Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1173109-Other-Way
Rated: E · Short Story · Fantasy · #1173109
Carrie sees things that really shouldn't be there.
"Carrie! What are you look at?"
I wheeled my chair around as I saw Mrs. Paterson looking down at me. The hideous clown was jumping up and down. I tried to concentrate on what Mrs. Paterson was saying but the clown was honking its nose at me.
"Stupid clown", I muttered.
"What did you just say, Miss. Davidson?"
Alarmed, I just stared at her. "Um.. I just meant that the new section we're learning about is just a clown."
She glared at me as if she doubted my excuse. Finally, she turned around and continued the lesson. I gave out a sigh of relief.
Don't call me crazy because I'm most definitely not. It's just that I have this really "weird" vision that can see things when they're not supposed to be there. The things actually see me and they can do about anything to ruin my pathetic life. From what a fortune teller told me, it's the gift of "paranormal sight". I would rather think it was the bad birthday present gone wrong. Whatever it is, I surely don't want it.
The bell rang and everybody scurried out of the door. I was the only one left with the clown. It had rather large feet with white powder smeared all over its face and the most hideous face paint ever. Hopping on one of its foot, it gave me a lopsided grin before poking me in the side.
"Hey, cut it out!"
Still, it kept on persisting until I finally snapped. Punching it in the nose, the clown fell awkwardly backwards before disappearing into thin air. I felt completely satisfied. Now all I needed now was to find the others.
At last, I made it home without being bombarded by those "paranormal sights". It felt as if I could really have a normal life but then again, I could never have a normal life. Back home, I was once more greeted by a strange looking goon. Its whole body was slicked with slime and its teeth glinted by the streaks of light seeping though. Dully, I nodded and punched it to the ground. There, the goon disappeared and I headed up the stairs.
Falling back on my bed, I gazed up at the ceiling, not knowing what to do. Today, I could probably start on my homework or hunt at night for wandering "imaginerary creatures". I decided to chose the second choice. Homework was definitely not on my top list. Going for a less reasonable choice was the thing I exactly had in mind. Forget school and do more "interesting" things in life.
I dressed myself in all black so I would camoflouge "easier" into the darkness. There, I could aim for strange creatures hiding within the shadows. Pulling up my boots, I exited out the door as quickly without Mom noticing and went out into the night. There from a corner near the stop sign, I found my target.
There standing before me was yet another goblin. As I reached for it, it quickly spun around of my grasp. Frustrated, I chased after it. Its high-pitched giggle was annoying me.
"Get back here, you disgusting little creep!" Still it kept on running. Its chubby legs were pretty fast.
For anybody else who was normal, they would have probably thought I was a lunatic. Here I was, chasing some goblin who didn't even exist to almost everybody in the entire world.
The goblin was getting away. I tried to increase my pace but it was of no use. In a second, the goblin giggled again and disappeared. I stopped dead in my track. To my mortification, Brian, my next door neighbor was staring at me. His jaw was slightly dropped.
"Um, I was doing my regular running exercise", I said, unable to think of any other good excuse.
"Yeah right. You were obviously trying to chase something that wasn't even there."
"Right. I was 'pretending' to chase something that wasn't there. It's good motivation."
"You're weird." With that, he headed back towards his house. I sighed in relief. Trying to think of an excuse was tough work.
"Good grief!" I muttered to myself. Continuing to walk onwards, I decided to walk to the park. There was sure a lot of creatures lurking there.
The park close by was pretty in daylight but in the night, it was the perfect spot for sighting my "paranormal" creatures. They always assembled there and ran around, trying to cause mischief.
I finally reached the park and nevertheless, I spotted three goons. They were plucking the hair off of each other's head. Gathering my courage, I clenched my fist and bopped the first one. It gave a shriek before disappearing. The other two ran around in different directions. I chose to chase one at a time. The ugly green one with blue spots was jumping from one corner to another. It wasn't before long I punched it on the back of its slimy head. In a second, it was gone. I then pursued the last one. This one was more clever than its friends and it kept on jumping on the fence posts, where I couldn't reach it. Finally, my anger began to boil and I struggled to climb the fence. The fence surrounded a house that belonged to an old lady. Her name was Mrs. Wicken and boy was she a suspicious witch. Everyday, she would fling nonsense curses whenever I passed by her house.
The goon was within my reach. With my foot, I kicked it on its rear-end that sent the goon flying and vanish from sight. As I did that, the lights of Mrs. Wicken's house turned on. I could see her outline as she approached the back door.
"Darn it", I muttered.
Suddenly the door flew open and there was Mrs. Wicken.
"You thief! How dare you climb my fence. Do you know that a selfish, criminal, trouble-making teenager like you should be jailed? Don't you dare try to play that disappearing act with me! I will call the police right now! You got that? Teenagers who roam out in the night deserve to be punished..."
As she continued her little speech, I felt my foot slipping a bit. Just as I was about to balance myself, my foot slipped from beneath and sent me flying to the other side where the park was. Mrs. Wicken paused. Painfully, I stood up and ran off.
"Get back here, you brat!"
I ran all the way home and climbed back through my window. Closing it tightly, I gave out a huge sigh. That was close. The next time I go out, I should be more careful. I glanced at my leg. It was a bit bruised from the fall.
"Whatever", I murmured.
© Copyright 2006 Peeanorun (peeanorun at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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