Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1176633-Sorcerous-Magic-The-magic-of-Cigam
Rated: ASR · Novel · Fantasy · #1176633
Their choice will decide their fate and the fate of the world, both magical and mortal.
The Legacy

Two young children will be born on the night of the last blood moon. They will be the most powerful beings, their magic combined can conquor almost anything. One will bare the mark of the sun, the other of the moon on their left feet. When the two children are of the age 16, their magic will be tested and they will have the choice between good and evil. Their choice will control their fate and the fate of the world, both magical and mortal.

1990 - A small town named Astorville, Ontario.

A long, long time ago, on a stormy, windy night, two little girls named Lucinda and Alexandra were born at the exact witching hour of the night. A tall man who carried a black unbrella scurried quickly toward Escall road, he was as tall as a bear on two feet and looked to be more than 100 years old. In a big red victorian mansion, all the leaders of the Strogworth school gathered, huddling over two small innocent children. They whispered in hesitation, trying to decide the fate of the small beings who sat in front of them. They were wrapped each in seperate baby blue blankets and on their two left feet, something strange appeared.

"They must be protected, they bare the mark! Nomed will search for them, there is no doubt." Legna Reficul cried. "Well, they cannot live with one of us, he'll find them in an instant!" Angelina Demard said. "Then hide them! Put them in a place Nomed would not dare to look - hide them in the mortal world!" Dominic Argul suggested, "It's perfect!" He insisted. "So it shall be..." Legna said while snapping his fingers- in an instant the children were gone. "it's done...16 years from today, we will find them and their destiny will awaken!"

With those last words, the three magic leaders left the house in aw, their hearts as heavy as stone. They knew now that the children were safe from the dark warlock known as Nomed, at least until they were 16 years old.

Present Day -

"Lucinda! Get up! I'm tired of coming in here a million times! Mom is gonna freak!" Alexandra yelled to her sister. Lucinda pulled her navy blue comforter over her head and yawned. The bright sunlight shined through her window, the necklaces that were scattered all over her pink carpet glittered beautifully. Alexandra looked back at her lazy sister lying in her bed, a small shock of rage ran through her body as she yelled once more, "Get up!", she began to pin up her beautiful long curly red hair in a pony tail. She applied a small amount of mascara to her eyelashes, it suited her perfectly, her dark brown eyes shined with beauty.

"Ugh, I'm so lucky we're not identical twins, honnestly - learn how to wear your hair. I would die of shame if I had to walk into school everyday looking like that." Lucinda said while rising from her bed. Lucinda had long beautiful blond hair, blue eyes and a perfect body shape. "Yeah, and I'm glad that i wasn't made into some bimbo, manufatured Barbie!" Alex snapped back. "Uh, Barbie is a role model." Lucinda said while walking out of the yellow colored room. Alex rolled her eyes and finished preparing herself for school.

It was Friday the 13th of October, maybe a bad luck day for most but it was the birthday of Alexandra and Lucinda Pleadwell. Their 16th birthday to be exact, of course they thought nothing of it, just another day of bordum. They had no idea how special this day was.

As Lucinda entered the nice, clean, shiny kitchen, her mother Kathy krepped up behind her. "Happy Birthday my baby!" her mother said while wrapping her arms around Lucinda's stomach and giving her a big kiss on the cheek. Kathy's thick blond hair, that had recently been highlighted with red streaks, stuck instantly to Lucinda's lips that had just been painted with layers of clear, shiny, lipgloss. "Mom! Lipgloss!" She yalped. "But thanks...My Sweet sixteen, finally! So uh, where's my car?" Her mother smiled "At the store, gosh i forgot it...and the money to buy it!" She giggled while straigtening her hair in a mirror that hung by the brown wooden dining room table. "Mom, I still don't know why you put red streaks in your hair, you don't look any younger." Alex laughed. "Because my dear daughters, i want everyone to know where both my babies got their good looks." Kathy smiled sweetly as she poured Lucinda a glass of orange juice.

"Okay, well I'm going to school, anyone feel like coming today?" Alex said, clearly hinting to her sister. "Yeah, I wouldn't miss it for the world! Heather is supposed to give me some tips on how to curl my eyelashes." Lucinda skipped happily to wear her school bag hung on the white stairwell. " Ah, ah, ah! Forgetting something are we ladies?" Alex and Lucinda both rolled their eyes and walked into their mothers wide open arms. " Happy Birthda!" She said while squeezing them with all their might. As she released them she yelled out, "Have a good day, I love you!" , "We love you too!" , Alex and Lucinda said while walking out of their beautiful big, white house. Alex loved that their mother said I love you everyday, if ever something were to happen, she would know that her mother loved her. It made her feel not only safe, but also happy.

- Wow, mom is so superficial..honnestly. Lucinda laughed
- Now I know where you get it.. Alex snickered.
- Oh come on, I'm not as bad as mom!
- Said the created to the creator. Alex laughed once more.
- Okay, can we not fight just for today, I mean..it's our birthday for crying out loud! Let's have some fun! Lucinda demanded while looking her sister in the eye.
- Alright, fine..But i'm not doing this for you ya know. Lucinda wrapped her arm around alex, smiled and whispered "sure...".

Back in the magical land of Cigam...

- It is time, the prophecy must commence! Legna cried. His old white hair lied lightly on his shoulders as he tickled his moustache with the tips of his wrinkly old fingers in anxiety.

-But what if they are not ready, I'm simply worried about their safety! Ethan said. Ethan Demiant was a well known man in Cigam, he was a Prosperictor. That's someone who helps keep the world of Cigam unknown to mortals. Most of the people who work in such high places are snobs and bitter old men, but Ethan was young and polite, qualities that were well appreciated in Terliom village where the school of Strogworth stood tall and proud.

- But it is the prophecy - it must be done! Angelina cried.
- Yes but, we barely know these girls...what if it is not them, what if it's some of Nomed's followers, ever worse, they could be mortals. Ethan argued
- None sense!
- Back from the prophecy, i call upon thee. Of the old magic undone, so it is written, so it is done! On the last word he spoke, Legna clapped his hands and began to rub them, a puff of smoke emerged from his hands and in front of him stood two young ladies. One was fairly tall, she wore a green t-shirt and blue jeans, her hair was red and tied in a pony tail. The other wore a pink t-shirt and white jeans, she had long blond hair that lay on her shoulders.

-Wow, this is so not our school. Lucinda whispered to her sister
- Oh but it is! Legna insisted, from now on that is... His thick glasses lied on his big nose as he smiled.
- what?! Alex yelled
- Show us your left foot.
- Legna, are you mad? Than asked in aw.
-Yes, I'm mad that we had to wait 16 years just to see the prophecy childrean in front of us, now show us your left feet! Legna cried
- Umm...Here's the thing, we're not supposed to talk to strangers so if you could just bring us ba---
- Enough! Legna's voice seemed to have strangely echoed in the room, everyone was silent and no one would move, in respect for this well known man, they waited. Of course, Alex and Lucinda did not know of his power but they could tell he was someone important. Show me your left foot now, he insisted.
- Okay, if you think that I'm just gonna let you--- Lucinda was cut off again as her shoe and sock were ripped off and flew across the room, she then was lifted into the air over Legna's head. He looked up and smiled. AHhhhhh! Lucinda cried, Put me down! she yelled
- Well, I was right...she bares the mark. Lucinda began to float back down slowly, as she reached the floor Alex ran to her in fear.
- Are you insane? What are you people? Alex yelled while holding her sister in her arms.
-I'm fine, Lucinda said.
- I, my dear Alexandra, am a wizard. Mr. Demiant is a warlock and Miz, Angelina is a witch as are you and your sister.
- Excuse me, a what? Lucinda asked in confusion.

- A witch...a magical being, une sorcière, a girl with a broomstick and a pointy hat. Legna laughed. So now, sit down and we will explain this to you, Legna headed to a small dark brown book stand that stood in the middle of the room. There were dusty books on dusty shelves and dusty viles, made of glass and full of red, green, blue even glowing orange colored liquids. On top of the stand was an old book, their were words ingraved on the front cover, "The Magic of Cigam", the book seemed old and used, it was dark brown and had little scrapes and cuts everywhere. Legna pointed his finger to it and suddenly it opened, the pages began flying by faster and faster and faster until suddenly, they stopped.

Ah, now here it is. Ahem, The prophecy says, Two young childrean will e born on the night of the last blood moon. They will be the most powerful beings, their magic combined can conquor almost anything. One of the beings will bare the mark of the sun, the other of the moon, it will be on their left feet. Ahem, now pay attention ladies, when the two beings are of the age 16, their powers will be tested and they will have to choose between good and evil. THeir choise will decide their fate and the fate of the world, both magical and mortal. Now I think it's best if --
- wait a minute! Alex yelled, what the hell does this have to do with us?
- You bare the mark. Angelina said
- So, lots of people could have that on their left feet. Alex insisted
- You were born on the night of the last blood moon. Ethan said
- So....
- we were at your birth, your mother died giving birth to you and your father...well, he's been missing ever since the return of Nomed. They loved you oh so much, this is what they wanted for you.
- Our parents..are gone? Lucinda asked
- Your mothers life was an unfortunate loss and we are still trying to locate your father but now we have you back, the prophecy will be completed and you will rule all of Cigam.
- Cigam? Lucinda questioned
- Rule? Alex questioned
- yes, yes...Come! Legna said as he began to walk away his long blue robe following behind him.

The hallways were beige and big, their were long beautiful clear windows. Two yound adults appeared in the hallway, they were walking toward Alex and Lucinda. They wore green vests, nitted nicely, white t-shirts underneath their vests, black formal pants and on the vest near the heart there was a small symbol shaped as an horizontal diamond, in the middle there was a letter S. "What does S stand for?" Lucinda asked. "Strogworth, the school you will one days be in charge of." Angelina siad while smiling, her dry grey hair was tied in a tight bun, her clak sat lightly on her shoulders and the ring on her left hand seemed to be 300 years old.
They came to a big brown door, about 5 metres tall, Legna pulled out a key to unlock the door when suddenly it opened.

- AH!! a girl screamed, Oh, come in Legna...Forgive me, I wasn't aware that you were coming." She laughed. This room was simular to the other only, there were black cldrons and jars full of odd looking things, the worst part was the labels on the jars, purple toads leg, orange squirrel eye and flowing silver warewolf claw. What was even more strange was the lady who stood in front of them, her hair was white, grey and had one big, thick streak of black on the center of her head in her hair. It was wildly frizzy, she wore rounded glasses as the thick as the dirt under her finger nails. She wore a saggy baby blue shirt that was 2 times her size, as for her pants, pretty much the same as her shirt only they were black.

- Oh, are these our two little prophecy beings? She seemed to be blinking an awful lot and her voice would go up high and then down low.
- Yeah we're called humans, I'm Lucinda and this is Alex. Lucinda talked very slowly as if trying to insult the ladies intelligence.
- Oh, pish, posh.. you're witches, just like me, my name is Yzarc, pleasure to meet you, now, ready to rock?! Yzarc's dumb smile was overpowering Alex's urge to laugh, so she let out a little giggle.

- yes, let's get started, Legna said while smiling. Two chairs came flying across the floor towards Alex and Lucinda, they flew into the seats of the chairs. The chairs stopped at the edge of the table. Legna stood on the other side of the long dark chocolate brown table, his eyes stared them down, his fingers were crossed together, hanging by the end of his red vest. Now, you must choose between good or evil by the 31st of october, the path you choose controls your fate and the fate of the world.
- So, if we choose evil, the world would be evil? Lucinda asked
- Well, Legna said, not exactly the whole world but umm..yes a very large part of it. Legna explained.
- yes well, we are all counting on the two most powerful beings. He smiled, so now, we must begin training, practicing.
- Who are the most powerful beings? Lucinda asked
- You two.
- Us?! They asked in shock
- Yes, the prophecy clearly states --
- I don't care what it says, I know who I am and I am not a witch!! Alex yelled.
- Would you like to test that theory? Legna said with a devilish smile. For an old man he seemed very cocky. He beckoned Alex over to the other side of the table where he stood, Alex walked slowly in hesitation. When she arrived to the other side of the table, Legna held out his hand. "Gourio, vestachna." The book from the other room appeared in his hand, but it was not touching his hands, it floated lightly on top of it. Ahem, now then, what kind of spell would you like to test out? He asked
- You are not serious, Alex whispered.
- I am quite serious, now, would you like a love spell, a levitation spell, a summoning - no that would take the both of you, your power is not yet that great, Alex rolled her eyes in annoyement, Ahhh, perfect. Go ahead, read it.

Alex cleared her throat and began to recite the words in front of her. Oh, be sure to look at Yzarc when you recite this, we don't want any accidents. Alex was positive she did not have magical powers but though she would never admit it, she was quite intrigued.
- Someone stands where I can see, Their face is not what it should be. Inside my hear their burns a fire, Allow them to morph into what I desire. Legna, Angelina and Lucinda all smiled while Alex stared in shock. The old lady with the frizzy, white, grey and black hair who once stood in front of her was now a young handsome looking man with short black hair, blue eyes and a nice physique.
- Bobby Dorlan...Lucinda giggled. That's what your heart desires, he is such a nerd.
- yeah...well, let's see you do better. Alex exclaimed.
- Fine, Lucinda walked to the other side of the table where Alex, Legna and Angelina stood.

- Could you hurry up, I really don't like being a guy. The young man said, but the voice was the voice of Yzarc.
- Amasing..Alex whispered but suddenly she captured Legna looking at her and smiling, I mean, it's a cool trick...Legna began to smile even more.
- Okay, here goes...Someone stands where I can see, Their face is not what it should be. Inside my hear their burns a fire, Allow them to morph into what I desire.
What once stood in front of them was now something else, of course, it was an older, good looking man. With brown hair, brown eyes and an amasing physique.
- Oh nice, Ryan Reynolds. Alex laughed.
- Yummy, Lucinda smiled as she walked towards him.
- I may look like a dude and sound like one but I am still Yzarc, step away. Yzarc said.

- Hey, how come it sounds like his voice and not Yzarcs. Alex asked.
- well, Lucinda was concentrating, you were simply talking with no feeling or hope that it would succeed. Legna explained.
- I wanna try again, Alex insisted.
- No, put me back to normal, please...I hate the feeling of other people's skin. Yzarc said while fudgeting. Legna reached out his hand and pointed his long, bony finger at Ryan Reynolds - well, Yzarc and said "Roverto!".

Yzarc lifted from the ground slowly and the vision of Ryan Reynolds body flew into a million peices and Yzarc emerged from the body. "I hate the way men are made..." She mumbled.

-Now do you believe? Legna said with a convincing yet sinister smile.
-Alright, you have our attention. Alex joked.

Legna, Alex, Lucinda
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