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Mercenary William "Oni" Sheridan does jobs the politicians don't want you to know about. |
2008 Gloved fingers tightened around the butterfly trigger of the Russian made GSHK (A large machine gun usually found mounted on vehichles) machine gun as it thundered away it's 15.2mm rounds picking up great chunks of concrete and dirt as the gunner kept up the fire sweeping the rounds back and forth along a berm that seperated him from a trench filled with Civilians. The Cleansing was going well in his small country. The muslim trash was being exterminated and the man behind the machine gun loved it. Though he couldn't explain. The United States was telling them to stop even as the US Government was doing the same in Iraq and Afghanistan. Keeping up the fire he wondered where the squad of soldiers that had been sent around to flank the trench was. They should have been into the trench long ago. It didn't matter he had plenty of ammunition and it was already linked up. He smiled but suddenly he felt it. Someone was close. His last feeling was that of a hand grabbing his face as something cold moved across his neck. Colonel William "Oni" Sheridan dug the knife deep into the man's neck letting him drop when he had felt the last of the life leave the man's body. The gunner had went down as easily as the nine man squad had. He crouched by the base of the weapon's mount, where it bolted into the back of the heavily modified assault pick up truck and pulled out a thermite grenade after sheathing his blade. Thats when he heard the steady thrump thrump thrump of rotor blades and life got worse. Overhead lights snapped on illuminating his position. A Soviet MI-17 helicopter was hovering only a hundred meters away it's weapon's slowly turning to come to bear on the Colonel. He was quick to act his body lithe and quick as he slid the heavy GSHK around it's sights lineing up on the cockpit. The heavy 15.2mm gun hammering away in the night. The spotlights were the first to be cut asunder by the heavy rounds. The cone of fire extending fromt he muzzle of the weapon the only thing illuminating him and the surrounding area. The heavy armored windows stood up to the fire but not for long. The instruments and pilots both were ripped up quickly and the helicopter started it's lazy spin towards the ground. Had he been less experienced he would have given a cry of victory...instead he only dropped the thermite incendiary grenade and was off and running. Even in the failing light of the late dusk early evening he knew this night would be an interesting one. Already the crash of the helicopter was drawing attention from all over the small town. The heavy tracks of armored vehichles easily heard as they tore down the already ravaged streets. The Agency still had it's control of the US...but the UN still knew where it could find support in those times when all the polite ways failed. A single man in a small eastern european town only had to create enough mayhem and mischief to draw the attention of more conventional UN units. Thus drawing them away from their safe bases and into actually doing their job. That single man was crouched in the corner of a mall that had long since seen the hands of looters. Deep flame blue eyes slowly scanned the gloom and darkness of the building and he smiled. Darkness, he had been taught, was always his ally. Something to be used the same as a tool in any soldier's arsenal. Those same blue eyes adjusting abnormally to the darkness until there he sat waiting. The rumble of the armored vehichles outside growing louder and louder. He was well equipped but a tank was a tank. He wanted to pray, wanted to invoke that invisible spirit that would touch fate and keep those vehichles moveing past where he sat giving him time to do his job again. If he were the type to reflect on things, he'd marvel at the way his life had gone. 12 Years before "How could man become so perverse in it's ways as to think it could replicate or even improve on the creations of God?" Dr Masaki asked herself once again as she looked at the computer screen once again. He would be 'born' soon. The closest thing she would ever know of a son. At 37, the Japanese genetic scientist had long since robbed her of the ability to bear children by cancer. Though for a moment she smiled as she looked at the face of what she had helped create. By any standards he would be a handsome man. With features that would allow him to fit in with almost any group of people in the world. He would be tall, with midnight black hair and perfectly muscled. The only issue any of them had dealt with was his eyes. Their had been debate as to what color they would be. They had tried tampering with that...wanting to make them a nondescript brown. But it seemed God had wanted his hand in even in something man wanted complete reign over. Again she felt a smile creep over her lips. Her son...her Son. Though she had argued for a traditional Japanse name for him she had been over ruled by those higher up. William Sheridan. Though it wasn't to her taste she felt the way it rolled off her tongue to be quite satisfying. It was a strong name one that would serve him well in the life he would lead. Life to this abomination as many would call him started in the minds of people in a think tank. How could a group of people fight a loseing battle against the things they saw as being what would ultimately tear control from their hands. The Agency as it was so easily referred to was this group. A small but powerfull group of men who had their fingers in everything that had to do with the life of everyday Americans and a few other countries. They wielded great power and saw the growing prevelance of things outside of their scope of control troublesome. The creatures their ancestors had banished to myths, fables and bedtime stories were now appearing again. Sometimes upholding the mantles that man had given them. More times though they were found to be nothing like what they were portrayed to be. But still to keep their control over their world these men had decided to fight fire with fire. They needed a champion. Something they could use as a figurehead and others could rally behind in the fight against these vile creatures. And so they set out toying with what nature had already created. Scientists had been hired, research had been done and after years of work they had their Champion only hours away from it's birth. His mind already sharpened and honed through a fabricated genetic learning trick. A certain ageing man from Holland was very impressed with himself for that trick. Manuals, facts, theories and basic information was already ingrained in his mind. His body had also been changed. He would be a newborn but only in name. In all respects except for time he would be a healthy 20 year old male. 2008 "Footsteps" his mind screamed at him. He'd been awake for almost four days straight now and he had already begun to lose the edge that kept him alive. The rack of clothing left untouched by looters was that of a woman's rack of dresses. It had obviously seemed the cheap knockoffs would do nothing to help anyone and had been left there. The circular rack tucked away in the corner giveing him a perfect hiding space. The foosteps echoed and he could begin to pick up the different sounds of them. Several of the sets were being made by heavy footfalls. Boots more then likes but one was far lighter and moveing at a quicker pace. His mind raced as conclusions began to be formed and thats when those blue eyes fell upon what was makeing the footsteps. A little girl running. She couldn't have been more then eight or so and he felt something cold twist around in his stomach. He had no choice and he was off and moveing his boots not makeing a sound his assault rifle already fitted with a suppressor that would make the roar of his weapon nothing more then a butterfly's whisper. The girl, had been looking over her shoulder towards the men that had killed her family and almost screamed as she felt arms snatch her up. The only thing stopping her a gloved hand over her mouth. Looking up she saw the dark figure of a soldier and her eyes went wide. All was lost and she wanted to cry and thats when she saw him makeing the gesture she'd seen the UN soldiers make. The finger to his lips telling her to be quiet and then she found herself looking into those warm blue eyes. Oni was already tucking the girl away in his hiding spot when he heard the footfalls of the soldiers arrive in the department store. Old memories tried to claw to the surface and he wanted to growl. Something in him wanted to just scream something bestial out as he turned but training always beat out any of those feelings. Crouching low he moved his ears listening his mind counting. Six sets of footfalls. The sounds of linked ammunition (Bullets linked up in a belt. These belts are fed into light to heavy machine guns.) ratteling in it's drum. PKM (Light machine gun for squad fire support) and five AK-47's (Russian assault rifle made by the millions world wide). He could deal with that though he had to make sure the firefight would take place as far from that girl as possible. Flashlight beams began to cut through the gloom. He slipped from piles of debris to broken walls using whatever he could for cover. His namesake servering him well as he moved through the night like some evil spirit. Finally he stopped finding himself looking down at the group of soldiers from a small second floor. Their uniforms and gear all fresh and black. Their berets the same color. Black guard. Supposedly the best the rebel faction had to offer. He had to concede that they had some training when he saw them moveing in a tight circle always aware as to where their buddies where. He wouldn't be able to cut one of them out at a time and slowly he sank down raising his rifle the red dot scope comeing up to line up with his eye. The red dot marking where his bullets would impact. The safety clicked off with an inaudible movement and his finger slowly tightened around the trigger. He heard the words of his Mother echoeing deep inside his mind "Do not take lightly the ending of a man's life." The weapon's bolt snapped twice and one of the soldiers fell his head and chest destroyed by the rounds from his weapon. His weapons swung to the left and again a quick controlled pair of rounds and a man fell. The quiet of the department store wrecked as one of the soldiers began fireing his weapon erratically hopeing to save his own life. The heavy 7.62x39mm rounds tearing into whatever spectre he though was a target...but not what they should have. Oni's finger depressed the trigger twice more and the soldier was on the ground as quick as the others. Halfway done but he had to move. They would find him here if he continued to fire from his perch. Slidding away he moved down the stairs peaking out into the hallway. His weapon held close to his shoulder as he waited. He had prodded them to move in this direction and would have smiled when he saw them all push through the door nearly bowling each other over as they tried to get out of harm's way. The safety snapped again this time moveing to automatic. His targets weren't more then 15 feet from him now and he needed for this to be quick. Leaning out his weapon came up to his shoulder and his eyes found those of one of the soldiers. The wide eyed look given by the young man showed all the lost feeling as tried to raise his own weapon. But it was too late. Oni's weapon began it's near silent chatter and his rounds found the group of three. He didn't release the trigger until the weapon clicked empty. Pulling back around the corner he quickly reloaded and then peaked out. No movement, no sounds. Time to move, he moved towards the three dead soldier makeing. He paused only a second to pick up the PKM and inspect it. It was a little dirty but undamaged and it could come in handy. Slinging it across his back he turned and dashed through the clothing section until he found the dress rack. Pushing it open the girl gave a muffled squeak but then she saw the same man who had tucked her away. He slipped her a quick wink and then picked her up. As she clinged to him she caught the glimpse of one of the soldiers that had killed her family...laying at an akward angle ont he floor blood staining his face. Oni was moveing fast now. The sounds of the small firefight would draw more visitors and he had to get out of town. He'd done all he could here. He moved fast but carefully through the city's ruined structures using every shadow and hole he could to stop and listen for a second befor pushing on. He knew if he could just make it out into the suburban area's he could find a place to holed up and make a radio call and get them extracted. It wasn't terribly long befor he found himself sitting in the second story of a small nearly untouched home. He'd been able to pick the lock without much trouble and after they'd entered he'd relocked it and thrown what furniture was left against the solid oak door. He'd done this with all the entrances and he was now sitting on the floor looking out one of the windows using a small thermal scope to survey the landscape. The little girl hadn't spoken a word, though she had eagerly eaten a good bit of his rations and was now sound asleep only inches away wrapped up in several large blankets he'd been able to find for her. He looked down at the small digital screen on his wrist and waited. The time for his pickup should arrive soon on the small computer and then perhaps he could get some rest. Though he wasn't sure if he wanted that...Memories he'd hoped to keep locked away always seemed able to claw their way back in his sleep. The small computer beeped and he nodded. The next evening they would get picked up in the soccer field that was just down the block from the house he was in at the moment. Nothing to do now but to wait, rest...and think. 12 years before 1996 His entrance into this world was as violent as his life was. He had been incubateing in a large glass tube filled with fluids that helped in the growth of his body. Months befor as his mind had grown he had begun to dream of the only things he knew. War, fighting, tactics and sometimes a voice. A calm and gentle voice that would soothe his dreams and allow to continue his sleep peacefully. The only things his mind had been given was war and the peace of that voice. It had been dureing one of the dreams befor the voice would calm him that unceremoniously he'd been dumped out of the tube onto a metal examination table. The shock of being awake and the adrenaline that had been in his blood from the dream had made the next thing only natural. The scientists and nurses all moved in to begin checking his body and to see if he was actually alive and not simply a vegetable. The first person to lay hands on him was a rather large male nurse found his arm broken seconds befor he lost conciousness. Oni was alive and awake moveing unused muscles for the first time as if he were an old pro. Deep flame blue eyes...a completely unnatural color immediately found the scalpel laying near the table and without thought he snatched it up aswell as a young nurse who was trying to run away. His arms pulling her back even as the blade caressed her neck without breaking the skin he began backing away those eyes calm and sure as he began planning how he would escape. Thats when the voice returned. A melodic woman's voice so sweet he found the plans falling from his mind even as the scalpel hit the floor. Turning around he had to look down at the small form of Dr Masaki. The voice that had soothed him through the months of restless sleep. His hands fell to his side and he found it easier to understand what was happening. 2 hours later Clothed in simple black clothing he followed Dr Masaki through the facility listening to her as she slowly began to explain what he was. The two hours that had pased where filled with tests and examinations which had left only one conclusion. He was stronger, faster, smarter and just overall better then they had hoped he would turn out. His muscle mass and density was off the charts, His dexterity was also something that could not be tested. He had the strength of an olympic weight lifter and the flexibility of a gymnast. "William" Dr Masaki spoke to him in a quiet voice as they entered the elevator. "Always remember who you are. You are here to protect not just to kill. Never take death lightly it is something that is glorious and special. Always protect it." Frowning he had not known quite what to say. All that he knew about himself was that he could kill, fight better then anyone and he enjoyed this. But he was supposed to limit how much he killed. But the woman's had told him this and he just had to nod. She was...she was someone special to him. She was his creator and she had to know what was right for him to do. |