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Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Emotional · #1175655
when sarah lost her bestfriend she becomes lost but Kyan helps sarah out
Chapter 1
Of friends and love

         The sun shone in the room almost like the beam from a flash light it was just after 7:00 pm on a nice Saturday in early December. Sarah looked around the room searching through Kevin’s old things. ‘Its got to be in here some where’ she thought to herself as she looked in the boxes full of all the things that were once his. Inside the box she finally found it an old ring that he had always worn on a chain. It was his great-great grand mothers and almost a hundred years old.
         Sarah took the ring from its small old box and held it in her hands. It was a simple silver band with a diamond in the middle of two emeralds and two sapphires. She took the ring and walked out of the room headed back to her car.
         She drove herself to the stake dance, not really wanting to go, but knowing that her friends wouldn’t let her miss it. She pulled in to the parking lot slipping the ring on to her silver chain necklace, then she put it on, Sarah climbed out of her car and walked in to the dance looking for her friends. She quickly found Katelin and started to pretend to be having a good time.
         Giving Katelin the slip Sarah left the gym and slowly walked around the outside of the church building. Letting the tears fall down her cheeks. This was her first dance with out Kevin, and she missed him so bad. She walked around the building not realizing that anyone else was around.
         Kyan saw a short, brunette girl walking around the church building with tears in her eyes. He watched her walk around the building, and by the 5th time of her coming around he went to see what was wrong. He walked up to her and just started to walk next to her.
         “Hey, I’m Kyan, I just moved into the neighborhood and I saw you and I just wanted to make sure everything is ok; is there anything that I could do for you?” Kyan spoke to Sarah.
         “I’m Sarah, and there isn’t anything that you can do for me, I’m just having a hard time because my good friend passed away a few weeks ago and so he isn’t here, and its just really hard; so no there isn’t anything you can do for me” Sarah responded
         “Ok, then can I at least walk with you? Offer some comfort, you know. It’s never good to cry alone.” Kyan told Sarah
         “OK, you can walk with me.” Sarah whispered. The two of them walked once around the building in complete silence when Kyan chose to speak.
         “How close were you and your friend?”
         “We were close, very close. He wasn’t just my best friend he was my life, my love.” Sarah said softly.
         “Oh, I’m sorry, when did he pass away?”
         “He died two weeks ago.”
         “How did it happen?”
         “I’d rather not talk about that right now.” She whispered and kept walking around the church with Kyan right behind her.
         “Are you ready to go in now?”
         “Yeah, I am ready to go back in.”
         “OK, would you like a hug?” Kyan asked her softly.
         For the first time in the hour that they had been walking around Sarah finally took a good look at Kyan. He was absolutely stunning; he was about 6’ 2” and had semi-short brownish red hair. He had the oddest green-blue eyes that she couldn’t stop staring at.
         “Yeah I guess that I would like a hug.” Sarah said with first true smile that she’d worn scene that day. Kyan smiled in return as he saw how beautiful that Sarah could be when she smiled. He gently wrapped her in a hug that was firm and steady but soft and gentle. He was so perfect, her heart still longed for Kevin back, but it was starting to like the Ideal of this new Kyan guy.
         “Hey Kyan is it ok if I hold your hand?” Sarah shyly asked. Kyan didn’t respond he just took her hand in his as they walked back in to the dance hall together. When they entered the dance hall a slow song had just started to play, It was Bryan Adams “(everything I do) I do it for you” Sarah quickly turned towards Kyan
         “This was our song, he sang it to me all the time” Sarah said in a distressed voice.
         “Do you want to go back out side until it is over?” Kyan asked
         “No, I just want to dance to it even if it isn’t with him” Sarah whispered. Kyan took that as his cue and took her in to his arms and started to sway to the music. Sarah felt safe in his arms she leaned her head in to his chest and just cried as the song played.
         Kyan gently stroked Sarah’s hair comforting her. He wished he knew how to help her, but he just couldn’t figure anything out. The song came to an end and Kyan went to pull away, but Sarah wouldn’t let go
         “What’s wrong?” Kyan asked, Sarah just held on even tighter and cried herself to the point that she couldn’t cry anymore. Then she relished Kyan from the death grip she had on him. Then she fell to the floor of the dance hall as if she too were dead.
         Kyan panicked he bent down to see if she was conscious or not. She was unconscious but still breathing steady and her pulse was regular. He shouted for one of the Chaperones of the dance and soon all the kids where pushed out of the way and all the adults where swarming around while calling 9-1-1. No one but Kyan had seen what had happened and so they were all curious about what was going on.
About 5 minutes later the paramedics arrived on the scene. They took all of her vital signs and then they thoroughly questioned Kyan on what had happened. He calmly told them all bout Sarah and how they had just meat and that she had cried her self to this point and it was just an overload.
         The paramedic put her on to the cart and wheeled her out to the ambulance, leaving Kyan behind. He was scared and frightened; he had only known the girl for about an hour and a half but he somehow had started to care about her. Kyan did the only thing that he could think of at the time, he went off in to one of the rooms and fell to his knees and prayed.
“Dear Heavenly Father, I’m so greatful for the chance that I have to be on this earth, and for all of my wonderful blessing, the house that I have to live in the new city that we have moved to and for the new friends that I am making. Heavenly Father I need your help you see, Sarah and I just met to day, but she is one of the most amazing girls I have ever known that is why I need you to comfort me, and for you to bless her” by this tears where falling down Kyans’ face “I need you to watch over her and if it be thy will for you to save her. She is the first girl I’ve ever met who didn’t look at me and criticize everything about me. She let me help her, and I don’t want to give up on her, but I can’t do it alone. I need your help Heavenly Father. I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.” Kyan stayed on his knees in the corner of the room for almost a whole 5 minutes before he got up and went to find Sarah at the hospital.
         Kyan’s mind was on auto-pilot as he walked out to the parking lot. When he reached his car he pulled the keys out of his pocket then opened the door and slid in. He leaned his head against the steering wheel, ‘Why do I care so much about her, I mean I’ve only know her for an hour and a half why do I CARE’ he shouted to him self. He put the keys in the ignition and started the car; then he pulled out of the parking lot. Once he reached the first stop light he realized that he had no clue where he was going. He pulled over at a gas station and asked them where the paramedics would have taken her. The clerk gave Kyan directions to the St. John hospital, which was less then a mile away. Kyan drove to the hospital and then parked his car. He calmly walked in to the hospital and headed to a receptionist desk.
         “Hello, can I help you?” The nurse asked
         “Yeah I’m looking for a girl named Sarah she was brought here by an ambulance, I need to know if she ok.” Kyan told the nurse in distress.
         “Do you know her last name?”
         “No madam, I don’t, I’m sorry.”
         “Do you know about how long a go she was brought in?”
         “Yeah it was sometime a little after 9:30ish”
         “Ok lets see, um… ok lets she, cried her self into a fever and then went unconscious”
         “Yeah, where can I find her? “
         “Room 2463”
         “Thanks” Kyan said as he walked off
         He chose to take the stairs to the second floor; they were faster then the elevator. He reached the second floor and took a right down the hall numbered 400, then quickly found room 2463. He knocked on the door, just to be on the safe side he didn’t want to intrude on anything important. The door opened to reveal a 5’ 10” woman with brown hair just like Sarah’s and had green eyes.
         “Hello, I’m Kyan, I just moved here and was just getting to know your daughter when this all happened, I was the one that she passed out on in the first place, and I just wanted to cheek on her and spend sometime with her if it was ok with you and the hospital”
         “well, Hello Kyan, Its nice to meet you, yes you are welcome to stay, but she is still not well, the doctors are afraid she is in a comma and they wont be able to get her out of it. By-the-way I am Mrs. Wilson I am Sarah’s mother, please you can call me Asta.” Said Sarah’s mother.
         Kyan followed Mrs. Wilson into the hospital room. It was an ugly sight she had wires everywhere on her and monitors beeping every 10 seconds. Sarah was pale as death, and her hands where cold to the touch. Kyan took one of her hands in his and held it close to his heart.
         “I was just about to call the nurse to come sit with her while I went and got dinner, but now that you here I can just leave you here with her if you don’t mind”
         “No, that’s fine, I would love to watch over you daughter while you went and ate, we don’t want two sick people now do we?”
         “Ok I’ll be back in a few minutes.” And with that Asta left Kyan alone with the one girl he had fallen for.
         Kyan took Sarah’s hand off of the bed where it had been resting and kissed it, then he held it to his heart ‘Sarah you have got to come back, you have to open you eyes just one more time at least, I didn’t get the chance to tell you, and I have to you need to come back you aren’t meant to move on to the spirit world yet. I need you here, you are my only friend in this area and I need you so just come back, just open your eyes, please for me.’ Kyan said to himself as he thought about how good the night had been until she had started crying again.
* * * *
Sarah looked around her; she was in a perfectly white room, and completely alone. She closed her eyes wishing someone was there with her. When she opened her eyes again she saw the most hansom guy in her life, Kevin, he was about 5’ 11” with dark brown hair and blue eyes. She was shocked and confused.
         “Kevin, what is going on, how in the heck did you get here?”
         “I’m not real Sarah; I’m just a figment of nature, something that your mind created to help you get back to the place you belong. You aren’t suppose to be here, you have to go back”
         “How, how do I get back, Kevin tell me how to get back please.” Sarah pleaded with the man she loved.
         “Do you hear him? He’s calling to you that’s how you have to get back, listen and you’ll find your way home, but be warned if you don’t listen to the voice of love then you’ll never make it back.” And with that Kevin was gone. Sarah sat there totally alone trying to hear the voice that Kevin and been speaking about.
         After a few minutes she hared something, it was so faint that she wasn’t even sure that she had heard it. It was almost as if someone was calling to her ‘Sarah, you have got to come back, you have to open you eyes just one more time at least, I didn’t get the chance to tell you, and I have to you need to come back you aren’t meant to move on to the spirit world yet. I need you here, you are my only friend in this area and I need you so just come back, just open your eyes, please for me.’
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
         Kyan felt the hand he was holding grip his and knew that Sarah was coming back. Seconds after he realized she was regaining conscious he saw her eyes open, and he heard her whisper almost to her self ‘thanks Kevin’ but it didn’t matter they had forever to talk about it.
         As Sarah started to regain her consciousness all of the monitors went off, quickly doctors rushed into the room pushing Kyan out in to the hall to stand by waiting for them to let him back in to Sarah.
© Copyright 2006 Michelle*Stromberg (princessbella at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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