Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/117490-The-Mistress-PART-I
by cookie
Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Romance/Love · #117490
the beginning...(I am revising part I to fit Part II. Hope you enjoy.)
          His eyes could cut into her very soul. Dark and brooding, they trapped her in their piercing gaze. His body smothered her with it's very presents. Though her pride pulled, she could not fight his power. Body heavy, breathing labored she tried to come to terms with what was happening.
          "Do you, Lord Alexander Chase, Duke of Hawkswing, take Mellisande Bishop as your lawful wedded wife?" the preacher said, his tone condescending.
          "I do." Chase's voice was richly deep as it echoed through the empty church.
All Mellisande could do was stare at the strong, firm, adept fingers that were gracefully placing the exquisite gold and diamond ring on her finger. Why me, she silently asked God. Why now?
         Her prayer went unanswered. She didn't realize that the preacher was talking until Chase squeezed her hand. Startled she looked up, her dark blue eyes filling with tears.
The preacher looked on expectantly.
         "I-I do." The throaty whisper came out slight horse.
          "Then I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss your bride."
          As Chase leaned to take her soft lips, Mellisande jerked back with a desperate gasp. Breaking way from him, she ran blindly out into the brightness of the sunlight from the dark, cold church.
         Chase stared after his beautiful, virgin bride in amusement. A small smile graced is chiseled face. He knew that this would be a merry chase . Soon enough, my sweet, he thought, that delectable body will be mine and so will revenge. Chase could feel the excitement in his veins and for the first time in five years he felt alive. In more ways then one.
         After giving the preacher a contribution fee he strutted off to find his reluctant bride, leaving the disapproving, but well paid preacher in his wake.
* * * *

         The sun was blinding as his eyes adjusted. His carriage awaited him, with a confused footman at its door.
         "Drive until you've spotted her. She couldn't gotten far." he said as he stepped into the expensive ride.
         "Aye, yer grace." the footman sputtered out.
          In his dark carriage Chase thought of the look on Jack the footman's face. Yes indeed, he thought smiling, wonder what you like. Come tomorrow even you will see the taming of my maiden bride.
* * * *

         Her breathing was labored. How long she had been running she did not know. Why did the king order her to marry such an vile, arrogant man? Why did papa have to die and live me as the king's ward?          George had to be crazy to put these two together. Right now, to Mellisande, life wasn't fair. Nothing in it was fair. Especially Alexander Chase, with his damn seductive eyes. Everything within and outside her being hurt. Her chest, her feet, her soul, her heart. Her whole body felt as it had been torn asunder. Now after loosing her freedom to marriage, all of her independence; she was determined to save the last thing she held dear. The only thing that would only be taken by her death. Her dignity. No one not even Chase will take that. But first she needed a plan.
          She stopped running. This time she was going to stand there and win the battle. She would made Chase fall in love with her by becoming his mistress. Then when he found himself so wrapped up in her she would bring him to his knees!
         This wasn't an easy plan. How does one go about seducing a rake? How do one go about making someone with Chase sexual experience, bend to a virgin's will? Mellisande's mind began to work with lighting speed. A provocative smile began to play on her lips. Of course! Why hadn't she thought of this before? Now, she thought to herself, we will see who is the hunted and who the prey is.
* * * *

         Chase frown began to crease deeper. They had been on the road for a while with no sight of Mellisande. If that little twit has gotten herself into danger he wouldn't know what he would do. He did not come this far just to have his revenge forfeited by some silly chic.
         "Jack is there any sign of her yet?", he said, his voice saturated with agitation. Leaning his head slightly out of his carriage window he focused on the task at hand.
         "Aye, m'lord. I jus' spotted her a ways ahead. Aye! That be her in 'er purty blue." Jack said, his surry acent was filled with a little admiration.
         Good, Chase thought to himself. No time like the present to begin. Thoughts of vengence laid heavily on his mind. Chase was jolted from his thoughts as the carriage stopped. He couldn't stop a greedy smile from forming on his face. The excitment almost boiling over. Opening the carriage door he began to step out, only to be shocked by the vision that appeared in front of him.
         There with her head bowed stood Miellisande. Her golden hair making an halo of curls over the crown of her head. Each strand sparkling like a finely cut diamond. Chase stood there motionless, his heart pounding, the bulge in his pants begin to tighten as heat burned up through his loins and settled in his belly. She took his breath way! Utterly and completely. Her innocence seemed to flow from her very presents.          My God, he thought in wonder, she's an angelic ceature. To Chase she had never looked more beautiful, standing there submissive. Chase began to feel his heart soften then quickly shut out the feeling. He didn't have the time or the inclination to fall for her.
         "Get in, wife." he growled. Mellisande's head jerk up with startled surprise. This was not the seductive voice that he usually used on her. This voice was fierce, bringing an warm shiver up her spine. Even when he was intimidating, he still exude sensuality. This was going to be harder then she thought. Breathing in deep she closed her eyes and put her plan to work. Opening her eyes she silently climbed into the great carriage; taking hold of Chase's strong hand.
         "I care not for you explainations, so I will say this only once. There is no where that you can go that I won't follow, no place that you can hide that I can't find. You were made for one thing and one thing only. My revenge."
         Mellisande bowed her head, trying to fight the burning bile of anger that threatened to rise. She faught for composure,for control. "I'm sorry, your grace." she grounded out. "I-I don't know what came over me. I couldn't kiss you knowing that our marriage is one of convenience; that there is no true affection between us,"she whispered this as she lifted her head, " Maybe I could learn-I mean try to have some affection for you, but, sir, you must know that my heart belongs to another." Please God let this work. This was her silient plea.
         Knowing that Mellisande was in love with someone stired something deep in Chase. He was jealous! This could not be possible. He hadn't been jealous of another man since was sixteen and in love with the butcher's wife. But who was it? Who was this unseen man that had captured Mellisande's heart? And if he had captured that what else of Mellisande's did he acquire.
         What is his name?
         "That, my lord, is something that I could never tell you and you will probably never meet him."
         "Giving up your virture without a ring? And for some milksop, no doubt. I thought you better then that, Mellisande. I thought you smarter then to challenge me." he said, his voice radiating anger.
         She looked up at him, ready to defend her imaginary lover. Her eyes were blazing blue fire as she took on her husband. "How dare you, my lord! You who are known to rut any woman at any time. You who are known in every gaming hell and brothel in England do not have the right to judge me!" she yelled, her breast heaving and face flushed. Looking into his face she saw that she had went too far, but pride and anger made her stand her ground.
         "If you had the least bit of sense then you would know when to stop. Don't think that just because I am a gentlemen that I have to act like one," he said as he griped her arm to pull her close,"Don't think, wife, that you are above a swift, sharp, swat on that delectable little bottom of yours." his words came out in a growling whisper. She was shocked into silence, horrorfied that he would, indeed, follow through. The ride was ridden in silence the rest of the way.That night Chase did not come to her bed. Mellisande let out a sigh of relief as she stared up at the ceiling of her moon lit chamber. Odd, but she felt something was missing, something she wanted and would never have.
* * * *

         A week had passed and Mellisande had not seen Chase nor did she think should would for a while. She knew that she shouldn't have said those terrible things about him not knowing if they were true or not, but pride, once again, got in the way of her finding him and telling him that her behavior was uncalled for. Looking out of her window she glazed at the beautiful grounds that were now her own. She was now Lady Mellisande Chase, duchess of Hawkswing. Now what would she do with her self and this farce of a marriage?
         She had once promised herself that when and if she evered married it would be for love and love only, though she couldn't deny the feelings that Chase had stirred within her. For some reason she was drawn to the man like a magnet. But she would not allow herself to be caught in his spell. Right now she would have to began her plans starting tonight, but now it would cost her more then just her time. Now it would cost her her virginity...
* * * *

         Chase sat in the great leather chair of his private libary, brooding over a glass and very expensive and very smuggled French brandy. He had been like this for an hour now. In one week he had gained one of the most aggravating brides known to man and he still hadn't beded her. Why? That was yet to be answered.
He knew that he could bed her without her consent, but he wanted her screaming beneath him with pleasure. He wanted her body taunt with wanting and limp with release.
         Was she still a virgin? Had her lover laid claim to what was and should be promised to him? God! Just the thought of it was driving him mad. The frustration he was experiencing was like no other. He was angry, yes that's what he felt! Jealousy was too far beneath him. Never in his life had he ever felt jeliousy and damn it, he wouldn't feel it now. He stood up to stand in front of the fire place. Staring down at it he consigned the glass and liquer into the flames.
* * * *

         Dinner was eaten in silence. The tension that passed through them was like an unlucky ship meeting its fate on a rocky shore. It seemed to increase with every biten morsel. She could feel her heart pounding with anticipation. Soon he will be her's. Soon she would have what she wanted. Now looking into his dark features she beginning to feel his heated gaze warm her soft, alabaster skin. Mellisande's breast began to swell and her nipples began to harden under his intense gaze. she could feel her body heat up and turn a flustered pink. Boldly she retrieved a plump grape from one of the silver trys that sat on the table. With a coy smile she slowly brought the succulent fruit to her lips; her teeth catching the delicate skin, she began to slowly peel the grape; letting the sweet juice cover the lush planes of her red lips.
         Still staring at him she rose slowly, careful not to break contact with his gaze and smiled flirtatously at him.
"I am retiring now, my lord. Will you join me?" she said lifting an inquiring brow.
         Chase cleared his throat,"Yes, I shall be up soon, wife." his voice came out low and horse.
         "Well,"she said,"you know where to find me if you need anything at all." and with that she turned and walked away, making sure that Chase was staring at her round buttocks with every sexual step she took.
         As she shut the dinning doors behind her she let out a heavy sigh of relief. She began to run up stairs with unladylike steps. Now was not the time to daddle. She had to put her plan into place and that meant she had to change. She was now about to become her husband's mistress.
indent}Chase sat still staring at the closed door. The bulge in his pants was tightening. His arousal was becomming harder with every breath he took and damned uncomfortable. He had never experienced anything so intense in his life. Not even from the butcher's wife, who's big breast was one of her best assects.
         Taking a deep breath he began to get back under control. He didn't want to make a fool of himself by spilling his seed before he could even get rid of her virginity. Standing up slowly he made his way out the door and up the stairs.
         She was exactly where he knew he would find her. The chamber was dimly lit with candles and the smell of roses was thick in the air. It was intoxicating. Mellisande was sitting on the edge of the great bed. The image of her was breath taking. She was wearing a transparent gown of lace and slik, showing hints of her dusky nipples and the golden thicket of her tawny curls that graced her inner thighs in the shape of an triangle. Mellisande herself, however, felt like an complete fool. She not only didn't know what she was doing, she didn't know if she could go through with the plan. Fortitudeshe prayed.
         Slowly she stood up. She could feel the warm glow of embarassment flood her face and for once in her life she wished she wasn't a virgin.
         "I've been waiting for you." she said in a almost inaudible whisper.
         Chase came to stand in front of her. "Are you sure you are ready?"
         Unable to speak she nodded her head in quick agreement. Chase's strong hands slowly came to her face, brushing the curls off checks. Mellisande let out a small grasp. His touch was electric. Just the touch of him made her body tingle. His smel; intoxicating. Mellisande's eye's drifted close, willing Chase to kiss her soft, pink, pouty lips. The first touch of his lips was like water quniching a thirst that had thrived inside her.
         Mellisande began to understand what it was like to be a woman when Chase's hands moved to caress her young, ripe breast. "Oh, Alex."she moaned in the warm haven of his mouth.
         Chase moved to untie the flimsy strings that was holding her gown together. Startled, Mellisande jumped back cluching the strings in her shaking hand. Her eyes were large, liquid blue pools of uncertianty, fear and passion.
         Chase smiled slow and began to walk towards her. "My dear Melly, you are indeed the young virgin. Come to me. Let me take the doubt away. Let me love you."
         She fell limply in his arms. Chase began to remove the gown. "I won't hurt you, sweetheart." he said as he kissed her creamy, smooth shoulder. Kissing her lips softly he lifted her nude body and place it on the cool satin coverlet. Standing in front of the bed Chase began to tug off his clothes. His powerful muscles playing gracefully under his taunt skin.
         Staring at him Mellisande now knew why women flocked to him. He was absolutly beautiful. His hands made their way to his britches and her heart began to pound harder. Soon she was face to face with the object of what was proably the obsession of even the oldest widow or married woman alive.
         His organ was stiff, hard and erect. Yes, Lord Chase was very well endowed. She closed her eyes to gain control. Remember, she told herself, remember why you are here. She felt the bed give way to Chase's towering body.
         Chase didn't know where to start. His hands decided for him. They began to made their way up her sleck, smooth, firm legs.
Mellisande almost exploded with passion when she felt his cool hands on her hot, excited body and gasped with pleasure when she felt his warm lips on her inner thigh. Both made their way up her body as if one was in a race with the other. Both wanting the great reward of the first taste, first touch of the warm heat that was covered with dewy, curls.
         It was a tie.
         Chase's mouth covered her in a passionate kiss, making her cry in sweet agony, while he gently rubbed the violently pink nub that was hidden in the soft curls. This almost sending her off the bed.
         "That's it love reach for it." he commanded in a horse whisper; taking one his strong, long fingers into her tight, hot, wet passage.
         "Oh God. Oh Alex, "she cried,"This is beyound anyhthing. I-I want, I want-"
         "Yes, my love. Tell me what you want."
         Mellisande moaned, urgently shaking her head in embaressment and intense pleasure, afriad to tell, to ask.
         "Tell me." he demanded softly.
         "Please! Oh please, Alex." her voice came out a whimper. Her hands grabed hold to the sheets.
         "Tell me," he urged on.
         "I want-I want you." she said in breathy sigh. With that he moved up her body and kissed the hard rose petals of her nipples. Softly biting and tugging them, ten sucking them hard, hungrily. Mellisande had never felt anything like this in her life. If this was lovemaking then she wanted it to go on forever. The heat between her legs began to throb.
         "That's good to know." he said with a cynical smile playing on his face. Chase rolled off the bed breathing hard. Leaving the warm, soft body cold.
         Mellisande looked up at him bewildered,"I don't understand." she said shakingly.
         "There's nothing to understand, my dear Melly. Did you really think that I would fall for your trick? You know at first I thought that this is what I wanted, don't get me wrong, I still do."
         "Then why did you stop?" she asked, her voice quivering with tears.
         "It took me awhile to catch on. There you where in all your virginal glory and trying to seduce me. Did you really think that I would fall for your petty attempts?"he laughed sadistedly. "It would take more then your clumsy attempts to tame me."
         Breathing hard she stood up bold and naked. She raised her head high. "I would have you remember those words when I have you screaming with pleasure then we'll see who has tamed whom." and with that she walked out of the chamber and into her own rooms.
         She shut the mahogany door behind her. She had no idea what she was doing. What possessed her to think that she could defeat him in such a way. She had never even seen a man naked before. In a way she was relieved, after she saw his endowments she didn't think that they would fit and pain had never been her forte. Still the way he kissed her, the way her touched her, it was like nothing she had ever felt.
         She found out what it was like to be possessed by a man's lust. It felt good. It felt very, very, good.
* * * *

         If he was in his right mind he would have known better then to turn her down. What was wrong with him, he thought as he stared down at his lawns, which were now soaked from the heavy morning rains. He knew what she was about from the beginning so why hadn't he just enjoyed her and mocked her in the morning? Why? Chase head fell with a dud against the windowpane. I know why, because of...
         "My lord?"
         Chase lifted his startled head up to find his bulter and batman, Jinks, standing at his office door."Yes, Jinks."
         Jinks cleard his throat uncomfortably, "You have a visitor,sir."
         "Here? Who?"
         Jinks tugged his stiff white collar as if trying to breath. "Well, sir, it-it's it's-"
         "Well man! Out with it!"
         Gulping, Jinks proceded," It's her, my lord."
         Just then Chase heard an hearty laugh that seemed to vibrate the very windows of his office. Chase let out an painful groan. No! Not her! Not now!
         "Case, my boy! Come give your Aunty Gaby a hug!"
         In the middle of his office stood his very loud, very colorful (and not in just clothes), very beautiful favorite aunt, Lady Colchester. Chase mustered up a smile. How did one go about telling their favorite aunt that they were married and didn't see fit to tell them?
         "I am Mellisande Chase. Alexander's wife and who might you be?"
         All eyes turned to the golden haired woman, leaning nonchalantly against the wooden door.
         Chase had his amswer. You didn't, you left it to your wife and if that wife happened to be an golden haired twit with lidquid blue eyes and an annoying disposition then you played as if you hadn't heard a thing. Chase smiled at his aunt who was now staring at Melly, who was now walking towards him. The determination in her eyes was what had startled him, but what she did next is what knocked him right from under his boots.
         She kissed him! She kissed him right on the lips. Damn, but she had guts. He'd give her that, but nothing else. She was also very territorial about him, he didn't know how to feel about that, not because she wanted a stake a claim to him, but because she didn't want anyone coming before her. She had made a vow the other night and she planed to keep it.
         If her lips weren't glued to his he would have laughed, not at her, well maybe a little, but mostly at the thought of his wild Aunt Gaby being his lover. It was absoultly laughable. Though he would be the first to admit that his American aunt was an amazing beauty, even at her age, that came stright out of a rough land like America. She was also very well endowed, that indeed added to her charm. When his uncle went there on a grand adventure he had to admit that his uncle, God rest his soul, had found a priceless treasure. And that being some twenty-odd years ago. The old girl must have lead him on a merry chase because for as long as he had known his uncle (which was all his life) he had never seen him more happy then he was when he was with her.
         Chase let out an inner sigh. It was time for his wife's game to be up. Surprisingly he was reluctant to pull away from her, but with heavy arms he grabed her by the shoulders and gently pulled her away from him. The look in her eyes made him want to pull her mouth back to his. Mellisande's blue eyes had turned so dark with passion that they were almost purple. Then in an instint it was gone. Replaced with a perplexed frown. What she had intended had not gone exactly as planed. That was telling, indeed.
         Clearing his throat Chase was ready to turn the tables on her. "Mellisande I would like for you to meet my favorite and only aunt, Lady Colchester."
         Mellisande was in shock, her mouth dropped opened before she could even think about closing it. "But I-I-but you and he-and-and-" she closed her mouth with a snap when she realized that she was stammering. She had to get control of herself. Taking a deep breath she walked toward his aunt without a backwards glance at Chase. Bowing gracefully you'd think she was knelling before a queen. And said in a calm, cool voice, "How do you do, my lady?"
         He was going to pay for that, she thought as she smiled in Chase's anut face.
         "My lady? What is this nonsense? You will call my Aunt Gaby, even if my wretched nephew didn't have the guts to tell his 'favorite aunt' of the wedding. Now don't you look pretty with those rosy cheeks and all that blonde hair." she said,"I bet my hot-blooded boy, Chase, has a hard time controling himself around you." her voice took on a stage whisper. Making everyone, including the unemotional Jinks, blush.
         Looking at all the red faces Chase's aunt let out a loud bark of a laugh. "That's what's wrong with you English. All tight and proper you'll let one word get your nickers all in knots." her laughter began to die down.
         "Come, Jinks. Lead the way to the kitchens. I'm so hungery I could eat a horse."
         "Yes, madame."
         "Maybe one of those high-steppers would be more my taste, eh Chase?" she said teasingly over her shoulder. The look on his face sent her into fits of laughter again. "Chase my boy, my boy..." her voice followed her down the grand hall.
         Chase and Mellisande stared after the loud energetic woman. Soon Chases' hands began to tighten into balled fist. He didn't know what was going on, but one thing was for sure. With his aunt here his plan for revenge was weaken. He didn't know where it was coming from, but his anger seem to increase with every breath. He looked at the blonde woman next to him. It had to be because of her, he thought, it couldn't be for any other reason. He had already delayed his plans because of his desire for her but not anymore. Nomore.
         His aunts appearence would just have to be worked around. His aunt may talk too much, but she would never dare to interfere. Chase could barely think with her standing beside him. She smelled of roses and vanilla and knowing that only made it worst. He inhaled sharply, his pants tightening in one of the most improper places. He smiled grimly, still looking at Mellisande.
Mellisande looked up at him when she heard him inhale. She wondered what was wrong with him.
"Is anything wrong, my lord?" she inquired, her blue eyes innocent.
         Chase farely growled, he grabed her upper arm tightly, "I don't know what kind of game you're playing, but it stops now," his smile sly, "unless you want me to take you up on the promise of that tempting act you just performed."
         "You wouldn"t-"
         "In fact think I'll start now."
         "-dare." she finished just before his firm lips closed over hers.
         The kiss was just like the rest of him. Powerful, drak and dangerous. His lips punnishing and erotic. Mellisande's first instinct was to fight his attact, but how could she fight something that felt so good. She soon found herself moaning into the hot, moist chamber of his mouth. This wasn't just an attack on her body, his was an attack on all of her senses. Her soft body became malleable in Chase's strong arms. She was a victim to his own special kind of voodoo and with one kiss, had surrendered to it.
         If Chase thought it was anger that had made him kiss her, he couldn't make such a claim now. He had lost all control and he couldn't seem to stop himself. How was he going to punnish her when all he wanted to do was make sweet, passionate love to her right there on the table?
Before he could think anymore about it his present situation and how to bend it to his way, his aunt's voice did it for his. Douncing out his fire like cold ice water. He pulled away from Mellisande only half dazed.
* * * *

         She was proud of herself. She had made Chase want her. An innocent! Ha! When she thought of how Chase taunted her that night about her paltry attempts at seduction it gave her even more satisfaction. She could still go on with her plans and conquer him in more ways then one. This was her game to play. It was now her move on the chessboard. She was now moving in on the king and was about to have a checkmate. Maybe she could use Aunt Gabe in the game. Bishop maybe? I don't know she thought, by the looks of Aunt Gabe she could be a knight. Her very own heroic knight. patting her hair into place, she walked out of the room humming.
         Durning the next days Aunt Gaby's laughter and her inhabition was a welcomeing knife; slicing through the tention that floated between Chase and Mellisande.
         Mellisande looked at her compatition, sitting across the breakfest table. Her eyes narrowed in reflection. If she wanted to win this game she would have to think through her every move, but she knew that if she didn't act first then that would give Chase higher ground. But why was she hesitating? Why was she not willing to strike while she had the chance? Was it because of this secret that he doesn't want to share and who was it about?
         Chase stuble cough shook her out of her thoughts. Glancing quickly at him, she saw him gazing at her with a peculiar look on his face. She realized belatedly that it looked like she was staring at him. Well, she was, but not the way he was thinking. She groaned inwardly. Thinking she probably looked like a love-sick puppy.
         "Is something the matter, wife?" Chase's voice covered her in a dark, heavy wave.
         "Nothing at all. Why do you ask?"
         He smiled knowingly."Well, by the way you were staring at me I feared that I had grown another head."
         Mellisande blushed painful, the red hue a sharp contrast against her alabaster skin. Noting this made Chase smile with deep satifaction. Some little virgins, he thought, could have very dirty minds. Intresting.
         "Not at all," Mellisande said,"You still have the same big, arrogant head you had before you undoubtly laid it down in the blessfulnes much suited for a cow."
         Chase winced and clutched his chest in mock pain. "Oh Melly, you wound me deeply!"
         Mellisande placed and elbow on the table and leaned her chin upon her hand," With your talents, dear husband, you would have been better suited for a life on the stage."
         Chase crossed his arms and leaned back against his chair. This was the first time that had ever been able to talk easily to one another. He liked it. "Undoubtly, my dear. Drama has always been a strong point of mine."
         "I'm sure you would have been the top dramaqueen." she said with a charming smile.
         Chase lifted an dark, arched brow. Looked decidedly at Mellisande before saying,"No, my dear," he said popping a grape into his mouth,"Never a queen, a king maybe, but never ever a queen."
         "Why not?"
         Chase leaned forward before looking both ways, and beaconed for her to lean in for the secret. When he had her complete attention he whispered,"It's the legs. I have too much hair."his face only inches from hers.
         Mellisande looked up with shocked enormous eyes, her mouth gaping open. There was a short pause before she laughed, loudly.
         "That's it? That was the big secret?!"
         "Well, my dear. I have many secrets. Would you like to know another one?" he said as he gently brushed an errant curl from her soft cheek. His dark eyes twinkling.
         Slowly her laughter ceased and something new began to flow between them. Something that had both of their hearts pounding and left them breathless.
         Chase began to caress her supple lips and the force pulled them closer together. Mellisande's eyes began to close with the wrath of her desire. Chase's scent was intoxicating. Their lips only breaths apart, Chase could feel the anticapation rise in both of them. Uncomfortable and undeniable. Closer and closer they came to satisfaction...
         "I thought I heard a noise down here."
         Aunt Gaby's voice echoed through the silent room, cutting open the wave of passion that flowed between Chase and Mellisande. Red faced, both of them jumped apart. Though the pull was broken the fire still erupted inside of them.
         Aunt Gaby expressed a knowing smile that seem to have the power to shame anyone within a five mile radius into embarassment. And, not for the first time, Chase was annoyed. The woman had a way of coming in at the wrong time. Chase was able to control his facial expressions, but below the belt, well, that was another issue. He yearned to feel the wet, warmness of her virginal womanhood. Lately he consently thought of her tight walls consuming him. And he hated it. He hated everything about it. What he felt for her should not be lust, but hate, a means for revenge.
Chase lips thined as he stood up from the table. "It's good to see that you are up before noon,Aunt. But if you will excuse me I have some work to attend to."
         Mellisande's eye widen in surprise. Chase's whole attitude had done a three-sixty. For one moment, just one moment she thought that she could probably like him under better circumstances. What was it about him that made her want to know him inside and out. Though she was sure the thought would spend a good amount of time in purgatory, she hated him more. Looking up she saw Aunt Gaby looking at her with laughing eyes, over her nutty bun.
         "What?" Mellisande asked.
         Aunt Gaby shook her head.
         "Nothing. Nothing at all."
         Aunt Gaby's smiling stare made Mellisande even more uncomfortable and red. The woman was impossible, Mellisande thought. Almost as impossible as her nephew. No wonder they were fond of each other.
         Mellsande's hummors began to decline and it showed in her face.
"My dear, what is the matter?" she said putting down the nutty bun.
         "What's not the matter Aunt Gaby? I'm in a marriage that I do not want, with a man that makes me hate him and when he finally shows me parts of himself that I like, I hate the man even more." she finnished was a sigh.
         "Chase is a hard man to understand, child. You must have patience with him. There are so many layers of pain in him and he hides it so well, it's hard to tell what's real and what's not. He needs no help in how to bed a woman. Showing them affection is were his edges are rough. His uncle, God rest his wonder soul, use to be like that. It took the love of the right woman to teach him."
         "But I don't love him."
         "But you will. It's hard not to love the men in this family. Tell, has he bed you yet?"
Mellisande felt herself warm and become red at Aunt Gaby's personal question.
         "Come now, girl, don't be shy."
         Mellisande shook her head once, very quickly, before taking a sip of juice.
         "Why not? you are an attractive girl. What is worng with my nephew that he wouldn't want to bed his own wife. It's perfectly legal, you know." Aunt Gaby looked flabbergassed.
         "Yes, I know."
         "Then what's the problem?"
         "Me." she whispered.
"You?" she said confused.
         "Yes, because of who I am."
         "And who are you?" she demanded.
{indent""The daughter of his enemy."
         "Enemy? Chase has no-,"Aunt Gaby stopped suddenly. Her face fearfully pale. Something was very wrong.
         Mellisande rushed to Aunt Gabe's side, "What is it? What's wrong?" she said with concern.
         "Oh no." she whispered. "No wonder. It all makes sense now. Dear God. What has your king done?"
         "What is it, Aunt Gabe? Why did he hate my father? Why does he hate me?" Mellisande said urgently.
         Unable to answer, Anut Gaby could only shake her head; tears filling her sad eyes.
         "Tell me! PLEASE! What am I to him?" her eyes glazed with desperation.
Aunt Gaby looked down at her woefully,"That, my dear, only he can tell you. I would not break Alex's confidence, even for you."
         "But I must know! You have to. Chase would never tell me. He would rather die of consumption." she said clutching Aunt Gaby's hands.
         "Go to him. Ask. Then we will see. I must think on what action I will take." She said standing up.
"Go child." she commanded.
         Mellisande stood up and quickly made her way to the libary. I must know, she thought,why he hates me. What happened between him and my father. What could my father have done to create such hatred in a man? I must know.
The doors to the libary were closed. Mellisande pushed them opened without knocking. Chase's dark head shot up, startled. His eyes narrowed behind a pair of narrow, horn rimmed glasses. Taking in her flushed face and defiant stature, misstaking it for anger instead of the courage she was trying to conjure up.
         "And what do I owe for this wonderful show of female anger." he said taking off the glasses.
         "I msut talk to you." she said her voice shaking slightly.
* * * *

         The thunderstrom came suddenly. The lighting clashed in voilent silence against the bitterly, swollen clouds. The loud roar eminated the say dark sky, signaling the next strike of bright light. The smell of salt was in the air, a quite promise of rain. All of Hawkswing Valley seemed to have been enveloped in the gloom that came with the strom, all but Aunt Gaby. Not known for being one to follow suit, Lady Colchester dressed in one of her brightest and busiest gowns and played the fairy godmother. Her antics seemed to lift the hummors of the servents, but unfortunately it did not extend to the two she was aiming for.
         Chase forced a smile for his aunt's playfullness, but beyond that he could not be swayed. And the girl who needed it the most was nowhere to be seen. Mellisande had closed herself off in her chambers.
* * * *

         Mellisande sat, slumped in one of the corners of her room. Her body was icy cold, but it didn't compare to what she felt inside. The events that Chase had told to her would hunt her forever. No wonder he hates me so much, she thought. How could she go on living with him after knowing what had happened to him. She couldn't bare to speak of it, of the horrorable crime he had endured. Yet, still it was hard to believe that her very own papa could do something like that. No! It wasn't possible. Papa was a good man, he would never hurt anyone like that. Never like that! He had too much honor.
         It was all a misstake. Yes! A misstake. She would just have to convince Chase of that. He was fair when he wanted to be, she would just have to show him his error. But her as also relentless. He would punished either way. Even if it were true, which it wasn't, why should she be blamed for it. She wasn't even born at the time. IT WAS NOT HER FAULT! Feeling the slight pain of blood rushing through her numb limbs she raised up off the floor.
         Chase's aunt began to figget with her fork when she saw that Melly didn't show up for dinner. Chase saw the action and knew excatly what was wrong. The same affliction was bothering him. He knew he shouldn't have told her like that. But she asked for it. So why was he feeling so guilty?
         "It severs us right you know?" his aunt said, breaking the silence.
         "What do you mean, Aunt?" he said putting his unused fork down.
         "Don't give me that. You know what I'm talking about."
         "Why should I feel guilty about it. She asked for anyway. If anyone should feel guilty it's you Aunt."
"Yes, you. If you hadn't pushed her to ask me she would be down here right now giving me a headache."
         "Don't blame this al on me my boy! I had nothing to do with this and your so called revenge."
Chase looked up at her with surprise.
         "Yes, Chase. All know all about your plan. From the time I knew who she was, I knew. And I think it's wrong."
         "Worng? What about my mother. Don't you think it's wrong if I let what happened to her go unpunnished?" he demanded.
         "No! But only with the right person! Melly is just as innocent as you. Can't you see that? She has done nothing wrong. She has not an evil bone in her body! Let go or you'll miss out on something wondersful."his aunt pleaded.
         "Oh what do you know?" Chase growled
Lady Colchester walked over to her beloved nehpew's an placed a gentle hand on his broad shoulder.
         "I know a lot, my boy."she began softly. "I know more then you can ever know. I remember the pain that you tried to hide when you were a little boy. I remember how brave you had tried to be for your mother. But you're not a little boy anymore. I beg you, please let go this hate. It will cause you nothing but more pain. You're a man now. Find some happiness out of all of this."
         Chase thought about what his aunt had said and if he wasn't so damn stuck in his dissposition he would have. But old habits die hard. So what if she knew now the source of his hate. It didn't change anything. If anything it brought the situation closer at hand. But God, he was weary of it all if only he could let go...
* * * *

         Mellisande didn't know where she was going. All she knew was that she was now cold and getting wetter by the minute. It was dark and the once calm sky was now raging with thunder. Carrying only a small sack and 10 pounds she headed toward the small village that laid at the edge of Chase's lands. There she would find a place to sleep then head for London at first light. Though she knew after what her father had done to Chase and his mother she still felt that she was leaving a vital part of her behind. One thing she did know was that if she would have stayed the guilt would have been to much. And for that she was relieved that she would not have to endure it.
         Clack! Clack! Boom!
         The dry thunder strom had now turned into a livid rain that began to pound against her tired body, soaking it to the bone. She began to run down the mudded road in search for cover.
Heart pacing she was relieved to find an old barn that belonged to one of the country farms. Running toward the small beacon of dim barn light.
* * * *

         The manor shook from the power of the strom and set Chase's dispostion even farther back. He sat staring into the fire place which was now animated with flickering fire. His mind wasn't at rest and the conac in his hand was doing nothing to numb it. Chase was feeling something he thought was would never in his life feel. Guilt. And that was churning at him. Why should he feel guilty over something that was in her blood. It was all her fault. And her father, rot his black soul. Because of him he had lost a great deal. Things and people he would new be able to get back.
         Someone had to pay. Someone would.
With that last thought Chase quickly opened the library doors and raced up the stairs. His intent as dark as the angry sky. Hearing the stormy footsteps of Chases' steps Gaby charged toward him, tring to stop his attempt.
         "Please Chase! You don't want to do this. Think!" she said grabing hold to his muscular arm. Aunt Gaby's please came on deaf ears. Anger and the past had now clouded Chase's thoughts and eyes. He was now taking what he thought, for his mother's honor, should have been taken weeks ago.          Reaching Millisandes' door Chase used his powerful leg to kick the locked door open with an agonizing groan.
         "Mellisande!"Chase roared.
         "Please Chase, leave the girl be. She cannot hurt you-"
         "Mellisande, get out here!"
         "-and this guilt you could never live with."she said heart racing.
         Chase became quiet as he slowly walked into Mellisande's chamber, ignoring his aunts ranting. Something was wrong.
         "-Chase are you listening to me?"
         "Quiet Aunt."Chase said holding up his hand for silence. "Something isn't right here."
         "Chase have you gone mad? Of course something isn't right. Can't you see what you are about to do?"
         "That's not what I mean, Aunt Gaby. The window's opened and Mellisande's not here."
         Aunt Gaby marched into the room. "Of course she's here, dear boy, where else could she be?"
         Chase rushed to the window only to find left of Mellisande,a trail of knoted sheets dangling form the window's ledge. Dread and fear began to course through his body. What was wrong with her, he thought, didn't she know how dangerous it was at night? She could be killed. He had to find her. And time depended on everything. Not only that, it was raining deadly hard.
         "Aunt was must be quick. Mellisande could be in trouble." Chase said as he rushed pass his pale frightened aunt.
         "Chase where will go? Where will you look?"she yelled after him.
         "To the main road. East, toward town." he called over his shoulder.
* * * *

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