely forgot! "Uhh, guys? Does anyone have any spare underwear?" She heard Anny giggle and Smudge snorted with laughter. The door opened and a pair of black lacy panties was handed in.

"It's all I've got." Nytemare told her.

"Thanks Mare. I'll get them back to you as soon as I can." She was very red and glad they couldn't see her. I've never worn anything like that before! Oh god, I hope I really do have control of my hair. That thought reminded her of what might happen to the clothes if she had an accident. "Guys? What if my hair catches again?" Anny laughed outright and she heard Smudge question her on what was so funny. Alex heard some mumbling and then Nytemare laughed outloud.

"Don't worry about it, Alex. Consider these clothes yours, we don't wear them anymore." Smudge sounded like she really wanted to laugh along with the other two. Holy shit this has been an embarrassing day. She put on the panties and was surprised that they were so comfortable. The rest of the clothes followed and she looked at herself in the mirror. Wow. I mean... wow. It's missing something though. She walked out and the girls nodded their heads in approval.

"It's missing something but I don't know what." She told them.

"Hmm... I think I have just the thing." Nytemare rummaged in her closet again and brought out a thick silver chain and handed it to her.

"What am I supposed to do with this?"

"It's a belt, dear."

"Oh." And she put it around her waist. She struck a pose for the girls and they laughed but they all smiled and nodded in definite approval. They all agreed that the chain was perfect. I hope Linx likes it too.

"I bet Linx will love that." Anny winked at her and she blushed again.

"Your beautiful, babe. I think we've got tomorrow's outfit." Smudge was grinning broadly.

"That was fast. I expected it to be hours. We're a good team." Alex said.

"Do you want to try anything else or do you want to just stick with that for now?" Nytemare asked.

"Well... I think I can go shopping tomorrow. Can you guys come and help out?"

"Like we'd miss that chance." Smudge laughed.

They went through the clothes for a little while longer and Alex spotted a few more things she liked. Eventually it got dark and despite the fact that Alex was having the time of her life, she had to go home. She packed her new clothes into her backpack and the three girls said goodbye to Nytemare and headed out. Because Alex had no clue where Nytemares house was the other two walked her home. She was feeling very excited and chattered to them the whole way. Just before they got to her house she had an idea.

"Hey guys. If it's alright with my mom, do you think the three of you could come for a sleepover? Say next weekend?" She asked them.

Anny gave a little hop and clapped. "Yes! I know my mom would say it was alright. Count me in!"

Smudge laughed at her and said she would ask her mom and get back to her. They got to Alexs house and she said goodbye to them. She explained everything to her mom and they had a tearful moment full of joy. She showed her all the clothes the girls gave her and even put a few on to show her. As she headed up to bed her mom stopped her one last time.

"Alex? I just want to tell you that I'm proud of you. Not many people would understand what Anny was going through at the time, not even many adults. But you showed her that you know what it's like to be a true friend. I'm very proud of you dear."

"Thanks mom." Alex hugged her and said goodnight.


She got up to her room and unpacked all the clothes and put them away. She looked at herself in her full length mirror. Goddamn! I do look hot! She laughed and stripped down. She got down to her bra and panties when she caught herself in the mirror again. Holy crap! These are the sexiest things I've ever worn! She turned around and admired the way she looked in the black and lacy thong. My ass looks fantastic! She ran her hand up the back of her thigh and shivered. She could feel herself getting aroused at her slight touch. She moved her hands across her body, starting at the inside of her thigh, ever so close to her crotch, up her stomach and across the tops of her breasts. She couldn't help but touch her body. It was like she was finally free to think of herself sexually. She hadn't played with herself since she had changed. Could never come to touch herself with her blackened hands. She gave her reflection a mischievous grin. That was about to change.

She brought one of those blackened hands up to her bra and teased her nipple through the thin fabric. When that one was hard and poking through the material she started on the other. A light moan bubbled as she pinched and pulled and she barely caught it before it got too loud. Thinking about her mom catching her she went over to her stereo and put on some music, just loud enough to cover up any irresistable noises. Feeling a little more secure she lay down on her bed and continued rubbing her fingertips lightly across her skin. She sat up and reached behind to unsnap her bra. Throwing that onto the floor she lay back down and enjoyed the sensation of lying down in just the skimpy underwear. She settled into running one hand up and down her stomach as the other rubbed her breasts.

Her legs writhed against each other, she clenched her thighs together and gasped at the delicious feelings that brought. Finally she couldn't stand it anymore. She slipped her hand under the elastic band and ran her fingertips through the soft patch of hair and down to the growing wetness. She smiled and bit her lip at the gentle touch. Using just a single finger she spread her own wetness across those lips, making them slick and smooth. She always did get incredibly wet when she got horny, she loved that feeling. Her other hand slipped down to the thin straps of the thong and pulled them up, pressing the material against her and pulling the back up to bite into her skin. She gasped loudly at this new feeling. She had never worn a thong before and she was enjoying playing with this one. She alternated in rubbing her crotch and pulling the straps up. Panting heavily she decided to really get started. She slipped the underwear down her smooth legs and threw that down with the bra. She spread herself open with one hand and used the other to tease and stroke. She ran her fingertips up and down her spread lips and gently rubbed her clitoris. She could feel herself getting soaked and ground herself into her palm.

Usually she just enjoyed the feelings that spread through her body but now she couldn't help but think of her newest and only sexualy experience. She imagined Annys claws inside of her again. Watching her fingering herself with her other hand. She shuddered as a rather small orgasm took her body. Mmmm... that was nice, but not enough. She used both of her hands to rub herself and now that little encounter went further than it did before.

Annys mouth moved further down her body, kissing and licking along the way, slowly moving ever closer to where her claws were. She brought her hand away and giving Alex a sensuous look she slowly licked right up to her clit.

Caught in her fantasy Alex gave out a loud moan. She had slipped a couple of fingers inside of herself and was slowly pumping them in and out.

Annys tongue was exploring and tasting everything it could. Then she brought her claws up once more and spread Alex open giving her even more things to taste and lick. She gently sucked on her clit and Alex, slowly pulling on it with a couple of fingers, growled with passion. Anny stood up in front of her and suddenly they were in Alexs room. She pulled her onto the bed and they stripped each other. They kissed passionately and Alex ran her hands up and down her back.

She was really panting and groaning and a sheen of sweat covered her body.

Anny had lain down and had Alex straddle her face. She was grinding her crotch onto her tongue and screaming with passion.

Some of those screams made it to Alexs lips and she started muttering and talking to herself. "Oh god, yes. Suck it. Lick my pussy! Ohhh..." She never really talked like that before and the sound of such a sexual word brought her closer still.

Anny was licking and sucking harder than ever and Alex fell onto her hands. She held herself above Annys naked, writhing body. She could smell Annys own excitement wafting up from below her. Annys crotch was soaked and slick with her own wetness. Alex bent down further and further and gave Annys crotch a long lick.

She screamed as the orgasm hit her. Not loud enough to make it over the music but close. Her whole body shook and trembled, jerking in the throws of passion. Eventually she calmed down and lay on her bed, cooling down after such an intense cum. Biting her lip she felt guilty about thinking of her friend that way. Am I becoming a lesbian or something? What the hell is wrong with me? Thinking about it further she decided that it must have just been her grasping for anything that would get her off. Anny had gotten her off once before so it was on the surface. She giggled as she realized she had done exactly as she told Anny she would do. Sighing she sat up and got off the bed. Looking back she saw an enormous wet spot where she had came. She laughed kind of giddily once more and resolved to be a little more careful. She took the top blanket off the bed and was thankful it hadn't really soaked through. She got another from her closet and threw it on top. Sighing ,contentedly this time, and sneaking an appreciative look at her nude body in the mirror, she headed to her private bathroom and took a shower, having a more careful experience, and thinking about guys only, just to be safe, while making sure her body was completely clean.


Linx, Rune, Cricket and Phade met in the spot they always did before school. They joked around and watched the people in the hall while waiting for the girls to show up. Just as Linx and Rune had started one of thier stupid little arguements over who was the eldest, Smudge came up and prodded Phade in the back, tilting her head to for him to follow her. Giving the rest of the guys a confused look he followed behind, wondering what was up. Just as they turned a corner Anny and Nytemare came from the opposite side of the hall.

Anny grabbed Crickets arm. "Hey Sam. I need a favor. Could you come with me for a sec?"

"Sure. I guess I'll catch you guys later." Shrugging he walked off with her toward the cafeteria.

"What's up Mare?" Linx asked her.

"Nothing really." They both gave her a skeptical look. "Alright, alright. I guess I better spill." She looked straight at Rune. "But Pyre wants to talk with you for a second first."

"Pyre? Really?" He seemed surprised at the news. "Right now?"

"Yep. Privately. She told me to come get ya." She gave him a wink and he got a big grin on his face.

"Later lil bro."

"Uhh... yeah... later." And Linx was left alone. Not knowing what to do, he just stood there, watching people walk by and waving to a few he knew. Just before he was about to head off and look for something to do, there was a sudden hush filling the hall. He craned his neck to see why everyone was suddenly quiet. His jaw dropped. Parting the crowd in front of her was Alex, wearing the sexiest goddamn thing he had ever seen. She was walking straight toward him and Linx was starting to feel a little warm. She stopped right in front of him yet couldn't quite look him in the eye. She stared down and just bit her lip. A squeak came from her throat and she cleared it. Speaking a little louder she tried again.


"Uhh... what?" He was dumbfounded.

"How do I look?" Her gaze was glued to the floor and her cheeks were burning a bright red.

"Ummm... uhh... I.... I..." He couldn't think of anything to say.

"Is it that bad?" She sounded disappointed.

"NO! Definitely not! It's... your... beautiful." He stammered.

"Really?" And she looked up.

Linx was lost in a sea of blue and green. "Yes. Your the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. I've thought so ever since I saw you on the first day. Now that I can actually see you it's even better. I've been wanting to ask you this for a while but... would you like to go out with me sometime?"

Her face lit up with a huge grin and all she could do was nod vigorously. The people in the hall cheered and clapped and the two looked up, noticing for the first time that they had an audience. They both laughed and turned back to each other, lost once more. Suddenly something pushed Alex from behind and Linx grabbed her before she could fall. Thier faces ended up inches away from each other and, each of them leaning in just far enough, they kissed. Cheers erupted from thin air and then the space around them was full of thier friends. Phade looked rather tired from keeping so many people invisible but very happy. Anny was looking very smug.

"I told you it would work."

"No you didn't. You just said to try it and see what happens." Nytemare looked at her accusingly.

"You could have let us in on it by the way." Cricket was a little upset about not being told, but looking over at the lovebirds, still kissing, just made him grin.

"Ahem." Smudge cleared her throat. "As happy go lucky and whatnot as I am. We do have class pretty soon. Do you think we should..." And she gestured to the embracing pair.

"Nah. They'll come out of it sometime. I'm sure ShatterShield will understand if they're late." Anny winked at the rest of them and they all walked off towards class, completely unnoticed by Linx and Alex.
© Copyright 2006 Signature Skitz (signatureskitz at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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