Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1173445-Destiny-Chapter-1
Rated: E · Short Story · Drama · #1173445
About a girl who grows into a true lady.
By Anna Corsair

Chapter 1

Alana sat at the window seat of her large room. Her legs straight out in front of her. Ankles politely crossed, Her gown was flowing like honey off a spoon, onto the moonlit floor below her perch. It was her favorite dress. It had been hand stitched by her childhood governess , Camilla, when she was 14. It was hard to believe that was only 4 years ago. Alana started to weep bitterly at the thought of her precious Cammie. Her beloved nurse-maid had died of plague, after visiting her husband who shared her fate, last year. Alana cursed her nurse-maid’s husband for making her lose her dearest, and only friend.

“Are you still crying over that old cow? You are a lady now. Soon to be married to a great prince. You need to stop playacting like a silly girl.” Her mother scolded firmly.

“She was not a cow, mother. She was my friend. My only friend. And….” Alana pleaded.

Her mother interrupted, and raised a hand in warning. “I don’t want to hear of that silly nurse-maid again. You will dry your eyes this minute, and take off that filthy rag you are wearing. There are much more suitable clothes for all the money we spent on them, for you to be wearing that garbage. I never want to see it again.” Her mother turned to leave. She retorted coldly over her shoulder, “You should wear the green dress tonight. It brings out the best of your flimsy complexion. I will send Felicia to tend to you when she is done with her duties.”

“Whatever you say, Mother” Alana resigned, yet putting the most hatred and loathing she could into the word Mother. She knew there was no real point in fighting anymore. At least about this. She had more pressing matters than what she had to wear, and who was coming to help her.

This was her coming of age party. This was every young lady’s dream. Except Alana’s. Alana would much rather face a thousand armed soldiers than to go down those stairs tonight. For the next day she would be known as Lady Alana, betrothed of Prince Brian. It made her sick just to think about it.

She started to comb her hair when a dark haired woman came into the room. Felicia was nice enough. Much too boring, and prissy for Alana to make friends with. “Are you ready, Lady Alana?” Felicia asked in a high, nasal voice. “Does it look like I am ready?” Alana scowled. “Come over here and help me with these blessed laces.”

“I heard that Prince Brian is most anxious to meet you, my lady.” Felicia started.

“I don’t want to hear of him. He is just a pompous boy that is only doing this for his father’s fortune.” Alana sighed.
“I was just trying to help, miss, please forgive me.” Felicia said quietly.

“Well, you aren’t. Now shut your mouth, and keep lacing.”

Alana knew it wasn’t Felicia’s fault. But she couldn’t help but siphon off her anger at her mother’s maid. She wished her mother had not sent Felicia. She preferred the strong handling of the older servant, Millie.

Next to Cammie, Millie was the only one Alana had a preference for. Felicia wasn’t as tough as Millie, or Cammie. She acted like a lady in servants clothing. Alana suspected that it was her mother’s doing. If she could not make Alana into a lady, then why not a servant girl? Alana rolled her eyes, and sighed at the same time.

“Something the matter, miss?” Felicia asked, trying her hardest to be polite.

“Nothing that concerns you.” Alana refrained from telling the girl off again. She knew that what she had said so far would be reported back to her mother, and so decided that it would be best if she kept her mouth shut.

Soon, all she had left to finish was her hair. Felicia was not needed, so Alana sent her out of the room. She decided to wear her hair braided with her favorite green ribbon, and combs that were a gift from her grandmother 2 years ago. On her 16th birthday. Alana sighed gratefully. “At least Grandmamma will be there tonight.” She said thoughtfully, “I won’t be totally alone.”

With all the preparations done, she heard people starting to arrive downstairs. She waited nervously at the door, wondering if she really wanted to do this. Slowly, she reached for the door handle, and silently walked to the end of the hall.

“It’s now or never, Alana.” She coached herself. “But why? Why does my life have to change so drastically?”

“Hello, my precious girl.” Her Father interrupted her thoughts.

“Hello Papa” She said with a weak smile. Deciding to plead her case just one last time, she faced her father. “Papa?”

“Yes, my angel?” He cocked an eyebrow. He seemed to know what was coming.
“I do not want to do this.” She said.
“I know.” He said quietly. He loved her so much, but knew the consequences that he would have to deal with from his wife if he told his daughter the real reason for all of this. “Just think of this as a way out.” He calmly rubbed her forehead.
“I do want out, papa, but I don’t want to marry him.”
“You will learn to love him, my dear.”
“I don’t want to love him. He is a spoiled rotten brat.” Alana pouted. She really didn’t know him at all, but from what she had seen, and heard of him, he was not someone she would choose for herself.

Her mother coughed quietly at the bottom of the stairs.

© Copyright 2006 Anna Corsair (kidlettcorsair at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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