Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1176641-Dreams-Awakened
by Supmet
Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #1176641
Girl finds another life she lead by a mysterious hot man
Dreams Awakened
A tale of romance, adventure, and the past

“Goodnight”, she said sweetly as she closed the door. As soon as the door closed she leaned against it heavily and sighed. She knew that the guy was probably still standing there stunned because of the goodbye kiss he didn’t get, but she didn’t care. It has been her forth date in two weeks and she was beginning to think that she should give up. She threw her bag on the couch and popped off her left stiletto with her heal. Suddenly, the apartment was filled with a loud ring. She hobbled over to the phone, scatted the cat away, and picked up the receiver. “Hello? Hi ma. Yes, I know. No, it went—well it just did. I did! How’s dad? Good! Look ma, I got to go. Yes, call you later. Love you, bye”, she hung up the phone softly and looked down at big green eyes staring up at her. “Why can’t I find adventure? Or maybe a little action! Someone to sweep me off my lone stiletto. So I’m not here when my mother calls”. The cat meowed and flicked its tail on her arm. She popped off her other shoe, picked up the cat, and moved to the bedroom. Once inside she sat the cat down on the floor and flopped her body on the black satin bed. She couldn’t understand what was wrong! She liked men, no, she loved men but every one of them seemed to be lacking that thing that she was looking for. She didn’t even know what that was. She sat up on the bed and looked around. At least she was satisfied with something, her apartment. The first thing she bought when she sold her first house. She loved every inch of it, the spacious kitchen, living room, which enter into a long hallway to her bedroom, which was designed by her dear friend Rico. She smiled as she caught glance at old pictures of friends and pictures of recent ones. “Why can’t I find someone that I can make me as happy like I was in those pictures kitty?” She looked down and kitty moved around her legs and meowed, then ran off to the bathroom to do its business. She got up and followed the cat to the bathroom and turned on the water to the bathtub. She needed a hot shower because it seemed like it was going to be another sleepless night.
Across town a large man wearing a long black trench coat with what looked like a sword on his black peered at a crinkly piece of paper. 9th Ave and Blackberry. Carrie Johnson. He looked up at the street corner. “2 more blocks to go” he thought. He moved through the people like water, no one noticing him in the shadows. As he walked the rain began to pour, he keep his eyes focused in front of him. He finally reached his destination and looked up at the tall skyscraper “So she in there”, he thought. He looked through the doors at the security watching their every move, then looked up again. One of the security office noticed the man through the doors. He says something to the other officer and begins to walk outside to talk to the trench-coated man. The mysterious man looks at the officer coming his way and walks around the corner disappearing in the shadows. The officer walks outside and looks up at the sky and is surprised at how much it is raining. He turns his head to the left and then to the right and doesn’t see the man anymore. He writes it off and walks back inside just to catch the elevator closing and moving up to the 56th floor.
Carrie walks to the window in the living room and closes it. This winter has been so cold and she has had to have the heat on blast to reach everywhere in the large apartment. She then walks to the living room table, picks up her romance novel, and begins where she left off. “As he touches the side of her thigh, sparks fly off between them. She was ready for him, hot and ready and nothing was going to stop her from having him. His long black hair tied in the back and his dark eyes roamed her body. She grabbed for him” ‘Oh please”, she thought as she continued to read. Suddenly a knock at her door made her stop and look up. She looked at the clock on the wall. 11:15pm. She thought of who could be knocking at this hour. She got up and ran to the bedroom to grab her robe, as she put her over her shoulders she called toward the door. “Who is it?” No answer. She looked through the peephole and saw no one. She then unlocked the locks and opens the door. She stuck her head out first and then her whole body. She turned her head left and then right but no one was there. ‘That’s weird’, she thought and closed the door and locked it. She turned around and decided that she really needed to go to sleep she was hearing things. She turned the lights off one by one and continued to her bedroom. She pulled the spread down and hopped into the black sheets. She snuggled down into her pillow and closed her eyes. She felt herself slipping into a black void not noticing the dark figure entering her bedroom.
A young man and women running down the palace’s halls, laughing and smiling. She was a little in front of him and he followed close behind. Her long brown hairs flowing in the wind as she rushed down the stairs. She stops at the bottom and turns around. “Phillip, you aren’t going to catch me. Your too slow. Knights are suppose to be fast and swift!” He stopped at the top and moved his black hair out of the face. His cheeks flushed and his chest rising and falling from the run. “I’ll catch you! Just wait and see!” he says as he began to run down the stairs. She laughs and begins to take off. Suddenly she stops at a halt and looks wide-eyed. She suddenly bows low, when he finally catches up to her he stops also and bow “My lady”, they both seemed to say out of breath. “Gwen! How many times have I told you that running in the halls aren’t becoming of a princess? You must act as such at all times, and to be running with boy, and a boy not of your own class may I say is stupid and misleading. We don’t want every underclass thinking they can just hang around the castle with the royals. Now tell him goodbye and come with me, Lady Vastly and her daughter are having tea with us this afternoon and I will not have you going looking like a pigsty.” she said. She suddenly walked away trailing behind two ladies in waiting. Gwen turned around and looked at his face. He didn’t even met her glaze. “Well I guess I must be off. Can’t have mother doing all the kitchen work herself”, he said as he walked around her quickly “Phillip”, she shouted. He turned around to look at her “I think you’d make a beautiful knight!” He smiled and ran toward the stairs. Another scene appeared before her fire was around her, she couldn’t see anything, she couldn’t move. She looked up just in time to see something big and on fire falling toward her. She screamed.
Carrie sat up in her bed and in a cold sweat. She looked around the dark room and tried to make her eyes focus. She looked around her bed to notice a shadow standing to the left of her. It’s large frame blocked the only light was made it to her room from the street. She screamed and crawled out the other side. She ran to the switch on the wall and quickly turned around. A large framed man with a black trench coat and hood over his head was standing next to her bed. She quickly opened the top draw to her chest and pulled out the first thing she felt. “You stay back fucker or I’ll cut your throat out”, she said. She looked down at what she had in her hands, a pink dildo stood long and hard toward the man. She dropped it and reached in the draw again and pulled out the knife and held it toward the man. “Who are you? How did you get in? What are you doing in my BEDROOM!!!!!!?” The man moved his hands upward toward his hood as she held the knife tighter. The man removed his hood and she looked upon the face of her intruder.

To Be Continued...

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