Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1177068-Death
Rated: 13+ · Draft · Young Adult · #1177068
car crash, events that are not remembered
I could feel the darkness swallowing me up whole. There was no need to fight, the battle was over and I was ready to succumb. A gentle buzz surrounded me lulling me to another space and time, my eyes heavy not wanting to think anymore I let my eyes close but something jolts me awake again. Something in the back of my mind is ordering me to stay awake that I shouldn’t be sleeping. Something was not all right. I tried to lift up my hand to rub the tiredness out but to my confusion I couldn’t simply lift up either of my arms. The more I tugged to free my arm from whatever was holding it in place, the more the stinging sensation became biting. Wincing from the pain and confusion laced tightly around my brain I pried my arm free from the grip of the unknown a task proving to be more painful then I first thogught. Lifting my injured arm to my face I could see a damp wetness clinging to my entire arm. Surely this isn’t what my arm normally looked like, but my head was still fuzzy it was like being only half awake. What was going on? Where was Danny he was driving us to the house. I couldn’t recall us arriving at the house already or even having to deal with Aunt Becky. She was a mean woman and someone like her I would definitely remember greeting her. What is this stickiness? Drowsiness is setting in again but now the buzzing is louder almost ear splitting. Are they trying to cut down a tree? I shook my head to clear the fuzz but found it impossible to do and only succeeded in making myself nauseated, my head was still feeling heavy so I let it fall back against the headrest.
Danny! He was driving and then something came into the road. Danny was driving. He was a fairly new driver only had his license for about three months but he had plenty of practice in Manhattan’s crazy traffic.
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