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A short story I did for a mathematics creative writing assignment. "^" = superscript. |
There was once an equation, by the name of Y = 3^x. He was the only son of the rich and upstanding family X. His father was the one and only X^3 = 14 + 3x + x, and his mother was the beautiful X^2. As a young equation, Y = 3^x loved adventure stories, especially the ones about brave equations that had followed the Parabola Lines to touch the fabled X Axis. Y = 3^x grew up wanting nothing more than to touch the X Axis, and tell the entire world of Equations of his feat. When Y = 3^x 's parents had another child, 4x = 12, Y = 3^x decided it was time to depart on his quest. X^2 hugged him and kissed him. 'Good luck, my darling Y = 3^x. Never stray off your path, and don't forget your family.' She sobbed as he walked out the gates. And so Y = 3^x began his great journey, seeing many great things, like vectors that flew through the air in one constant direction and never changing length, and the great equations that had already touched the X Axis. Years went by, and still little Y = 3^x kept on, and he had yet to even see the X Axis, but he ploughed on, driven by the stories of other travelling equations he had met, who told him of the X Axis's splendour. One day, exhausted from the seemingly endless journey, Y = 3^x sat under the shade of a friendly vector. He was on the verge of tears. 'When, oh, when shall I ever reach the X Axis?' He sobbed. A passing equation heard his crying, and came over to him. 'What is wrong, young one?' the stranger asked. Y = 3^x lifted his head, and saw one of oldest equations he had ever seen. Wiping his eyes, he explained about his dream, and his journey. 'And it never seems to end, and I've met all these other equations that have touched the X Axis, but, oh, it's just awful, what if I never find it? And this is ridiculous, I don't even know who you are!' He had silent tears sliding down his cheeks, and he looked pleadingly up at the wise equation. The old on looked at Y = 3^x with pity, before he opened his mouth to speak. 'I am E = MC^2,' Said the old equation. 'I have seen this X Axis of which you speak, but I see things that are far more important than that. I see your very nature, and what I see is an asymptotic nature.' Y = 3^x looked greatly confused by this. 'What does asymptotic mean?' He asked. 'It means that you draw forever closer to the X Axis,' He said, and Y = 3^x brightened visibly. 'No, don't look so pleased, young one. Equations of an asymptotic nature do grow closer to the X Axis, but they will never meet.' Y = 3^x face fell. 'Never?' 'Never.' E = MC^2 said gravely. 'There's no way?' He asked. When the old equation shook his head, Y = 3^x went on. 'Are you sure that we just don't meet further along? Further than you can see?' 'For an asymptotic nature to meet the X Axis, one would need to cross the unchartered land of Infinity, and it's perils.' the wise one said. Y = 3^x was beginning to look distressed. Everyone in the world of equations knew that it was impossible to cross the Land of Infinity, as it was too long, forever stretching into the distance, the end never in sight, no matter how far into it you ventured. 'Can't I do anything? Anything at all?' Y = 3^x asked desperately. 'Nothing. To do anything would change your nature, and that is impossible. Just beyond this point, if you look carefully, you may catch a glimpse of the X Axis, but you shall never ever touch it. There is nothing you can do.' Y = 3^x hung his head in despair. 'But do not look so sad, young one,' E = MC^2 said sympathetically. 'Asymptotic equations have the best place in the world.' When Y = 3^x looked confused, he went on. 'Many equations who touch the X Axis, can only touch it once, or twice, maybe more if they are lucky, but then they are carried off by other things, and they never see it again, and can never feel it's presence again. You however, can journey on forever, wherever you wish, and forever feel it nearby, though you can never touch it. Many would change their lives to feel it forever, having touched it and lost it forever. You are one of the luckiest equations in the world. Never fight it, little one.' And the great, old and wise E = MC^2 turned and left, humming a small tune to himself. Y = 3^x was greatly pleased by this information, and went to where the old equation had indicated, and looked hard all around. Quite unexpectedly, Y = 3^x glimpsed a bright, yet dull line, of formidable shape and build, that looked as if it went on and on forever, shone beside him. He reached out a tentative hand, but it vanished instantly. Yet he could still feel its effect on him, and he glowed with happiness. So he turned his steps homeward, satisfied that he had at last seen, if not touched, the legendary X Axis. And that was enough for him, and he returned home wiser, stronger, and proud of his nature. He was an asymptotic equation, forever at least close to the X Axis, and that, he felt, was the best thing in the world. |