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A screenplay that I have been working on |
To begin with understand camera language, most of it is simple: angle on window, you see the window at ...? an angle! ^^, then there's acronyms, ots (over the shoulder), and p.o.v. (point of view) os (off screen) then there's int. interior, referring to where the scene is being shot, or ext. exterior. Hopefully you understand and enjoy ACT ONE "HIGH SCHOOL BINDINGS" FADE IN: INT. UNKNOWN HOUSE -- AFTERNOON The house is a two-story building. The shutters a dark green and the house is a lighter shade. The porch has lots of plants all around and trees and flower beds are scattered strategically across the yard. A small stone garden is also in the yard. ANGLE ON WINDOW The curtains are closed and we hear: WOMAN I don't know what to do anymore, I'm getting terrified just looking at him. He gets these looks and I feel raw energy in him. I can't stand it. MAN What do you want to do with him? CLOSE ANGLE ON CRACK IN CURTAINS Two people are inside their figures are barely seen since the lights are off. WOMAN I don't know... (getting hysterical) I'm getting so afraid of him! He can get a temper tantrum and then he uses his... (a mutter inaudible) I'm so afraid... MAN ... EXT. VILLAGE -- NIGHT The night is dark with only a few stars but the moon shines brightly. A car slows down and stops. Two blurry figures come out of the car carrying something and set it down, then they get back in the car and drive away. FULL SHOT VILLAGE -- NIGHT A car is driving on the road, it slows down and then stops. FAVORING CAR DOOR WOMAN, COUPLE 1 and MAN, COUPLE 1 get out of the car. ~ WIDER On the side of the road, where they stopped, is a small basket. Woman, Couple 1 looks inside the basket. P.O.V. BASKET Inside the basket is a toddler swathed in a cotton blanket. The toddler is crying very loudly. WIDER Woman 1 smiles at the toddler, and puts him in her lap. The toddler giggles and turns around in the blanket. FAVORING BACK OF TODDLER WINGS are seen unfolding. WOMAN 1 Aaaah!! The woman stands up and drops the toddler. The toddler doesn't look frightened and the wings flap softly and the toddler lands safely on the ground. TODDLER (Coos and giggles) The woman turns to Man 1 with an astonished look on her face. Her face turns hard and she soon turns a glare on the toddler. WOMAN 1 (disgusted) ... What... is it? FAVORING MAN 1 MAN 1 Ugh... it's totally... and disturbingly... wrong. Uh... They've displayed him like kittens on the side of the road. It's inhumane. Man 1 clenches his fist. MAN 1 ... What are we going to do? FAVORING WOMAN 1 WOMAN 1 (snobbish) I don't know, and I don't care. Come on, honey, let's go. MAN 1 O.S. (incredulous) ... Okay. WIDER Woman 1 walks off, and Man 1 turns to walk away and then looks back at the toddler. MAN 1 O.S. We can't be heartless. I'd feel better if we could put him some place where someone could find him. WOMAN 1 How can you think that way? (forcefully) Let's go! He's not our problem! FAVORING MAN 1 MAN 1 (defiant) Stop that! We can't leave him! (softer) Let's just take him some place more frequented by people. WOMAN 1 (heartlessly) No, we're not going to do anything with him. FAVORING BASKET MAN 1 O.S. (forcefully) We are not going to leave him. FADE TO: FULL SHOT VILLAGE NIGHT A car is parked in the street and Woman 1 and Man 1 are holding a crying basket. In the dark of the night, there are no other cars. P.O.V. DRIVEWAY FROM DOORWAY -- NIGHT Woman 1 and Man 1 walk quickly up the driveway and set the basket on the doorstep. They jog back to the car and the crying dies down. FAVORING TOP OF THE BASKET Two small hands reach out of the basket. Crying sounds come from the basket and the small hands wave wildly, but slowly calm down. FAVORING INSIDE OF BASKET The toddler is sleeping loudly, snoring. WIPE TO: EXT. DOORSTEP DAY TODDLER Waaah! KLATA KLATA. Footstep. FAVORING DOORKNOB The doorknob slowly turns. ZOOM OUT ON DOOR MR. GRYFFIN opens the door and looks down. He picks the basket up. FOLLOW MR. GRYFFIN MR. GRYFFIN Honey! There's a ... BOY! C'mere! ANGLE ON HALLWAY MRS. GRYFFIN runs towards Mr. Gryffin. WAIST SHOT OF MRS. AND MR. GRYFFIN They both look in at the basket. Mrs. Gyrffin lifts the toddler over her head and the wings unfold. TODDLER (giggles) MRS. GRYFFIN Look... wings. Mrs. Gryffin pauses and brings the toddler down and pets the wings. MRS. GRYFFIN They're so soft. FAVORING MR. GRYFFIN MR. GRYFFIN Honey! Don't touch it, that's why it was on our doorstep. BACK TO MRS. GRYFFIN MRS. GRYFFIN But it's so soft, and sweet. Look! The toddler pets Mrs. Gryffin's face and giggles. The wings flap lightly and a light breeze pushes Mrs. Gryffin's hair from her face. PAN TO MR. GRYFFIN MR. GRYFFIN No, put him down! BACK TO MRS. GRYFFIN MRS. GRYFFIN (slightly irritated) Hold him, here. (Hands the boy to Mr. Gryffin) BACK TO MR. GRYFFIN MR. GRYFFIN (takes the boy) Still, I don't feel safe with this thing. MRS. GRYFFIN O.S. Come on, can't we keep him? MR. GRYFFIN (Sternly) He's not a pet to be kept! We should report this to the police; there might be a missing person list on him. BACK TO MRS. GRYFFIN MRS. GRYFFIN What are you talking about? If we call the police asking if they're missing a toddler boy with wings they're going to send him to Area 51! MR. GRYFFIN O.S. But… MRS. GRYFFIN (interrupting) I don't care, we're keeping him and that's final. BACK TO MR. GRYFFIN MR. GRYFFIN (wearily) Yes, honey. DISSOLVE TO: FULL SHOT DAYCARE DAY CLOSE ANGLE ON WOMAN 2 AND LITTLE KISA WOMAN, COUPLE 2 Honey, it's your first day in Daycare. You can't wait, can you? LITTLE KISA No mommy. (afterthought) Mommy, will there be stuffed animals? WOMAN 2 Lots of them! They open the door in the Daycare. FOLLOW They then go through another door to an empty room. On the floor is a small bear. FAVORING LITTLE KISA LITTLE KISA runs towards the bear and picks it up. Running towards WOMAN, COUPLE 2. FOLLOW WOMAN 2 Oh, look - a bear. (takes bear from Kisa) LITTLE KISA No, mommy let me have it. (WOMAN 2 doesn't give it back) LET ME HAVE IT! Mommy! Mommy! Give it back! (throws a tantrum) P.O.V. LITTLE KISA -- MOMENTS LATER Little Kisa is on the ground, pounding the floor with her legs and arms. CLOSE ANGLE ON LITTLE KISA'S HEAD Two furry fox ears pop from her head CLOSE ANGLE ON LITTLE KISA'S BACK END A bulge is shown in her rear end and then a tail rips through the material. ZOOM OUT TO SHOW LITTLE KISA She is now rolling as a small fox. BACK TO WOMAN She stares and then slowly backs out of the room, opens the door still facing Little Kisa and runs out. FOLLOW She runs into her car, picks up her cell phone and rapidly dials a number. WOMAN 2 ... pick up... MAN 2 Hello? WOMAN 2 (hysterical) Hello! Honey, I dropped Kisa off at Daycare and something horrible happened to our poor little baby, I don't know what happened it's horrible, and we can't tell anyone about it because otherwise they'll dissect her and we'll never see her again. Oh and it's just horrible I don't know what to do, I can't help her because I don't know what to do, oh please come and help me! MAN 2 Honey, slow down, tell me what happened... slowly. WOMAN 2 Okay... I was with Kisa... and... she turned into... a fox! MAN 2 Here I'll meet you somewhere, where? WOMAN 2 The gas station at the intersection. The one with the movie theater. MAN 2 Okay, I'll meet you there. FULL SHOT PARKING LOT -- MOMENTS LATER Woman 2 runs to the car and gets in. INT. CAR -- CONTINUOUS Woman 2 clutches the wheel with shaking hands, looks at the steering wheel, her hands are shaking nonstop. P.O.V. WINDSHIELD -- CONTINUOUS The car starts moving and we look both ways. We drive for a little bit. Then she looks down at her steering wheel for a short moment and then looks up, sees a red light, then looks to the right. BRIGHT LIGHT FULL SHOT HIGHWAY -- CONTINUOUS The whole scene plays over again, the car goes through the red light and a truck broadsides the car, and a giant crash is heard. FLASH TO: FULL SHOT PARKING LOT -- MOMENTS LATER Man 2 runs out of the building into his car. He revs the engine and drives out of the parking lot, he turns left. NO SOUND INT. CAR -- CONTINUOUS Man 2 continues driving (STILL NO SOUND). FULL SHOT HIGHWAY -- CONTINUOUS SOUND COMES RUSHING IN -- squealing tires reaches our ears, and we watch as a car loses control and flips, spinning around and around like a top and crashes into his car, which then also flips. FLASH TO: INT. DAYCARE ROOM EARLIER PAN TO WINDOW We watch as the car speeds past the Daycare. BACK TO LITTLE KISA She's stopping her tantrum, and in a poof she pops back into human form again. LITTLE KISA Mommy… mommy, where are you? P.O.V. DAYCARE ROOM -- CONTINUOUS Kisa looks around for her mum, when she hears the door open. Looking that way immediately, we see TEACHER, a.k.a. MRS. HEARTLAND, walk in. FAVORING MRS. HEARTLAND MRS. HEARTLAND What are you doing here? Where are your parents? WIDER LITTLE KISA Mommy left me. MRS. HEARTLAND She left you? Until the end of Daycare? FAVORING LITTLE KISA LITTLE KISA I don't know. DISSOLVE TO: INT. DAYCARE -- NIGHT All of Mrs. Heartland's students are gone, except for Kisa. Mrs. Heartland heads to her desk and looks in the records of the children. Mrs. Heartland looks up for Kisa's family. Kisa Wiley, only child, two parents, and two grandparents. Mrs. Heartland grabs the phone and dials Mrs. Wiley's cell phone number. MRS. HEARTLAND ... come on, pick up. Come on... Hanging up the phone, she dials Mr. Wiley's phone number. MRS. HEARTLAND ... he'll pick up. Come on pick up! LITTLE KISA Teacher, is anything wrong? MRS. HEARTLAND No, honey. Mrs. Heartland hangs up the phone, and then picks it up again. This time calling Mr. Wiley's work number. MAN Hello, Animal Control, how may I help you? MRS. HEARTLAND Animal Control? MRS. HEARTLAND Is this the work place of a Mr. Scott Wiley? MAN Yes. MRS. HEARTLAND He has a daughter at Daycare and he hasn't picked her up yet. MAN Ma'am, Mr. Wiley left earlier from a call from his wife, and we haven't heard since. MRS. HEARTLAND Oh, okay. Thank-you. Mrs. Heartland hung up the phone. MRS. HEARTLAND (talking to herself) Where are they? ... There's no choice. Mrs. Heartland dialed 911. DISPATCHER Hello, what's the emergency? MRS. HEARTLAND I have a child here at Daycare and her parents haven't picked her up, I've called their cell phones and their work. And the work people haven't seen them since earlier today... DISPATCHER Is the child in any danger? MRS. HEARTLAND No, but all the other children have left and all the staff is gone and there's no one left to watch her. DISPATCHER I'll send out a policeman with Children's Service. FADE TO: INT. DAYCARE NIGHT Little Kisa is still with Mrs. Heartland. MRS. HEARTLAND So sweetie, they told me that I can watch you until they find out if there's anyone to take care of you. Kisa nods her head. MRS. HEARTLAND So let's head to my house. SHUT TO: INT. TEACHER'S HOUSE NIGHT Mrs. Heartland shows Kisa, her baby (Riku's) room and sets up a small place for Kisa to sleep. CLOSE ANGLE ON CLOCK Time rushes forward on the clock, and in print: SIX MONTHS LATER MRS. HEARTLAND Honey, the adoption papers finally came in! I can adopt you! How do you like that? You can stay with me! LITTLE KISA What are you talking about, mommy, I'm already yours! Mrs. Heartland's shocked expression quickly turns to worry. MRS. HEARTLAND Yes, honey. WIDE ANGLE ON SKY Watch as the days and nights pass, and in print: TEN YEARS LATER INT. TEACHER'S HOUSE DAY Kisa, a tall gangly fourteen-year old, is sitting in a chair. Next to her, lying on the bed, is Riku, a shorter but skinny eleven-year old. She's reading a book, and next to her a big stack of books that were yet to be read, were sitting next to the bed. Kisa is totally bored, down to staring at Riku. Kisa suddenly has the perfect idea (ding!) and just as Riku is turning the page in her book, Kisa steals it. Riku glares up at her sister, but seeing Kisa's innocent look on her face, Riku can't help but laugh. Riku quickly runs after Kisa, laughing all the way. CLOSE ANGLE ON THE PRAYER BEADS We see Kisa run past, and then come back and steal the prayer beads from their rest on the bedpost. KISA Come on, can't catch me! RIKU (joking) You kidding, you're slower than a three-toed sloth! KISA What's a three-tailed sloth? RIKU ... tailed? ... FAVORING COUCH Kisa runs into the couch and rolls. RIKU Riku is almost at the couch. BACK TO KISA Kisa runs straight into the table. WIDER Kisa slides across the floor and laughs until she stops in front of... their MOM! MRS. HEARTLAND MRS. HEARTLAND (euphoric) Ah! How did you do it?! FAVORING KISA KISA (confused) Huh? Do what? WIDER Mrs. Heartland is ready to jump up and down, she's beyond happy. MRS. HEARTLAND You didn't change! How'd you do it? Kisa is thoroughly and utterly confused. Then a lightbulb flashes above her head. Kisa looks questioningly at the beads. KISA (muttering) MAYBE… just maybe... SLOWLY CLOSE-UP ON KISA AND FOLLOW Kisa puts the beads on the table. The others are watching curiously in the b.g. Kisa jumps up and runs around and around. FOCUS ON B.G. All of the others are still watching, but incredulously now as Kisa turns into a fox and trots over to the table. Jumping on a chair next to the table she then jumps on the table. FOCUS ON F.G. Kisa slowly pushes her paw through the beads. A creaking sound is heard, and she's suddenly sitting on the table. Jumping up she hugs her mom. FULL ON RIKU, KISA, AND MRS. HEARTLAND CLOSER ON KISA AND MRS. HEARTLAND KISA We got it! Riku thanks so much! We have it! Kisa smiles happily and then another lightbulb goes on over her head. KISA So... mum, you know I love you. MRS. HEARTLAND (exasperatedly) What do you want? KISA Can I go to school now? FADE OUT END OF ACT ONE ACT TWO FADE IN: FULL ON RIKU, KISA, AND MRS. HEARTLAND RIKU (accusingly) Kisa! You know how dangerous your idea is? CLOSER ON KISA AND RIKU Kisa glares at Riku, then turns and smiles innocently at Mrs. Heartland. WIDER MRS. HEARTLAND Although Riku is right, you need to learn to be social and only High School can let you do that. Yuki Yama is close, and it's a really nice high school. Maybe you can apply... KISA Thanks mom! Thank-you so much! CLOSER ON KISA AND MRS. HEARTLAND Kisa gives Mrs. Heartland a humongous hug. WIDER Kisa leaps out of the hug and her mantra beads slide off her hand. She lands as a fox and grins a wolfish grin. Taking the beads with her claws, she flicks them over the paw, and runs up the stairs, changing all the way up. WIPE TO: INT. GRYFFIN HOUSEHOLD DAY CLOSE ON ARDWIN Ardwin, a dark muscular fifteen-year old, is shirtless and we hear his mother, Mrs. Gryffin laughing. CLOSE ON MRS. GRYFFIN Mrs. Gryffin is chasing Ardwin. CLOSE ON PORCH DOORS The doors burst open and Ardwin comes through. CLOSE ON ARDWIN Ardwin trips on a coiled hose on the deck and spreads his wings, dark feathered wings, and flaps them twice, keeping him from falling. Landing lightly on his feet, he sees his mother, turns around, eyes still on her, and walks into a tree. Falling down into the snow, he gets up too fast and falls over again. Using the tree as a handhold he picks himself up and shakes out his feathers. FAVORING MRS. GRYFFIN Mrs. Gryffin laughs at him and leans against the porch doors. Then a glimpse of unease flits through her features. Shaking her head she laughs again. WIDER ARDWIN What's wrong, mum? MRS. GRYFFIN Nothing honey. Nothing at all. ARDWIN Mum, you know you can't pull that one on me. Were you going to tell me something? MRS. GRYFFIN (hesitantly) Okay... honey, there's something I have to tell you. ARDWIN ... MRS. GRYFFIN (bluntly) Now that you've gotten older, you've been eating well for a growing boy, but with only your father's wages we don't have enough money to keep letting you eat like this. So I'm going to start working as well, meaning that you have to go to school. FAVORING ARDWIN ARDWIN (incredulous) What?! MRS. GRYFFIN O.S. (continuing) ... We'll have to bind your wings... and I know that's going to be MRS. GRYFFIN O.S. Unpleasant. We found a school close by. In fact, it's so close it's walking distance. (slightly happy) A good thing too, because we don't have to spend money on gas. (more serious) It's getting so expensive these days. ... I'm sorry honey... but we don't have the money. Ardwin looks a bit depressed but sees his mothers crestfallen face at his face, so he grinned and nodded. WIDER ARDWIN Okay mum! I guess... it'll be fun, meeting other kids. Ardwin grins. FADE TO: INT. GRYFFIN HOUSEHOLD CONTINUOUS CLOSE ANGLE ON ARDWIN Ardwin is in jeans. WIDER Next to him, his mother is holding a roll of bandages. Wrapping it underneath his arm and circling around. His eyes quickly shut close in pain. ARDWIN (groaning in pain) She circles several more times, and he cries out very time. By the time she finishes with the roll he has tears in his eyes. Securing the bandages, she hands him a t-shirt, and he puts it on. His mother gets an aspirin and hands it to him. Sitting down, he takes it gratefully. EXT. SIDEWALK SNOWY DAY DISSOLVE TO: FULL SHOT ON SIDEWALK Ardwin is walking down the sidewalk with a very thick marshmallow coat. His head is down. PAN TO KISA Kisa is coming on the opposite way. As both sidewalks merge and go the same way, Kisa and Ardwin are walking next to each other. Kisa is in a sleeveless shirt and skirt and shivering. KISA Hello. ARDWIN Good Morning. Ardwin looks at Kisa next to him, and gives her double-take. ARDWIN (incredulous) What are you wearing? KISA (matter-of-factly) My outfit. Ardwin looks at her for a moment and then takes off his coat. Underneath is a light jean jacket. ARDWIN Are you crazy? Here. Giving the coat to Kisa, as she accepts it, Ardwin grins. ARDWIN How do you like that? KISA ... Thank... thanks, a lot. Kisa pulls it on quickly and a clatter is heard as her beads fall to the ground. Ardwin leans down and picks it up, and as he looks up he stops and he looks shocked. P.O.V. KISA'S HEAD (LOOKING DOWN) On top of Kisa's head there are some furry fox ears. WIDER ANGLE Kisa looks wondering at him as he continues to stare at her. Cautiously Kisa puts her hand on top of her head, a frightened look on her face as she feels her ears, and grabs her beads and runs away. Ardwin continues to stare at her as she runs away but finally he runs after her. FAVORING KISA'S FOOT Kisa's foot slides on the ice and the sidewalk. ZOOM OUT Kisa comically tries to stay up and Ardwin rushes up and catches her. She sinks into his arms tiredly and a puff of breath comes out as she sighs in relief. Kisa suddenly wards him off, waving her arms wildly in an insane attempt to get free. Suddenly she slips again and lands on her butt. Tears in each eye she looks up at Ardwin. KISA ... Why aren't you afraid? Ardwin picks her up from the ground and brushes the dirt off. ARDWIN ... Because... I'm alike, just a bit different. Ardwin slowly turns his back on Kisa, taking off his jacket. He then lifts his shirt up. KISA (sotto) Those are... wings. P.O.V. ARDWIN'S WINGS Ardwin's wings are bound tightly, and where they connect to his back is a bit of dried blood. Kisa's hand pets the wings softly and then her hand draws back as Ardwin's white shirt obscures our view. TILT UP AND ZOOM OUT TO WAIST-SHOT Ardwin turns around and touches her ears lightly. Drawing his hand back he laughs and she joins his laughter. Continuing to walk they grin for a little bit. KISA What's your name? ARDWIN I'm Ardwin Gryffin. And you? KISA Your name sounds... birdish. (laugh) Mine's Kisa Heartland... Have you had your wings for a long time? Suddenly serious Ardwin looks at Kisa, nods, and then smiles. ARDWIN Yes, since I was a baby. (pauses) You? How long have you had your ears? KISA Oh, no, not just the ears. (laughs) Since I was young I'd turn into a fox when I had temper tantrums or when I got real excited. ARDWIN Do you have regular parents? KISA No, it was because of my transformations too. My mum had taken me to day care... RIPPLE DISSOLVE: INT. DAYCARE ROOM -- BEFORE (KISA, LITTLE KISA) Little Kisa is on the ground, pounding the floor with her legs and arms. INTERCUT BETWEEN LITTLE KISA'S HEAD AND BACK END. Two furry fox ears pop from her head, and a tail rips through the material. ZOOM OUT TO SHOW LITTLE KISA She is now rolling as a small fox. BACK TO WOMAN PAN TO WINDOW We hear revving of engine and then acceleration. BACK TO LITTLE KISA She's back into human form again. Little Kisa is looking around. LITTLE KISA Mommy… mommy, where are you? RIPPLE DISSOLVE: EXT. SIDEWALK SNOWY DAY -- CONTINUOUS LONG SHOT - SIDEWALK ZOOM IN ON KISA AND ARDWIN Both Kisa and Ardwin are still walking to the school. FAVORING KISA KISA Mrs. Heartland, the Day care teacher found me and took me home. And there I stayed. I have a foster sister, Riku who is also not normal. She was born with a birthmark, but it was rather different. ARDWIN O.S. Why is that important? KISA The birthmark faded as she grew older and when it was completely gone her personality was totally different it was like she was a monster. So now, we have the design of her birthmark on her clothes and it seems to calm the demon within her. OTS ARDWIN My parents aren't my real parents either; I was abandoned at birth… BACK TO KISA KISA Seems like neither of our real parents wanted us. ARDWIN (softly) True. EXT. YUKI YAMA DAY P.O.V. YUKI YAMA People are milling towards the school. INT. YUKI YAMA DAY ANGLE ON DOORS Ardwin and Kisa come in. ANGLE ON BOARD ON the board we see: Last names starting with: A-H MS. KINGSLEY I-Q MR. LAKESIDE R-Z MISS LUKESON Next to the paper with the homerooms is a map of the school. CLOSE ANGLE ON MAP We see Ardwin's finger pointing to Ms. Kingsley's room. Ardwin's finger draws back and small chibi forms of Ardwin's and Kisa's head are on the map. We watch as they head towards Ms. Kingsley's room. CLOSE ON MS. KINGSLEY'S DOOR AND SOME SURROUNDING WALL The name: Kingsley is on the wall next to the door. WIDER FULL ON CLASSROOM Ardwin opens the door and FIRST BULLY and SECOND BULLY look at Ardwin and Kisa as they come in the door. Both of the bullies get up and walk towards Ardwin and Kisa. CLOSER ON BOTH BULLIES, ARDWIN AND KISA FIRST BULLY I'm assuming you're new here? ARDWIN (nods) Yes. SECOND BULLY How 'bout you, sweetie? Kisa slowly backs up, and Ardwin protectively stands in front of her. FIRST BULLY (drawl) Aw, little girlie don't be so tense, we're just teasin' ya. ARDWIN (angrily) Don't mess with her! SECOND BULLY Aw, come on, we're just havin' fun. ARDWIN (frustrated) She doesn't like it! FIRST BULLY So you and the little girlie are together. CLOSER ON ARDWIN AND KISA Kisa's eyes turn to an x and she shakes her head furiously, blushing. Ardwin blushes, and then sees Kisa's furious denial. ARDWIN (annoyed) You don't have to deny it so quickly. Kisa turns to Ardwin. KISA (small-voice) I'm sorry. Ardwin's face quickly softens as he sees Kisa's regretful face. WIDER FIRST BULLY How can you deny it so loudly and then go lovey-dovey on us! ARDWIN We're not going lovey-dovey! KISA (sarcastic) And I deny it quickly. ARDWIN ... FIRST BULLY (disgusted) So what would you call yourselves? ARDWIN You don't need to know everything, leave us alone! First Bully gets mad. FIRST BULLY (angry) Are you trying to tell ME what to do? ARDWIN Yes, I'm telling you to leave us alone! FIRST BULLY That's it, punk! No one tells me what to do! First Bully throws a punch but pulls it back and both bullies scurry to their seats. FULL ON CLASSROOM The door opens and Ms. Kingsley walks in. ARDWIN Good morning, Ms. Kingsley. I'm Ardwin Gryffin and this is Kisa Heartland, we're the two new kids. MS. KINGSLEY Good morning to you too, I'm glad you found my class, and please take the two open seats in the back. Everyone come up as I call attendance to receive your schedules. FOLLOW Ardwin and Kisa sit in their seats in the back. PAN TO TEACHER The teacher is calling people up in the b.g. In the f.g. corner First Bully is mouthing something. FAVORING FIRST BULLY FIRST BULLY (whisper) I'll get you after class… punk. BRRING! The bell rings. ANGLE ON DOOR The door opens and several students walk out of the door, itself shutting behind them. Kisa opens the door and comes out, then Ardwin. Soon behind are the two bullies. FAVORING ARDWIN The First Bully gets nose-to-nose with Ardwin. FIRST BULLY Do you dare to say it again? ARDWIN (sarcastically) I'm sorry, I don't know what you're talking about? FIRST BULLY (talking through clenched teeth) You don't want me to tell you... WIDER Ardwin stands protectively in front of Kisa and we... FADE OUT: END OF ACT TWO ACT THREE FADE IN: FULL SHOT YUKI YAMA CONTINUOUS FIRST BULLY You don't want me to tell you... ARDWIN (furiously) Fine, leave... Kisa... out of this. FIRST BULLY You can't do anything to support your statement, can you? Wimp. CLOSER ON ARDWIN AND KISA Ardwin and Kisa turn around and start to walk away. FAVORING FIRST BULLY First Bully clenches his fist and teeth and rushes forward. ANGLE ON ARDWIN First Bully throws a hard punch on Ardwin's back and Ardwin falls. The First bully picks him back up again and pushes him down a second time. ARDWIN (slight whimper in pain) CLOSE ANGLE ON ARDWIN'S BACK Through the white shirt, blood is obvious. FULL ON BOTH BULLIES, ARDWIN AND KISA FIRST BULLY Wuss! You some kind of patient or somethin'? You're bleeding! First Bully looks down on Ardwin again and runs, the Second Bully quickly follows. Kisa lands on her knees next to Ardwin and lightly touches Ardwin's back. Ardwin flinches and more blood stains his shirt. KISA Ardwin! Are you... Help! Somebody! ANGLE ON HALLWAY KLATA KLATA! Footsteps are heard and DOCTOR BLAKE comes running through the hallway. Doctor Blake has a doctors white jacket on and black slacks. He's in his mid, or late-twenties with jet-black hair. FAVORING DOCTOR BLAKE Doctor Blake looks at Ardwin and his eyes widen as he spots the blood on Ardwin's back. P.O.V. BLOOD ON ARDWIN'S BACK BACK TO DOCTOR BLAKE Doctor Blake picks up Ardwin carefully and rushes back through the hallway. Kisa quickly follows. INT. DOCTOR'S OFFICE -- MOMENTS LATER Doctor Blake puts Ardwin down on the bed, back up. He slowly eases Ardwin's shirt off, and gasps as he sees the wings. P.O.V. ARDWIN'S WINGS Where the wings are connected to Ardwin has blood on them. FULL ON DOCTOR BLAKE, KISA, AND ARDWIN Doctor Blake tears off the bandages and lets the wings free. They slowly spread out, shudder, and lie against the bed. SLOW INTERCUT BETWEEN DOCTOR, WINGS, AND KISA DOCTOR BLAKE So... he has wings... KISA ... He has them. DOCTOR BLAKE You don't seem surprised. KISA No. DOCTOR BLAKE No... why not? KISA Why should I tell you? DOCTOR BLAKE Maybe, because he's laying there and I'm about to work on him... I need to know. KISA (Pauses for a moment) Ardwin has had wings since he was little. DOCTOR BLAKE And you? KISA What about me? DOCTOR BLAKE (motions to Kisa) Something tells me that you have a secret of your own. KISA ... A secret of my own. DOCTOR BLAKE A secret I can keep. If you get hurt sometime, I'll be the one taking care of you and if you have secrets from me I can't help you! KISA (sotto) Fine, what do you need to know? DOCTOR BLAKE (graciously) What do you want to tell me? KISA I turn into a fox. See these? CLOSE ANGLE ON BEADS Kisa shakes her wrist and the beads clatter noisily. WIDER KISA These are the only things that keep me from turning into a fox. DOCTOR BLAKE A fox? So you're a foxy lady? KISA Yes, a fox I shall be until you figure out my name. (pause) Kisa and Doctor Blake start laughing immediately. DOCTOR BLAKE You know the Knights' Tale? KISA Of course! I love that show! DOCTOR BLAKE (seeming to regain his composure) Sorry about that. Shall we continue? KISA Yeah. (laugh) So... Since I was young I would have temper tantrums or something along those lines and I'd turn into a fox. The transformations were slower when I was younger and now it's pretty much poof! Doctor Blake starts to stroke his chin. DOCTOR BLAKE (imitate psychologist) That is interesting. KISA What are you a psychologist? DOCTOR BLAKE Only if the school needs me to be. And pose! Doctor Blake goes in a quick pose, and then relaxes and sits back down. Somehow he kept his serious look even though Kisa was laughing hysterically. KISA Heh. Both Doctor Blake and Kisa look a little more relaxed and at ease with each other. ARDWIN (groans in pain) Doctor Blake looks at Ardwin and then rushes over, leaning over Ardwin he quickly says to Kisa: DOCTOR BLAKE You're secrets safe with me. Doctor Blake turns back to Ardwin and washes the blood from the wounds and applies hydrogen peroxide. He quickly and efficiently bandages the wounds and then rests the wings on Ardwin's back. Then with a doctor's precision he binds the wings. DOCTOR'S OFFICE- NIGHT The doctor is sleeping in his chair. FAVORING ARDWIN Ardwin is still unconscious, lying on the bed back up. WIDER Next to his bedside, Kisa watches Ardwin, and then turns and looks at the clock. FAVORING CLOCK 9:00 WIDER Kisa shakes her head, closes her eyes for a moment and heads out the door. DOCTORS OFFICE - DAY CLOSE ANGLE ON ARDWIN Ardwin stirs and wakes up. WIDER On the table next to his bed is his clothes. FAVORING CLOCK About five minutes before 8:00. FULL ON DOCTORS OFFICE The doctors chair is empty and Ardwin is now changed and glances at the clock and runs out the door. CUT TO: MS. KINGSLEY'S ROOM -- CONTINUOUS FULL ON CLASSROOM Ms. Kingsley is at her desk. ARDWIN Good morning, Ms. Kingsley. MS. KINGSLEY Good morning, Ardwin. I heard you got hurt yesterday, are you okay? ARDWIN (confused) I... got hurt? MS. KINGSLEY Yeah, you did something with your back. ARDWIN I don't remember. If anything, I'm much better now! Ardwin heads towards his seat and stirs uncomfortably. RIPPLE DISSOLVE: DOCTOR'S OFFICE - BEFORE P.O.V. KISA Ardwin's p.o.v. is looking up at Kisa. Kisa looks at the clock, looks at him, closes her eyes for a moment, and then heads out the door. RIPPLE DISSOLVE: FULL SHOT MS. KINGSLEYS ROOM -- CONTINUOUS Kisa comes through the door, other are milling in as well. Kisa immediately heads over to Ardwin KISA Ardwin! Ardwin, are you okay? ARDWIN Yeah, I'm just fine. Why? KISA Are you saying you don't remember? ARDWIN What would I have to remember? KISA You hurt your... (brings voice down to whisper) Wings. ARDWIN (confused and slightly concerned) How'd I do that? KISA ... those two. WIDEN OUT The two bullies come striding over to Kisa and Ardwin, Second Bully leans over Ardwin's desk. First Bully puts his face close to Ardwin. CLOSE ANGLE ON FIRST BULLY FIRST BULLY You wuss. We hit you twice and you were down for the count. Couldn't protect the little girlie over there for the life of you. (Laughs, and then suddenly serious spits on Ardwin) WIDEN OUT The two bullies walk back to their desk. By now everyone is in their seats, and Ms. Kingsley is calling attendance. MS. KINGSLEY Derek Ward... DEREK Here. The bell rings, and everyone gets up and heads out of the classroom. Ardwin and Kisa hurry up and the two bullies follow close behind. WIDE ANGLE ON DOOR A few students come out, and then Ardwin and Kisa come out. Finally the two bullies come out of the door and rush Kisa and Ardwin. CLOSE ANGLE ON HALLWAY Students are milling about in the hallway and watch as the two bullies rush at Kisa and Ardwin. The students mutter to themselves, but are quieted as Ardwin backhands the First Bully. First Bully falls to the ground. FAVORING KISA Second Bully grabs Kisa, and notices her bracelet. SECOND BULLY Aw... so pretty... did your boyfriend buy it for you? Second Bully takes the beads from Kisa and backs off. CLOSE ANGLE ON KISA Kisa starts shaking and she clenches her fists. The students on the sides are watching her and muttering such things as: why is she shaking... this is interesting... what's wrong with her... etc. PAN TO ARDWIN AND RAPID PAN TO SECOND BULLY Ardwin is in a fighting pose, the First Bully is still on the ground. Second Bully is also in a pose and they throw a few punches. CLOSE ANGLE ON KISA Kisa is still shaking uncontrollably. FADE OUT END OF ACT THREE |