Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1175782-Beautiful
by bLUE
Rated: E · Short Story · Other · #1175782
Beauty does not lie skin-deep
Once upon a time, there was a girl named Fiona. She had three eyes and four noses, and all of her toes were curled under. Because of her unusual characteristics, she was often teased and humiliated, ridiculed and laughed at. People had called her names and taunted her until she cried and ran away. They had tortured her with words and sometimes they would spit or throw things at her. She knew she wasn't pretty, and she was so put down by almost everyone she came into contact with, she didn't think she was smart either. So she didn't try in school, and got bad grades, and the teachers decided she was "special" and put her in a class with such. This only heightened the ridicule, with her being "retarded" as an added punch. She was lonely and depressed and had no hope for what the future held for her. She thought she was destined to be forever shockingly lurid and stupid.

Then, one day, she saw a boy. He had soft brown hair and most enchanting blue eyes she had ever seen. He had lovely white teeth that complimented his heart-stopping smile beyond all reason. His skin was so flawless it looked like the earths elements had never touched it, and it was celebrated by only the tiniest hint of masculine stubble.

When she saw him, he was not attempting to look like anything special, but to her he shone amist everyone and everything surrounding. He was with a group of friends, male and female, and she watched in awe as warmth seemed to radiate out from him and touch all the others around. The boys he was with, though about the same build and height, all seemed small and sunken, as if the only reason that they were even standing upright was because of this gorgeous god's strength that reached them. The girls, Fiona noticed, all seemed to sense the power of this unnamed wonder, and they groomed themselves and tried their best to entice any attention they could from him. It was all in vain though. Not because he was snotty and felt the need to ignore their feeble attempts to win his heart in order to maintain his look or repute, but because he was not aware of them.

Fiona was drawn to him. She walked over to him as if in a daze, and then stood before him, saying nothing, just looking at him. The girls attacked immediately stabbed her with their dagger-like words and taunts. They called her ugly, they called her a freak, they laughed in her face. They were all overjoyed that this hideous beast had came to confront the object of their affection, and waited anxiously to see how she would be rejected, as they had all unwittingly been. The boys smirked at her as well. And although they were not the poisionous words that were spewed from the mouths of the girls they were with, they were just as hurtful. But Fiona didn't really notice. She was so engulfed in his very presence, she didn't take in the things around her.

The boy stood there for a moment, surprised at the girls appearance, but he didnt snicker or make a nasty comment. He didn't even really flinch as most did when they first saw her. She stared at him, and he stared right back. His surrounding party watched and waited eagerly to see what he would say to her.

When he did finally speak, his voice was soft and smooth like velvet. She could almost reach out and stroke his words as they streamed from his mouth. She was so absorbed in how his voice had cuddled around her like a soft blanket, she didn't respond to them at first. So he spoke again, in the same tone, in the same soothing way, "What's your name?"

This time she understood the words, and she gulped hard and blinked all three eyes hard.

"My name is Fiona," she told him softly, "What's yours?"

"Eli," he answered.

Eli. The Wonder had a name. It was a beautiful name. Somehow, it fit him just like a tailored glove. She instantly fell in love with his name, just as quickly as she had a moment before when she laid eyes on him.

"You're beautiful," she announced to him.

The girls shrieked with laughter at her remark. It was so brutally obvious and absolutely ludicrous that she was say such a thing. The boys laughed outright, with some of the laughter tainted with jealousy because they knew it was true. Both waited to see what Eli would say next.

Eli did not respond immediately. He only looked at her, deep into all her three eyes, two of which were violet and the middle one a dark brown. He seemed to look beyond her abundance of eyes and noses, and deep into the soul that was there within. The soul that was still untouched by the bitterness and sadness that was caused by so many years of people harassing her. He saw how attractive her spirit was, how stunning her heart was, and how breathtakingly intelligent she had the potenial to be was. He was taken with her. Never had he seen such a solid representaion of beauty in his life.

"As are you," he told her.

The faces of both the girls and the boys he was with dropped. They paused for a punchline. They waited for him to come back with a cruel remark. A laugh to indicate he was joking. A wink their way to assure them what he said was not, by any means, what he meant. But none of that came. In fact, they were even more astonished when he reached out and took her hand, and walked away with her.

Her abnormal appearance had entranced him just as his almost immortal appearance had entranced her. They both could see each other for who they were on the inside, and they loved each other for this.

The moral of the story is obvious. The reason for writing such a story, is not. My mind is mysterious. Even I shall never know what's going on in there.

This story was actually written quite a long time ago. I found it recently and decided to post it, moreso because I wanted something in my portfolio than reads and reviews, but since I've gotten good feedback since, I would love some more! Constructive criticism is always appreciated. I realize that the theme is overused and often cheesy, but I would hope it proved to be good entertainment anyways. Thanks again for the read.
© Copyright 2006 bLUE (blueskies024 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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