Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1176048-The-Way-the-Truth-andCreation
by Otiena
Rated: 18+ · Novel · Mythology · #1176048
The making of two demons and their exploits. Please review.
The Way, the Truth, and the....

For millennia, demons have been feared and hated by good Christians everywhere. This is, perhaps, with some just cause. However, much of the fear comes from a lack of understanding, and the hatred could be best explained as a projected self-loathing. Perhaps what people "hate" about demons is really what they hate about themselves: corruption.

"Otiena....Dunkleflemme..." a soft voice called into the foggy depths of two new minds.

A set of demons opened their eyes for the first time. They were unique. They were not fallen angels, pagan gods, nor even corrupted souls that Satan had shown favor on and transformed. They had been created by Lucifer, himself. They were pictures of perfect corruption- beautiful paradoxes to confuse an already befuddled world.

The demon closest to the source of the voice turned his new eyes to his Creator and gasped for his first breath of life. He was an awesome sight. His skin was bright blue and reptilian smooth. He stood about two inches shy of six feet and had an impressive pair of draconian wings that spanned about his height from tip to tip. His arms were muscular, and his forearms were armed with two scythe-like blades on each arm. His face was human save for the two small horns near his temples, the small, white opal-like gem in the center of his forehead, and his eyes. His eyes were simply two coruscations of brilliant, white light that seemed to touch even the darkest shadows as he turned his gaze upon it.

The second demon seemed to be the first demon's inverse. She was feminine, with jet-black hair that fell halfway down her back and a single gold streak that curved gently against the side of her soft face. Her eyes were the very antithesis of the first demon's: they were two dark holes that emitted thin wisps of black smoke that appeared to be long, ever-changing eye lashes. She had sumptuous red lips and a proud Roman nose. Her body was seductively curved and barely covered by thin robe of black smoke that seemed to be trimmed in a bloodred mist. Most striking, however, was her skin, which was multi-toned with gold, red, and black that shimmered as she raised her hand to her face for the first time and touched her cheek with wonder.

The pair looked with their empty eyes at their current surroundings. They were in a granite room with five walls and a singular, stone platform about five feet high on which the two new beings now rested. The room itself was rather large. Each wall was about twenty five feet long and high. There seemed to be no light source in the room, but everything was still visible. Even on the ceiling the two demons could distinctly see the black grains in the granite. If they knew to what to look for, they would notice the faint etching of a five-point star that those black grains made. However, that would first require that they knew what a five-point star was.

The two new demons turned from the gray room and to their Creator, absorbing him for the first time with their untainted eyes. He presented himself not as Satan: the red demon with a pitchfork, but as his true form: Lucifer, the fallen angel. He was clothed in the purest white robe that seemed to radiate its own brilliance. It was trimmed in bright gold and silver thread and embroidered with spectacular precious stones. His face was ageless, neither young nor old. His eyes were ever-changing. Blue, brown, green, black, red, gold, hazel, and back again, but never in the same order and never with the same exact tint. His hair was spun with gold, silver, red copper and molten obsidian. His gold skin favored no nationality, and his features took the best from all. His wings were full and seemed to hold the same lustre as that of a white opal. As the two young demons gazed upon this impressive figure, they shuddered with a mixture of awe and fear.

He smiled with paternal warmth and touched both of their faces gently.

"Welcome," he said simply.

"Where are we?" the female demon, Otiena, asked, surprised by the sound of her virgin voice.


"Where is ‘Hell’?” Dunkleflemme, the male demon, asked.

Lucifer smiled.

"Some people would say that Hell lies in the bowels of the Earth. Others would make a rather convincing argument that Hell lies within every human's heart".
His smile broadened.
"Still others would argue that Hell doesn't exist at all."
He laughed.

"But I don't think that is a very valid theory."

His eyes became a stormy blue and his brow furrowed, erasing the jovial expression from his face as quickly as it had appeared.

"Truthfully, however, I don't know where Hell is. Only God knows where he has cursed me to spend eternity."

"So we are to spend eternity here as well?" Otiena asked, looking forlornly at the five bleak walls that enclosed them.

Lucifer leaned in towards Otiena and gently stroked her long, black hair, stopping at the streak of gold to examine his handy work.

"Don't worry, Otiena. This is but a single room in the vast realm of Hell. Your fate isn’t to spend an eternity in this room, I assure you. Besides, you were created from elements of both Earth and Hell. Therefore, you can travel throughout both Earth and Hell."

“If this is part of Hell, what is Earth?” Otiena asked.
“Another realm of existence,” Lucifer said.
Otiena’s expression was blank. She barely knew of this realm, why would she understand that there might be another?
“When you see, you will understand,” Lucifer consoled, still stroking her hair gently.

"Created? Who created us?" Dunkleflemme asked, mimicking Lucifer by patting Otiena's head roughly.

Otiena winced at this course treatment, but said nothing.

Lucifer, seeing her discomfort, stopped his own inspection and turned to Dunkleflemme.

"I did. I created you."

"Why?" the pair asked in unison. Dunkleflemme dropped his hand.

Lucifer withdrew from them, his eyes once again stormy.

"I created you...for me."

The young demons cast bemused stares at each other.

Lucifer smiled sadly, but explained no further.

Otiena nodded, only barely understanding the discomfort, and stood up.

"So now what?"

The storm left his eyes just as quickly as it came, replaced by a warm, brown hue and a pleasant smile.
"I'm glad you asked," he said, regaining his composure, "You can do something I cannot: go to Earth. You are to go on my behalf."

"Why are we going to Earth?" Dunkleflemme asked, choosing to flex his new wings and stretch out, instead.

"You are to...bring others to me."


Silence filled the room as the demonic pair tried to comprehend this ambiguous description of their purpose.

"Why?" they asked after an interminable silence.

"You must discover the 'how' before you can truly understand and appreciate the 'why.' It will take time, but all will be revealed eventually.

Dunkleflemme wanted to ask more, but decided against it.

They nodded.


"I'll show you."
© Copyright 2006 Otiena (otiena at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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