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Rated: · Other · Comedy · #1177001
Find out what gets to me
I'm one of the people in the world who get resentful of the fact that children are allowed to say what they think, because they haven't got the level of communication to be polite, and people, of middle age and upwards can because they have earned the right to say what bothers them and speak their minds.
Why the resentment? Well, I'll tell you. If you are at the beginning or the end of life, you are excused from what otherwise might be seen as rudeness or miserable behaviour. It is excused as either the inexperience of youth or the experience of age.
However, there are no such excuses made for young people. People from the ages of sixteen to fifty are not allowed to say what annoys them and why. If we do, we get "You don't know you're born", or some other equally infuriating 'pearl of wisdom' from someone of an older generation.
Well, the silence of the unheard is over! Here is a list of what bothers me and gets on my nerves together with my reasons why.

Now, before I hear a collective "Hoorah!" from all the anti-tattoo, anti-anything-to-do-with-self-expression crowd, "Tattoos" is just a heading. I have no problem with tattoos, providing the tattooee is responsible enough to have one. What I have a problem with is this: "You're silly because you've got that for the rest of your life!", and excepting the idiots who have their partner's name hacked into their bodies, only for the relationship to end soon after, that's kind of the whole point. Tattoos, if used properly, can be a reminder of who the wearer was when they had it done, and can serve as a trip down memory lane, and that's all good.

On one hand, the government are saying we Brits are turning into a nation of binge-drinkers and on the other; they're giving us 24-hour opening for bars, pubs and clubs. Call me stupid, but isn't that a conflict of interests of the highest order?

I know they say if the drinkers have more time to drink, they'll pace themselves, but that is pish! More drinking time means more time for more drink and the more we drink, the worse the situation they were trying to combat in the first place will get. Plus, when people have finished drinking, they have a craving for the most disgusting looking and tasting food, and if this catches on, all you'll be able to get to eat in towns and cities will be kebabs and KFC. What a hellish vision! The future's not orange, it's vomit coloured! Yuck!

With the advent of pointless dross like the crime to TV that is Big Brother, we have had a multitude of talent-less freaks filter into the public eye. The media is chock full of achingly stupid people, famous for no other reason than being famous! It absolutely infuriates me! Every time I see one of these know-nothings on TV, I want to rip my hair out with anger!

Time was, if you had a desire to be on TV, you had to work at developing something to be famous for, (i.e. acting, presenting or singing) and that would give you something to aspire to, to work towards, but, as far as I can see, all the next generation will aspire to be is freakier than the next person, because it's that, rather than talent, these days, that gets you noticed.

To be continued... When I can think of more. Do you agree with me so far?

© Copyright 2006 John A. Mitchell (manwhonose at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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