Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1176056-Drama-Queens
Rated: GC · Short Story · Friendship · #1176056
The lives of 4 teenage girls and their highschool experiences. not finshed yet.

Everyone's high school has the same genre of people. Preps, jocks, nerds, geeks, sluts, and players. 19th Valley High School was certainly no exception. However, this school took those labels to the extreme. A group of four girls seemed to run the school, and were unstoppable. They were the most popular girls in school, and everyone wished to be like them. The girls had been friends since they were in first grade and have been the best of friends ever since. Shannon stood out as the ring leader. She was perfect in every way. All the guys were simply crazy over her, and she knew it. She was involved in soccer and of course; cheerleading. She never ever had a bad hair day. Not one of her long blond silky hairs were ever out of place. Shannon had the hottest body and a very alluring personality.
Her three friends Mandi, Alexia, and Chloe were not much different than Shannon. Mandi was the more sensible of the 4. She had the best grades and the most beautiful eyes in the world. Alexia was known as the laid-back one. She got along with mostly anybody. And lastly there was Chloe. Chloe was by far the ditziest one of the group. Together they worked together as a powerful force not to be reckoned with. Whoever they found to be cool was in with the in crowd. If not you were stuck on the outside looking in.
Even though they were very popular, there were always some haters. In a way they had the right to hate them. They didn't understand how being a slut was alright, and many of them had lost their boyfriends to the fab 4. Despite all this their beauty blinded many of the kids who went to their school. Guys would always hold out hope that one of the fab 4 wanted to date them. The only one of the group who had held up a decent relationship was Mandi. She had dated a guy named Chad for 3 months. That seemed like an eternity for the fab 4. Mandi had called it quits on him because she claimed she was getting too attached. He accepted this and let her have her space. Later the same night that she dumped him, Mandi hooked up with his best friend Nate. He never forgave her, and they havn't spoken since.
Shannon's relationships were always short. she grew tired of guys within days of dating them. Her longest relationship was 2 months. It wasnt a happy 2 months. They were full of lies and cheating. The other two girls, Alexia and Chloe, decided not to date. Instead they decided sleeping around was better. To them their lives were perfect, and it was going to stay that way.
One sunny summer morning Shannon awoke to the popular sound of her cell phone ringing. She saw it was Alexia and she picked it up straight away.
"hey girl whats poppin?" said Alexia. "Lex, I just woke up because some very rude hoe i know just called me!!" Shannon said sarcastically. "whatever Shan. Anyway i was calling to tell you that we have to go shopping today to get our party clothes for tonight." "K Lex, can you pick me up at..say...12?" "sure thang girlfriend. catcha on the flip side." Replied Alexia. "Later sexy Lexi." Shannon hung up the phone and threw it to the side. She rolled back her silky covers and climbed out of bed. She stretched her back and headed for her bathroom. She looked herself over in the mirror and said to herself: Dayyumm! ow ow!! Shannon was obsessed with herself and looked at anything she could see her reflection in. She slowly slipped out of her tiny shorts she always wore to bed. Next came her playboy shirt Chloe had given her for her last birthday. She looked herself over once more before sliding her matching thong and bra off. She then started the shower and hopped in. The water felt so good on her soft flawless skin. The same shower ritual was followed for every shower that she took alone. Shampoo, conditioner, soap, shave. When she isn't alone it's a whole different story.
Fifteen minutes later she stepped out of the shower and began to dry herself on her pink fluffy towel. After she had changed into her Mini skirt and tank top, she walked out without cleaning a single thing. Shannon never did much for herself. She never had to. Her family was very rich, and she had a maid who did all of her cleaning for her. As Shannon quietly walked down her spiral staircase she heard her mother and father quarreling in the kitchen. She stopped to listen as she always needed to know everyone's business.
"Gabe, Shannon is not out of hand! She is growing up just as she should! She is not spoiled!" Screeched her mother Dawn. "Dawn, we do not see eye to eye on this. This discussion is over." He snapped back. Gabe stormed out the front door slamming it on his way out. Shannon thumped down the rest of the stairs and headed towards the kitchen. "Mom what was that all about?" She asked. "It's nothing dear. Your father can be so...so...forget it!" Her mother said flustered. Shannon didn't question her further on the subject. "By the way mom, Lexi is picking me up at 12 to go to the mall." "thats fine dear have fun. I have to run Shay, Im late for my yoga class. There are some pancakes in the freezer if you want them for breakfast." Her mother said as she grabbed her keys and headed out the door. Shay was what her parents had called her since she was little.
Shannon opened the freezer door and grabbed the box of pancakes. She quickly cooked them and ate them even quicker. It was already 11 and she wasn't even close to being ready. Going out with the Fab 4 was a public affair. She always had to look her best, and secretly wished to outshine the others. Dashing up the stairs towards her room Shannon started to think about the party going on later that night. Any party she went to there was always drinking. She loved every second of it. She grew very excited just thinking about how fun it would be, and how great it would be to meet some new hotties. She put on her foundation and her very flashy eye shadow. Any amount of make up she put on, she could handle. Shannon looked great even without make up. Her make up always matched her outfits, if it didn't, she would have a bad day. It was 11:45 when she started to brush her hair. She decided just to put it up in a ponytail. Looking gorgeous, Shannon headed down the stairs and picked up her cell phone and put it in one of her many purses.
Not long after she sat down to watch some TV before Alexia came to pick her up, she heard her honking outside. She jumped up and went out the front door, slamming it behind her. "Holla chica's!!" she said to the rest of the Fab 4. Shan always sat shotgun when she wasn't the one driving. The trip to the mall was rather short, and time always flew by as the girls always had the music turned up loud and would sing obnoxiously. Material girl had just ended when the arrived. As soon as they stepped out of the car other people started to stare. In their town they were the celebrities. This gave them a chance to strut their stuff, and they often found people they did not know trailing behind them following to each store they went to. Mandi said "I ABSOLUTELY have to go into Coach and get a new purse! Let's go there first." The others agreed. After 30 minutes of looking at purses, Mandi finally bought one for 450$. This was small change to the girls. After just coasting around the mall looking at all the shops, they decided to double back and head into Hollister. When they got inside they split up. When shopping it was every man for themselves. The Fab 4 had an unwritten rule that nobody was to wear the same outfit. When they would see something cute they had to call dibs before any of the others could.
As this was not a big shopping trip, they were only in Hollister for an hr.
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