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Rated: XGC · Short Story · Other · #1178557
A night between a young man and woman in Central Park.
I had been waiting for Jenni to call all day. She had been calling periodically throughout the day. But, we hadn’t been able to establish a time we could get together. Alone. She had her friend Emily with her, who’s first time it was being in NYC. Understandably, she did not want to leave her alone. But, we had promised each other we would make time to be alone on Saturday. I had cleared my schedule (not that it was hard to do, just some elaborate lies to my mom about going to a martial arts seminar and out to eat after). Finally, around 4:30 she called me. She still had not told Emily that she needed time alone. I was angry.

“Stop getting angry at me, Seb” she said. “I’m not angry at you, I’m angry at the situation”. “Your taking it out at me, and I don’t appreciate it” she said. It was this type of thing, back and forth. Finally I said “The reason why I’m angry at you, Jenni, is because you promised you’d make time for us. The day is ending, and you still haven’t told your friend you need a few hours alone. Its easier for you not to tell her and to give me bad news”. “Your right, it is easier for me to do that,” she said. “And, that’s bullshit” I replied. She asked if she could call me back. Five minutes later she told me she had sent Emily to the MET, I was totally elated. I told her to meet me in front of the MET, I would be there immediately.

I was so excited, I went to the wrong train station. I ended up over on the west side. Realizing my mistake, I got out at 16th st and 8th ave and ran over to 16th and Broadway. I made it into the union square train station. I began running threw it to make it to the 3,4,5 station. I was flying threw it, people were just obstacles to be hurdled or juked. I was racing. It didn’t matter there was no train coming; I had to see her as soon as possible.

The local came, and I quickly got on. I realized I had eight or nine stops, a long ride. At 49th st, an express parked across and I jumped out. I couldn’t have been more eager; this would get me to her even quicker and make up for the lost time. In one of God’s cruel jokes, the train idled as local after local pulled in and out across from me. Each time one came I considered jumping out of the express and taking it, but surely that would be a waste and the express would pull out any minute? Actually, no. The express idled a good fifteen minutes and three or four locals pulled away in that time. I was beside myself, “go, go, go, go, go” were the only words in my mind. Actually, that may not be true. I’m sure I mouthed the words “Close the fucking doors” near the end. Finally, the doors did close and I arrived at 86th and Lexington fairly quickly.

I raced up the stairs and jumped out to the sidewalk. Not having been there in years, I didn’t know where I was. I asked a couple and they pointed me in the right direction. I ran the five blocks to Jenni, taking a break here and there so I wouldn’t look completely disheveled. When I saw the museum steps in the distance, I immediately charged and blazed from almost two blocks away up the museum steps in less then sixty seconds.

There were many people as I climbed the steps from the west side. As I made the top, I started to scout instantly. I couldn’t find her. As I walked to the east side, I spotted her. Looking back, she had come out in that direction because I’m sure she figured I’d be approaching from the 77th st train station. At the time though, all that I was aware of was her and how good she looked and the song playing on my MP3 player “Set adrift on Memory Bliss” by PM Dawn. She hadn’t spotted me. I marched up to her, turned her around while I pulled her close. The chorus singing “baby you send me” played as I kissed her passionately on the Metropolitan Museum of Art’s steps in front of a group of strangers. It was one of the greatest moments of my life.

I took off my headphones, we began to say our hellos as we linked hands and walked down the steps. She commented how I was sweating as she traced a finger on my forehead. I remember saying something like “I’m so glad to see you”. She said she was as well. She said she was sorry for making me wait all day, I apologized for yelling on the phone…she said something like “and you made me wait an hour”. I was shocked! A whole hour it took me to get there. I couldn’t believe it. Valuable time wasted!

I wanted to take her into the first park opening I saw. As it happened, 79th st and 5th ave turned out to be the opening. Cedar Hill was the area. As we walked up the hill to the left of the opening, I commented on how good she looked. She said, “You don’t look so bad yourself, Seb”. I pulled her close to me and said “Jenni, a lot of girls would have just ended the conversation when I got mad you couldn’t see me…you made it so I could. That shows me you care”. I held her close, kissed her and continued our walk. As we walked, she told me she had passed the tree we originally sat against on our first meeting. She also told me she immediately got wet when that happened. It wasn’t dark yet, but it was getting there.

We decided on a hill close to the entrance, but far enough away from prying eyes. We lined up against a tree, kissing, touching, caressing…being as intimate as we could be with our clothes on. She opened her mouth to mine, and my tongue found its way inside her. Looking back, it was cold out…but we were so warm together. I felt her hands threw my hair, and as the night came we began to go even farther together. She sat on my lap, straddled me, I looked into her eyes…we rolled on the grass together, switching who was on top multiple times. I kissed her neck and the tops of her breasts as I felt her hands all over my body. I heard her laugh lightly and gasp.

There was a lot of laughter. At one point I was breathing heavily against her neck, but I was to close and began to snort. She started to laugh, but rather then be embarrassed I went with it and snorted like a water buffalo. “Stop, stop!” she said laughing. Another time I got a little too frisky early on and she moved my hands back to more acceptable places. After that we thought we heard someone, she said something like “Do you see someone?”, I said “No worry, its just some homeless guy jerking off in the bushes”. She laughed, and I said, “Hey, at least someone is going to come tonight”. She laughed hysterically at that.

Some times I would kiss her to hard, and she would move back slightly, look at me and say “Seb, calm down”. Try as hard as I did, I just couldn’t. It didn’t help that at times she would grab me as hard as she fucking could by the hair and collar and shove her tongue deep into my mouth while gasping. At one point I pulled away and said “oh Jenni, calm down!”. She rolled her eyes and we resumed.

I picked her up and carried her up the hill. I laid my jacket down, she laid down on it as I moved up her shirt and kissed her soft, white stomach. I heard her giggle. I moved my lips down from her bellybutton, and I heard her slightly cry out “oh no”. I began to touch her white cotton panties that stuck out from underneath her pants (she had bought and worn these type of panties especially for me). I moved my hand between her legs, I could feel she was soaked through her jeans. I began to slip my hand inside her jeans, but on the outside of her panties. Rubbing and kissing her…she began to cry out slightly.

I slipped my fingers inside her panties and into her. She sighed a deep breath. Because her jeans were on so tight, I could barely fit my fingers in…I told her I needed space. “I’m not taking my pants down in Central Park”. She stood up, and I said “just a little”. I was unsure if she pulling away or not, and I pulled at her leg…she said “hold on, I’m doing it. Sure enough, she had made room. Upon putting my fingers back inside her, I realized there was indeed room…but not enough.

Somehow I figured out a perfect position. I sat with my back against the tree, knees bent and legs spread apart. I pulled her so she sat between my legs with her back against me. This was perfect. My left hand fondled her breasts underneath her bra and shirt, my hard cock pressed against her ass, I kissed her neck and mouth as she gasped…and best of all I could fit my fingers entirely inside of her. This was the position I would make her come in.

She was so tight I could only fit two fingers in her, my index and middle. She began to rhythmically grind her ass against my cock and arch her back against me as I thrust my fingers in and out of her and cupped her breast. At one point I remembered her joking saying “Loose as a goose, dry as a desert”. I said “Jenni, your so tight…I thought you were loose as a goose”. She kept grinding and sighed out “Dry as a desert”. It was unbelievably sexy…a different tone of voice came over her in those moments.

She was incredibly wet and tight, and her body was warm and soft against mine. By this time the park was pitch black, and there was not a soul where we were. Once and awhile we’d see a flashing light at the bottom of the hill behind us, it belonged either to bicyclists or a car. It didn’t matter, and it added to the intenseness of the moment. She responded better to long, deep thrusts rather then fast ones. Slowly, I thrust my fingers in and out of her as she grinded against me. I caressed her breasts and kissed her neck and mouth as she gasped.

As she began to come she turned her face from my mine so she could cry out, but I moved my left hand from her breast and brought her mouth back to me as I kissed her. She began to kiss me while she came and I resumed caressing her breasts. My fingers went in and out of her, and she began to come. Immediately her body completely tensed and she brought her legs together, locking my hand inside her while she shuddered. We stayed like that for a long time, I felt her shudder again and again, her legs strangling my arm. It was superb.

She pulled my hand out of her and wiped my fingers against my pants. We both laughed, me more then her. I spun her around and kissed her. She began to fondle my cock through my pants. This did take some of my guidance, as she was very shy. I unbuckled my pants, but she said “no, no”. I joked with her, and she placed her hand inside my pants and began to fondle me.

She was not gentle. She grabbed tightly around the head of my cock, her skin against mine. “Tell me a story” she said. I couldn’t think of one…she stopped. I began to mindlessly ramble about anything that came in my mind. She traced her other hand all over my body, my chest, the inside of my legs. I was so nervous and sensitive I began to shake a bit, and pulled at the grass. She looked at me directly in the eyes while she stroked me, and she was unbelievably gorgeous as she nodded her head and said “Come on, tell me something, anything”.

I began to ramble about my crazy uncle and how he used TV trays from the seventies and always cooked 8 course meals even though he didn’t eat half of it because he was a drug addict. Finally she got me talking about my father, but that bothered me and I had to tell her I couldn’t concentrate on her while I spoke about him. She began to jerk me off harder then before…but something happened and she looked at her phone, realizing we had been in the park for hours and the museum was closing. Emily had called multiple times and was waiting. We had to go get her.

We began to dress, laughing. As I put my clothes on and went to pull out my glasses…I slipped on the wet grass and my glasses went flying. “Oh fuck, their not in the case” I yelled out! Normally, I wouldn’t give a shit…but these were five hundred dollar Armani’s that never broke and had served me well for years. It was pitch black, and we spent a great deal of time searching on all fours for them. Jenni tried illuminating the ground with her cell phone, I even flagged down a park worker in search of a flashlight…but it was all futile.

I told her it was ok, she didn’t have to worry and that Emily was waiting. She protested, but I told her she was worth losing the glasses over. She asked me to walk her out of the park and I did, but we stopped every few steps to kiss each other and thrust our bodies against each other.

I ended up leaving her and Emily at a train station while I went back to search for my glasses. This time armed with a flash light from a drug store. It didn’t matter. I was unable to even find the same spot where we were. I thought if I should go meet her again, but I opted to go home and get some rest. I was dirty and cut up from the trees. That night we spoke on the phone, I almost got her to come to the movies with me to see Night of the living dead. But, she was at Penn station, taking a tired friend home. The next morning, I traveled to central park in search of my glasses.

I found the area where Jenni and I had been, and within a minute found my glasses on a rock, covered in frost, dirt, and grass. Slightly bent, but they went right back into shape. I went and sat against the tree we had been against last night. I reflected for a minute, and left the park.
© Copyright 2006 neversaydie (neversaydie at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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