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Rated: 13+ · Sample · Fantasy · #1178221
A small sample of a much larger fantasy work.
Vy`orn stretched forth his ethereal fingers and stroked the lines of power that lay before him, like a spider tending its most delicate web. In the past, he had used other means of reading the essence of his creations, but none gave him the complete connection that this one offered. This would not be easy, even for him! To disrupt the flow of power was to chance breaking a strand, and that would undo all that was. He would have to be gentle! Drawing the streams in with great care, he formed a small orb in the palm of his hands. Vy`orn let it grow slowly, directing the size and flow of it with concentrated purpose. He knew well enough, that one flaw, and he would have to begin again! Time passed uncounted, and visions began to appear. Vy`orn tightened his will, sharpening and arranging the images. Patterns began to form, and clarify into a long sequence.

Vy`orn’s will shuddered at the strength of the power he held cradled, but finally, it was finished! The images began to replay themselves in the order of their own time. He quickly filtered through the visions for the exact ones he sought. Once Vy`orn had reached their time, he slowed their passing. He looked carefully at the chain of events that lay before him. First, there was the child born on a battle-strewn field, in an as yet unnamed part of Drean. Then, years later, there is another child, a boy born to a dying mother. Vy`orn moved on to the scene of that same boy leaving his home in a place called Heaven Shire. He paused momentarily to check that all those whom were meant to accompany him, were present, or at least in-route. Seeing that all was as it should be, he moved on. The party of heroes came to the city that was now dead, and the wizard had kept his secret. Then, the price was paid, and the young man was given the charge, and the key to the kingdom. Next, came the meeting of new allies for the King. While the group is in The peaceful city of Sy`rbeydon, The one child that must be borne, is conceived. Then, the new King leads a small force of stouthearted men into battle against the black wizard and his Drewn. Traitors are exposed, and the war is set. Finally, The young man is wounded to death, and blows the Horn of Cie`rlmahn. That was all, to this point. Vy`orn frowned. The King would be here soon! He must not let the young mortal sit too long, with only the A`fex and By`orn to watch his trial! The strength of the young king’s will, would determine whether he succeeded, or failed. Failure in any way, would mean the true death of him.

Vy`orn released the threads of power very slowly, replacing them exactly where and how he had removed them from the intricately laced webbing before him. He took care once more to move with exact purpose!
J. James Brooks Jr V.C.
No mistake could be made! Once he had finished, he joined his brother and the arbitrator, to await the boy’s arrival.
The Horn of Cie`rlman slipped from lifeless fingers, as Quin’s body lay limp and torn, upon the blood-soaked earth. Teal shrieked in anger as she realized that the King was dead. She had charged herself with saving the boy, and had not been able to do so! Why was she referring to Quin as a boy? He was, after all, only a few years younger than she, by human standards. The Princess stretched out her arms, and everyone watched her hands. They were being unduly cautious, for she had not the strength left, to expel any of her considerable magic. The enemy too, realized this fact. Soon, Drewn and Orc alike; were rushing in on the companions like waves upon an already half sunken ship.

Vaughlen ordered Teal and the Prince to try and get the King’s body free of the melee, while he held their attackers at bay, with small burst of his own lightning. The king would have been very hard to lift from the ground, while wounded, but dead; it was all that the two Elves could manage, just to drag his body slowly through the throng of clashing and bleeding soldiers of both friend and enemy. However, they probably should have paid more attention to whom was being dragged behind the Prince and Princess, neither side did. Not until any opportunity to help or hinder them, had already passed.

Elven hunters, and the few legion cavalry that remained, fought hard to keep the way clear for them, and soon the two broke through the rush. Now that they could move more freely, Tallen picked up the pace significantly! After only a few moments, Teal was forced to drop the king’s arms and simply watch as her brother drug the body relentlessly over the rough earth. Something was very wrong with him, and this scared her beyond reason. She had never seen him lose his composure so completely before. Oh, and he had lost all composure he possessed, that much was unmistakable! What she was concerned about, was what he would do when he had the time to do anything!

Tallen pushed through the last few lines of Elven bowmen, jerking the king’s body along behind him, and cursing so heatedly, that his kinsmen looked upon him as if he were some sort of odd creature that they had never seen before! The Elven Prince never even slowed! Tallen began to draw a crowd of ever widening eyes, and hanging mouths, when he entered theelven camp. As he passed between the two command tents, Fay`el was the first to call out to the distraught young Elf.
“Stop you fool!” The general cried.

“Do you intend to drag what is left of the boy to pieces?” The General’s tone said that he thought the Prince had gone mad!

Tallen stopped and stood for a moment with a blank look upon his haggard face. Then turning, he looked slowly back at his burden. At that moment, His grief returned to replace his anger over the wizard’s words. The skin on his knees broke open as they slammed into the ground. All else vanished in that single sorrow filled moment. The sound of his tears coming to rest on the dust in front of him, was louder even than the sound of metal meeting bone!

Teal trudged up to the Elven General, and put her filth-encrusted hand on his shoulder. Fay`el turned to the princess, and his heart sank. The once proud and high-spirited girl he had known as a child, had been replaced by a woman who had experienced a great loss, and would likely never recover from it.

“It is the first time in his life that he has cried in front of others, including when we lost the Queen.” Teal’s words, had been meant for the General’s ears alone, and so were almost inaudible.

“When there is more time, you must tell me what has happened to bring you and your brother here in this condition!” It was a request, more than it was a command.

“I do not know if there will even be a time that will be appropriate. Or, even one that will be sufficiently long enough.” The Princess gave the elder Elf a quick forced smile.

“I see the number of the trials that you have endured written in the line of your brow, but I assure you, a time will be made for the telling of them. You will have need to recount them not only to me, but to your father as well.” It was said, as if the prospect did not appeal to the General in the least, but was something he could not hope to avoid.

Fay`el caught sight of the wizard coming through the last of the defenses as if he were looking for someone. He and the Princess exchanged glances, and the General waved the young woman into his tent. Talen too, saw the old human, and reached for his long-sword with both hands. Vaughlen stopped in mid step, and looked at the Prince, as if he were seeing a pile of goat dung that was somewhere it should not be. Fay`el reached teal’s brother just as he began to rise, and slammed him back to the ground with bone rattling force!

“This is not a fight you can win boy!” The general warned in a low growl.

“Nor is it the time or place to have it!” He finished, with the same conviction, but less growl.

“That General, is the first intelligent thing I have heard said as yet today!” Vaughlen gave them both a slight sneer.

“Take care whom you treat as children wizard!” Fay`el spat in disgust.

It was Talen’s turn to lay a restraining hand on the General. He realized that neither could they afford to lose the wizard’s help, nor could they let the men see them quarrel like this.

“The boy is dead, and so we must fight on without him.” Fay`el stated solemnly, with his own look of loss beginning to appear.

“Was he truly the hope we were to look for?” The General asked the question as if the answer did not matter.

“Indeed he is.” Vaughlen made the statement flatly, then raised an eyebrow.

“You think that this is the end of the King’s time?” It was a statement, more than a question.

“Are you saying that he is not dead?” Talen looked at the wizard as if he were seeing him for the first time.

“No! The boy is dead, but he shall not remain so.” Vaughlen pointed at the Prince.
“Not if you get him up, and to my tent, without tearing him to pieces.” The wizard gave Talen a hard look, that said he was not pleased at how the King had been transported thus far.

Teal had been listening from within the tent, and now came out to help her brother with his burden. The Prince waved her off, saying that it was his responsibility. He picked up the body as if it were no more than a sack of wheat, and set out slowly toward the back row of tents. Vaughlen pushed the other two into the command tent, and closed the flap behind them. They talked for a moment, but decide to wait and finish the discussion, until Bellthore and the commander of the Legion cavalry, could be sent for. That was, assuming that they were still alive. The fighting had not yet subsided for the day, though it was lessening somewhat.

Vaughlen and the Princess filled the General in on exactly what they had seen, when the King was struck down. Fay`el’s eyes widened, as he was told of the numbers of Drewn that the boy had been able to hold off, before taking a deep slash wound to his back. He and the wizard sat cross-armed and silent, as Teal finished the recount, between tears. When the Princess was finished, she laid her head into her hand, and began to weep softly.

Fay`el looked at Vaughlen with one eyebrow

“What of this horn the girl spoke of?” His demeanor warned that no lie would be tolerated.

“It is a priceless gift, to be given to the King of the Old Kingdom, and he alone.” Vaughlen stated flatly.

“It came to me through unknown means, and I can only say that it may have given me a way to bring the boy back from the pit of death.” There was more hope, than belief, in the wizened eyes.

“I hope you are right!” The General sighed.

“The Elven people cannot withstand another of these attacks, without the help of the Legion.” He grumbled.

“The boy seems to be the only one that has been able to make them see the need to help us!” Fay1el spat that last statement as if it left a horrid taste in his mouth.

Just then, Bellthore threw open the tent flap so hard, that he nearly tore it completely off the tent. All three sitting at the table, reached for their weapons, then sagged with relief, though barely. They all knew that this was not going to be an easy encounter! Bellthore stood glaring at them for a moment, then pulled a wicked-looking dagger from his weapons belt. The General started to stand, but Vaughlen motioned for him to remain seated. Any move at this point, would be reacted to swiftly, and brutally!

“So! The messenger has done more that just summon you!” Vaughlen laid one bony hand in his lap.

“Well then! Did he also tell you that there is still hope for you son?” It was a question that the wizard already knew the answer to.

“That is the trouble with listening to messengers, you never hear all that you need to, only the things that will help them bring you to where you are wanted.” Vaughlen worked the fingers of his right hand, as he spoke.

“Yer full a` mule dung!” Bellthore roared so loudly, that Teal thought she could feel the table vibrating.

“Er` ya say’en ‘at ma boy aint dead?” His voice sounded as if it were coming from a mountain, and not a man.

“No!” Vaughlen was beginning to become angry as well.

“The boy is dead, but he will not remain so!” Vaughlen stood slowly, and faced the angry inn-keeper.

“Are you so naive, as to think that I have not prepared for something like this?” The condescension in the wizard’s voice was unmistakable.

Bellthore flopped raggedly to the tent floor, and let the dagger slip from his scarred and bloody hand. He knew that he must at least find out what the old snake had in mind, before he killed him for his betrayal. Besides, he did not think he possessed the strength to overcome the wizard at this moment in any case!
Breahl woke well before sunrise, and quickly found an empty was basin. After viewing her evening meal, for the second time, she cleaned her face, and dressed in clothes that were already becoming a little too tight.She realized that her pregnancy was progressing far too fast, even for a fairy! After examining her stomach with a gentle hand, she decided that taking a walk might help to loosen her clothing a bit. She moved quietly, through the halls of the temple. The last thing she wanted this early, was company. She knew that if anyone saw her, they would call for her to have an escort.

The morning air sent a chill through Breahl’s bones, though she suspected that it was not just the fact that it cold outside. Something had happened, she was sure of it! She was also sure that whatever had happened, it was not something good! Instantly, she knew Quin was in trouble, but what kind of trouble could he be in, that she could feel it from this distance? He was not dead, or she would know it, without question. She contemplated the matter a moment longer, then decided to continue on her walk. If something had gone wrong, someone would send a message soon. She passed down the stairs of the temple on cat’s paws. She did not know if any of Quin’s enemies were watching Sy`rbeydon, and so tried to be noticed as little as possible.

The morning slipped slowly away, and as the Nymph wandered slowly through the city, she began to notice something that she had not, on her many previous visits. The side streets of Sy`rbeydon were all absolutely straight! Not even one made so much as a slight curve. This new revelation would not have been so odd, but for the fact that the most prominent building in the city, was round! Breahl studied the layout more closely, and as she did so, she thought about what its purpose might be. The city’s building had always been basic and utilitarian in design and function. She supposed that it could be the same with the streets. Breahl thought only a few moments more on the matter, then turned her attention to darker ponderings.

Quin! What was happening on the Blood Mound Plains, that could have brought her attention from this far off? If the worst had occurred, than it would not take long for a messenger to bring news. Though, it might take some time for one to be sent. It all depended on how hard the fighting was. Breahl realized that the day was growing warmer. She figured that it must be about mid-day, and decided to head back for the temple. She was about halfway back, when she saw the figure of Yeavonna coming toward her. Breahl took a quick right, down a side alley. The thought of talking with the innkeeper, or anyone else for that matter, did not appeal to her at that moment.
Yeavonna awoke later than usual that morning. The sun had already risen well above the treetops. Her head was a bit foggy, and her stomach did not feel much better than it had that night! She hoped that she was not getting some kind of illness from being out in the weather during her trip to the temple. She thought about getting something to eat, but decided against it. Her stomach did not seem to be in the mood! So, she decided to sit at the table next to the window instead. As Yeavonna sat looking out the tall window, she caught herself wishing that she were at her inn, and in front of her own fireplace. She sighed heavily. Would she ever have her own fireplace, or a place to put one, again? Ofcourse, if the Black Wizard and his army prevailed in the battle, would the answer to that question, even matter?

Yeavonna wondered how the battle was going. She did not think that it was over yet, or someone would have sent word. Blain had been gone for two days now, and no word had come. The fighting was probable still too intense to get word in, or out! She had some experience with how these things went. She had grown up listening to the reports that came in from the eastern front, back when the Elven and Orc wars were raging strong. Feeling her stomach start to settle a bit, Yeavonna stood and stretched. Maybe she would take a walk. The fresh air and sunlight might help her appetite. She found the new clothes that the priest had brought, and dressed quickly. Soon, she was stepping into the still cool, mid-morning air. As she looked out into the city, she caught a glimpse of Breahl, passing among the buildings. Maybe she could catch up to the nymph, and they could keep each other company. She did not really want to be alone just then. Besides, perhaps the other knew something of what was happening. Yeavonna walked quickly across the small courtyard that fronted the temple. Then, she cut through a few alleyways, trying to keep Breahl in sight. The Nymph seemed to be wandering aimlessly. All at once, she turned a corner, and found that she and Breahl were walking straight at one another. Before she could call out in greeting, she struck her foot on something and looked down to see what it was. When she looked up again, the Nymph was gone.

Blain awoke slowly, stiff and hardly able to breathe, for the weight on top of him. He realized that he was trapped under a mountain of bodies, both friend and enemy! How long he had been lying there, he did not know. He could not even tell what hour of the day it was. There was not even gap enough in the pile, to tell whether it was daylight or dark. Blain decided that he had better get out from under this mess as soon as possible. He tried to squirm his way free of the body just on top of him, and realized that he was badly hurt! At least one of his legs was broken, and probably all of the ribs on his left side. He was not going to get anywhere in this condition. It was his own fault though. He had observed the Princess laying her hands against the ground, and had not given himself enough distance from her blast zone! Now, he was stuck with only the hope that it was not the enemy that found him, if indeed anyone found him, before his wounds became septic and he died. How was it that the worst possible circumstances seemed to always find him at the worst possible time? He should still be fighting. Instead, he was trapped under a bunch of rotting corpses! One day, if they both lived, the Princess was going to have to explain just how she did what she did!

Blain made as much of a check of the rest of his body as he could, with his limited mobility, but found only a few minor cuts and slashes. That, was probably because he had not been in the fight long. All of his injuries were most likely the result of Teal’s blast. Suddenly, Blain felt the pile of bodies shift. Someone was removing them from on top of him. Either they were checking for those that may yet live, or they were taking the dead to be burned. In any case, whomever it was, would soon find him. If it was indeed the enemy, there would be nothing he could do to defend himself. Blain waited for what seemed like an eternity, as the corpses were removed, and light began to appear through small gaps in the pile. The, he saw the hand of a Drewn, reaching for his blood encrusted hair, and his heart sank into his bowels.
© Copyright 2006 RZWallace (jjamesbrooksjr at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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